Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 751: Meet the new governor in advance


Give you a blue sky, a rising sun;

Give you a piece of green grass that stretches into the distance;

Give you an eagle, a mighty man;

Give you a horse pole and hold it in his hand.


If it is placed in the original time and space, the person who hears this specious singing may be unbearable, but in this time and space, the singing is full of careless and carefree.

The tall Brooke Shields nestled in Tang Huan's arms. The two rode together and galloped freely on the Kentucky ranch.

An old white man who was over sixty years old stared at the close-behaved couple with ugly expressions.

When Tang Huan jumped off the horse happily, he walked forward in three steps and two steps, and said dissatisfied: "Spring is here, and young men and women are also swaying with the spring. This is understandable. But the'Orchestra' Not a war horse, but a horse race. Tang, can you have a more professional attitude?"

Having said this, the annoyed old man touched the precious racehorse named "Orchestra", then waved his sweaty hands, yelling heartily, "Look, you two are tired of the "Orchestra". . It’s a $4.5 million, grass-eating racehorse, not a petrol-drinking million-dollar sports car. Do you like Ma Zhen so much?"

Brooke Shields, who was dismounted by Tang Huan, felt that Nelson Hunter, the overwhelmed billionaire in front of her, was speaking too ugly, so she pouted and retorted: "Mr. Hunter, my weight has always been controlled. Well, it will not add too much burden to the'orchestra'."

"Miss Brooke Shields, I've heard of your name." Nelson Hunter waved impatiently. "Anyway, you are a'big' girl who is more than 180 centimeters tall, aren't you? "

To be honest, although Brooke Shields wants to be a successful actor, the proportion of stars in her achievements is far greater than that of actors, and her performance in the film industry is lackluster.

Take last year's Brooke Shields and the current James Bond actor Timothy Dalton's $16 million adventure movie "brendastarr"-"Rampaging Pretty Girl", the trial screening At that time, he was scolded by film critics as a dog, and he entered into a distribution dispute, and the release time was far away.

Compared with Brooke Shields' performance in the film industry is not optimistic, people are more willing to talk about the various topics surrounding the star who was 11 months old and advertised for soap.

For example, Brooke Shields, who moved into the ordinary apartment of Princeton University to study, was insured with virginity insurance by her wonderful mother; after attending New York’s famous nightclub 54 club, she was discovered by the paparazzi and the richest man in the United States had double-entered a luxury hotel; This year is about to graduate from college, Brooke Shields’ virginity insurance is also considered to expire, who will become the top man; whether there will be a "next-door old king" who will preempt the banned American who is the richest man in the United States... …

All in all, people's concerns are full of the characteristics of human society-Bo Ji Xiaosi is not inlaid with gold and jade, so it can be different from other women, but society has given it special value.

There is no doubt that it is precisely because of the unexplainable relationship with Tang Huan that Brooke Shields's fame reached Nelson Hunter's ears. When he saw the "orchestra" and the "dog men and women" sharing the love of the concubine, he unceremoniously rebuked him, although the horse racing, and even the entire huge pasture, no longer belonged to him.

After being ridiculed by the other party as a "big ocean horse", the speechless Brooke Xiaosi took Tang Huan's arm coquettishly, and threw the gloves to the assistant, the richest man at random, and laughed, "Mr. Hunter, you Ma Chi is a little concerned. No matter what kind of horse, the basic duty is to carry people. If you break the rules once in a while, it will be a test and you don't need to be serious."

Nelson Hunter’s thoroughbred racehorse breeding program started with the purchase of the first thoroughbred racehorse in 1955. After entering the 1970s, it finally had a brilliant harvest. The excellent horses under its banner have won a total of 158 prizes and 25 championships. The American Horse Racing Association awarded him the title of "Best Horse Owner and Breeder".

It is not difficult to imagine how much Nelson Hunter loves his horse racing.

However, this extravagant personal hobby was unsustainable as the earth-shattering hype of Nelson Hunter and his brother William Hunter in the silver futures market failed. He was about to go bankrupt and had to reluctantly sell his racing horses and pastures.

Because he was optimistic about the wealth of the richest man, and was thinking about finding a qualified owner for his horse racing, Nelson Hunter put his efforts in this field for decades and sold it to Tang Huan.

