Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Speechless

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People often say that the most valuable people in the 21st century are talents, and the same is true in the 19th century.

In 1836, Samuel Colt established his first weapons factory in Padson, New Jersey. For nearly 40 years now, Colt has accumulated a large number of skilled workers. These workers are Colt's greatest wealth, as long as these workers are present, Colt has the opportunity to make a comeback.

Like Wayne Henry said, Li Mu is not rare in the Colt factory, because the horse in the Steed Weapon Factory is more efficient and more precise; Li Mu is not rare in the Colt company ’s patent, because the Jun Ma Group owns Li Mu's patents are more advanced; what Li Mu wants are the old workers of the Colt company, which are invaluable to the Steed Weapons Factory.

In fact, those workers are very poor. Many of them have worked for Colt all their lives. Some families have two or even three generations working at Colt. Their feelings for Colt are not inferior to them. Mrs. Colt, now watching Colt's end, can imagine their uneasiness.

Fortunately, there is no retirement system these years. If Colt goes bankrupt, most of those workers will lose their jobs and there is no "pension" that can cause them to lose, otherwise I am afraid there have been large-scale mass incidents.

Do n’t think that this is not the case in the United States. The United States ca n’t help but guns. Colt is also a weapon company. The proportion of employees holding guns is very high, similar to the Steed Weapons Factory. Sorry to say that you are an employee of Colt. Such employees are even more troubled.

Of course, the lives of the employees are not within the consideration of Mrs. Colt. Although Mrs. Colt also feels sorry for the old workers who have followed Colt for decades, in this matter, Mrs. Colt A firm attitude: "If the workers are willing to follow us to the UK, we can even improve their treatment and still treat them as Colt's heroes; but if they are not willing, they have to go as the contract says, Col Although he left the United States, Colt's team of lawyers is still there, and if anyone dares to breach the contract, we will definitely pursue it. "

Military enterprises are not the same as other enterprises. They involve too many core secrets, and there are many patent projects involved in the production process. Therefore, Colt employees sign contracts with Colt when they join the company. Colt left, and he would not be allowed to work in another military enterprise for five years.

This is not an overlord clause, because all companies are the same at this time, and the Junma Group is more excessive. The prescribed period is ten years, but the treatment of the Junma Group is really good. From the establishment of the Junma Weapons Factory to the present, there has been no employee. Instead, the employees did everything they could to get their relatives and friends into the Junma Weapon Factory.

With this clause, it can be said that the last road to the workers of the Colt factory has been broken. The best of them are also those who have worked the longest in Colt. These people have worked for Colt. For a lifetime, now they will not do anything except make guns. The only thing left before them is to follow the Colt family to go to Britain. Otherwise, these workers will definitely be unemployed and the whole family will be unemployed.

Wayne Henry probably didn't expect that even if this was the case, Mrs. Colt was still holding on to this clause. After listening to Mrs. Colt, Wayne Henry's expression was struggling, hesitating for a moment, Wayne Henry suggested again: "Mrs., Colt's workers have worked for Colt for a lifetime. Many of them were born in Hartford. They have not left so far. Let them follow Colt to the United Kingdom. It is estimated that many It's sad to see them for so long working for Colt-- "

"Wayne—was the lawyer from the Steed Group looking for you?" Mrs. Colt was so sensitive that she was very sensitive in such matters.

"Yes, ma'am--" Wayne Henry admitted without hesitation.

There is no hesitation in this kind of thing. Hartford is the site of the Colt family. Although the Colt family lost to the Steed Group in commercial competition, the Hartford family still has enough Influence, it is useless to deny such a thing. As long as Mrs. Colt speaks, it is easy to know the truth.

"Okay-good, Wayne, I remember you worked at Colt twenty years ago, so now, even you have to betray Colt?" This kind of thing is always extreme. In their understanding, the interpersonal relationships in the world are either black or white, and no other color exists.

"It's twenty-six years-Madam, I was only thirteen when I fell Colt." Wayne Henry's expression remained unchanged, and the sadness in his eyes grew stronger.

In the nineteenth century, there was no such thing as "child labor" or "compulsory education." Teenage children came out to work normally. They took the same salary as child labor but did the same intensity as adults. Everyone Everyone thinks that this day is right.

