Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 625: Theater interests under real estate hegemony

"Thank you, Mr. Tang, for the most important thing, but I am afraid it will be difficult for me to take on the heavy responsibility. I mainly rely on my true colors to appear in "War and Fire". Have a clear understanding.

He was originally a doctor. Before he starred in "The Slaughter City", he had not received any professional performance training, let alone any performance experience. The reason why he won the best supporting actor was mainly because the Oscar opened the gold finger.

Seeing that the other party is so calm, Tang Huan nodded appreciatively, "Mr. Wu don’t have to worry too much. The purpose of making the movie is to better borrow your Oscar actor’s influence and to promote the now-destroyed Funan, really relying on Mr. Wu’s The place is still your professional ability. I want to build a hospital in Funan, and I would like to invite Dr. Wu to serve as the head of the hospital."

Obviously, Tang Huan intends to support local Chinese in Funan such as Wu Hanrun, in order to quickly integrate a local civil force. It is precisely because of this purpose that his exchanges with the other party can be said to be heart-warming. He was immediately persuaded and readily agreed.

"Has the media interviews been processed?" Finally Tang Huan asked.

Even Oscar gave Wu Hanrun the best supporting actor, which naturally became a hot spot in Western public opinion. Media including People magazine issued a series of interview requests.

"It's over." Wu Hanrun nodded, "If I can, I would like to go back to Funan and have a look."

The other party's thoughts are exactly what Tang Huan meant, "Then let's go together, taking the opportunity of turning to Xiangjiang, I will introduce you to the film industry over there."


Tang Huan went to Xiangjiang this time mainly to check and accept the achievements of the theater alliance. The Hong Kong film industry has begun to enter its golden age, and his patience with this battle is running out.

Seeing that the time for Silicon Valley One to take off was approaching, Tang Huan asked his assistant casually: "Apple CEO John Sculley. Isn't it going to take our plane and transfer to China? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Recently, Apple has obtained a license to export computers to China, which may be a good incentive for macs that are in a slow-moving situation.

In fact. American computer manufacturers are very happy to push their products into the △△, China, and even the Soviet market, and some important figures in the American political arena also support this approach.

Of course, the motivation is not so pure. Because personal computers have become more and more powerful, they have begun to play an increasing role in the fields of news, publishing, etc., which is very in line with the minds of these people-to initiate a "bottom-up revolution." .

This involves the use of tools-a kitchen knife can help cooking. It can also be used to hurt people.

Although computer importing countries are more or less aware of this intention, the computer, a high-tech tool, has an irreplaceable role for the development of the national economy. It cannot be a waste of food due to choking, so it is still very active in importing computers.

However, the US export control is a gap that cannot be crossed, even for Fangyuan Computer. They are becoming more and more constrained.

Apple has obtained permission to enter the Chinese market, and on the surface it is on the same starting line as Fangyuan Computer. But there is little progress on the Soviet side.

John Sculley, who was about to go to China to sign the agreement, had to take a downwind flight because he wanted to ask Tang Huan for some advice, but I don’t know why, the other party hasn’t appeared until now.

At this time, an Apple employee. Breathlessly sent a note.

Tang Huan opened it and saw that it turned out that John Scully explained that he was in an emergency and cancelled the trip temporarily, and he was sorry. The scribbled handwriting seems to indicate that the owner is not generally upset.

"Could it be. Apple has another moth?" Tang Huan said that after this thought flashed through in his mind, he stopped thinking about it and waved his team to no longer wait for others.


After more than ten hours of flying on the Silicon Valley One, after arriving at Xiangjiang, Tang Huan received news from the United States. Apple really got into trouble. Jobs, who was still trying to repair relations with John Sculley at the birthday party, planned to take advantage of it. He had the opportunity to go to China, staged a coup and ousted the other party, but the conspiracy was revealed and the target cancelled the trip.

Where Cupertino is so big, how can Apple keep its old neighbors from this kind of controversy, John Scully asked Jobs angrily, and the plausible arguments of the other party were all faxed over.

