Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 338: Troubleshoot

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In March, Hawaii did not become stable due to the smooth emergence of the king, but it was even more incomprehensible.

The relationship between the new king and the cabinet is not good, and there is a huge difference between the new king and the cabinet on whether to sell Molokai.

Under normal circumstances, the king can choose to change cabinet members at this time, but the situation of the Kingdom of Hawaii is not the same as that of other countries. The Kingdom of Hawaii was originally established with the support of Americans. As a result, the Kingdom of Hawaii invited the British Saint to balance the Americans. Guild, the current situation is that the cabinet members of the Kingdom of Hawaii are mostly Americans and British, so it is not easy for the king to change cabinet members. On this issue, even the Legislative Assembly has no say.

The situation of the Legislative Assembly is also very complicated. As the highest authority of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Legislative Assembly of the Kingdom of Hawaii is composed of those chiefs of the Kingdom of Hawaii and a part of American businessmen and Chinese businessmen. The composition is so complicated that the operation of the Legislative Assembly is also difficult. .

I want to clarify one thing. Regarding the tax increase, it was not King Caracava I who thought so. Almost all Hawaiian chiefs favored the tax increase, but at the same time, almost all American and Chinese businessmen opposed the tax increase. Therefore, the Legislative Assembly also made a big noise in five days, a little noise in three days, and there was no time for safety.

The chiefs actually do business. Their business is to lease land to those American and Chinese businessmen, and let those American and Chinese businessmen develop plantations. So the chiefs hope that the Kingdom of Hawaii will increase taxes, and only Increase export taxes so that they do not harm their interests.

The problem is that American and Chinese businessmen are not stupid. The Royal Government of Hawaii will strengthen the dominance of the Royal Government if it has money. Sooner or later, the Kingdom of Hawaii will be separated from American and British control.

However, as the highest authority of a country, it is not so noisy all day long, so in a regular meeting at the end of February, Kingdom Business Minister Stanley Dewey proposed reforms to change the current inefficiency of the government and the legislative assembly. Operation mode, we can't waste all our energy in unreasonable internal consumption.

This proposal received the consent of almost everyone. The chiefs of the kingdom wanted to drive these pesky Americans and British people through reform. Americans and British people hoped to find a more efficient way of operation through reform to completely suppress these **** ones. Tribal chief.

Although reform has become the consensus of all, the legislative assembly has not burst into its due energies.

The first is the political system. Americans want the Kingdom of Hawaii to abandon the kingdom system and turn Hawaii into a presidential republic. The British also hope that Hawaii will abandon the kingdom system and turn Hawaii into a British constitutional monarchy. The chiefs of Hawaii hope The kingdom system is retained, but the hereditary system is abolished and the election system is retained.

The choices of Americans and British are well understood, and the choices of chiefs are weird. They hope that the Kingdom of Hawaii will continue to exist, but they hope to replace a new king every so often.

Hmm, to put it simply, these chiefs want the opportunity to be kings.

When Li Mu learned the news, even though Li Mu's "knowledge", Li Mu couldn't help crying and laughing: "This group of chiefs is really brain-minded. They simply abolished the Kingdom of Hawaii and continued to return to the tribal system they had before. Forget it— "

"Maybe they think so--" Benjamin pretended to look at the card, and for a long time he didn't find it. So, annoyedly turned over to look at the card, and after a long time, he calculated the card in his hand: "20,000-"

Yes, Li Mu and Benjamin are playing Mahjong.

There are so many Chinese in Hawaii, so how can the Chinese gather without the Chinese national "Mahjong". One day, Li Mu found that Chen Guofang was playing mahjong with their wife at Chen Guofang's house. Li Mu's booty.

To say that the entertainment projects are really scarce these years. Although the sunny beaches are wonderful, the picturesque surroundings have been around for a long time. It is still fun. Mahjong is fun and endless.

