Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 348: : Season King's Land

"You two brothers, get up, don't kneel!"

"Beast King, King Yin! I will let them pay the price."

Nantian nodded slightly.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie was very excited.

In their eyes, as long as Nantian, the "God-Man", could do anything, anything, the Beastmaster and the King of India were not immediately annihilated.

Nan Tianxi looked at Yang Fei and Yang Lie with earnestness and said: "You two brothers, there is an amazing ancestor! You cannot insult the ancestor's glory!"

Xiao Hei joined Nan Tian's ear again.

Xiaohei's ancestor happened to have the handed down skills of Erlang God Yang Jian.

Xiaohei told Nantian with Shennian.

Nantian swayed ink and wrote thousands of lines in a book, recording these exercises.

"Nuo, this is" Nine Transfers Mysterious Skills "," Yang's Shooting Techniques "," Infinite Way "! If you two brothers, if these three magical skills have been cultivated, then it will be a breeze to go to heaven and sweep across the Eight Wastelands thing."

Nantian donated three magical functions to Yang Fei and Yang Lie's two brothers.

This is the supreme deity that inherits the deities. In the age of Shenwu, it is a supreme gem.

More importantly, Xiaohei said that these three magical skills, people of non-Yang clan can't practice, even if there is a demon outsider who cleverly seizes the opportunity, and happens to be practicing, it is not for the non-Yang clan to succeed!

It is rumored that during the peak period of Erlang God Yang Jian, he practiced "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" to the eighth turn!

Once the ninth turn "Nine Turns Mysterious Skills" reaches the ninth turn, it will be an unpredictable state!

Nantian now feels that Yang Fei and Yang Lie are very malleable.

Perhaps, in the future beyond the ancestor Yang Jian, it is not bad.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie, very early, in the army of Ji Wang, practiced the ancient martial arts method, and now get the ancestral miraculous skills uploaded by the Sanmen Zu.

"Too Xuanao! Too deep!"

"This is a great skill!"

Yang Fei and Yang Lie sighed.

Immediately, Yang Fei and Yang Lie knelt down to the ground, and nibbled three loud heads at Nantian: "Thank you for your help! Now, I have given the world a miracle, and my brothers and I have no way to repay it. Cows are horses! "

Nan Tian waved his hand and smiled slightly: "None of these three exercises is easy to learn. You have to work hard. Well, now we won't talk about this! It's important to go to the Ji King's land in your mouth. We rush over , See what happened to you. "


Yang Fei, Yang Lie and other knights ran away with Nantian, and soon came to the territory of Ji Wang's enclave.

There are three castles in the quarter of King Ji.

Originally, the three cities were prosperous and healthy, but at the moment, as soon as they entered the enclosure, they were covered with devastation and smoke.

Refugees fled everywhere.

There are still some people crying and crying.

In the open ground, there are sporadic Indian King's army chasing and killing civilians.

Even more beast kings are arbitrarily devouring civilians and the fallen quarter king army.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie and others were very angry!

"Damn, I want to kill them all!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie led dozens of knights and rushed up.

Nantian was not blocked. The army of the Indian King and the army of the Beast King were not particularly strong, and the number was very small. They were not opponents of Yang Fei and Yang Lie.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie and they suffocated too long, it is necessary to vent properly.


After more than half an hour, after a fierce fight.

Those monsters of Sergeant Indian King and Beastmaster were killed.

Only, Yang Fei left a live mouth under the knife.

Yang Fei asked him some basic information.

It turned out that Ji Wang's fief was really broken.

This time, the lion general sent by the Indian king brought a large army of 130,000 to 440,000.

Beastmaster also brought three thousand soldiers and ten thousand strange beasts.

These armies are now mainly stationed in three cities.

In the rural wilderness area outside, there are not many members of the king of India and the beast king.

The real main force is in the city!

Yang Fei asked again about the life and death of Ji Wang.

The soldier said that he did not know. He only saw Ji Wang with a team of cavalry break out, but then the lion camel general led 10,000 elite members and pursued.

Until now, the life and death of Ji Wang, these low-level sergeants, do not know.

"Ji Wang, maybe alive!"

"Master Ji Wang, you are waiting for us!"

Yang Fei clenched his fists.

Finally, Yang Fei waved his sword.

Instantly killed the Indian sergeant.

Why don't the enemy need to be soft? Now that we have finished asking, we should cut the grass!

Yang Fei, Yang Lie, they are elite sergeants, not so-called masters of compassion.

"Benefactor, let's go find it quickly! There is a continuous jungle around Ji Wang's enclave, and Lord Ji Wang will definitely flee!"

Yang Fei said.

Nantian nodded: "Go!"

Followed by Yang Fei, Nantian and his party moved quickly.

Because Captain Zou and his followers all have faces, unlike Yang Fei, Yang Lie's soldiers often deal with the Beastmaster and are easy to find.

Nantian deliberately let them stay near the surrounding city, disguised as a refugee who had surrendered, and dressed up with the news.

Waiting for the jungle, Nantian and others began to search hard.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie looked very carefully. They were familiar with the terrain and searched for some hidden places in the jungle.

Time, a minute passed.

Soon, a few hours have passed, but there are still no surprises.

Suddenly, Nantian's eyes were sharp, and he saw blood stains and fell on a row of blood red flowers and grass.

If not, Nantian has excellent eyesight, and the average person can't really tell.

"Yang Fei, Yang Lie, come and see!"

Nantian shouted.

Following the blood stains, a crowd of bluestones found a young sergeant who was covered in wounds and dying.

Saw this person, Yang Fei, Yang Lie exclaimed, and the eyes were wet.

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie shouted excitedly, saying that he also picked up the young sergeant.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"

"His Royal Highness, you wake up! I am Yang Fei!"

Yang Fei called.

The young sergeant opened his eyes ~ ~ Weak to the extreme and said: "Captain Yang Fei, are you? Quick escape, fast escape ..."

"... Indian suddenly sent people to attack our fief ..."

"The father and the king were killed by the lion, the abominable guy. Many soldiers were captured and became slaves, and it is better to die ...

"Captain Yang Fei, you are the last hope of our Ji Wang Fengdi, run away .... run away ....."

The young sergeant murmured with a strong voice.

Yang Fei and Yang Lie's faces are ashes.

"What, Master Ji Wang, sacrificed?"

Yang Fei and Yang Lie looked up to the sky and wailed, crying.

Yang Fei and Yang Lie are all loyal people. The Lord sacrificed, how not to feel heartache, anger, sorrow! ) Download the free reader !!

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