Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 273: Hidden killer after cutting Hu

It's the same principle. The traversers are not necessarily the smartest. The creativity around the movie has long been used by people of this era.

It can be said that "Jaws" in 1975 and "Star Wars" in 1977 played an important role in the establishment of Hollywood's modern commercial blockbusters.

When "Jaws" was released in North America on June 20, 1975, the number of screens was 464, which was already very impressive at the time. At the same time, Universal also invested a lot of advertising hype high-concept marketing concepts.

As a result, countless products have tried to use the Dongfeng of the movie to be promoted, including soundtrack records, t-shirts, plastic cups, books about movie production, original movie novels, beach towels, blankets, shark-like clothing, toy sharks, Hobby kits, games, posters, necklaces made of shark teeth, pajamas, water guns...

One of the rules of a board game developed by a toy company is that the player uses a hook to hook out the contents before the shark closes its mouth.

Therefore, Spielberg was not too surprised by Tang Huan’s incidental request. To his surprise, it seemed that the other party had greater confidence in the commercial value of this work than himself. Perhaps this was the opinion of billionaires and ordinary people. One of the differences is that you are qualified to make decisions based solely on your preferences.

"This will be a movie with children as the main character. I am afraid that in terms of commercial returns, really..." Spielberg had to remind him again.

Because he estimated that a big Hollywood boss like Tang Huan might only focus on the box office.

This year, the box office was no more than 100 million. I am embarrassed to say that it is a successful work.

At that time, the box office of "One Nine Four One" exceeded 90 million. The distance breaks a billion. As a result, Columbia and Universal Pictures were disappointed.

Now I have to learn from experience and lessons, take the vaccinations in advance, so as not to be difficult to end.

"You don't have to worry so much, I really like this theme." Tang Huan used a firm tone to dispel the other party's concerns, and then continued to talk about starting a company and operating this movie.

How to let Spielberg and Sid Hinberg, who is a supporter, drift away, and then transplant this cash cow from the global to the United States?

There is no doubt that it is naturally profitable.

Spielberg's friend George Lucas established Lucas Pictures Co., Ltd. in San Francisco, California as early as 1971. After running "American Style Painting" and "Star Wars", both fame and fortune have earned a lot of money. Needless to say.

Moreover, "Indiana Jones", which is directed by Spielberg and is currently in the later stages, is the producer of George Lucas and runs under the structure of Lucasfilm.

Tang Huan didn't believe it, Spielberg didn't envy George Lucas' wealth.

Sid Hinberg and Universal promoted Spielberg, but they only stayed at the level of pure work. Spielberg could not get rid of the status of migrant workers, and Tang Huan wanted to become Spielberg by supporting Spielberg. Bosses and producers like George Lucas came to retaliate against Sid Hinberg and the corner of the globe.

"This "e.t." movie will be produced through this company." Tang Huan set the prerequisites calmly. "Just leave me 20% of the shares. The specific structure. And other shareholders, you decide for yourself."

Seeing that Spielberg had no objection, Tang Huan continued: "As for the remuneration method, it is free to choose whether it is fixed or divided."

It is no exaggeration to say that Tang Huan's Lixian Corporal is close to the extreme.

There is no alternative to this. Spielberg has the capital to go back to Sid Hinberg and Universal to seek help. If you want to dig people, you can't do it.

Moreover, high-quality stocks such as Spielberg naturally have to be held for a long time, and it is impossible to do a one-shot deal.

"In addition, you have the right to decide on the peripheral production of movies and the adaptation of video games, and follow the principle of the higher price, but priority should be given to companies under my name. For example, the adaptation of video games should have been given to ea, but if someone wants to If it pays 30 million dollars and ea has no intention to follow up, ea will lose the video game adaptation. This is just an example. The specific rules will be specified in detail later." Tang Huan laughed and looked at Spielberg, "What else do you have? Demand, just say it."

Spielberg was always listening carefully, he already understood that Tang Huan was trying his best to win him over.

Although he could see this, Spielberg couldn't refuse this plan that seemed to be all good for him, and was even embarrassed to say "I'll go back and think about it."

Seeing Spielberg nodded and agreed, Tang Huan smiled with relief, his revenge finally completed the first step successfully, it was not easy.

You know, Spielberg has been in Hollywood for many years and has long understood the rules and become a veteran in the industry, especially with successful examples like George Lucas for reference.

During the filming of "Star Wars", George Lucas gave up the rewards he could get in order to serve as a director and in exchange for the ownership of the film.

This decision allowed him to receive billions of dollars in royalties directly from the franchise rights for all games, toys, and collectibles.

In the original time and space, Forbes Online once estimated that in the lifetime of George Lucas, the income generated by the "Star Wars" franchise was close to 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Up to now, "Star Wars" has been released in two theaters. Facts have proved that George Lucas's management method of controlling film ownership is extremely successful.