But after seeing the treatment of the "orchestra" in front of him, Nelson Hunter was bleeding in his heart, and he couldn't help but start to doubt whether his choice was really correct, but everything had settled, and he could only say nothing.

When he heard Tang Huan's words about his own little family, Nelson Hunt shook his head in a disappointed manner, "Well, these racehorses now belong to you, and I have no right to say anything."

"Mr. Hunter is an expert in the field of horse racing. I still have a lot of questions to ask." Tang Huan took old Hunter's shoulders affectionately, calming the other party's emotions.

It stands to reason that after the transaction is completed, Tang Huan doesn’t need to get used to Nelson Hunt’s stinky temper—these thoroughbred racehorses are already mine. I slaughter and eat meat, and others have no right to make irresponsible remarks— -But the richest man still needs the other side's help to support the scene, so he has to take care of his mood.

Although due to the silver futures hype, Nelson Hunter and his brother William Hunt have only one way to go bankrupt, but the entire Hunter family will not fall apart.

The old oil tycoon Hunter who took down the East Texas Oilfield, in addition to leaving a huge fortune, also has the resources of senior Republican Party activists. Otherwise, how could it be possible that the bank that has been smashed can only be used by Nelson Hunter and William Hunt went bankrupt.

Old Hunter married three wives and 15 children in his life, many of whom were outstanding. For example, Rama Hunter, another younger brother of Nelson Hunter, is a well-known promoter of American football, football, basketball, tennis and ice hockey in the United States, and he has made remarkable achievements.

In the original time and space, after Nelson Hunter went bankrupt, he was depressed, but his brother William Hunter made a comeback after the same bankruptcy. After more than 20 years, his net worth exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

In short, the Hunter family, which has been in business for decades, still has a deep background. This is the main difference between the nouveau riche and the established families after they squeeze into the upper class. After all, some resources need time to accumulate, and they want to go on time. Shortcuts are very difficult.

Tang Huan will entertain Charles and other members of the British royal family at the ranch, as well as Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah who has to come to join in the fun. The richest man needs Nelson Hunter, an equestrian rich man who is proficient in horsemanship, to maintain the scene, especially To calm the latter, the rich man in the countryside.

Hassanal Bolkiah also has a Boeing 747 private jet. This time he took it to the United States. The large-scale attendants set the scene completely.

The scene where the richest man in the United States wants to pile up financial resources with the Sultan of Brunei really has to work hard.

So Tang Huan decided to use high-end costumes to calm the opponent, pointing to the "Orchestra" and proudly introduced: "It has won the Arlington Million Dollar Race twice, except for two medals. In addition, there are two checks for $600,000; last year he ran third in the Breeders Cup Grassland Contest."

Nelson Hunter, who was in charge of the admiration, took the words very naturally: "The famous horse owner Alan Paulson wanted to buy the'Orchestra' for $4.5 million, but I told Tang to keep the'Orchestra' Team', you can get more!"

Hassanal Bolkiah was really stunned by this super luxurious living toy, and said in surprise: "Unexpectedly, it is more expensive than any sports car in my garage."

The Sultan of Brunei naturally had a reason for this reaction. Nelson Hunter, a former rich man who once monopolized the global silver futures market and caused troubles, went to Tang Huan to act like a doorman, but he saw the costume _ A new realm of forcing.

In addition to being the birthplace of the world-famous fast food chain KFC, Kentucky is also famous for thoroughbred horses and whiskey, and the horse-horse industry is world-renowned.

Although the Xiangjiang horse racing equivalent to gambling is very lively, it is difficult to develop a breeding industry in a small place, and all the horses in service have to be trained and brought in from other places.

Therefore, Tang Huan specially invited Nelson Hunter, Charles and other veterans to help pick a few new horses that had never been in the race, and sent them to Xiangjiang to serve as a facade for the members of the Xiangjiang Jockey Club of Qinhe.

When it was almost time to play, everyone dispersed. Tang Huan set off for Europe to start a global tour this year. Before leaving, he and Hassanal Bolkiah, who had been suppressed and convinced, had a special talk about further investment cooperation.

This kind of local tyrant who monopolizes the country's resources for his own use cares more about the preservation of his own assets. He has always been worried about the wealth of the richest man. Of course, Tang Huan does not need to use it for nothing, and is very gracious to bring this little brother.


