Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 366: : One person meets all enemies

Yue Wang's cultivation practice is also very powerful, and it is also a veritable first-class Wu Zun.

Now, after being beheaded by Nan Tian, ​​some of the soldiers and entourages around Yue King were terrified by shaking their legs.

"Yue Wang was killed!"

"Yue Wang was killed! Everyone run!"

The entourage of the soldiers roared like a soul.

Where will Nantian let these invaders run away?

Previously, Nantian didn't take the initiative to attack, killing the Yue King, the Philippine King, the ambitions of the wolf sons, they just felt that their strength was not enough to watch.

Therefore, Nantian went to the Japanese king to operate.

However, Yue Yue and Fei Wang are the masters of bastards. If you do n’t beat him, they will come to beat you naturally!

This group of bully and fearful masters will not make sense, as long as you are weak, they will bully you!



Originally, the newly recruited recruits were also inspired by Nantian.

In a series of victories, gradually grow, morale soared!

They even wiped out the inevitable Sun King, and would they let these shrimps, soldiers and crabs run away.

"Don't run, you die for me!"

Ten thousand light cavalry, chased by victory, wiped out all the soldiers who fled.


On the other side, King Filipino fiercely opened fire with King Bucky.

King Bucky and King Fei and King Yue were also seriously injured.

The most important thing is that the army led by King Bucky is not much, and it is not comparable to the Yue King and the King Philip.

In the long battle, King Bucky gradually became a little bit out of support.

King Bucky ’s counselor said to King Bucky: “Lord, let ’s leave quickly! The fighting situation here is not something we can blend in with!”

"King, if you don't leave again. We will be wiped out!"

The counselors shed tears.

King Bucky gritted his teeth and shook his head firmly: "No, we can hold on again. Can't this land be occupied by the dogs of King Yue and King Fei!"

The counselor waved angrily.

"King, you are so brilliant on weekdays, why this time, so stupid! What does that flying king, blazing king have to do with us! Can we make it, and defend the base camp desperately for them?"

"Maybe, the two ignorant guys, Flying King and Fierce King, have been annihilated by the Japanese King! We did this, not only with the Yue King and the Philippine King, but also after the Japanese King learned that we must be unlucky! "

"King, your knighthood and enclave were exchanged for blood by the ancestors. It has been a long time since now! You have disappointed me too much!" The planners said painfully.

King Bucky sighed: "This is the case, there is no other way! I can only fight, fight non-stop! I think in the end, one more bet, I bet the flying king, the fierce king they can kill the sun king ! "

"I said that was not the case, and I was the only one who was dead! Even if I was a corpse of corpses, I would have to fight with Yue Yue, the king of the Philippines, and make a dead net!"

"King, you really changed ... changed ...

The bucks of King Bucky shook their heads and sighed, and said that they had gone together in pairs and were about to leave.

King Bucky did not stop.

The responsibilities of the counsellors are to give advice to the protagonist, not to die with the protagonist.

On the side of the Philippine King, I don't know that the Yue King is in the wilderness, and has been beheaded by Nantian.

The Philippine King led the people and was still fighting the King Baki's soldiers.

The Philippine King looked forward to the beautiful life after occupying this fertile land.

"Hey, you will start a good life in the future!"

King Fei hummed a little song with joy.

Sergeants of King Bucky were also quite dissatisfied with King Bucky's approach.

After all, the sergeants came from an expedition and were already very resentful. Now they are under siege from the enemy, and their troops are dispatched without any substantive benefits.

Many wise sergeants escaped with people.

For a time, only a few thousand soldiers remained around King Bucky.

King Bucky led the remnant soldiers and retreated to Xindeyan.

Inside Xinde, there are three or four thousand sergeants left by Nantian.

However, the sum of these people is not enough to watch.

Behind the Philippine King alone, there are 100,000 troops.

This is not the king of Yue.

King Fei is waiting, Yue King comes over the round.

These days, King Yue and King Fei first attacked together, and later they acted separately, leading their soldiers from two different directions.

The territories beat down belong to their own.

King Philip looked up and looked at the gray-faced Bucky King above the city wall.

The King of Philippines laughed: "King Bucky, you guys who don't know what to do! If you listen to us, why would you end up like this!"

"Now, it doesn't matter what you say! After I kill you, I will destroy your Bucky!"

Philippine Wang Yi said imperiously.

King Bucky shared enemies with some defenders.

"Even if it is crushed, we will make you pay!"

King Bucky shouted.

The King of the Philippines laughed: "Pay the price? What skills do you have?"

"Come to attack me and level this place! Let's not wait for the king!"

"Our strength alone is actually enough!"

The Philippine King shouted.


"Don't miss the clown, dare to pretend here?"

"Don't you know that Sin Tak has already changed hands?"

Nantian stepped on the void and vacated the front.

A scream, like a thunder, exploded in the air!

King Philip and his soldiers were shocked.

"Who are you?"

After all, the Philippine King is also a third-class prince king, and he is also arrogant.

It wasn't scared to death by Nan Tian's rant.

"I am the flying king, the prince of the fierce king! You clowns who jumped on the beams and even violated my territory! It's abominable! Since you are all here, don't leave, leave all!"

Nan Tian smiled coldly.

"Just want to stay with us alone?"

King Fei disdainfully smiled.


Nan Tian dropped a black cloth-wrapped thing from his arms and was still at the feet of King Philip.

The Philippine King first disregarded and opened the black cloth.

When he saw the head of Habri, the wrapped things.

The King of the Philippines was startled, and his body retreated back and forth.

"This is, Yue Yue ..."

The Philippine King is often embarrassed with the Yue King.

These two are rare fox friends ~ ~ For, the appearance of Yue Wang can't be more clear.

"The head of Yue Wang! Who killed Yue Wang in the end?"

King Philip immediately shouted!

The Yue King was his important ally, and died such a powerful "team member".

In the future, the Yuewang will not do anything well!

Nan Tian chuckled and said lightly: "It's just a garbage! I saw him in the wilderness and did some serious things, and I cut it off! Hey, those who have committed my territory, I will kill them even if they are far away!"

"What, you killed the King Yue? Fuck! The person came to shoot me an arrow, and this person gave me a thousand arrows!"

Yue Wang roared.

"Clang, Clang!"

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