Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 319: Each needs

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Just before Li Mu went to Hawaii, the San Francisco government passed a decision to set up a Chinese settlement in Alameda County.

In fact, Americans are still very efficient at some times, especially when a tycoon like Li Mu is pushing something behind it.

Not only is it efficient, the San Francisco government is also generous, with the first resettlement funds allocated for Alameda County reaching as much as $ 50,000.

50,000 dollars. In this era when an ordinary house only needs hundreds of dollars, it is enough to start the resettlement work.

Li Mu is more thoughtful. After all, he already has experience in constructing cities in Guantanamo and San Diego. Li Mu did not rush to build a house. Instead, he started with infrastructure, repaired various underground pipes, paved roads, and finally built houses.

This procedure may seem a bit troublesome, but there are many benefits. The city built in accordance with modern concepts has quite complete supporting facilities. Not only are open roads reserved, but also appropriate parks and green spaces are planned. Adding supporting facilities such as schools and hospitals, but from an advanced level, if the Chinese settlements are completed, San Francisco can be completed.

At that time, Alameda County will become a noble residential area in the San Francisco Bay Area. This will definitely help improve the social status of the Chinese. Although it is a bit vulgar to measure social status with money, usually this method is just the most suitable. of.

The consequence of high standards and strict requirements is the rapid increase in investment costs. If only a few houses are built, then $ 50,000 is more than enough, but if a city is to be built, then $ 50,000 will be stretched.

In order not to affect the construction progress, Li Mu's private investment of 100,000 US dollars for infrastructure construction in Alameda County. This money will be lent to the Alameda County Government in the form of bonds. Alameda County will use land to compensate Li Mu investment.

Li Mu wants land for a reason. Li Mu wants to open a branch of the Steed Weapon Factory in San Francisco.

Junma Weapons Co., Ltd. has signed an ordnance contract with Cheng Ye for a total value of 2.7 million US dollars. This price is CIF, which means that Junma Weapons Co., Ltd. is responsible for transporting weapons to the cities designated by Cheng Ye in the Far East.

If the weapons were produced from Springfield, they would have to be shipped from Springfield to San Francisco, then loaded in San Francisco and shipped to the Far East.

And if the Steed Weapons Company has a factory in San Francisco, it will be much more convenient. After the weapons are produced from San Francisco, they can be shipped directly to the Far East, which will save a lot of time and freight.

If this order alone is not enough, Li Mu is determined to set up a branch in San Francisco, but Li Mu knows the potential of the Far East in terms of arms purchases. Japan is undergoing the Meiji Restoration and the Qing Empire is also carrying out the Westernization Movement. Relations have tended to be tense. For the next ten or even decades, the Qing Empire and Japan were both big arms purchasers. Li Mu would certainly not let go of this business.

In fact, even if the Far East market is not considered, the Steed Weapons Company should also open a branch in San Francisco. The "Westward Movement" in the United States is in full swing, and most of the US arms companies are concentrated on the East Coast, especially in New England. Opening a factory in San Francisco at this time will definitely help Steed Weapons Company to seize the western market.

While in San Francisco, Li Mu also had a relationship with David Cristina, the head of the San Francisco area of ​​the American Rifle Association. With Burnside, the American Rifle Association was similar to Li Mu ’s own home. Under the operation of Li Mu, San Francisco All adult Chinese men and women in the region have joined the National Rifle Association, and their dues are only ten cents per person per year.

Don't underestimate these ten cents. Although the money is small, it is very useful.

With the sign of the American Rifle Association, Chinese in the San Francisco area automatically join the militia system. Chinese can buy weapons at will, and they can carry them without worrying about any difficulties without violating California local laws.

David Christie promised Li Mu that regular shooting training will be held to help Chinese people better use weapons.

With this commitment, Li Mu's mind was settled.

In fact, let ’s not talk about China ’s weak nature. No one is weak and weak. The weak character is more influenced by the environment. In the nineteenth century, it took great courage to cross the ocean from the Qing Empire to the United States to discuss life, so All Chinese living in the United States can be said to be adventurers. Without this spirit of adventure, they will not choose to come to the United States even if they starve to death in their hometown.

Therefore, the Chinese people in the United States absolutely have no lack of courage. They lack a fair and just social atmosphere. As long as they are given a fair environment, they will not be inferior to anyone and will definitely create impressive achievements.

Li Mu is now creating a relatively fair environment for the Chinese people. As for what kind of fortunes these Chinese people will have, this is not within the scope of Li Mu's consideration. It is still the same sentence.