Therefore, it is necessary to release the bait and win over Spielberg, but also to achieve a balanced point of benefit distribution, which really made Tang Huan spend a lot of thought.

It doesn't count if a consensus is reached now. Tang Huan still has to sit down and supervise its implementation, so as not to have more dreams at night and be discovered by Sid Hinberg and Universal.

In order to speed up the progress, Tang Huan deliberately let his small business jet Lear 35 that can take 8 people out to pick up Spielberg.

As a result, a film company called Amperin Entertainment was quickly established, and its name was derived from the short film "" filmed by Spielberg in 1968. The location is near the United States headquarters.

In addition. Spielberg brought two partners. kathleenkennedy-Catherine Kennedy and-Frank Marshall.

The former was appreciated by Spielberg when he filmed the movie "1941" in 1979 and served as Spielberg's secretary.

The latter worked with Spielberg during the filming of "Indiana Jones".

According to the historical development, these two will become famous husband and wife files in Hollywood, especially Catherine Kennedy, who is one of the few gold medal producers.

Although Tang Huan attaches great importance to Spielberg, he cannot always stare at Amperin Entertainment. So he launched his own agent and let Lin Qingxian serve as a director.

In Tang Huan’s view, Lin Qingxia’s current so-called reading may not be able to learn anything real. It’s better to learn from practice. Didn’t he invest US$10 million in the production of "et"? With this convenience, let him put on a false job, just don't talk about it, and have a good experience.

The establishment of Amperin Entertainment and the establishment of "e.t.". The success of Tang Huan and Hu was announced, and the revenge operation came to an end temporarily. And the hidden killer moves are also ready.

If the other party dares to swallow that bait, then follow the historical trajectory to kill itself, otherwise, ea will take it over and earn money honestly.

As a technology tycoon in Silicon Valley, Tang Huan naturally leads the members of Amperin Entertainment to visit his base camp.

"Although Industrial Light and Magic is unique in movie special effects, my personal computer may also be helpful." Tang Huan proudly introduced the graphics, images, sound and other multimedia processing technologies that are still in the incubation stage. Spielberg and others were curious, but also eye-opening.

"I also got advertising sponsorship for this movie. Ea, Fangyuan Computer, Zheru are not a problem, and Shisi candies, etc." After the tour, Tang Huan handed Spielberg a form. "You decide which ones are available."

Spielberg took a closer look, and at the same time understood in his heart that Tang Huan wanted to hitchhike an advertisement in a subtle way. Fortunately, these products are still very reliable in science fiction movies.

"I really like this script. For this reason, I took time to think about what this alien should look like? Finally, I drew it." Tang Huan took a picture with a smile and unfolded it for everyone to see.

When Catherine Kennedy and Lin Qingxian saw such an "ugly" alien, their faces coincidentally showed disapproval expressions. Lin Qingxian said directly, "It's so ugly."

"Isn't it, the alien face design, I have referred to the faces of Carl Sandburg, Albert Einstein, and Ernest Hemingway." Tang Huan slapped embarrassingly, haha, look. There is indeed an era gap in aesthetics.

"This is something so ugly that only its mother can love it." Spielberg muttered to himself, reading the inscription on the painting, and couldn't help but start dazed thoughtfully.

At this time, the subordinates reported to Tang Huan that a MGM manager requested a meeting and claimed to represent the boss Kirk? Kirklian to discuss business.

"Even if he has business, he shouldn't come to me directly, he should contact Lianmei." Tang Huan muttered puzzledly and waved his hand, "Invite someone over."

It has been several years since MGM’s issuance work has been entrusted to Lianmei. The two companies are considered to have close business contacts, but so far, there has been no exchange at the level of the boss.

Seeing Spielberg staring at the painting and seeing it ecstatically, Tang Huan joked, "My painter is pretty good."

"Tang, you are a truly versatile person." Spielberg earnestly complimented, then pointed to the painting and said: "Seeing the alien you drew, I was suddenly moved. Will this painting be given to me for study?"

"Of course there is no problem." Tang Huan laughed and said that of course you will be touched. The reason why I drew e.t. is to save you the time and money wasted in e.t. model selection.

Everyone was discussing this painting, and the man from MGM was brought in.

"Can you arrange a separate place to speak?" The other party looked at Spielberg and the others, with a hesitation on his face.

Tang Huanxin said. How can that work? I just want to use this form. Come to convey trust and respect to Spielberg.

"If you have something to say, it's my own people here." Tang Huan waved his hand magnificently.

