Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 509: It’s okay to hurt people with this


When Tang Huan and his party returned to Taipei North, it coincided with the filming of DreamWorks, which reflected the customs of the island and the changes of the times. ∈♀,

In the end, this movie won a high box office of more than 40 million NT dollars in one breath, including the theme song and episode "If the wine is sold for nothing", "The same moonlight", "Please follow me" and other movie soundtracks. , Is equally popular.

From a commercial point of view alone, this "Hitch the Wrong Car" has already accomplished many people, such as the late-brow singer Su Rui, and the newcomer Liu Ruiqi who plays the heroine Ami.

For an artist, the opportunity is too mysterious and mysterious, and the most important thing.

Liu Ruiqi, Zeng Zhiwei, Pan Yingzi and others starred in the typical comedy fashion Hong Kong film "Special Prying the Wall", which was released in Hong Kong during the same period, and won a box office of more than 12 million Hong Kong dollars. It is like another good start to career development in Baodao and Xiangjiang at the same time New star.

Of course, the most successful movie at the box office this year in Xiangjiang’s summer vacation is the "Five Lucky Stars" released by Golden Harvest. Even passerby is a luxurious lineup of veteran stars, coupled with the humorous and interesting style popular with Xiangjiang people nowadays, making it great Popular, the port received a total of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

It seems that Xiangjiang's film companies have awakened from the shock caused by the repeated launch of blockbuster films by DreamWorks last year, and have begun to use their best methods to attract audiences in order to adapt to the ongoing industry change.

Shaw Brothers, which had already given up competing with Jiahe and Golden Princess in the distribution and screenings, finally made a breakthrough in production, with its film "Seven Days of Wrong Love" screened on DreamWorks Cinema. Unexpectedly, he won a box office of more than 15 million Hong Kong dollars. Became the first Shaw Brothers movie with a box office of more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars. The meaning can be described as extraordinary.

Starring Zhong Zhentao and Ye Tong, "Seven Days of Love in the Wrong" still reflects Shaw's usual stingy style. It is a veritable small production film, so it has more and more demonstrated the talent of Zhang Jianting, who has gone from behind-the-scenes screenwriter to front-stage director.

However, Shaw was also hit hard by a sudden accident. His head boy, Fu Sheng, died in a traffic accident on Clear Water Bay Road, which really made people sigh.

The huge public opinion caused by this has caused the Hong Kong government to consider legislation. To force passengers in the car to wear seat belts.

Tang Huan paid more attention to the new developments in the negotiations on the future of Hong Kong. Governor Youde said when he returned to Hong Kong from London that he was a representative of the people of Hong Kong. China responded quickly, pointing out that he was the representative of the British side.

"It seems that the two sides will have to compete for a while." Tang Huan shook his head and got up to go to the Wang's banquet.

Wang Xuehong and Wang Xueling, who have a net worth of tens of millions of dollars, belong to the second house, and the eldest son is also from the first mother, so this small group is in the second generation of the Wang family. Status is becoming more and more important.

The family naturally favors these younger generations who can go out to expand their territory, rather than stay at home and eat their money. Therefore, Wang Xuehong's entrepreneurial plan was clearly supported by his father.

In fact, this is also in line with the Wang family's diversified development strategy. It has already cooperated with Tang Huan in the manufacture of optical discs. With this foundation of trust, it has focused on the upstream field of the integrated circuit industry.

There is nothing to say about this banquet, it is nothing more than to further enhance the tacit understanding of the exchange of resources.

However, there are some aspects that still need attention. When the banquet was over and Wang Xuehong's brother offered to send Tang Huan off, Tang Huan smiled politely and declined, because the prince's relationship with Li was too close.


Before leaving for Japan, another film "A Day on the Beach" starring DreamWorks, directed by Yang Dechang and Zhang Aijia, was being tested internally, and Tang Huanxing went to see it wherever he went.

This film is one of the new wave film works of Baodao at this stage. It is a typical art film that reflects the interpersonal relationship of Baodao's middle class under the background of rapid economic development, and the relationship between love, marriage, family affection, career, etc. , Have done a quite in-depth discussion.

Seeing Tang Huan’s presence, Zhang Aijia and others’ surprises needless to say, and they hurriedly introduced the characteristics of this film: its complex structure method and open ending are all unprecedented pioneering works of Baodao film, as for photography, lighting, and art. Design and other technical aspects also have super-standard performance,

Tang Huan seemed to understand these things. He didn't want to pretend to break the garlic, so he smiled directly, "You don't have to work so hard. There are more professional things introduced. For me, a non-professional person, it is purely for me. .However, I also have my own viewing angle."

Tang Huan's so-called "own film viewing angle" is not a generalization. It is put here in "A Day on the Beach". He wants to understand the middle class of Baodao from the side.

Treasure Island has completed the popularization of televisions. Consumer electronics such as video recorders and electronic game consoles as output terminals, as well as higher-end computers, have to rely on the consumption power of the middle class to contribute profits.

This is only a material consideration. As for factors such as ideology, culture, etc., let alone

Tang Huan's straightforwardness made everyone a little embarrassed, but when the billionaire spent more than two and a half hours watching the entire movie, they couldn't help but rejoice.

"Mr. Tang, let's express my feelings about watching movies." Zhang Aijia said with a smile.

"Really." Tang Huan smiled playfully, "I just feel that the contrast is too big, the lady on the big screen just now, and the crazy bad lady in "Best Partner", are you really the same? "

Tang Huan's gag caused a roar of Aijia had no choice but to roll her eyes.

Women's minds are complicated and true, but there is also a kind of vanity that can conquer men.

At Li Zhongsheng's concert in the original time and space, Zhang Aijia, as a guest, directly asked Li Zhongsheng on the stage, "Have you ever loved me", suddenly causing the other party to stutter.

This might not be a way for a woman to show her charm, and after Tang Huan started this magnificent life, it is becoming increasingly impossible to be conquered.

After adjusting his emotions, Tang Huan formally stated that DreamWorks' cooperation with local filmmakers on Treasure Island made him very satisfied with the results.


After the Silicon Valley One landed in Tokyo, Tripp Hawkins, who came to greet him, couldn’t wait to meet and said: “Nintendo’s is currently selling very well in the Japanese market due to the first opportunity. Our second-generation Xiaobawang game Opportunity must be severely suppressed at an aggressive price to bring this game back."

Tang Huan nodded, and replied faintly: "I understand what you mean, isn't it just hurting people with this, no problem!" (To be continued.) u

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