It took Li Mu a week to teach Benjamin, Gloria, and Crow to play Mahjong. After knowing how to play Mahjong, he quickly became obsessed with this "entertainment game", so Li Mujia's restaurant became Li Mu and Gloria, Benjamin, and Crawford's concentration camps ate breakfast every day. After Chu Xue cleaned up the table, Mahjong played immediately.

"What was their tribal system like before?" Gloria didn't understand the history of Hawaii.

"Ha-carefree, men and women weaving, there is no war, no copper smell, no even dispute, it is absolutely heaven." Benjamin started the flicker mode.

"But they don't have clothes, they don't have enough food, they don't have doctors and medicines, they don't even have fairness and justice-" Li Mu said mercilessly.


Where are there so many peach blossoms?

"That sounds good too--" Crow answered, and he was very busy with his hands. He didn't understand how to play for a long time, so he pulled over Chu Xue to check the cards as usual.

Chu Xue pretended to help look at the card, and then pretended to stretch out four fingers and rub his eyes.

Li Mu knew, blinked his eyes calmly, and laughed and blossomed in his heart.

Hmm, Chu Xue's task is to help Benjamin look at the cards, and then to signal to Mu Mu—

Alas, a pure little girl was so badly damaged by Li Mu.

"If you can continue this way, it's good, but if there are powerful enemies, it will be a tragedy." Li Mu grabbed the card, and his **** showed a happy face as soon as he looked at it. Reconfirm it carefully, and retake the card on the table. Touch yourself! "

It's not a senior year, it's not all the same, it's just ordinary shit, but it's enough, Li Mu hasn't had time to teach Benjamin their fancy play.

"Give money, give money!" Li Mumei fluttered and looked like Huang Shiren with her hand on the table.

"It's self-touching again—" Crow held his head with both hands, his face filled with despair.

"I want to check your cards-" Benjamin wasn't convinced.

"Oh my god, can you let me win it once." Gloria lamented, but the joy between her brows couldn't be masked.

Li Mu had a plate of one hundred U.S. dollars, and Gloria's money had to be returned. Then she won two hundred dollars, Li Mu, one hundred, Gloria and Chu Xue, fifty each.

Yes, another pure little girl was taken by Li Mu. Li Mu was a partner with Gloria and Chuxue. Chuxue ventilated the letter. Gloria was responsible for decomposing the card. Li Mu was responsible for the harvest.

"I don't feel right--" Benjamin paid, apparently not on Mahjong: "Are your people too quiet?"

Benjamin is talking about the ongoing reforms in the Kingdom of Hawaii. It seems that the Chinese are really quiet during this time. They are not noisy and do business every day. They are busy earning their favorite banknotes, just like the previous turmoil.

It may seem a bit abnormal, but it is actually in line with the habits of the Chinese. In the political turmoil before the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Chinese have always been like this.

This is the means by which the Chinese protect themselves, but many times, in this silence of the Chinese protect themselves, the influence of the Chinese gradually declines, even if there is a fierce man like Chen Guofang in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

"Until the time comes, no matter how you choose, the king will be stunned, Congress may become a big winner, wait and see." Li Mu can't worry, Ford's people haven't trained yet, Li Mu has not shot yet Full of certainty.

Looking at the current situation in the Kingdom of Hawaii, the king's situation is obviously not good. Whether the chief wins, the Americans win, or the British win, the king is the biggest loser. Even if the chiefs plan is adopted, the king will become Nominal mascot.

"Should get them to move and speed up the current progress." Benjamin was a little impatient and said that Li Mu would help him to gain his reputation. As a result, the situation on Molokai Island could not be settled, and Benjamin could not take the shot, so Benjamin hoped End the current chaos as soon as possible.

"Wait a minute--" Li Mu was anxious, but still calm.

Both Li Mu and Benjamin could see that the king was going to decline. Li Mu did not believe that Caracava I could not see it. At present Caracava I had no object to rely on. Strictly speaking, members of the Legislative Assembly were all enemies of Caracava I. If Karakava I is going to make a comeback, then he can only rely on external forces like Kamehameha IV, otherwise Karakava I will end up worrying.

