In the wake of yesterday's crash, the reaction in the United States has been overwhelming - a flood of commentary on radio, television and newspapers. "The nation's economy is doing well, with employment at peak levels, increasing production, and an improving trade balance," the White House said in a statement. The Federal Reserve chairman's recent remarks put it conclusively: "There is no indication that the currency Inflation will happen further."

Last night, U.S. President Ronald Reagan recalled the visiting Treasury Secretary Baker in West Germany and the Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan in other places to closely monitor the development of the situation and discuss countermeasures together; The situation should not continue, and other relevant officials also made speeches to stabilize market sentiment.

Everyone is waiting and seeing the effect of the US government's bailout...


Hong Kong Time: 2:20.

ET: 9:20 p.m.

Meng Guangmei gently knocked on Xu Cun's door.

After waiting for a while, after hearing that there was still no movement in the room, Meng Guangmei pushed open Xu Cun's door.

As soon as the door opened, Meng Guangmei saw that Xu Cun on the big bed was still sleeping, hugging Li Ke and Lin Zhiling, who was bringing rain.

Seeing this, Meng Guangmei tiptoed towards the bed.

Coming to the bedside, Meng Guangmei found that Xu Cun had actually woken up, and was trying not to wake up Li Kui and Lin Zhiling in his arms.

Seeing this, Meng Guangmei immediately reached out to help Xu Cun.

Lifting the quilt, Meng Guangmei found out that Li Kui and Lin Zhiling, especially Lin Zhiling, were all bruised and bruised by Xu Cun, and most importantly, the front and back of the lower body were red and swollen!

Seeing this on Li Ke and Lin Zhiling, Meng Guangmei, who had already helped Xu Cun out of his arms, carefully pulled out the white cloth under Lin Zhiling, and couldn't help but blame Xu Cun, "Xiaoling is the first time..."

Taking a look at the clothes that he had torn from Lin Zhiling's body, Xu Cun said, "I have been under a lot of pressure these past two days. This girl is tempting me with this dress again, so I couldn't hold back..."

Glancing at the clothes that had been torn into shape by Xu Cun, Meng Guangmei did not continue the topic, but began to help Li Ke and Lin Zhiling cover the quilt.

Lightly helping Li Ke and Lin Zhiling cover the quilt, Meng Guangmei began to help Xu Cun get dressed again.

Seeing Xu Cun wearing a body armor and carrying a gun, Meng Guangmei hesitated and said, "You are already so rich...why are you fighting so hard?"

Xu Cun pinned the two p220 guns to his back waist, and said with confidence: "Others see my beauty, see that I have wealth that they can't even think about, see that I have so many of your confidantes of national beauty and beauty, but they But I don't see my suffering... I have so much wealth and so many beautiful women, can I be coveted by no one? Take China as an example, if I can squeeze Xu Cun dry, China will immediately be able to multiply it several times or even out of thin air. It is more than ten times the foreign exchange, and China's national strength can be greatly improved in no time... Everything I have now, Xu Cun, is made up bit by bit with my own hands and my own mind. Hand over all this to others? So, I have to become stronger, so strong that no one dares to attack me, and no one dares to attack yours!"

Many of the words Xu Cun said were incomprehensible to current Meng Guangmei, but the smart Meng Guangmei did not ask questions just because he did not understand.

After getting dressed, Xu Cun took his bodyguards to the office building.

On the way, Xu Cun gave orders to the general manager of traders and the general manager of security for each team except Xiangjiang - as soon as the market opened, the positions would be closed.


ET: Tuesday, October 20, morning.

Banks have stopped extending credit to professional brokers and traders - fearing they will go bust and not be able to repay their loans.

As a result, professional brokers no longer have enough cash to pay margins to exchanges to keep trades open -- because they bought too much stock on Monday in an effort to keep stocks from falling.

That said, professional brokers are in a liquidity quandary - they don't have the cash to trade on Tuesday.

Therefore, if the situation does not change, the choice facing professional brokers is to either go out of business or turn to another company to acquire them.

And once the professional brokers fail, the New York Stock Exchange will be in an extremely dangerous situation - because it will lack the source of funds for margin clearing and delivery to proceed normally.

At this critical juncture, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board delivered a historic speech: "In fulfilling its responsibilities as a central bank, the Federal Reserve System, in order to support the normal functioning of the economy and the financial system, reiterated today that it will ensure the liquidity of the financial system. ." - The US Federal Reserve Chairman's statement actually supports banks to continue lending to stock traders ~ ~ The Federal Reserve is not just empty words - US Federal Reserve Chairman delivered a speech At the same time, the Federal Reserve's immediate injection of funds into the banking system was unpredictable. Two major commercial banks immediately announced a reduction in preferential interest rates. Chemical Bank rapidly increased its securities lending by $400 million. The Bankers Trust also said it would guarantee clients' financial needs under any circumstances. The Federal Reserve's pledge has brought some confidence back to those re-listed on the exchanges.

Subsequently, President Reagan and Secretary of the Treasury Baker said separately: This stock market crash is not commensurate with the healthy economy of the United States, which is very stable.

Immediately afterwards, major commercial banks in the United States lowered interest rates one after another.

After these measures were taken, the stock index rose by 102.27 points from the opening to the close on the afternoon of October 20.


All of this has nothing to do with Xu Cun-because, as of 10:40 am on October 20, the team in charge of the US stock market has already helped Xu Cun to close the position.

The forces related to Xu Cun began to close their positions immediately after Xu Cun, and all closed their positions one after another on October 20th.

After the position was closed, representatives of various American forces, including Xu Cun, sat together and made nonsense reports about their own gains.

Adding up these false numbers, it actually amounts to more than 160 billion US dollars!

No one would believe the authenticity of this number, but who would naively expose it among these elites?

Ordinarily, at this point, Xu Cun can just wait to collect the money.


How can this money be made so easily?

As soon as the New York Stock Exchange closed today, Bush found Xu Cun apologetically--President Reagan is invited!


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