Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 654: : Soft God San

Nantian took a step forward to catch Yin Qing's pulse.

"Your father should have been poisoned by a soft **** powder."

Nantian took a closer look and said.

"Soft God San?"

Yin Yuyu feels very strange to this term.

Xue's thoughts grew old and his face was white.

"I have heard of this medicine, this is a vicious poison!"

Snow old looks gloomy.

"Poisoners will be exhausted and unable to lift their strength. In severe cases, they will fall asleep forever," Xue said slowly.

"This poison is very old and will only appear in some ancient books. Elder Xingde, how could there be such a poison?"

Xue's old expression was amazed.

Nantian nodded: "Yes, the origin of this poison is very old. In the ancient Wu era, this poison was famous, and it was specifically used to deal with some martial arts strongmen. This poison is colorless and tasteless, soluble in any water quality. , Mixed with food, is very unpredictable! "

"It stands to reason that it has been so long since the ancient Wu era. How did Elder Xingde look for this poison? I am also very curious!"

Nantian's eyes flickered, with some regrets. At first, Zuo Xingmiao left Elder Xingde directly.

Yin Yuyu asked anxiously: "So, can this poison have an antidote?"

As Xue was old, he sighed: "This poison is still old, and the antidote cannot find the source!"

"Sovereign, I'm afraid I'm going to sleep forever. Elder Xingde, what a cruel heart!"

Snow is always angry

"Then my father was not saved!"

Yin Yuyu began to cry.

Nantian shook his head: "No, Soft God San, although it is claimed that even the gods can fall down, but all things in time, there are yin and yang, and there is an antidote for poison."

In fact, at the moment in Nantian's heart, it was already shocked.

The birth time of Ruan Shensan, specifically, was the period when Nantian ruled the ancient Wu era.

The family that produced the soft Shensan is the family of poison in the ancient Wu era-the family of Mao's.

There were even rumors in the ancient Wu era that all the poisons in the world came from Mao.

The ingredients and methods made by Roushensan are extremely mysterious, and have always been a secret within the family.

Now, the elders of Xingde can still find Ruan Shenshen, which shows that the Mao family in the world of the ancient Wu Dynasty still exists.

As it happens, Nantian had some origins with Mao's ancestors.

"Nantian, are you serious? My father can really treat it?" Yin Yuyu asked nervously.

Nantian nodded: "It is possible. However, it is not now. However, Yin Er girl, you can rest assured. Soft Shensan is a poison that causes people to fall into a fake death and live dead. Father ’s life is not a hindrance. "

"I have some fountains of life here. If you give your father regular and regular doses, your father's lifespan will be much longer."

Nan Tian said.

As Nantian spoke, he moved a large barrel of the fountain of life out of the realm of life.

Later, Nan Tian asked Xue Yilao and others about the current situation of Xue Zong.

Nowadays, Xuezong is in trouble both inside and outside.

Nantian used the communicator to recruit Zuo Xingmiao.

Zuo Xingmiao, the general manager, is currently very helpful to resolve Xuezong's crisis.

Nantian told him what he meant.

When Miao left listened, he naturally nodded again and again, daring not to have any violations.

"Don't conceal the Lord of the Southern Celestial City. In fact, our Beishui Sect is ready to take advantage of the fire to intercept the interests of Xue Zong."

"However, Lord Nantian, you are ready to intervene. My Beishuizong must give face! I will contact the helper of the Xuanxian Gang. He is our Beishuizong. He is the eighth general manager. Millions of disciples can also support them. At any time, they can help Master Nantian fight against Yanzong! "

Miao Zuo said.

Nantian nodded: "Go and arrange!"

"Right, do you know Soft God San? Elder Xingde, how could there be Soft God San in your hand, did you give it to him?"

Nan Tian asked Miao left.

Miao left shook his body, frowning, thinking for a moment.

"Master Nantian, I did give the old man of Xingde a lot of poison, but there is no soft **** powder. Soft **** powder is an ancient poison, and it is reasonable to say that it has long been lost!"

Zuo Xingmiao responded.

Nan Tian's face was cold, and he drank with majesty, full of momentum, and shouted toward the left line: "Don't lie to me!"

"Otherwise, the consequences are serious!"

Nantian's eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he could see Miao left in a chill.

"Adult, the conscience of the world, I definitely did not lie to you!"

The left-handed Miao crawled to the ground, shaking tremblingly.

Nan Tian had just used the power of his soul to induce it. The soul of Zuo Xingmiao fluctuated, which was not too big. As mentioned earlier, there should be no deception.

"I'm not deep enough in the vast main star. You can help me investigate. Recently, this elder Xingde, in the end, who did you contact!"

Nantian ordered.

"This is simple, I'll help adults ~ ~ done it properly!"

Zuo Xingmiao nodded and said with a waist.

"Okay, let's go!"

Nan Tian waved his hand.

Zuo Xingmiao's work efficiency is indeed very high.

Only one day later, Zuo Xingmiao came to the newspaper in a hurry, holding a pile of information in his hand, all about the recent whereabouts of Elder Xingde.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Tell me about your discovery."

Zuo Xingmiao pumped-out-a file, said slowly: "Several days ago, Elder Xingde was on the road and found a male corpse, and found a bottle of poison from the corpse. Soft God San, if not Unexpectedly, it was found from the corpse. "

"The body?"

"Bring it up, let me take a look!"

Nantian's eyes lit up.

The male body found by chance by Elder Xingde is very likely to be the core child of a Mao family today.

Zuo Xingmiao waved his hand, followed the disciples, and carried the body up.

This is the corpse of a young man. He wears a weird dress, an ancient costume, and has very obvious scars on his neck.

What attracted Nantian most was that this young man's waist was hung with an obscure little iron card.

On the iron plate, the "five poisons" are depicted: scorpions, snakes, centipedes, toads, and geckos. They are lifelike, and in the dim light, they look particularly terrible.

Nantian was born in the age of ancient martial arts, and naturally knows what this small iron card represents.

If it was said that it was not certain before, now Nantian saw it. This little iron card is already very certain.

The descendants of the Mao family will have this iron card.

"It really belongs to the family of Mao's family! The poison tycoon originally surprised the family of an era!"

Nan Tian secretly said.

"Who knows this matter besides you?"

Nantian looked coldly to Zuo Xingmiao.

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