The tension of the bow tire is extremely great. Unless Ye Tian and Jin Jiashi Wang are such "powerful people", most people will not be able to pull it at all, and it is only for small men to pull out a small arc.

When the bowstring was bound to the bow tire, the whole bow was suddenly shaken, the light was blazing, the buzzing and buzzing, and the divine power waved out.

之上 On the ivory-like white bow tire, a golden dragon 蛟 virtual shadow is clearly flowing, opening the blood basin and mouthing, growling and roaring. This is manifestation of the spirit.

It took a while for all the mysteries to cease.

It took three weeks for the dragon bow to finally be completed!

Ye Yetian did not dare to test the bow in the cave, fearing that the cave would be shot. He came to the outer valley and stood on top of a mountain.

It's evening, the sun is shining, the sunset is like fire, and the half of the sky glows red. It is linked to the mountains of Kunlun, which is a magnificent picture. Divided into beautiful, beautiful, desolate, ...

On a humble mountain in the scroll, a young man stands with his back against the sun, stands with his bow, and looks up at the sky, as if looking for something.

"It's a pity, it's not here." Ye Tian sighed.

The sacred bow was first formed, and the first arrow was no more meaningful than the curved bow to shoot the big vulture. As a result, the golden big vulture was absent, which made him a little sad.

I think at the beginning, he was provoked by the golden eagle to think of making the dragon bow, and made the best use of it.

As a result, he had to choose the next best, take a giant hyena as a guinea pig, and test his skills.

At the top of a snow-capped mountain at least five kilometers away, a giant dog snarled at the sun, and there was an imposing manner in the vast earth, which was very domineering and scared the small animals at the foot of the mountain.

The giant hyena is a prehistoric species. It has the weight of a bear, the size of a cow, the brutality of a wolf, and the majesty of a tiger. Whether it was past or present, it is the top predator at the tip of the pyramid. Retreat.


Ye Tiangang put a bone arrow on the dragon's bow, and even the bow string was not pulled apart. A terrible murderous qi emanated, the bone arrow screamed, and the tip of the arrow was swollen with blood. It seemed that we could not wait to harvest life. .

Qi Yetian's arms were tightened, and he struck suddenly, pulling the bowstring instantly, like a full moon.


The dragon bow and bow seemed to wake up from a deep state of sleep, the whole body was brilliant, the light was inexhaustible, the spirits flowed, and there was a sound of dragon chanting. The essence of Shifang Heaven and Earth converged like a tide, condensing on the bones and arrows.

This is caused by Ye Tian's magic circle carved on the bow of the god. Pulling out the bow string can excite, can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and the moon. There is no bone and arrow, and the vitality of heaven and earth can be condensed into a powerful arrow.

"go with!"

He burst into drink, loosened his bowstring, and shot an arrow!


An arrow burst out of the air, with a dazzling burst of energy and glare, a near-substantial and violent breath swept the sky, and under the traction of the air machine, a thunderous storm between the heavens and the earth seemed to come.

Above the cheekbones, the Chiyan Dragon's artifact spirit manifested, majestic, domineering, tearing the void, forming a dark channel, spilling the monstrous gods, and swaying endless treasures.

The cheekbone arrow is only five feet long, but it brings up a rainbow of ten feet long, like a shooting star piercing the sky, making the sky shake violently.

This is a supreme arrow, destroying the sky, tearing the sky, its potential energy can collapse the mountains and mountains, and turn the river into the sea.

Ye is Ye Tiandu's tongue!

Although the dragon bow is from his hands, the clever woman is hardly a rice-free cook. Without the bone of dragon bow, he cannot make such a **** bow.

The speed of the cheekbone arrow is extremely fast, I don't know how many times the speed of sound, the thunder of the arrow tip is roaring, the fire is soaring, and the distance of five kilometers is coming in an instant. When the prehistoric giant hyena found something bad, it was too late, and the eyes were black, so it was impossible to distinguish between the east and the west.


A flash of blood appeared, and the giant hyena's head, which was comparable to a bull's head, suddenly broke down and shot a through.

This is just the beginning, then the endless arrow majestic body, the giant hyena's huge body burst out like a thunder, and turned into an energy storm sweeping the whole mountain.

The mountain top, which was originally a few feet thick with snow, suddenly looked like an old hen who had bare hair, and became a barren land, even causing a small-scale avalanche.

Take the power of a single arrow and domineering!

If the bones and arrows are a bit off and shot on top of the mountain, the mountain must be shot down.

Ye Yetian's five-fingered halberds, a big move, a streamer came out five kilometers away.

I am a bone arrow!

五 As soon as his five fingers were tightened, the bone arrow was tightly held in his hand.

Boom Boom!

He shook the mountain for a while, and a roar came out.

Jinjia corpse king Fangdian Fudidian ran out of the cave.

This 厮 is getting bigger and bigger, the master and the servant are not separated, excited like a child, come up to **** Ye Tian's dragon bow.

"Come on, don't break me!" Ye Tian told.

