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Haidian District.

Zaojun Temple.

The Fuxiang Building opposite the DreamWorks Studios headquarters building.

At this moment, Wang Shuo, Liu Yiran, Wu Bin, Wei Ren, Su Lei, Ma Weidu, Ge Xiaogang, Mo Yan, Zhu Xiaoping, Liu Heng, Liu Zhenyun, and Feng Xiaogang, an artist from the Beijing TV Art Center, and others are all talking and talking. While waiting for Xu Cun.

In 1988, Liu Yiran, Wu Bin, and Wang Shuo revised the script in the guest house of the North Film Studio. The film and television creation group, named "Hippocampus Film and Television Creation Center".

Subsequently, Wang Shuo, Wei Ren, Su Lei, Ge Xiaogang, Zhu Xiaoping, Ma Weidu, Liu Zhenyun, Mo Yan, Liu Heng, Hai Yan, etc. initiated the establishment of China's first non-governmental film and television creation agency, and raised the banner of "bargaining", "On the basis of quality" "Price" sells literary and artistic products, and its member list includes almost all the important writers in the Chinese mainland literary circle in the 1980s, making it the earliest screenwriters union in China.

This group of people is indeed powerful. They have successively released two magical dramas, "Desire" and "The Story of the Editorial Department", and left it behind, "The whole country mourns Liu Huifang, the whole country scolds Wang Husheng, and everyone sighs Song Dacheng!" , and the pioneering work of a Chinese sitcom!


These literati are talented, but they also have to face a very real problem, money!

Nowadays, the treatment of mainland screenwriters is really bad. The script is only paid after the script is broadcast, and only 300 yuan is paid for one episode.

This has led to the fact that the script for "Story from the Editorial Department" has been written for more than two years, and these people have not raised the production funds, and the earlier "Desire" has just started filming, because there is no money And stopped.

Today, the theme of this meal is to talk about cooperation (in fact, it is to befriend Xu Cun), and the second is that these people want to meet Xu Cun, the great god.

In China, literati have been a very special group since ancient times. They "set their minds for the heaven and the earth, set up their lives for the people, follow the sages of the past, and create peace for all generations."

Therefore, although Xu Cun has money and power, these people still talk about Xu Cun without hesitation:

"Xu Cun is really good at directing movies, but his literary skills are too general. The novels he wrote are all well-conceived and creative, and they just express... tsk tsk!"

"However, we have to convince Xu Cun's head. The "Jurassic Park" and "Harry Potter" he conceived are really imaginative, which opened my eyes. I don't have a brain like him!"

"That's because people like us have little knowledge, Xu Cun is flying around the world, we have seen a lot of novel things, and we have contacted a lot of people. Naturally, we have a lot of inspiration. It is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. "


Not long after, Xu Cun was at DreamWorks Studios' general manager Gan Guoliang, Xu Cun's student Zhao Baogang, producer Zheng Xiaolong of "Desire" and "Story of the Editorial Department", and Gong Li, Chen Hong, and Yang Gangli. , accompanied by Ma Yanli walked in from the door.

Gan Guoliang is the first trainee of the wireless training class. Before graduating, he has already started to do the behind-the-scenes planning work of the TV station. He can be regarded as a veteran of TVB. TV and variety shows.

Until Fang Yihua took over TVB, because Gan Guoliang was too powerful in TVB, he naturally became a thorn in Fang Yihua's eyes. Later, Gan Guoliang simply jumped to Phoenix TV with Zhou Liang Shuyi.

At the beginning of the year, Xu Cun established the DreamWorks film and television company in the Mainland and transferred Gan Guoliang as the general manager.

Speaking of which, Gan Guoliang is indeed very talented in management. Not long after Gan Guoliang left TVB, he was invited by Li Jiacheng as the director of the Chinese TV station of China Satellite TV, and built the Chinese channel of Satellite TV into the first international network covering many countries around the world. Sexual Chinese Media. After the satellite TV Chinese station was enlarged, Gan Guoliang became the president of the group again, and developed the TV business to non-Chinese speaking countries in Asia. Until the Chinese Channel of Satellite TV was renamed Phoenix Satellite TV, Gan Guoliang still served as the management work in it. It can be said that the Phoenix Satellite TV in the previous life traced its roots to the country that Gan Guoliang laid down.

In this life, without waiting for Li Jiacheng to invite Gan Guoliang, Xu Cun first promoted Gan Guoliang to the mainland to prepare for the establishment of DreamWorks Film and Television Company.

Zhao Baogang was the middleman for this meal, and the reason why Xu Cun agreed to eat with Wang Shuo and others was all for his own sake.

Zheng Xiaolong, the producer of "Desire" and "The Story of the Editorial Department", was the promoter of the meal, and he was about to be mad at the money. He suggested that Zhao Baogang, the director of "Desire" and "The Story of the Editorial Department", would add Xu When Cun made an appointment to eat, he actually wanted Xu Cun to invest in and let them shoot "Desire" and "Story of the Editorial Department".

Gong Li, Chen Hong, Yang Gangli, and Ma Yanli came out to play with Xu Cun today.

Hearing Wang Shuo and the others talking about him, Xu Cun took the initiative to smile and said, "If you don't talk about people behind your back, you are not being authentic."

Seeing Xu Cun coming in, Wang Shuo and the others laughed and said:

"Who doesn't speak behind their backs, and who doesn't speak behind their backs?"

"That's right, it's... yo, there are beauties, or four big beauties..."

"Don't look around, kid, from the positions and eyes of these four beauties, I'm sure they are all Mr. Xu's confidantes!"


After talking and laughing, the host and guests sat down.

In just a few short sentences, Wang Shuo and the others could see that Xu Cun had no pretence, and was much cuter than the Hong Kong businessmen they had met before with eyes that grew to the top of their heads!

Xu Cun is also willing to get acquainted with famous writers and screenwriters such as Wang Shuo, the famous collector Ma Weidu, the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan, and the famous director Feng Xiaogang.

In addition, there is Zhao Baogang, a student of Xu Cun and the head director of the Haima Film and Television Creation Center, who threaded the needle.

The two sides got off to a good start and soon became hot...

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zheng Xiaolong gave Zhao Baogang a wink, indicating that it was time for Zhao Baogang to talk about business.

Zhao Baogang knew that Xu Cun was very willing to help people in film and television, and he was extremely nostalgic.

And the two opportunities to direct "Desire" and "The Story of the Editorial Department" are extremely rare for Zhao Baogang!

So, as soon as he saw Zheng Xiaolong's wink, Zhao Baogang said, "Mr. Xu, we have two books in Haima, please take a look at it, okay..."


(To be continued..)

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