"Still so disappointed." Tang Huan shook his head helplessly.

"Who made you angry?" Zhao Yazhi asked with concern after putting the soup on the table.

"No one irritated me, but I just got a news, just because I felt it." Tang Huan smiled and waved his hand, "I heard that you are taking the scene again. Quickly show me the makeup photo."

Zhao Yazhi returned to Hong Kong from the United States after the Lunar New Year. The reason was nothing. He was very quiet and thoughtful. In addition, his old club TVB often tried his words, so he wanted to use his work to enrich himself.

In fact, the deeper reason is that Tang Huan's thinking is very unique. He hopes that his woman can use his work ability instead of being locked up at home and becoming a housewife.

Therefore, Zhao Yazhi's move was to please her man.

However, her behavior can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. At least she brought the child to more than two years old in person. Lin Qingxian, who had only given birth at the end of last year, also plans to come back this year.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Tang Huan's women lack motherhood. The conditions of the Tang family are so superior that there is no need to worry about taking care of the children, not to mention that there are maidens to help.

Although it has been more than three years since Zhao Yazhi left to work, the audience of certain artists was so good that she couldn't explain it. Once she returned to Xiangjiang, she took two plays-in Jin Yong's martial arts drama "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" Play the supporting role Ma Chunhua, and play the protagonist Miao Shan in the myth TV series "Guan Shi Yin".

Obviously, the latter was influenced by the success of the DreamWorks myth TV series "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea".

Zhao Yazhi knew his man’s hobbies, and after she rolled her eyes, she took the makeup photo of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox".

"This appearance is so beautiful." Tang Huanfa exclaimed sincerely.

"What do you mean, I think I am old and yellow, do you look tender?" Zhao Yazhi angered.

"Of course not. I mean that the charm is worse than before." Tang Huan laughed loudly and took the other's slender waist easily, "Well, I'll help you right the game."


Xiangjiang's Lunar New Year stalls this year can be said to have been sorrowful and sorrowful.

Golden Harvest's "Fu Xing Gao Zhao" and Golden Princess Entertainment's "Best Partner of the Queen's Secret Order" were completed only a year later. Together, they challenged DreamWorks Cinema's "Huang Feihong 3: The Lion King".

As a result, compared with the 1984 Lunar New Year file that has seen a new high in the box office, no heavyweight work in this year's Lunar New Year file has exceeded 30 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

You know, in the original time and space, "Fu Xing Gao Zhao" and "The Queen's Secret Order of the Best Partner" are both local box offices with a box office of about 30 million yuan. This shows the tragic degree of this commercial war.

In fact, the DreamWorks theaters, which still maintain their advantages, do not only use "Oh Feihong 3: Lion King" to fight against one movie, but rely on the flexible way of film arrangement provided by multi-screen theaters. It caters to the tastes of moviegoers to the greatest extent. For example, comedy movies starring child stars like Xiao Binbin were released during the same period, which became a unique highlight.

Xiangjiang’s multi-screen micro-cinema first appeared in 1982. The previous theaters were all large-scale cinemas with only one big screen, and only one movie could be shown at the same time.

The reason for this situation is nothing more than the natural selection of the development stage, the more capital investment and complexity of the equipment in the multi-screen cinema. There is always a process of reduction.

The Golden Princess Cinemas, which was established in the 1970s and the Golden Princess Cinemas developed from the older Lisheng Cinemas, are obviously impossible to compare with the newly established DreamWorks Cinemas. Just for this reason, the business was closed for renovation, and there were too many things involved.

It is this difference between the two theaters that causes the difference in resource utilization, which in turn allows DreamWorks Cinemas to grab a large number of audiences.

In addition, there is also a business war in another area, which is the peak sales season of the Spring Festival. In the retail sales promotion campaign represented by Wellcome and Pokka, all parties used various methods such as price cuts, discounts, and lotteries, and movie tickets became one of the methods to win over customers.

