Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 736: Financial heavy weapons

During the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988, Iraq owed debts to some Arab countries, among which the debt to Kuwait was $14 billion.

Iraq wants the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to reduce oil production, increase oil prices and pay off debts after profits.

But Kuwait has boosted its output, driving down oil prices in hopes of forcing Iraq to resolve their border dispute.

Iraq accuses Kuwait of taking the opportunity of the Iran-Iraq war to build military bases in Iraq - Iraq declares that it contributed to all Arab countries in the Iran-Iraq war as a buffer between other Arab countries and Iran, therefore, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Arabs should forgive Iraqi war loans.

In addition, out of strategic security considerations, Iraq also hopes to occupy and annex Kuwait through the current international turmoil.

end of July this year.

Negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait were halted, Iraqi troops were heavily stationed on the Kuwaiti border, and Saddam Hussein summoned the U.S. ambassador, April Glasspi, for a tentative talk.

August 1st.

Iraq and Kuwait broke up over the oil issue.

US President George W. Bush denounced Iraq's actions as "blatant aggression" and a "real threat to US national interests" and announced a freeze on all Iraqi and Kuwait assets in the US.

August 2.

At 1:00 a.m. (Kuwait time), three divisions of the Iraqi Republican Guard crossed the Kuwaiti border and launched a surprise attack on Kuwait, with the close support and cooperation of the Air Force, Navy, Amphibious Forces and Special Operations Forces.

At 5:30, the main attack force and the special operations force met in Kuwait City.

After about 14 hours of urban fighting, at 7:00 pm, the Iraqi army completely occupied the capital of Kuwait.

Subsequently, the Iraqi army continued to attack, and the follow-up troops continued to enter Kuwait.

In the end, the Iraqi army occupied the entire territory of Kuwait - the number of Iraqi troops entering Kuwait reached about 200,000 people and more than 2,000 tanks. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein announced the annexation of Kuwait as Iraq's "nineteenth province" and said Kuwait "will always be an integral part of Iraq".

Also on August 2nd.

The U.S. launched Operation Desert Shield to prevent Iraq from invading Saudi Arabia. Two U.S. navy fleets headed by the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower and the USS Independence entered the battle area, and finally the US military stationed 500,000 troops there.

With 14 votes in favor and none against (Yemen was not present), the UN Security Council condemned Iraq for violating the UN Charter, demanded that Iraq withdraw its troops, and placed Iraq in an extremely isolated position in terms of politics, economy, military and diplomacy, and also stipulated The deadline for Iraq to withdraw its troops is January 15, 1991. If Iraq does not withdraw before the deadline, the UN Security Council will authorize UN member states to use "all necessary means" to implement UN resolutions. .

August 3rd.

The United States and the Soviet Union reached a consensus and issued a joint statement demanding that Iraq "unconditionally withdraw its troops from Kuwait" and "fully restore Kuwait's sovereignty, legitimate regime and territorial integrity."

The Arab League also issued a resolution condemning Iraqi aggression and calling for the withdrawal of Iraqi troops. The Arab League's resolution also called for an internal Arab resolution of the conflict and warned of external interference.

August 4th.

The United States decided to send troops to the Gulf.

August 6th.

The UN Security Council passed economic sanctions on Iraq.

August 7th.

US troops go to Saudi Arabia.


After consultation, a coordinating operational command structure was established at the highest level of the multinational force - on the principle that all forces in the theater accept the unification of Lieutenant General Khalid, the commander of the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces, and General Schwarzkopf, the commander of the US Central Headquarters command, but the troops of each country are subject to the orders and instructions of the highest authorities of their own countries.

Early November.

The member states jointly decided to demand Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait before January 15, 1991, otherwise it will take military measures.

The Gulf War is imminent...

It was at this moment that Bush called Xu Cun, "A Cun, my father wants to see you, and I hope you can come to the White House as soon as possible."

Xu Cun had already anticipated the phone call from Bush.

Xu Cun was actually well aware of Bush Sr.'s purpose for finding him.

Then what was the purpose of Bush Sr. looking for Xu Cun?

What other purpose is there? It is nothing more than asking Xu Cun to borrow money, um... To be more precise, it should be to let Xu Cun pay for the war bonds issued by the United States, that is, let Xu Cun buy US national debt and help the United States share the burden. Part of the military expenditures for this expedition.

Some people may ask, why did Xu Cun buy U.S. Treasury bonds to help the U.S. share part of the military expenses for this military expedition? Is it burning too much money?

The answer is - of course not, Bush Sr. and the United States definitely have reasons to borrow military funds from Xu Cun, and Xu Cun definitely has reasons to buy U.S. Treasury bonds!

One of the reasons for the outbreak of the Gulf War was oil.

After years of deployment and development, Xu Cun has become one of the princes in the global oil market.

So, how could the Gulf War have nothing to do with Xu Cun?

Now the oil market has become more and more mature, and who is qualified to enter this In the next few decades, the United States will have the largest share of the right to speak, not to mention that Xu Cun's main oil base, Canada, is still in the United States Therefore, in terms of oil, Xu Cun and the United States are undisputed allies.

Therefore, how can Xu Cun stay out of the war because of oil in the United States?

In addition, Xu Cun has earned hundreds of billions of dollars from the United States in recent years, and it is time to spit out some of it, otherwise the United States will have to drive Xu Cun out of the American market.

Don't doubt this. In the last life, China held more than one trillion US dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds. Do you really think that China is burning so much money that it lent money to the United States for nothing?

Of course it can't be the case - the United States is the largest consumer market in the world, no one. China's purchase of U.S. Treasury bonds is actually an admission ticket to the world's largest consumer market. If China does not buy U.S. Treasury bonds, it is impossible for the United States It is impossible for China to make money in the market of allied countries of the United States even if it allows China to enter the US market to make money.

In addition, holding U.S. Treasury bonds is also equivalent to holding a heavy weapon in a financial war-take China as an example: if China and the United States start a financial war, then China only needs to release the U.S. Treasury bonds held by China, The U.S. economy will definitely be hit hard, that is, it is possible for the U.S. to have another financial crisis or even a financial turmoil!

At present, at least one third of Xu Cun's business is in the US market, so he cannot do without the US, the world's largest consumer market.

In addition, in order to add a layer of protection to his huge business in the United States, Xu Cun is also very willing to master the US treasury bonds, a heavy financial weapon that the United States can fear.

Plus, oil allies.

The day after Bush called, Xu Cun handed over "Jurassic Park" to Spielberg and Cameron, and then flew to the United States with a large group of women...


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