Rebirth of the Military Industrial Overlord

Chapter 1598: Authentic Lao Tan Sauerkraut Flavor

"That kid Tan Zhenhua really has a crow's mouth." This is the thought that came to General Liu before he was about to board the special plane for a temporary "goodwill visit" to Washington, the United States. "However, this kid has been honestly staying since he returned from Ukran. , How come I suddenly remembered that I was going to Africa to engage in a ghostly hall, it was mysterious, could it be that my visit was taken as Mingxiu's plank road again?"

Mingxiu plank road, dark Chen Cang-this trick has become one of Tan Er’s iconic methods. He can always create and use various hot spots. When others’ attention is focused on the spotlight, he hides In the dark, he made some hackneyed things to achieve his ulterior goals and reap the greatest benefits.

For example, the huge global second-hand weapons auction directed by Wu Kelan, the subsequent "Navy Festival Mixed Fleet Visit" incident, and of course, the recent "surprise attack on Taiping Island," which he strongly suggested and provided advice. "event.

To be honest, before Tan Zhenhua proposed this plan, almost everyone in the world focused their attention on major hot spots such as the two aircraft carrier fleets in the United States, the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, and the mobilization of forces on the main island of Wandao. In China, the Chinese military is also the same. Individually more radical opinions are whether to take the opportunity to get back Kinmen and Matsu. A bit more radical is to discuss whether to attack the Penghu Islands or close the Strait’s international commercial shipping channels. One person thought of Taiping Island, which is lonely 860 nautical miles away from the main island of Wandao.

But when Tan Zhenhua's suggestion was put forward, everyone discovered that it turned out that there was still such a wonderful and good chess hidden here!

The beauty of this chess move is that it is far away from the stormy strait storm center and scattered all alone among the islands and reefs of Nansha. To eat this chess piece, it is absolutely unexpected to the Wandao authorities and does not seem to be very painful. It also seemed to be in a faint pain; for the Americans, it was a punch that was not serious but felt that there was not much loss in face-that place was clearly beyond the defense range of the US aircraft carrier fleet.

Even better, the South China Sea First Squadron appeared in the waters near Taiping Island as a complete aircraft carrier fleet, and successfully rushed to the beach with a fully loaded 073III landing craft, without a single shot or a single soldier. After forcing the defenders of Taiping Island to surrender without a fight, they did not capture or expel that company’s Bay Island defenders. They did not even hand in their weapons, but confiscated all their ammunition and left them in their hands. As soon as it took over the defense of Taiping Island, it began to propagate that "in response to the encroachment of islands and reefs by the surrounding countries in the South China Sea, the two sides of the strait will join hands to guard every inch of China's borders"!

You must know that this is not the first thing the mainland has said. This was the public statement of Zheng Weiyuan, the then "fake" defense chief of the Bay Island, when the Bay Island region authorities formulated the so-called "South China Sea Policy Program" in 1993. But the words are: "If there is another invasion of foreign enemies, the Gulf Island Army will fight with the Chinese mainland army!"

(The content quoted in this paragraph is historical facts, the author's note)

The words are still in my ears, as evidenced by black and white writing and audio and video recordings, and cannot be denied!

We are really just here to help guard the island...

Such a bad idea is full of authentic Lao Tan sauerkraut flavor!

To be honest, until now, General Liu couldn't help but his mouth curled up when he thought of this, but because the situation was a bit wrong now, he couldn't laugh out loud.

The special plane has arrived at Washington Airport, the ramp has been lowered, it is time for him to appear.

It was Secretary of State Christopher who came to the airport to greet General Liu, and beside him, there was Rui Xiaojian, who had just handed over his post as US ambassador to China and returned to China to report on his work.

By the way, these two are "old friends." Christopher is not only the current Secretary of State of the Creighton administration, he has visited China twice since he took office, and he also served in the Carter administration from 1977 to 1981. As Deputy Secretary of State, it was during his term that China and the United States achieved normalization of diplomatic relations-that is to say, during that period, the United States severed its formal diplomatic relations with the Gulf Island and officially recognized China Mainland is the only legal regime representing China.

And when Huami officially signed the "Joint Communiqué" for the establishment of diplomatic relations, it was this Deputy Secretary of State Christopher who accepted the most difficult and embarrassing task and went to the island to explain and explain the changes in US policy.

By the way, Christopher’s trip to Bay Island on December 27, 1978 was quite unpleasant. The bus he took was besieged by the "unidentified masses" on Bay Island and departed from the airport to the "pseudo presidential palace." "Along the way, he suffered a lot of "non-lethal small-scale non-lethal weapons" attacks such as rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes, and broken soles, so that he left some psychological shadows in his life, which he later described in his memoirs. This experience is "the most embarrassing and angry moment in this life."

President Carter was also filled with outrage when he learned about this incident. He immediately ordered that US government officials and his own friends be prohibited from having any contact with the Wandao side...

(The above are all historical facts, the author's note)

Perhaps because of this "unbearable looking back" experience, Christopher himself has always been considered to have a relatively negative attitude towards the Bay Island authorities regarding the Bay Island issue. In fact, when he first issued visas to unscrupulous men in Iwasato He holds reservations, believing that this will inevitably lead to a more intense response from the Chinese mainland. It is neither necessary nor meaningful to use this kind of thing to test the mainland's bottom line.

The result was unfortunately said by him, but he couldn't help it. Who said that was the decision of Mr. President and he was the Secretary of State? Something happened in diplomacy, and in the end he had to come and wipe his butt.

Another person, Rui Xiaojian, who came to the airport to greet him, General Liu is more familiar with him. He has served as the U.S. ambassador to China in 1991 until the end of his term not long ago. The two met many times and communicated with each other. There are also quite a few. It should be said that during his tenure, Huami's relationship has developed steadily and soundly.

Moreover, Rui Xiaojian is an authentic "Hua Xia Tong" and is proficient in Chinese. He was born in Ningdu, China. His father used to teach at Jinling University. Later, when Huawa Total War broke out and Ningdu fell, he moved with his parents to Rongcheng. He lived for 7 years until he was 10 years old. He did not return to the U.S. and stayed for a while before the surrender of the country. Then he returned to Jinling in 1948 and went to school between Demon Capital and Jinling until the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950. After that, he bid farewell to China and returned to the United States, when he was 15 years old. It can be said that Rui Xiaojian has completely experienced the various processes in the establishment of New China, and has a deep understanding of China.

Washington sent such two to greet itself. The meaning of this is really intriguing!

This is General Liu's first feeling.

The second feeling is that it seems that this negotiation has been well polished-or the paragraph in the "Huainanzi·Strengthen Training" that Tan Xiaozi once quoted clearly said, "Show it with softness and welcome it with rigidity. , Show it by the weak and multiply it by the strong... So what you want is not what you see, what you see is not what you seek".

Since the U.S. side showed it to be close, hehe, there must be a hidden murderous intention behind!

Come on, let's see if the hegemony technique used by the Americans for more than two hundred years is powerful, or the vertical and horizontal technique passed down by China for five thousand years is effective.

How can the things we get back from the battlefield be lost at the negotiation table?

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