Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 425: You mess with you

In fact, Tang Huan was very suspicious of the fact that the British investigation came out so quickly. After all, the process itself was full of intrigue calculations, so don't be fooled.

However, the detailed explanations of his subordinates quickly dispelled Tang Huan's doubts. They collected evidence of the "Uncle of the British" in the hospital and Jimmy Saville's home respectively, and they were still fresh.

"Is this guy so interested because of the recent spring breeze?" Tang Huan muttered incredulously.

"I guess this old thing feels like he's fifty-six this year, and even if he wants to do nausea in two years, he has more than enough energy and lacks energy, so he takes advantage of the sunset time to hurry up and go crazy."

Hearing the disgusting evaluations of his subordinates, Tang Huan couldn't help laughing, but his words were rough and not rough. The evidence after the incident of Jimmy Saville in the original time and space indicated that his crime peak time was in the 1970s and 1980s.

"Since the evidence is conclusive, let it be announced to the public immediately, so that it will be ruined, lest the night has many dreams and expose ourselves, and this kind of guy is not worth our waste of too many resources." Tang Huan immediately gave instructions.

"Jimmy Saville is not alone in doing evil. He has accomplices, and they are all celebrities. Will these evidences be released along with it? Will this distract the effect of the fire?"

"You don't have to think about so much, just send it all out." Tang Huan pondered, "In this way, divide the evidence into several copies, and send the first batch to the "Sun" and "The Times" first. If these two media If no action is taken, or if the action is slow, it will be sent to the Guardian. If the British collectively and tacitly decide that their ugliness should not be publicized, then think of a solution from the US side."

An industrial dispute that occurred in 1979 stopped the publication of The Times for nearly a year. By 1981, Murdoch bought the newspaper for 12 million pounds.

As a result, Murdoch’s News Corp. owned the "Sun", a popular newspaper with the largest circulation in the UK and known for its three-page girls, and the serious newspaper "The Times", known as "the faithful recorder of British society." ", it can be said to be both refined and popular.

Tang Huan and Christina did not suffer from the "Sun". He keeps an account in his heart.

In addition, after Murdoch completed the siege on the British side, he began to increase the investment of resources on the US side. If it continues to develop in accordance with the historical trajectory, Lianmei and MGM. Especially the cable news network, will usher in a strong new opponent, how could Tang Huan not sneak up in advance?

If the "Sun" and "The Times" truthfully expose the crimes of Jimmy Saville and the group, then while acting as an angel of justice, they will also offend some British forces.

The first is the British Broadcasting Corporation. You know, Jimmy Savile is his business card, such an important archway collapsed because of this scandal, and he did not hesitate to get a big mouth.

Moreover, in the original time and space, after the incident, there were various evidences that the BBC was not ignorant of Jimmy Savile's crimes, it was just showing off.

Therefore, Jimmy Saville was ruined at the same time. It will inevitably drag down the credibility of the BBC.

Tang Huan didn’t believe it. The BBC, which suffered such a big loss, would not mind News Corp’s "righteous talk", and Murdoch would be more or less delayed by the burning backyard to delay the expansion of the United States. Cable TV The news network can also have more time to grow and develop.

In addition, although Jimmy Savile’s crimes cannot be accommodated in modern civilized society, it belongs to a “tradition” left by the grassroots of the European aristocracy to contemporary Western upper-class society. It is not only Jimmy Savile who secretly carried out such behaviors. A group of people.

Therefore, News Corp. is not only annoying the BBC alone.

If the "Sun" and "The Times" pretend to be deaf or dumb, or dull. That would be even better. Tang Huan was reluctant to make such a choice. News Corp. would not even have the opportunity to be an angel of justice.

Tang Huan chose the spare tire for News Corporation, another of the three major British newspapers, the Guardian. It was the newspaper that participated in the in-depth disclosure of the US "Prism Project" in the original time and space.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the "Guardian" has been more and more prominent in its left-wing stance, and it was even dubbed an angry youth newspaper in the UK.

Such a media is definitely willing to participate in exposing Jimmy Saville's crimes.

In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, the British were silent collectively, so Tang Huan would launch an "intercontinental missile" from the US side.

Finished admonishing the subordinates responsible for this matter. Except for secretly exposing them as relatives and friends of the victims, after not participating in any action and paying attention to safety, Tang Huan muttered with a smile, "You mess with you, I will go to the White House to watch "et aliens" again. "


Since the assassination of Reagan, the first lady Nancy has become more concerned about her husband's health and schedule, even to the extent of paranoia. For example, she secretly consulted a fortuneteller for advice such as "good days".

Although Tang Huan's "first lady route" went smoothly, he certainly wouldn't be such a ridiculous thing.

Tang Huan gave him some ideas for Chinese medicine and health care, such as paved a gravel road in the White House, and Nancy and Reagan took a walk on it every day.

As a result, Nancy liked this method very much. After all, Reagan’s busy schedule made the "first couple" very limited time alone, and the walk on the gravel road became the most precious and wonderful time.

In addition, James Brady, the White House spokesperson who was injured and paralyzed in the assassination of Reagan, also strongly recommended this health care method through his own traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy effects.

Now, Nancy has appointed a traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapist for the White House to serve Reagan who is over seventy years old.

When Tang Huan suggested to Nancy to put a movie of "et aliens" in the White House, the other party readily agreed and actively prepared.

Therefore, this activity has become the best performance of the president and his wife having fun with the people, and the media organizations of the White House have cooperated with them to show off the people-friendly style.

When the well-dressed Spielberg was received by Reagan and the photos appeared in newspapers and TV, the plagiarism of "et aliens" suddenly went silent.