It's a pity that the DreamWorks cinema and Wellcome under Qinhe's name cooperated tacitly, such activities of Golden Harvest and Golden Princess Entertainment. In the end, it became the Four Dissimilarities, not only the effect was not satisfactory, but also customers complained because of the chaos.

Jiahe, who was already powerless, became increasingly frustrated with plans to take advantage of the resources of other large consortia.

If you want to achieve the results of the DreamWorks theater, you can only become a real family, and you can achieve the degree of closeness and trust.

But how could Zou Wenhuai give away the painstaking efforts he has been running for many years to others? Instead of doing that, it is better to follow Tang Huan's will and form a unified theater alliance.

Once his thoughts had changed to this level, Zou Wenhuai didn't want to advance and retreat with Lei Juekun, who came to grab food from the real estate industry, and directly sent a letter of surrender to Tang Huan.

After Lei Juekun learned of the situation, let alone be annoyed. Didn't this think of himself as a dull boy with unresponsiveness? The last party who is so lonely and has to be sent to the knee is so passive!

Therefore, at the meeting convened by Tang Huan, Lei Juekun didn't give Zou Wen a good face, and Shao Yifu was an old **** sitting on the ground watching tigers fight.

Shao Renmei passed away at the beginning of March this year. Although DreamWorks made a statement on his behalf, Tang Huan expressed his condolences to Shao Yifu.

When the greeting was over, Zou Wenhuai took the lead and said bitterly: "Tang Sheng, it's been difficult these days."

"Then everyone works hard, and I believe it will be made up soon." Tang Huan said with a smile, and directly blocked the other party's intentions.

He didn't have time to waste time on small things, and went directly to the topic, "We have the largest cinema chains that also have their own film sources. Now that we are sitting together, it is agreed to form a cinema alliance, right?"

Tang Huan glanced over Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun, and they both said clearly "Yes."

Nodding slightly with satisfaction, Tang Huan continued: "I know that the two have some ideas on specific interests. But what I want to say is that these are small things. As long as everyone is sincere, then it's easy to discuss."

Speaking of this, Tang Huan distributed the documents in front of Shao Yifu, Zou Wenhuai, and Lei Juekun, “We are sitting at the top of the food chain of the Xiangjiang film industry, and we should focus on the overall situation and the macro. There is a potential crisis in front of us. , We need to discuss how to deal with it."

The three of them opened the file according to their words and saw an excerpt from the latest "Outline of Xiangjiang Development". Looking at the specially marked part, they invariably frowned slightly.

The "Hong Kong Development Outline" originated from the "Land Use Plan" compiled by the Hong Kong Government in 1965. After several revisions, the "Land Use Plan" was finally renamed the current "Hong Kong Development Outline".

In the "Outline of Xiangjiang Development", there will naturally be a relative plan for the cinema, which has been included in the recreational facilities from the very beginning, and it is listed that 38 cinema seats are required for every 1,000 population.

With this guideline document for regulation, the Hong Kong government will seriously refer to the guidelines when developing new towns or selling land, and it is mandatory that new real estate projects need to be equipped with corresponding entertainment facilities such as cinemas, so as to enrich the residents of the area. Moreover, the land designated as cultural and entertainment facilities by the Hong Kong government will not be leased to restaurants, famous shops, etc. after being leased to movie theaters.

However, in the latest version of the "Xiangjiang Development Outline", the cinema was removed from the ranks of recreational facilities and was changed to retail facilities—commercial retail facilities. In the regional planning, there was no limit to how many people need to have. Cinema seats.

Everyone is a discerning person and knows what this change might mean for the cinema chain.

Moreover, the land designated as cultural and entertainment facilities by the Hong Kong government will not be leased to restaurants, famous shops, etc. after being leased to movie theaters.

However, in the latest version of the "Xiangjiang Development Outline", the cinema was removed from the ranks of recreational facilities and was changed to retail facilities—commercial retail facilities. In the regional planning, there was no limit to how many people need to have. Cinema seats.

Everyone is a discerning person and knows what this change might mean for the cinema chain. (To be continued.) uw

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