Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 369: : Han Gongzi

Nan Tian and his entourage had just entered the city of Xiangyang and encountered a team of cavalry.

This team of cavalry is very arrogant, wearing a yellow-haired helmet, carrying a skull medallion, and holding a bright red whip.



The cavalry commander scolded.

Several old women, because they walked slower, were beaten by long lashes, and they were suddenly covered in flesh.

Some children, because they ran slower, were cut off their heads with a fierce cavalry.

That's how the child's head fell on the ground.

Behind the cavalrymen, there is a luxury carriage drawn by four golden horses.

This luxurious carriage, with its luxurious exterior decoration, gold and silver, is luxurious and dazzling.

On top of the carriage's roof, there is a flag of gold thread sewing and jade inlay.

On the banner is a big "Korean" word!

As long as you live in Xiangyang City for a period of time, you know that this is the direct banner of the Han family, the top family clan in the city!

Non-Han's direct children cannot hang!

The Han family is a veteran family in the city of Xiangyang. For thousands of years, an eighteen general in the nine-phase country assisted the nine "Wen Wen"!

When King Chaowen, the counted Xiangguo was Han Xiangguo.

In addition, when the four famous generals under the court of King Chaowen were famous, there were two generals: Han!

The influence of the Han family in the King Wen's enclosure is evident!

There are even rumors that King Wen once wanted to report to the emperor and give the Han family a title of "Second Class Prince".

However, because of this matter, it was hindered by many forces and some other factors, and finally let go!

However, the prestige of the Han family is still not to be underestimated. It is prestige in the entire melee country!

As it happened, Nantian came with Captain Zou.

A young girl led an old man, trying to avoid the brutal cavalry.

However, this group of cavalry has arrived.

Cavalry Zhang, with a smile, raised his sword, and he was going to hack off the old man and the girl.

Seeing that the old man and the girl were brutally killed by the cavalry.

Nan Tian's eyes glanced, and his fierce and energetic energy burst into the air.

The cavalry chief screamed: "Ah!"

He rolled over from his horse, rolled down, and fell into a pig chew.

The cavalry commander was very angry, and raised his chopper sword high, shouting: "Who is it? Who is it? Want to do something?"

"Damn, I don't know. Am I Hanko's men?"

The cavalry commander screamed, and at the same time ordered people to block the surroundings and began to look for suspicious personnel.

As for the old man and the girl, they were also controlled by the cavalry chief.

Nan Tian took a sip.

"Brothers, come on!"

Seeing uneven roads draws a knife to help, chivalrous intestines!

Now that Nan Tian has helped, he will not let the old man and the girl be bullied.

Nan Tian led Captain Zou to move away from the crowd, walked ahead, and faced the cavalry captain.

The cavalry commander looked at it disdainfully, and Nantian was dressed in ordinary clothes.

"A group of pariahs, hurry up and leave me! Otherwise, Hugh Blame I'm welcome!"

The cavalry chief said coldly.

Nan Tian pointed to the old man and the girl.

"Let them go!"

Nan Tian said solemnly.

"Let them go? Ho! They openly attacked me with great sins and must be executed!"

The cavalry chief said viciously.

"Attack you? Haha, tell you the truth, just now, it was me who made you roll over and fall under the horse!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

This cavalry commander, Nan Tian has used the Wushen system to watch him all over.

The cultivation practice of this cavalry commander is Qipin Wuzun.

This kind of mercy, Nantian can kill!

As expected, the words fell.

A streamer, crossed!

A column of blood spewed from the cavalry's neck.

The cavalry leader died!

For a time, the crowd on the street was in an uproar!

The cavalry who followed followed were also shocked!

One by one, they looked at Nantian with vigilance, and surrounded Nantian and Captain Zou and others.

"Slay the cavalry sir, today, don't even want to run any of you!"

The cavalry of the Hundreds and Thousands laughed again and again.

Nan Tian's eyelids were too lazy to lift it, but waved at random.

A strong whirlwind was born out of thin air!

Then, in a rush, several cavalrymen flew out.

Nan Tian rescued the old man and the girl.

"Go! Today, who dares to stop a step, I will kill him immediately!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

This group of pigs and dogs are not as good as the fierce people, and even women, children, young and old are killed, and Nantian will not be polite with these beasts!

Nan Tian said nothing. He took the old man and the girl and left.

The Bailai Cavalry was afraid of Nantian's means, but he was forced to go under pressure.

This time, Nantian didn't even need to shoot.

Captain Zou and his entourage, on the side, killed the cavalry for Nantian.




The fighting sound is extremely fierce!

Finally, alarmed, the man sitting behind the luxury carriage.

A short-bearded man dressed like a housekeeper lifted the carriage curtain and walked down.

"Bad slave! Stupid! It's actually disturbing. The son rushed on the road and there was no excuse for sin!"

The short-bearded man shook his head and shouted, his own cavalry.

Immediately, the short-bearded man stared coldly at Nantian.

"You daring people, even disturbed your son! It is a crime to die! Today, the old slave personally shot, you must capture all of you, and then be executed!

The short-bearded man said viciously.

Nan Tian glanced at the short-bearded man.

This short-bearded man's cultivation practice is indeed very high, is a second grade Wu Zun!

Perhaps, for ordinary people, it is a high-level existence.

However, Nantian only needs one finger to kill this guy!

"Han Zhong, you are doing evil again!"

The wheels turn, the wheels turn.

On another street, a rainbow carriage came in.

Obviously, this rainbow carriage also has a big head. On the roof of the carriage, there is a colorful flag with a wide face and fluttering in the wind.

Above the colorful flags, there is an elegant and elegant "scent" embroidered!

People in Xiangyangcheng ~ ~ who often live in, must know that this is the princess chaluan of Xiangchun Palace, the top giant in Xiangyangcheng.

The crisp, nice sound came from the princess chariot.

Han Zhong, this is a housekeeper of the Han family. Where is it comparable, the princess is honorable!

Han Zhong stopped, bowed towards Che Luan, "Princess, you misunderstood! Old slave, just deal with some pests!"

"Han Zhong, do you still want to quibble? When I don't know? Over the years, the women and children who died in your hands are old and weak.

"You shut your mouth now! Tell your son to come out, I want to talk to him!"

Inside the car luan, there was a scolding.

In the Korean carriage, the real owner can't sit still!

A sullen looking young man in yellow clothes, with a fan in his hand, walked off the carriage. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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