On January 3, Li Mu and his party boarded the "Corbin-Rim Shipping Company" passenger ship from San Francisco to Hawaii.

"Rim, you have to pay attention to Chen Guofang. If we want to achieve our goal, this person is the key." Benjamin finally put his mind on the business.

"I still use you to say-" Li Mu was speechless. Regarding the information of Chen Guofang, Li Mu had already carried a lot of melon.

"To be honest, I originally thought that you were enough to make God love, but I did not expect that in Hawaii, there is actually a Chinese who can achieve such an achievement. It is amazing. Take a look at this guy's resume. At that time, I thought it was forged by somebody. "Benjamin felt again and again.

Chen Guofang's resume is indeed beautiful, civilian origin, reeling counterattack, marrying Bai Fumei, ascending the peak of life, it looks like a routine.

That's good, there is a living Hawaiian tyrant in Chen Guofang, which makes Li Mu's resume not so unscrupulous, at least Li Mu is not the only Chinese who is a foreigner.

"I have no intention to falsify someone's resume, rest assured, as long as I see him, I will naturally have a way for him to cooperate with me." Li Mu believes that human desire is endless. The so-called contentment is not without, but The **** determines the head, and different people have different needs.

"What are you going to do? As in Cuba, foster Chen Guofang as president of Hawaii?" Benjamin was curious.

"No, Hawaii should be a part of the United States." Li Mu was decisive.

This is not Li Mu ’s enemies. Who can he give to the United States without giving Hawaii to him? Is n’t Li Mu standing alone in Hawaii?

Don't be funny, think about what it took for Henry to become a general manager of the Steed Group. Even Christmas ca n’t be reunited with his family. He has to go to the Kuobin Reservoir and those workers who have not had Christmas habits. Having dinner together, Li Mu didn't want to.

Li Mu's ideal life state is left pulling yellow, right Qing Cang, cage bird holding a fat dog and a fat girl to bully people, and being a king is two different things.

When the king is to lead by example, to be fair and just, and to build a harmonious society, Li Mu does not want to be kidnapped by morals. It is good to be a tycoon in the United States who dares not mess with him.

On January 11th, the Enterprise arrived in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

The Hawaiian Islands are composed of 132 islands, of which there are eight larger islands. The total area of ​​the Hawaiian Islands is 16,700 square kilometers, which stretches 2,450 kilometers, forming a crescent-shaped island chain. Because it is located in the central Pacific Ocean, although Hawaii is located in the tropical region, the climate is mild and pleasant all year round, and the wind and blue sky are bright all year round. It is a rare tourist destination.

Of course, this year's Hawaii has not had the reputation of the 21st century, and the scenic Waikiki Beach is not appreciated by many people. Although the island already has dock facilities, it is not that big in terms of scale, let alone with New York. Hong Kong is much worse than San Francisco.

Standing on the pier and looking away, there are towering mountains and lush plantations in the distance. These mountains are not good. There are two active volcanoes on Honolulu, which can erupt at any time.

"Active volcano? What's that?" The most curious was Sandy, the little guy was a little seasick while on board, but it would be energetic.

"You can tell by name, it's the mountain that will spit fire-" Li Mu didn't want to explain more, but wanted to explain to a ten-year-old girl what crust movement is.

"Does it spray at night? Can we go and see?" Sandy was curious.

"Take you to another day--" Li Mu casually perfunctory, he did not know when the two volcanoes would erupt.

"The sandy beaches here are really beautiful, and they are a good match with Grand Bahama." Gloria obviously enjoyed it much more.

"Actually, it ’s the same if you see more." Li Mu didn't care. When he entered the room of Lanjing, he didn't smell the fragrance for a long time. It is also common to see more beautiful scenery, so the sights are for viewing, not for living. If you live very often, even pink beaches will feel sparse and ordinary.

"You're a shame--" Gloria was dissatisfied.

"Well, brothers, the construction has begun-" Li Mu ignored Gloria and greeted Chu Wushuang as they started.

As early as in San Francisco, Li Mu prepared the wooden house. Now dozens of people are working together, and maybe they can stay at night.

Of course there are hotels in Honolulu, but the hotels are all built in the urban area. Li Mu doesn't want to go for fun. He simply builds a wooden house on the beach. It is convenient and comfortable to live, and he doesn't have to be indifferent to those who have a bad heart.

Hmmm, Li Mu and Benjamin have a clear division of labor. Those guys are handled by Benjamin and Michael. Li Mu is not a member of the diplomatic corps at all, so Li Mu does not need to make fun.

This is what you need.

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