For the current Caracava I, Li Mu is the best choice and the only choice.

This is indeed the case. Karakava I did not let Li Mu wait too long. On March 5th, Karakava I banqueted Li Mu in the palace.

This time it was accompanied by someone, accompanied by Chen Guofang.

Chen Guofang is "the relative of the imperial relatives", and Karakava I and Kamehameha IV have relatives, so Karakava I and Chen Guofang are also relatives. In addition, the Chinese have always been low-key. It became the bond between Caracava I and Li Mu.

Although the situation was difficult, Caracawa I was still so edible and drinkable. His body was not thin, but his face was not very good, his face was a little dark, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Your Majesty, your condition does not seem to be very good." Li Mu told the truth.

"Rim, don't you think I can feel better?" Caracava I was in a good mood. Li Mu didn't know, but he had a good appetite. He didn't stop eating when talking to Li Mu.

The food I eat this time is not chicken drumsticks, but grilled fish. It is hard to say that this kind of food is healthy and unhealthy. Although the fish food has less fat, the barbecued food is harmful to the human body.

"At least your Majesty is good." Li Mu smiled, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"Rim, I know what you want, help me get back what belongs to me, and I can give you Molokai Island." Caracava I bet, but the bet was not so attractive.

Li Mu sat down at the table without moving the knife and fork in front of him. Instead, he pointed the jade with his hand with interest: "We have to measure the gains and losses of whatever we do. Now it seems as if I choose to help your Majesty Does not seem to be very cost-effective. "

"But I am the King! I am the King of the Kingdom of Hawaii! Those **** guys are all traitors! They are traitors of the Kingdom of Hawaii! They should all be sent to the gallows-" Caracava I lost his appetite and threw Dropped the grilled fish in his hands, got up and paced back and forth, cursing in his mouth.

Li Mu and Chen Guofang secretly exchanged eyes, Chen Guofang smiled at Li Mu and nodded indiscriminately.

"I can give you Molokai, or add Oahu, as long as you raise it-and I can guarantee that the Kingdom of Hawaii will never levy taxes on the Chinese, and in Hawaii, the Chinese can enjoy what they deserve Everything, even the Chinese can enter the cabinet, I'm really fed up with those **** British and Americans. "Caracawa I overweight.

In fact, even if Karakava I didn't add weight, Li Mu would still agree to Caracava I's request after doing some tricks. Why did Li Mu train so many soldiers? To deal with the rifle team of the Kingdom of Hawaii, or to deal with possible hostile forces.

Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Li Mu helped Caracava I suppress the Hawaiian chiefs, and then expelled the British and Americans, then the Chinese could fill the vacuum left by the Americans and British in time, and Li Mu could manipulate The Hawaiian parliament conducts a referendum, and then everything will be logical.

"No, no, no, I just want Molokai-" Li Mu knew exactly what he could get, what he couldn't get.

Of all the islands in Hawaii, Molokai should be the least noticeable and the least populous. If Li Mu targets Molokai, then Li Mu is likely to succeed, but if Li Mu sets the goal to Wa Hu Island or any other island, even if Li Mu can get it through Caracava I, Americans in the future will not agree.

"You see, this is the merit of your Chinese people, because you always know what you can get and what you deserve." Caracava I was very satisfied with Li Mu.

"Well, my dear Majesty, can you tell me now, what are you going to do specifically?" Li Mu straightened his stance and did not talk nonsense with Caracava I.

"Stanley Dewey, Fern Jerome, Robin Chapman-I want them all to die!" Caracava I said fiercely with red eyes.

Not bad, after all Caracawa I remembered that Li Mu was an American and did n’t hit Benjamin and Michael with them. As for Stanley Dewey, yes, although Stanley Dewey was also an American, not all these years American lives are valuable.

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