"Well, twenty-six years, then, in these twenty-six years, Wayne, did Colt sorry you?" Mrs. Colt was angry, not paying attention to Wayne Henry's abnormal shape.

"No-ma'am, what I want to say is that I have never done something that was sorry to Colt." Wayne Henry was still explaining that the feelings of more than two decades will not dissipate in a short while.

"So are you ready to do that now?" Mrs. Colt asked, with a solid fact that could not be denied.

"Well, whatever you want to think of it-" Wayne Henry finally gave up. The couple is still the same, not to mention the employment relationship. In these years, under the name of the general manager of Colt, there is no actual power. As a mascot for so many years, and now he is going to shut down for Colt, Wayne Henry is physically and mentally exhausted: "I will let the lawyer take the resignation, and I will not go to the UK. I was Those who fled from the UK don't want to go back now to make a joke, so-goodbye. "

Wayne Henry was frustrated. Grover Cleveland did look for Wayne Henry and offered Wayne Henry a large sum of money. He invited Wayne Henry to be the general manager of the New Haven Weapons Factory.

This general manager is different from the current general manager of Wayne Henry. It has real power. In fact, all the executives of Junma Group have a lot of freedom. As long as the performance is OK, the head office will not interfere with the subordinates. The operation of the company is very different from being the general manager at Colt.

Hartford is very close to New Haven, only more than forty kilometers away. There are railways between the two cities. If you work in New Haven, there is no problem returning to Hartford on the weekend. Grover even promised, Li Mu could use a personal relationship to build a special train for Hartford people working in New Haven to travel between the two cities.

As for Wayne Henry's contract, Grover Cleveland, the chief lawyer of Steed Group, said that there was no problem. Wayne Henry could work for Steed Group. If the Colt family would tell Wayne Henry In the court, then the horse team of Junma Group will respond. As long as Junma Group is willing to drag the case for five or six years, there is no problem. By then, the so-called time limit will automatically expire.

The same is true of other workers at Colt. As long as they are willing to work for the Junma Group, the Junma Group can provide them with legal support.

This condition is very tempting. Wayne Henry doesn't know if Steed Group has contacted other Colt workers at the same time. Wayne Henry can guarantee his loyalty to Colt. No.

Unfortunately, this loyalty now looks so cheap.

Leaving the Colt factory and looking back at the familiar onion roof and the familiar bronze pony, Wayne Henry's eye circles are a little red. It's not so easy to give up the relationship for so many years, but life must continue, Wayne · Henry does not intend to join the Steed Group, this is considered the last loyalty to Colt.

To be honest, Wayne Henry is loyal to Colt because Samuel Colt's love of encounter has nothing to do with Mrs. Colt. If Wayne Henry had been to Colt Colt is headed by Mrs. Colt, and Wayne Henry will not stay at Colt for 26 years.

When turning around and leaving, Wayne Henry was absolutely determined. Since then, Wayne Henry and Colt have no relationship anymore. It should have been easy, but Wayne Henry was at a loss at this time.

From the age of thirteen to the present, Wayne Henry has been working at Colt. Although he has been the general manager for so many years, Wayne Henry considers himself an excellent gunman, although he has been separated from the front line work I have been working for many years, but all the work steps are in the mind of Wayne Henry. Now give Wayne Henry a lathe and a billet. Wayne Henry can still make a pistol, even more than most workers. They all come in handy.

But what about it?

According to the agreement with Colt, Wayne Henry couldn't work in the arms company. He could not go home to make guns and sell them by himself. The only craft was now a bondage. Wayne Henry didn't know what else he could do.

"Wayne, Wayne—" Wayne suddenly heard someone shouting at the roadside.

Looking back, it turned out to be Old Willie.

Old Willy is an old guy. In Colt, Old Willy is a very respected person. From the first day of the opening of the Colt factory, Old Willy has worked in Colt. No one is better than Old Willy. Lee's qualifications are even older, so the old Willie can directly call Wayne Henry the general manager's name.

The old Willie's family all work at Colt. His two sons, five grandchildren, and even son-in-law are currently working at Colt.

"Wayne, is there any good news?" Old Willie looked forward.

Wayne Henry knew what Old Willie wanted to know, but couldn't answer him.

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