Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 285: expansion

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Perhaps Cheng Yi thinks that Li Mu will resist the establishment of factories in order to maintain profits.

In fact, it is impossible. What Li Mu wants now is scale, opening the market with scale, promoting the acceleration of the previous world, and replacing black powder with smokeless powder. Under this premise, it is not impossible to open a factory in the Qing Empire.

The Steed Weapons Company has recently expanded rapidly. The only products sold to the National Gun Powder Association in the United States are smokeless powder patents in the United States, which are not included in Europe. Therefore, the Steed Weapons Company and Krupp in Germany and Enfield in the UK Separate agreements were reached to open smokeless powder factories in Germany and the United Kingdom.

The Far East is also an important area for arms sales. Even if Cheng Yi didn't come to the door, Li Mu was going to do business in the Far East. Right now, with the cooperation of the governor behind Cheng Yi, the factory should be open.

Cheng Ye probably didn't expect Li Muhui to agree so happily, so his expression was shocked for a moment, but immediately turned into ecstasy, and then hit the iron while he was hot: "Would you like to open a weapon factory in the Qing Empire?"


This step is a bit big, but it is not impossible.

"Of course, if the conditions are favorable, Junma Investment Company will not refuse any form of cooperation." Li Mu did not hesitate to open a weapon factory to the Qing Empire. There are many advantages, and Li Mu will not let this opportunity go.

The Qing Empire is no longer the Qing Empire before the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Uprising. Although the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement failed, it objectively destroyed the Qing government ’s ruling system. Coupled with the rise of the Han national power ministers, the Qing government ’s control over the local area was greatly reduced, and the local area In order to protect his rights, the governor of the People's Republic of China will vigorously develop armaments in the next few years. This will definitely require a large amount of weapons and ammunition, so it is beneficial to open a weapons factory to the Qing Empire.

Li Mu is a businessman. Just like Li Mu said, when he opens a door to do business, he is always a guest. So Li Mu ’s customers must not only be the ruling class. If anyone else buys weapons, as long as the price is high enough, Li Mu also He will not refuse. As for what trouble this will bring to the Qing government, this is not something Li Mu has to consider.

Even without Li Mu, the Qing government could not grow a rabbit's tail.

"It's so good, it's so good-" Cheng Ye was a little incoherent, and the gain this time greatly exceeded Cheng Ye's expectations.

Cheng Ye must know that Li Mu ’s status was a student in the United States before he became a U.S. nationality. Li Mu ’s behavior was tantamount to Cheng Ye ’s, so Cheng Ye was not sure about Li Mu ’s feelings for the Qing government, and even Cheng Ye came to see Li Mu Before that, he was ready to be rejected by Li Mu.

Li Mu's current attitude is clearly inconsistent with rumors. In any case, this is good news for the Qing government.

If Li Mu was still the little student who studied in the United States, the Qing government certainly could not care about Li Mu's attitude. Even if Li Mu betrayed the Qing Empire, the Qing Empire did not care.

But now Li Mu ’s influence is increasing day by day. Junma Weapons Company has become a new force in the US military industry. Junma Investment Corporation is also developing rapidly. Legend has it that it has entered the banking industry. It is necessary to establish its own bank. The government has a certain influence. For such a Li Mu, the Qing government dare not ignore it.

Of course, the Qing government did not know what Li Mu had done in Cuba. When the report of the old man was submitted, I am afraid that the Qing government would also raise Li Mu's threat level.

After sending Cheng Cheng away, Li Mu called Henry and arranged a mission for Henry.

"Go to the Qing empire to set up a factory—Rim, do you know how far the Qing empire is from here?" As soon as Henry's words fell, he knew he was wrong.

Li Mu came from the Qing Empire. How could he not know how far the Qing Empire is?

"Establishing a factory in the Qing Empire will have an impact on our ability to control. Let ’s not talk about whether the raw materials are complete there. It is estimated that we will not find enough workers there. If we transfer from Springfield In the past, it will increase our labor costs, so I don't think it is a good choice. "Henry did not agree with Li Mu's idea.

"Without raw materials, we can transport them from the United States. As for the workers, since the Chinese in the United States can become workers, the Chinese in the Qing Dynasty can also undergo certain training. In my opinion, setting up a factory in the Qing Empire is exactly helpful for us to control costs. The Qing Empire The customs are now under the control of the British, so you feel that from the perspective of taxation, is it more cost-effective to sell rifles to the Qing government, or is it more cost-effective to sell steel? "Li Mu did not think so, Li Mu knew very clearly that the next For decades, the Qing government has been in turmoil. Setting up factories now has the advantage. As long as the horse-brand rifles and python pistols have made a name, they will not worry about selling in the Qing Empire.