"Then... okay." The other party nodded helplessly. "My boss, Mr. Kirk Kirkrian, believes that MGM and Lianmei have been working together for a long time, complementing each other's advantages, and they are quite tacitly compatible. Once it's over, is Mr. Tang willing to buy MGM?"

Originally in the office. While Spielberg was appreciating the paintings, Lin Qingxia whispered to Catherine Kennedy and Frank Marshall to explain the various cultural relics and ornaments collected by Tang Huan. The atmosphere was relaxed and harmonious, but at this time, she became solemn and serious. It seems to be so quiet that you can hear a needle falling on the ground.

Hearing what the other party said, Tang Huan couldn't help frowning. Even if the MGM Grand Hotel suffered a heavy loss last year, it wouldn't be enough to make Kirk Kirklian unable to survive. Let's sell MGM.

You know, in 1981 in the original time and space. MGM can buy Lianmei from Pan Am for a price of 350 million U.S. dollars. It seems like a posture that is not affected by the fire and wants to spend money to fight.

But when he thought about it, he couldn't tell.

According to media reports, Kirk Kirklian has now completely separated the MGM Hotel and MGM Films into two parts.

The significance of this is self-evident, so as not to drag each other down.

Before the fire broke out, Kirk? Kirklian naturally didn't care much about the toy of MGM Films as a loser, but now it's not the hotel and gambling business that have suffered serious setbacks.

If you didn't buy Lianmei, MGM Films would take Lianmei into account, which is equivalent to picking up the distribution business previously abandoned and adding the "007" cash cow.

But now that there is no United States to make up for the shortcomings, MGM Films seems to be unable to break through the decadent situation, and Kirk Kirklian has also lost patience, so he has the idea of ​​simply selling. .

After a quick analysis in his heart, Tang Huan slowly asked: "May I know Mr. Kirk? Kirkrian, how much is the price for MGM Films?"

"About US$1 billion." The other party observed Tang Huan's expression and answered carefully.

Tang Huan nodded secretly, saying that it wasn't too dark.

In 1986, in the original time and space, Kirk Kirklian sold MGM and United American for $1.5 billion to Ted Turner, the owner of Turner Broadcasting Company, Ted Turner.

The latter founded the world's first television news channel-Cable News Network (cnn) in 1980. Needless to say, he has a business vision. What he likes is MGM's huge movie library.

But after the transaction was completed, Ted Turner, who was savvy in his hands, immediately sold Lianmei back to Kirk Kirkrian for $480 million.

So from this perspective, it seems that MGM is worth the price.

But Tang Huan was not moved. The digestion and integration of Lianmei was going smoothly. He didn't want to be dragged down by the bottomless pit of MGM, and he didn't have the spare money. The funds raised by ea, except for the possibility of dealing with it. In addition to industry risks, it is also planned to invest in new areas.

"Sorry, I don't have the financial resources to acquire MGM. I can only fail Mr. Kirk Kirkrian's kindness." Tang Huan shrugged.

Tang Huan’s refusal was so clean and swift that the other party couldn’t help being a little stunned. “Now the media say you are the richest man in the United States. Just raise money. Isn’t it a trivial matter to buy MGM? At that time, you will be the only one who has control at the same time. The bosses of two Hollywood companies."

Hearing the other party's confuse so obviously, Tang Huan laughed non-committal.

It is estimated that this wealth myth deliberately created and whitewashed by Wall Street has made most Americans take it for granted that they can really do everything they want, and they can buy whatever they want.

And maybe some people will analyze it and come to a conclusion that he can't get rid of the common problems of being young, frivolous, and happy, as long as he grasps this point, he can succeed in sucking blood.

Seeing that Tang Huan was there, the other party seemed to really have no intention of starting the acquisition, and couldn't help but become anxious. "The billion dollars is only a preliminary price, there is still room for negotiation, and the transaction method can also be flexibly such as cash. Adding stocks is acceptable."

"No matter what the media say that I am rich, but I understand in my heart that I really don't have the ability to acquire MGM. Please convey my gratitude to Mr. Kirk Kirkrian." Tang Huan did not accept the offer, and was polite. He personally sent the other person out of the door, and repeatedly apologized.

When Tang Huan returned to the office, Spielberg and the others, who had watched a gossip at close range, got up and said goodbye.

"No matter what difficulties the "et" project encounters, you can contact me directly." Tang Huan clearly endorsed Spielberg in front of Spielberg, "If there are other new scripts and ideas, You can also contact Lianmei, I believe it will make everyone happy."

Spielberg, Catherine Kennedy and Frank Marshall nodded and said yes. The three were sincerely happy. They felt that they had really met the best benefactor of generosity and understanding.

When the three people's car disappeared from the field of vision, Tang Huan embraced Lin Qingxian's slender waist and smiled smugly. Everything was under control. (To be continued...)


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