Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 542: Anti-mainstream Steve Jobs

"I'm not afraid that there will be no good people, I'm afraid that there will be no good people. Some guys will only achieve insufficient success and more failure." After Mr. Song expressed his attitude, he solemnly promised, "You can rest assured, although I dare not give a precise timetable. , But it will definitely make this movie go through the various procedures required for release as soon as possible."

In fact, Mr. Song was very depressed about the "Hu Hua Qing Qing" being stuck. In addition to the complicated political factors, there seems to be some people's embarrassment towards Tang Huan, who plays the leading role, and he is really not good enough to pull it all out.

In Mr. Song’s view, although Deng Lijun had “hardened wings” after his comeback, he began to stay away from the noise of political propaganda, but it is undeniable that Deng Lijun, who has become more and more influential, is objectively helping The increasing popularity of Treasure Island is precisely the precious resource that Treasure Island, whose international space is changing day by day, urgently needs.

Tang Huan’s participation in Deng Lijun’s film was naturally to help his confidante, but it also helped promote Baodao invisibly. After all, except for Deng Lijun’s birth, part of the movie was set on Baodao. .

Is it possible that the world's richest man and the Chinese pop music scene co-starred in a film that was born after a generation of songs? Could it be unknown?

But seeing such a great propaganda platform, it will be ruined by the selfishness of some people. Mr. Song's chagrin can be ∏♂∏♂∏♂∏♂, m.↘≧m.

"Let's go with the flow, I'm just asking." Tang Huan said haha, "By the way, Lao Song, your time in the News Bureau is not short. It's time to consider moving."

At this point, Tang Huan lowered his voice, "I know a little about divination. This position. It will be difficult to sit this year."

"You don't scare me nervously. I don't agree to solve the movie." Mr. Song then added triumphantly, "Brother, my future is already in sight."


After finishing the call, Tang Huan smiled playfully, and muttered in his heart, "I forgot. In the original time and space, this old man's career can be described as smooth."

but. Tang Huan didn't fully hope Mr. Song's guarantee, because he still had other channels to learn about the news from Baodao.

Obviously, even in the end, "Hu Hua Qing Qing" can be screened normally on Treasure Island without any cuts, but now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, the work style will inevitably be lazy, and it can be pushed to the next year. Discuss later, the prime time is gone all at once.

have to. Some people did succeed in disgusting Tang Huan, and he was very tired.

At this moment. Two messages from his subordinates.

One is that Jack Trammell, the founder of Kang Maoda who resigned from the board of directors at the beginning of this year, has quickly given a positive reply, but hopes to meet Tang Huan as soon as possible so that both parties can establish a trust mechanism.

After failing in the struggle for corporate politics and having to get out, Jack Trammel seemed to go on vacation first, lick his wounds, and adjust his mentality. How did he decide to regroup so quickly? Could it be inspired by the power of hatred?

While guessing, Tang Huan started to read the second news, and then frowned. It turned out that Apple wanted to invite him to the press conference of the latest product.

In fact, Tang Huan had already resigned tactfully before, so why did he come to solicit people again? He didn't want to make a special trip to the United States for this matter.

So Tang Huan contacted Markkula and bluntly said that he was very busy in Xiangjiang and couldn't get out of it.

Markkula gave a wry smile, "Tang, anyway, if you have a private jet, just squeeze the time, and the conference will be in Hawaii, so you don't need to go to the United States. Steve, he prepared two speeches, if you are releasing At the meeting, I describe you as a hero who challenges ibm and brings computers to medium-sized companies. Otherwise, I will list you and ibm together to condemn."

"I'll go, pull the supporters, can still be so rascal!" Tang Huan couldn't laugh or cry.

"For publicity, Steve has done incredible things recently..." Markkula sighed.


The first wave of graphical user interface system wars triggered by, ended with repeated bounces.

However, Jobs, who was pursuing perfection, still triggered some inspiration from it, which caused the progress of the project to be delayed.

If it weren't for the repeated promises to the market, we couldn't continue to lose faith, and it is estimated that Jobs would not launch it yet.

Another driving factor is that some shareholders on Apple’s board of directors, including Arthur Locke, believe that Apple is losing its position as an industry leader, and Jobs’s must come forward immediately.

In the past 198 years, the sales of Apple computers reached 400,000 units, ibm- exceeded 100 units, and Fangyuan personal computers reached 1.8 million units.

Needless to say, the market position of each company is judged high and low.

With the advent of Apple, which adopted the isa bus technology of the Fangyuan personal computer, the industry began to believe that Apple had lost itself and became one of the followers of the Fangyuan personal computer standard.

Although Apple has brought good performance to Apple, Wall Street's judgment that Apple no longer possesses high growth is unacceptable to Apple shareholders, because it means that Apple's stock has lost the motivation to continue to rise.

In this way, under the pressure of all parties, the research and development after several years is scheduled to debut in January 1984.

In order to promote, Jobs can be described as painstakingly, especially considering how to reverse his public image.

Don’t look at it. Jobs, who succeeded in digging for gold through the commercialization of applei and is now a real billionaire——suit and leather shoes, well-dressed and luxurious A sports car, but he always imagined that he was a rebel.

This can also be seen from the criteria of Jobs recruiting for the team-the members of this project team are full of hacker temperament and pirate spirit, which shows that he likes to associate himself with this value.

To be more blunt, Jobs hoped that others would see himself as a counter-culture person, rather than a spokesperson for the big corporate culture, even though this is the case.

Help Jobs achieve this goal is an advertising company in Los Angeles, named after the acquisition of Regis McKenna's advertising business, and obtained this contract from Apple.

The creative director of the advertising agency Lee Crowe, copywriter Steve Hayden, and art director Brent Thomas, based on George Orwell’s famous "1984", shot a 60-second commercial of the same name.

When this advertisement was broadcast at the most recent Apple board meeting, many members, including Markkula, were directly caught by Leide Waijiaolinen. (To be continued.)

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