"Well, let ’s just say that these are not the problems. Have you considered Washington ’s response? You know, some people in Washington are pushing for a new GATT. If we do this at this time, it may be the target of criticism. "Henry persisted.

"It doesn't matter, I know who they are, don't care, we are not their target." Li Mu is not worried. He is lobbying in Washington for American industrialists led by Carnegie. They want to push the US government to charge more import duties. This will protect US businesses.

Strictly speaking, Li Mu is also one of the promoters, so Li Mu is not worried about this issue. The United States is to protect domestic companies. Steed Investment Corporation is to increase export efforts. Washington will only support it but not against it.

"Well, if you insist, then what am I going to do?" Henry stopped talking nonsense. Li Mu was the owner of Steed Investment. The ultimate decision was with Li Mu. Henry only had the right to suggest.

"What you have to do is strive for more favorable conditions in the negotiation with He Cheng. There are several key points to be grasped. One is that the management right must be firmly controlled in our hands, especially the right of personnel transfer. This cannot be discussed. ; Secondly, taxation, we must strive for tax exemption for a certain period of time, and then halve taxation for a certain period of time, so that we can further reduce our costs, and finally the factory site, the plant site is best located in Shanghai, where is now a commercial port, the factory must Located in the public concession, this will ensure our control of the factory. "Li Mu identified a few key points, leaving Henry free to play.

Li Mu's idea is that this factory can be the best joint venture, so if it is not possible, the Qing government will have to pay out even Li Mu's money, which is equivalent to an empty glove white wolf.

Once the joint venture factory is completed, the Qing government will inevitably intervene in the factory management. This is the last thing Li Mu wants to see. Therefore, Li Mu must insist on the personnel right. As long as the personnel right is in his hands, the horse investment company will fully grasp it. initiative.

With regard to taxation, if the factory is built in the concession, the taxation has nothing to do with the government, but as long as the products in the factory are out of the lease door, it will face the harsh tax and miscellaneous donations of the Qing Empire. At this time, this tax exemption right is very important.

"Well, I try to--" Henry didn't dare to say anything. From Henry's point of view, as long as the Qing government's brain is not broken, the Qing government should not agree to such a condition.

"Do it-" Li Mu is confident. If Li Mu guesses wrong, the Governor behind Cheng Yi has such great energy.

After sending Henry away, Li Mu took a carriage to the Kuobin Reservoir.

This is the first time Li Mu has come to the site since the construction of Kuobin Reservoir.

Thirty kilometers north of downtown Springfield, you will reach the border of the Kuobin Reservoir.

Looking at the big sign of "Private Territory, No Entry" inside the border, Li Mu smiled cheerfully.

Although the Kuobin Reservoir was funded by the Springfield government, the land around the Kuobin Reservoir now belongs to Li Mu, so the "Li Mu's Pond" can be used to describe the Kuobin Reservoir.

The responsible person of the Kuobin Reservoir project is Sidney Johnny. He and Ford Benjamin came to meet Li Mu's inspection.

Sitting in the carriage, Sidney Johnny couldn't wait to report to Li Mu.

"We now have a total of 32,000 workers. Although the weather has been bad recently, workers have arrived at Springfield train station every day. We have a reception station at Springfield train station. As soon as new workers arrive, we Will send people to the Kuobin Reservoir as quickly as possible. "Sidney Johnny, like Nelson of Cuba, is also a frustrated person after the American Civil War. Li Mu revealed slightly when he recruited Sidney Johnny. What it means to help Sidney Johnny return to politics, and then Sidney Johnny moved his family from warm Florida to Springfield.

"How about the resettlement of the workers? Are there any problems?" Li Mu was not worried that people could not be found. He was worried that people had brought them, but he did not take good care of them.

"No problem, we removed some workers and set up a logging yard. Their working location is in Green Mountain, where there is a large forest. As long as the wood is cut down, the weather can be used for construction for up to one month. For housing, we have a special construction team. Ten guys can build a new house in three days. Currently in the entire Kuobin Reservoir, there are three residential areas with a size of more than 5,000 people. They either work in the reservoir. Either working on the farm, everyone is happy, in their words, at least here, they will not feel the same look-"Sidney Johnny is very proud, if the Kuobin Reservoir is a national project Based on these achievements now, Sidney Johnny has further capital.

"Pick out some who want to run farms and send them to Illinois and Indiana, where there are more and better farms waiting for them." Li Mu did not forget that he had larger lands in Illinois and Indiana, and Compared to these two states, the farms of Kuobin Reservoir cannot be described as farms at all, at most they are small vegetable gardens.

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