Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update rebirth 80: wife is a little bit of the latest chapter!

"Today we went to your village and saw Huang Guanshan. I heard the two mayors say that there is a coal mine in that mountain and plans to excavate."

"Coal mine?" Tang Huai frowned: "It's a good thing to dig coal, so that villagers can live a good life."

At least to dig coal in Shuanglong Village, workers must be hired. The salaries of coal mine workers are higher than those of teachers.

"I know a buddy. He is a small coal mine boss. I wonder if I can contract Huangguan Mountain of Shuanglong Village?"

"You should ask the mayor about them?" Tang Huai wondered.

Liang Ji looked around for a while. Only her, Zhang Fu and Zhang Mu were in the store for the time being, and she also said with courage: "I want to add shares, but my brother is just a small boss, and the funds are definitely not enough to contract Huang Guanshan, even if I add Shares may not be able to contract. Tang Huai, coal mines are a good way out, do you want to increase shares? "

Coal mines are really a good way out. The coal mine bosses whom Tang Huai knew in his last life are all rich. And there is a background, there is no kind of daring to mess.

Tang Huai seconds understand the meaning of Liang Ji, Liang Ji thought his buddy can successfully contract the mine in Huangguanshan, he became a shareholder, the contract was successful, he can make a fortune.

Tang Huai didn't understand the contracting process very well because she didn't understand this line, but she knew that in the past 30 years, this line has been more profitable and can be put together.

Liang Ji is a partner in Latin America. He found Tang Huai and hopes that Tang Huai can also increase his shares.

It happened that Tang Huai had a bonus on hand and took it as a share. If he contracted and dug coal, Tang Huai would make more money.

In this way, she can live a life of worry-free clothes and food without having to worry about tuition fees.

Tang Huai thought for a while and asked Liang Ji: "How much does it cost to buy shares?"

"If you buy more shares, you will get more dividends. If you have the funds to buy Huangguanshan, then Huangguanshan's one mine and one stone are all partners, earn more points and earn less points."

"It's not easy to buy Huangguan Mountain, the mountain is the whole village."

"So bear, the country took over the project, and the coal mine boss went to bid again, but it took a lot of procedures."

As long as there is funds to allow the country to come forward, get all the documents and buy the entire Huangguan Mountain, the procedure will be much better.

As long as it is funds!

No matter in what era, when investing in any project, capital is the most important!

Coal mine ...

Tang Huai knew that coal mines make money. In his last life, Huang Guanshan became a famous tourist area.

Huang Guanshan, Guan Shoutang, was bought and built as a very interesting tourist attraction.

After the 21st century, people's living standards have improved and they have lived a rich life, and they have begun to pursue health and longevity.

Those people heard that there was a stone like a Buddha in Shuanglong Village, and heard that burning incense in front of the stone came to live longer, and I didn't know how many tourists they attracted.

Because of the tourist attractions in Shuanglong Village, the living standards of the villagers have greatly improved, and every household has made a fortune.

It was Tang Fei's sister Tang Fei who bought these two mountains and changed them into tourist attractions!

In his previous life, Tang Fei bullied Tang Li quite a lot, and still looked down on people.

Tang Huai didn't know where Tang Fei had spent so much money in his last life to develop tourist attractions in Shuanglong Village.

But she knew that the villagers came to the affluent life because of Tang Fei. She was very grateful to her and took her to the sky.

At that time, Tang Zhixuan served as the deputy director of Yingxin Hospital, and his children were born. The Yang Hongxing couple was walking in the village like a crab, dragging them into the sky ...

Because of this, Jing Peng's family has always felt that she is not worthy of Jing Peng, thinking that she robbed Jing Peng from Tang Ying ...

Although it is difficult for them to scold themselves, Tang Huai does not care.

It's just that when he was about to die, Jing Peng's indifferent look was not in Tang Huai's heart.

After a lifetime, she no longer has any feelings for Jing Peng, but she does not want to make him and Tang Ying happy.

Don't let Tang Fei, who always bullied Tang Li, feel happy.

She can't let the villagers live a rich life!

Tang Huai will never forget. When Liu Xiaoyu was buried, the villagers came up and pointed at her, slamming her expression out of Shuanglong Village ...

Tang Huai raised his eyes and looked at Liang Ji: "Liang Shengxian, I want your buddies to successfully buy Huangguan Mountain."

Then she becomes a shareholder and she wants to become the largest shareholder.

Liang Ji said: "I also think it is cost-effective to buy the whole mountain, but only funds ..."

Tang Huai gave the prize of 20,000 yuan to Liang Ji: "I have a share of 20,000 yuan."

Looking at the money handed over from Tang Huai, Liang Ji was shocked: "You have so many shares?"

Liang Ji wanted Tang Huai to get some shares, and when she made money, she would also get a dividend, so that life would be better.

When he returned, he thought carefully, if Tang Huai really wanted to buy shares, she could find Jing Shao.

Jing Shao had money to lend to her, but Jing Shao came forward to buy Huang Guanshan.

When Liang Ji looked at Tang Huai, she thought she was the one doing the big thing.

It wouldn't hurt her to find her as a partner. She has a righteous body and is not the kind of person who cares about, is greedy and cheap.

"These are my bonuses. I will rely on these bonuses to make more money and go to a better university!" Tang Huai said.

"You give me the money now, are you afraid that I will run away with the money?"

"Haha ..." Tang Huai collected the money: "Mr. Liang is really funny. I'm showing you. I will buy so much money. Of course, this money will not be given to you."

Liang Ji was relieved when he heard it.

He really didn't dare to take Tang Huai's 20,000 yuan. If he couldn't get it, he couldn't afford it.

"Mr. Liang, there are 35,000 bonuses. I took 20,000 shares in the coal mine, and 15,000. I want to donate to children who want to study but have no money to study."

Liang Ji and Zhang Fu and Zhang Mu were startled.

Liang Ji didn't believe his ears: "Donate to children who have no money to study?"

Tang Huai nodded seriously: "Yes. Whoever the child needs is donated to the child, provided that the child must go to school after receiving the money."

Some parents will ask for donations under the name of reading to their children, and then take the donations back to spend, but do not let the children go to school.

"In this way, your money is all spent. What about your tuition on September 1st?"

"I work in the store and have money to take. I plan to go to high school. Naturally, I prepared the tuition in advance." Tang Huai looked at Liang Ji with a smile.


"And you forgot, Principal Liu said, my three-year high school tuition will be free of charge."

"..." Although tuition is free, what about the usual expenses?

Tang Huai glanced at Liang Ji, and put the money in the drawer, locking it and said, "I want to meet you, a coal mine buddy."

Tang Huai's tone does not seem to be a joke.

Liang Ji asked: "Really?"

Tang Huai raised his head and smiled brightly at Liang Ji: "Really!"

PS: This was to lay the groundwork for Tang Huai to become stronger, Tang Huai soon became stronger. Jing Shao can eat meat soon.

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