来 For more than a month, Ye Tian has been progressing, and the King Jinjia is also progressing. The "Sailong Dragon Elephant Gong" is small, and the internal wounds have healed, and the combat power has returned to the level of martial arts. He bathed in lava every day and reborn his body. Compared with the invincible battle, the complete Shaolin King Kong was not bad, and his arrogance was better than that.

The magma pool of Chiyan Longyu is not an ordinary magma pool. It contains internal lung fire essence and earth spirit milk. The earth spirit milk above the pond has not been known for millions of years. It is clearly a large pool. Medicine soup.

The great medicine magma pool contributed absolutely to the reason why Chiyan Yanlong could grow so strong.

In addition to these, the King of Corpses Jin also swallowed a Nordic devil wolf, a Chiyan dragon owl, both of which are descendants of ancient gods and beasts, with divine power inherent in the blood.

Following Ye Tian, ​​the King Jinjia was absolutely lucky, but it is not impossible to get the way in the future.


The King Armor King ’s iron arm is thicker than an adult ’s thigh, the skin is bronze, and there is residual magma. The flesh is as hard as steel, and the power is so horrifying that he pulls the bow of the dragon's bow suddenly. It was pulled over and pulled the bone arrow into the bow tire.

If the bow tire is not tough enough, it must be pulled apart.

"Mad, be a little bit, pull it off. I have to peel your skin off." Ye Weather was desperate, and kicked up on the buttocks of Jin Jiashi.


It hurts like a kick on an iron plate.

"Hey!" King Jinjia smirked.


Bowstrings trembled, humming and humming, and boundless vitality gathered from the sky and the earth, forming a tide of vitality.

Suddenly the bowstring suddenly loosened, a golden light of twenty feet long, brought a hurricane, and broke out!

The wind and the thunder of time make a great sorrow, and the world is mournful.


A kilometer away, a mountain exploded and burst into flames, as if blasted by a heavy bomb.

The King of Jinjia Corpse's eyes lighted up, holding the dragon bow tightly in his arms, smirking at Ye Tian.

The heart of the wolf is obvious!

"Impossible, die this heart!" Ye Tian scolded him for a while.

虽 Although this dragon bow is not so precious, after all, it took him three weeks to make it, and he put a lot of effort into it. He just shot an arrow and never had an addiction. How could this be given away?


After another smirk, the King of Corpses Jin ran away holding the dragon bow.

"Mad, stop me, owe repairs?"

Although this 厮 was running in the direction of the cave, let Ye Tian be angry for a while.


A thing sacrificed by Ye Yetian is a starlight chain.

This chain was broken by Chi Yan Long 蛟, and then repaired by Ye Tian.

For the top masters of the pastoral world, this is nothing at all.

Moreover, his chaotic gold body started the change of the gold bank, being able to control the metal, and repairing the chain was even more difficult.

The shackled chain was empty, the runes flashed, and the light glowed, like a snake, and the Golden Armored King was **** with flowers in a moment.

The Jin Jiashi King is even more powerful than the Chiyan Dragon. It is impossible to break, and immediately rolls, growls, and growls like a pig is tied.

Ye Yetian came over, took away the bow of the dragon, and then violently exalted the king of the armor.

This skill has grown, and my temper has grown, as well as his brain. It seems, as if, he has grown too. It was really stupid before, but now he looks like a monkey and has become refined.

Beneath the eaves of the man, he had to bow his head.

After a violent meal, King Jinjia was honest, and he would cry again.

Ye Yetian couldn't bear it and let him go.

However, this 厮 still has a thief, and when seeing Long 讨 bow begging for it, he started the idea of ​​Ye Tianxing's chain.

"You are so big, is it appropriate to use this stuff?" Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

Starlight chain he is not too valued, it is no harm to send it out.

Only, the starlight chain is different from other magic weapons. It requires the wisdom to control. The armored king cannot play ~ ~

The shouting King Jinjia corpse shouted, letting Ye Tian make the starlight chain bigger and thicker.

Ye Yetian, as he wished, turned the starlight chain to the thickest, looking like an anchor chain of a giant wheel, about half a foot in diameter, about the size of an adult's calf belly.


Jinjin Corpse King pulled a starlight chain and danced like a whip.


He smashed a chain, shaken the mountain for a while, and a big crack was smashed on the hard rocky ground.

Simple and rude, aggressive!

After the performance, he carried the chain on his shoulders and wrapped it around him for a few moments. He looked like he couldn't help it, smirked, showing two rows of big white teeth.

"Okay, if you find it so easy to use, just take it!"

Ye Yetian smiled bitterly, losing to this silly big man.

He sent out the Starlight Chain, but did not wash it, nor did he let the King of Corpses shed blood to recognize the Lord, because it was not necessary.

Next, Ye Tian finally got to the business. The purpose of this trip was to enter the hidden door and retrieve Su Mengyao.

The entrance of the hidden door is in Death Valley, but it is too large. The valley is more than 100 kilometers long and several tens of kilometers wide. There are thousands of hills. Many places are covered by clouds and fog all year round. Faster than a woman's face, he searched carefully for a week without clue.

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