The first stop of this round of European travel is Britain, which has already begun to build momentum for the general election. After some entanglement, the new Governor General was elected. Tang Huan intends to meet in advance in private with David Clive Wilson, who may be the last Governor of Hong Kong-David Clive Wilson, who also has a Chinese name-Wei Dewei.

In terms of political career, Wei Dewei can be said to be in his prime of life, only 52 years old this year.

Wei Dewei, who enrolled in Oxford University’s Keble College majoring in history with a scholarship, and finally obtained a Master of Arts qualification in 1958, was once distressed after graduation. He continued to join the British Army Infantry Force Black Guards while being sent to serve in British Guiana If you report to the Colonial Ministry, you should go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After World War II, the anti-colonial wave around the world has caused the British colonial system to collapse. So after a lot of deliberation, Wei Dewei chose the latter. In 1958, he joined the Southeast Asia Department of the British Foreign Office,

Originally, Wei Dewei would be sent to the Middle East to learn Arabic; but for some reason, he was reassigned to the British Embassy in Vientiane, Laos in 1959 as the third-class secretary.

At that time, the Indo-China Peninsula region became a battlefield between the capitalist and communist camps under the Cold War structure, and the situation was extremely complicated.

Here, Wei Dewei met the first person who had a huge impact on his career—the then British ambassador to Laos, Attis. In addition to being a British diplomat, he is also a well-known collector of "China Masters" and antiques.

Ai Tisi loves China and once said that China is worthy of "\\'"-"a country where a person will either dedicate his life or leave."

However, Edison's "China Master" status has also become a stumbling block to his official career. Some senior officials in the British Foreign Office have prejudices against his Chinese background, which prevents his official career from improving for a long time.

It was not until the US President Nixon visited China that the relationship between Britain and China quickly warmed up, and the value of Edison was taken seriously. He also fulfilled his wish for many years on March 13, 1972, and officially became the first British citizen in China. Ambassador of the Republic.

It is conceivable that after this experience in Laos, when the British Foreign Office intends to bring up the old things and arrange for Wei Dewei to continue to learn Arabic in the Middle East. Wei Dewei, who is deeply interested in Chinese culture, urged him to study Chinese at Xiangjiang University in Hong Kong.

The British Foreign Office agreed to Wei Dewei's request, but planned to arrange for him to study Chinese at Nanyang University in Singapore.

Fortunately, at this time, Ai Tisi offered to help, so that Wei Dewei got his wish and finally came to Xiangjiang to learn Chinese. His Chinese name was taken during this period.

With this foundation, Wei Dewei also became a China expert, and was appreciated by Youde, the second ambassador to China, and Ke Lida, the third ambassador to Youde served as the Governor of Hong Kong After the sudden death of Nei, Wei Dewei, who was still relatively young, was appointed as the new governor of Hong Kong by the British dwarf, after a round of operations.

Wei Dewei knew Tang Huan's secret support, so although it was the first time the two met, they showed a great degree of closeness.

Tang Huan pointed out without seeing the outside world, “Everything in Xiangjiang is about a good luck, David, I’m afraid your Chinese name is not suitable for the position of Governor of Hong Kong.”

"The Germans should be Tao-oriented, and Weijun should have a stable foundation. My Chinese name comes from the couplet given by the teacher. I don't feel anything wrong." Wei Dewei said with confusion.

"How can the people below understand that the so-called color head will naturally have to be far-fetched." Tang Huan shook his head, "I have heard the Xiangjiang media talk about it, and think that Wei Dewei's name has two'ghost' characters. 'Shuanggui Paimen', especially'Wei' is composed of'Shan' and'Qianba Nugui'. In addition,'Wei' and'Wei' are homophonic with'Wei' and'pseudo', and their full names become homophonic. It's dangerous', it's very unlucky."

Wei Dewei, with ten thousand grass and mud horses whizzing past in his heart, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked humbly: "Can Tang give me some good suggestions?"

"It's better to make a fuss about the homophonic translation of the name." Tang Huan thought for a while, and then said, "David, how about changing it to'Eason Wilson'? It means defending'faith' and'integrity'."

Wei Dewei, who was bright in front of him, immediately accepted the suggestion happily, "Well, from now on, I will be called Wilson Wilson."

Ever since, Tang Huan, who was suspected of forcing the death of the former governor to death, gave the new governor a name, so quickly determined, and the name was quickly notified to Xiangjiang.

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