It's not that the American media is blindly observing the flattery to please. The main problem is that there is no ammunition. The attitude of the initiator Satya Jitrey suddenly became ambiguous.

The savvy reporters quickly figured out that Satya Jitrey and Lianmei talked about the matter privately, and got enough benefits to cover up, and he became a tool to be used invisibly.

This made the reporters almost vomiting blood. When they waited for them to go to Martin Scorsese, Richard Attenborough, and other former critics, these Hollywood filmmakers began to flicker, saying, "You misunderstood the meaning of my words."

Several entertainment media, including "Star Weekend Magazine," had benefited a lot from this wave of hype. Why is it willing to let this topic cool down so quickly, so I plan to continue to dig into the inside story.

But before they had planned how Lianmei, a rapidly rejuvenating Hollywood company, was so powerful and overbearing, the focus of Americans' attention had begun to shift, and they would not be able to pull it back.


Tang Huan went to the White House this time, not just for the movie special "et aliens". He also brought a number of expensive Fangyuan laptops to the White House reporters, which is to allow these special media professionals to explore the high-end market. ,

The main beneficiary of the current desktop publishing system is the advertising industry, and the news media industry still has some business processes that have not been connected to computer informatization.

For example, the major newspapers at this stage have begun to use computer typesetting and laser phototypesetting technology, but the group of journalists who write manuscripts directly through typing input is not large, especially from manuscript editing systems to newspaper printing systems, and Some technical issues need to be resolved.

Tang Huan, who has always been greedy for this piece of cake. In addition to continuing to urge his team to enhance the functions of the desktop publishing system, it is to seize the market, and the White House, a special customer, to some extent, has almost become his pocket.

At the same time, Tang Huan also made a public announcement on this public occasion, that is, ea will launch a global sales promotion of Cassidy game consoles and game cassettes in the second half of the year. The discounts are absolutely beyond imagination, hoping to beat bad games. Rampant arrogance.

Important players in the game console industry like Atari Mattel. Immediately complaining, because the current market situation is not optimistic, whether ea can rely on its leading position and high-quality games to wipe out the bad games and inferior games on the market. It's not easy to say, but it will definitely further squeeze their living space.

However, the outside world gave generally positive comments on Tang Huan's decision, including praise from the "conscience of the industry".

Tang Huan accepted this as well. He was indeed actively guiding the positive effects of video games. In addition to printing additional warnings on the packaging to prevent indulging in video games, it also studies the parental control system video game grading system and so on.

Of course, some people gave another interpretation. This is a compromise statement made by ea in response to accusations from the UK. I just don't know whether the British side will understand this kindness.

While various experts on the American side were evaluating their attitudes, the British side suddenly exploded the temple.


I don’t know why, when Tang Huan’s subordinates sent the collected materials of Jimmy Savile’s crimes to The Sun and The Times, the two newspapers really did not respond immediately, so they were prepared for it. Tire’s "Guardian" also got this material, as well as the notification from the first two newspapers that they hadn’t moved.

Feeling the pressure, the "Guardian" really acted immediately. However, he was very cautious and only reported in text on the first day. At the same time, he increased his efforts to verify and verify so that the photos he received were also included on the second day.

Jimmy Saville received the news of course, but he didn't care too much, because the victim had also come out to complain before, but under the pressure of all parties, it was all gone.

Besides, Jimmy Savile knows that he is not alone in "fighting", and his like-minded partners will also eliminate such struggles in various ways.

In this way, Jimmy Savile, whose uneasiness flashed in his heart, only secretly decided to converge on his own behavior for a period of time in the future.

In the most recent music program, Jimmy Saville made an indiscriminate mockery of Deng Lijun’s records, which appeared around the world with CD players, and denounced this soft and featureless record for being able to enter the various markets. The big list is entirely caused by commercial factors. Capital is tarnishing art and playing with real artists.

Not to mention, this critical argument of Jimmy Savile is quite marketable. After the show was broadcast, it triggered a new round of discussion. So he decided to dig deeper into this topic.

It must be admitted that Jimmy Savile is very skilled in the professional field. After paying attention to everything outside the window, he made various plans for this show.

But this time, Jimmy Savile didn't wait for his assistant to arrive at the door of his house. Instead, he was a policeman with a big waist, and some reporters with jokes in his eyes.

"The East Window incident happened." Jimmy Savile got into the police car, and the moment he saw the latest copy of The Guardian, he suddenly understood. But he has the right to remain silent, doesn't he?

In stark contrast to the BBC’s announcement that all Jimmy Saville’s programs were temporarily suspended, newspapers began to report on Jimmy Saville’s scandal. The photos taken by the police became a household name in Great Britain. Headlines.

The most ironic thing is that the voices of victims who have been ignored before at have finally been taken seriously, while some celebrities are panicked all day long and secretly turn to various public relations companies.

As for The Times and The Sun, they are extremely embarrassed in the eyes of the outside world, because the Guardian has stated that it is not the first party to get the news, but the first party to report.

The Times argued that because it had only recently resumed publication and the editor-in-chief and other high-level changes occurred, it made a mistake on the job, and the package containing the news was discarded in the corner, and it was only discovered now.

"The Sun" was a bachelor and admitted that he had received the news, but considering that the minor in the photo was a protected object and was not suitable for public reporting, it did not report it immediately.

Seeing the excuse of "The Sun", many people couldn't help but spit out secretly. When did you start to respect the individual as a tabloid that relied on the three-page girl to get the eyeballs?

When Tang Huan arrived in Spain and was about to watch the World Cup, the influence of the Jimmy Saville scandal had expanded from gossip about capital after dinner to political credibility. To be continued.


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