Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 539: lustful and collectible

The Kremlin is a group of buildings located in the heart of Moscow, the symbol of the Soviet republics and the seat of the General Secretariat.

The "Kremlin" in the Kremlin means "inner city" in Russian and "fortress" in Mongolian.

The Kremlin is located on the Borovitsky Hill, the most central part of the Soviet capital, facing the Moskva River to the south, the Aleksandrowski Garden to the northwest, and the Red Square to the southeast. It is six meters thick and fourteen meters high. There are eighteen towers on the wall, which are scattered on the triangular palace wall. The most spectacular and famous one is the Savior Tower with a ringing bell. The five largest city gate towers and towers are fitted with ruby ​​pentagrams, which are known as the Kremlin Red Star. The Kremlin is known as the 'Eighth Wonder of the World'.

At this moment, in the Kremlin, in the highest-level conference room.

The top leader of the Soviet republics, General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, was looking at the 'East Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' plan provided by Xu Cun and Xu Cun's personal information, while listening to his staff analyze the plan And Xu Cun:

"Japan, South Korea and some countries in Southeast Asia and Southeast Asia all import oil from the Middle East, and the price is not cheap. Due to the proximity, the transportation cost is relatively low, and the price of importing oil from our Soviet Union is not cheaper than importing oil from the Middle East. China is also an oil-poor country. Sooner or later, they will also embark on the road of importing oil. The Soviet Union borders China. If China buys oil, our Soviet oil must be the best choice for China. Therefore, if this oil and gas pipeline When completed, it will not only bring huge economic benefits to our Soviet Union, but also greatly increase our Soviet Union's international status..."

"Although Xu Cun is a native of Xiangjiang, he was born in Heilongjiang Province, China. His ancestral home is Jiangsu Province, China. He only swam to Xiangjiang ten years ago. After Xu Cun made his fortune, he tried his best to help China reclaim Xiangjiang, and he invested nearly 1,000 in China several times. 100 million Hong Kong dollars has helped China to carry out reform and opening up. Therefore, from China's current top leaders to China's current local officials, they have a good relationship with Xu Cun, and even the Chinese people highly respect Xu Cun. In addition, because of the perennial entertainment In terms of export, Xu Cun also has a high reputation internationally. He has a strong influence in the United States and Japan, the two most developed countries in the world, and also has a certain influence in South Korea and some countries in Southeast Asia. Our strategy department believes that if Xu Cun's proposal for the 'Eastern Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' is promoted by Xu Cun, it is not without the possibility of success, at least Xu Cun has the ability to sell our Soviet oil to China..."

"Xu Cun is a man who cares less about money and righteousness, and is very fond of old feelings. He never treats those who have helped him badly. He is extremely lecherous. I want to emphasize here that he is extremely lecherous and has an extremely strong hobby of collecting. We KGB The intelligence officers found that he had at least fifty lovers. Among his lovers, there were not only people from Hong Kong, but also Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, a Malaysian and an American. In addition, his lovers A large part of them have already given birth to children for him... Our KGB wants to arrange swallows by Xu Cun's side to monitor his movements for a long time and ensure our cooperation with him based on the two weaknesses of Xu Cun's **** and collection habit. Advantage……"


After reading the 'East Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' plan and Xu Cun's personal information, Gorbachev asked: "Is it possible for the United States to agree to Xu Cun's 'Eastern Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' plan? ?"

Gorbachev's staff looked at each other, and finally all looked at Edward Shevardnadze, the Soviet foreign minister.

Seeing that everyone was looking at himself, Edward Shevardnadze said: "It's difficult. The United States and Saudi Arabia are getting closer and closer, and Saudi Arabia's Prince Bandar bin Sultan even persuaded the US Congress to ask Saudi Arabia F-15 fighter jets for sale. Also, Bandar bin Sultan has a very good family relationship with George Herbert Walker Bush, who is likely to be the next US president, even better than Xu Cun's relationship with this family The relationship was so good that some people even nicknamed Bandar bin Sultan "Bandar Bush"."

After a pause, Edward Shevardnadze continued: "From all indications, the political alliance between the United States and Saudi Arabia will continue, and the reason why the United States and Saudi Arabia can be so close is because, The United States needs Saudi Arabia to suppress the price of oil, and Saudi Arabia needs the protection of the United States. I personally speculate that the price of oil prices at $12 to $15 per barrel is not a price that the United States is satisfied with, and the United States will do whatever it takes to suppress oil prices to below $9 per barrel , to completely destroy our Soviet economy."

As proven reserves continue to decline, the gap between industrial reserves and oil extraction has widened to the point that the cost of producing oil in the Soviet Union has approached $9 per barrel.

Therefore, if the price of oil is really suppressed by the United States to less than nine dollars per barrel, the Soviet Union, whose main economic system is oil, will surely be wiped out!

After listening to Edward Shevardnadze's analysis, Gorbachev tapped a spot on the world map at an angle that only Edward Shevardnadze could see.

Seeing that the place Gorbachev pointed was Cuba, the backyard of the United States, Edward Shevardnadze immediately understood that Gorbachev wanted to give up Cuba in exchange for the United States giving up on suppressing the price of oil.

The Cuban Missile Crisis cost the United States a huge loss, and the crisis is still looming. Therefore, using Cuba as a bargaining chip can indeed allow the United States to make a lot of concessions.

The lovely Dewa Shevardnadze weighed the weight between Cuba and the destruction of the Soviet Union's economy, and then shook his head at Gorbachev extremely helplessly, telling Gorbachev: "The United States There will be no exchange."

Seeing Edward Shevardnadze shaking his head, Gorbachev sighed in his heart, and then said: "If the United States does not agree with Xu Cun's 'East Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' plan, 'East Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' Is the Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline still possible?"

The people in the meeting looked at each other, and finally Edward Shevardnadze said: "If Xu Cun can be fully persuaded, the 'Eastern Siberia-Pacific Oil and Gas Pipeline' plan can be implemented at least halfway. We the Soviet Union and China They are all nuclear-weapon states. If we are committed to trade, no country can stop it, including the United States. Therefore, if Xu Cun pays and mediates from it, our Soviet oil can at least be sold to China in the future..."


(To be continued.)

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