Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 345: : Starry Sky Map

"Come on, little brother, I still have things, I didn't ask clearly!"

Nantian's hand rested on Yang Fei's shoulder.

Suddenly, Yang Fei was fixed. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break free.

"Benevolence, what else do you want to ask? Hurry up! Now, the situation is very urgent. Once the Beastmaster has intentions, he will send an army of different beasts to sneak attack on the King. If King Ji does not take precautions, it may be dangerous. Now! "

Yang Fei said anxiously.

Nan Tian chuckled: "This is not in a hurry! Anyway, Ji Wang, Beast King! Just a bunch of small prince kings, as long as you ask me, make it clear, big deal, I will accompany you to help Ji Wang , Be sure to destroy the Beastmaster in an instant! "

Yang Fei looked very happy. He knew Nantian and the powerful strength of Nantian's followers.

As long as the heroes of Nantian help each other, what are the beast kings?

Yang Fei was overjoyed: "Thank you for your kindness! Thank you for your kindness!"

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Okay, thank you, I will say it later. I will ask you now, who is the most knowledgeable in your melee country, or which one has the complete map of the melee kingdom, even the stars in the sky? Have you annotated all the directions? "

Yang Fei was shocked: "All the maps, even the stars in the sky are annotated?"

"Benevolence, I told you that the kingdom of the melee is endless. In ancient times, there was only the celestial prince in the world. There was a relatively complete map on hand. In order to continually supplement the map, the prince set up a geographic messenger to traverse the mountains, Traveling the country, recording mountains, rivers, and historical features. Moreover, Tianzi also has a special sacrifice, night stargazing, and the annotation of the starry sky coordinates every night. From the first generation of Tianzi, after thousands of years, until The fifteenth generation of the emperor, finally the sage of the country, gathered the previously accumulated data to make a starry sky map! The starry sky map records the endless geographical area of ​​the melee kingdom, and also has the trajectory coordinates of the starry sky in the sky and the style of the galaxy. "

"Benefactor, the information you need is estimated to be in the imperial study of the emperor!"

Yang Fei replied.

"The Emperor's Imperial Study?"

Nantian smiled.

Yang Fei shook his head again: "Benefactor, you didn't hear clearly. I'm talking about the emperor's study room before. Now, it's all chaotic. The emperor has been declining for a long time, and he lives in the ancient city of Emperor Jing. Soldiers were sent before and after the Seven Heroes , Ransacked the ancient city of Emperor Jing, copied the emperor ’s palace for ten days and ten nights in a row, and removed all the rare treasures and rare documents from it. Now the ancient city of Emperor Jing does not have anything of value at all. "

"Once, the unifying world, the majestic princes, became a puppet with only three thousand guards. If not, there were deep conflicts between the seven heroes, there was no consensus on the opinions, and the prince had a historic role. Otherwise, Any one of the seven heroes in the melee fight has strength and easily destroys the emperor! "

"I heard earlier that the King Wen of the seven heroes of the melee had removed most of the precious documents and historical books in the ancient city of Dijing. In particular, the Emperor's Study Room of the Emperor, the most precious documents inside, the King Wen collected all! If you want a treasure map of the stars, you can ask the King Wen for it! "

"Starry treasure map! Well, I really did not expect that this thing really exists in this planet!"

Nantian was ecstatic.

As long as you know the starry sky map and input it into the "Taigu" spacecraft, the autopilot system will analyze the correct navigation route and take Nantian to fly away from the world in this black hole.

Nantian must seize the time and rush to the Purple Plume Academy to report that it can't afford to waste any more time.

"Fight against the seven kings of Wen? It seems that we are dealing with each other!"

Nan Tian secretly said.

"Right, do you know where King Wen is?"

Nantian asked.

Yang Fei shook his head: "Wen Wen is one of the seven heroes in the dogfight, ranking first in the princehood, and one of the most honorable people in the whole country. Where do I know, where is he?"

Nantian sighed: "Okay, I have asked all of the questions I want to ask, you can go!"

At this time, Yang Lie pouted and interjected: "King Wen is in the east of the country, he controls a large area of ​​land, and has built thousands of cities of all sizes. King Wen should be in a city in the east. Oh, yes The king's nest is Xiangyang City, and King Wen estimates that there is a high probability of being in Xiangyang City! After all, there is one of the most luxurious palaces in the east! "

Niantian looked at one happy: "Okay, thank you brother for telling me!"

Yang Lie clenched his fists: "No, Ru and other heroes, saved our brothers and the lives of our men. I am already grateful. Now, to answer some doubts in your heart, it is just a matter of words. The benefactor, don't need to thank ! "

"Hehe! You go quickly, after all, you still have things!"

Nantian smiled faintly.



Yang Fei was anxious to report the situation to Ji Wang. He quickly pulled Yang Lie and the remaining dozens of knights on a fast horse and ran away, raising a large dust!

"East, King Wen!"

"Go, Captain Zou, let's take a look at the so-called Xiangyang City."

Nantian laughed.


Captain Zou responded!

"Hey, no! From here, how to walk towards Xiangyang City? How about the route? I just forgot to ask Yang Lie for a map!"

Nantian patted his head.

Nantian also regards this as the official area of ​​the Galaxy Alliance.

In the official region of the Galaxy Alliance, report a place name, connect gps navigation, and an accurate route will appear immediately.

But it's different here!

Is completely a strange mystery.

The Galaxy Alliance geolocation system and the cosmic Xinghai map cannot be used here at all.

"Hurry and chase Yang Lie!"

Nantian immediately decided, "Dengtang class" Youlong body method + Lingbo micro-steps, burst instantly.

Nantian was like lightning, chasing Yang Lie and others.

Captain Zou also summoned the mecha ~ ~ Using the spray equipment carried by the mecha, driven by the mecha abilities, it also followed Nantian at full speed.

Rao is that Nantian has no mecha, and Captain Zou summoned them.

Nantian's speed is constantly increasing. The distance between Nantian and Captain Zou and others are getting farther and farther apart.

Fortunately, Nantian left his hand, thinking about Captain Zou and others, and slowed down, and did not throw Captain Zou and others away.

"Ah, Nantian, it's really extraordinary! No wonder, it's so valued by the inspector of Gu Quan! I have to say that Nantian is too fast!"

Captain Zou sighed secretly.

Chased all the way through Nantiandi.

More than ten minutes later, Nantian finally caught up with Yang Fei and Yang Lie.

However, at this time, the scene in front of him made Nan Tian frown.

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