Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 672: : Secret hook-knot

"Silence! Deacon of the Outer Doors of Heifensha Valley? Six Grade Imperial Realm, it looks very good combat power!’ ’

"The most special thing is that this guy turned out to be the ancient martial arts master. I thought the ancient martial arts all disappeared in this era. Heishashagu is worthy of a long-standing power!’ ’

Nan Tian sighed in his heart.

The deacon outside knows at first hearing that it is not a particularly powerful position. In the entire Blackburn Valley, it should be nothing.

However, in this way, he is still a master of Liupin Imperial Realm, and he can also major in ancient martial arts.

"Swallow heaven and magic skills!"

Silently use the convenience of magic power, the body becomes a black wind, dissolved in the elements of the world wind.

Ordinary people could not find his trace at all.

"Hurry up and send a brother-in-law to come over. I will go out and talk with him alone."

Silently, said with a sneer.

Silently trapped here, trying to get out, but suffering from nobody leading the way.

No children of the Mao family, no one can safely travel through the psychedelic forest.

The strange sound, echoing in the cold space, echoed in the courtyard of the mansion, and the incomplete corpses on the ground were terrifying.

Some disciples of the Mao family who are weaker are sweaty and confused.

Their minds have been defeated, and if they are attacking at this time, they do not even know how to die.

"Secret Technique of Magic Cultivation-Tiandu Sonic!"

Nantian's eyes flashed a bit of coldness.

The deacon of the Black Burning Valley is very powerful.

Mao Zhipu's expression was anxious, and he repeatedly asked Nantian what he should do.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Don't worry, this person will leave it to me to handle it. I will let him know how powerful it is. Compared with the ancient martial arts skills, I am really not afraid of him!

"Big catcher!"

Nan Tian sneered, his hands waved, and two golden spinning dragons fluttered out of nowhere.

Rotating flying dragon, in mid-air, constantly changing shape.

In the end, the spinning dragon became two huge palms.

One palm caught his silent head.

With one palm, he caught the silent legs.


Space turbulence.

Nan Tian controlled, two huge palms, fell silent to the ground.

"Wudu Phage San!"

Mao Zhipu took the opportunity to get out of his arms and took out a handful of poison and threw it on the silent face.

It was very uncomfortable for Silent to be thrown into the door by Dusan, and after struggling for a while, he fell to the ground and passed out.

This is the power of Mao's poison.

The former Mao Zhihua, relying on self-cultivation for tyranny, did not use poison.

Otherwise, Nantian's attempt to kill Mao Zhihua also requires a lot of effort.

Five poisonous phagosomes, the Mao family has been circulating poison for many years.

The refining of this poison is particularly difficult. It is necessary to collect the most toxic parts of the five poisons, and it will be refined after secretly using 18 kinds of poisonous herbs.

Once this poison is hit, anyone who is below the third-grade imperial realm is helpless.

Of course, in order to achieve the Imperial Realm, the body's true energy or mecha abilities are strong, and it can naturally operate to resist toxicity.

After a while, after the poisoning, the emperor's masters could not die.

Nan Tian and Mao Zhipu, who took this silent key in one fell swoop, also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the silent master is a master of the Sixth Grade Imperial Realm. Once the destruction is carried out indiscriminately, the people of the Mao family cannot find the silent master.

Silent keying can cause unimaginable harm.

"Drag him down and tie it in the dungeon ..."

The rustic, ordered.

Nan Tian said to Mao Zhipu: "Presumably, you also guessed something."

"Yeah. I guessed something."

In the eyes of Mao Zhipu, Han Mang flickered.

"The people of Heifensha Valley appeared in the house of the elders. As soon as the elders died, the deacon of Heifensha Valley began to rebel and kill my children.

Mao Zhipu said coldly.

Over the years, Mao Zhipu has been concession.

Mao's family has fallen, masters are sporadic.

Mao Zhipu didn't want to let the family masters fight again.

Otherwise, the strength of the Mao family will decline a lot.

This is not what Mao Zhipu hopes to see.

In accordance with the patriarch, the principle of humility should be added.

Mao Zhipu gave many resources in the family to Mao Zhihua.

Mao Zhipu himself is highly talented anyway, does not need a lot of resources, purely self-cultivation.

Come and go, the longer it takes.

Mao Zhipu was far behind.

"Search this mansion and turn over all the items of the elders!"

Mao Rustic, coldly ordered.


The tea leaves are cold, and the elders of the big elders slip to death.

The highest leadership of the Mao family fell into the hands of Mao.

A large number of servants began to enter in droves, and the big elders' slippery mansions were moved up and down, and they were checked carefully.

The servants found many treasures, various cultivation resources, and treasured poisonous insects and snakes.

These things turned over from the cellar of the house, and finally they became a hill.

"Asshole, so greedy!"

Mao Zhipu couldn't help but burst out a swearing.

"Wait a moment, maybe there will be a bigger discovery.’ ’

Nan Tian said coldly.

Sure enough, after waiting for a column of incense.

Someone came to report: "The patriarch, found the top-secret information. Please look around."

A servant handed Mao Zhipu a miniature light brain.

Mao Zhipu opened his mind, and there were many materials and letters on it.

Mao Zhipu read it carefully, and his complexion grew darker.

The above content is all a series of evidences of the secret connection between Mao Zhihua, the elder and the Heishasha Valley.

What makes Mao Zhipu angry most is.

The reason why Heixinsha Valley will send a killer to follow Mao Miao and Maoming all the way is because Mao Zhihua had revealed in advance-leaked the news to Heixiansha Valley.

Mao Zhihua has his own vicious thoughts.

Mao Zhihua knew that once Mao Ming, Mao Miao died. Then, the most orthodox heir of the Mao family is: his grandson, Mao Yun.


"Extremely poisonous!"

"Mao Zhihua, the great elder of my Mao family!"

Mao Rustic Roar!

It turned out that his grandchildren were killed.

The granddaughter was chased and killed, all because of the mammoth gloom.

The repair of Mao Zhihua surpassed that of Mao Zhipu ~ ~ also secretly got the help of Heifensha Valley.

Following this development, sooner or later, the Mao family will become a vassal force in Heifensha Valley.

"Now, you know that your kindness is all fly ash."

Nan Tian sighed.

"I want to whip the corpse!"

"Pull out the mashed skeletal body!"

Mao is rustic, roaring repeatedly.

"Yes, patriarch!"

The servants, ordered to go down.

"Go. Let's go to the dungeon and interrogate the prisoner. Presumably, which disciple of Heifenshagu should know some more important secrets."

Nan Tian said slowly to Mao Zhipu.

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