Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 433: enthusiasm

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In fact, the conditions of the Steed Group for Colt's workers are very good. Wayne knows this. Wayne has also shaken it, but remembering that in the decades of Colt, Wayne still refused his heart. The temptation of the steed group.

But in the face of this former companion, all persistence is like the severe cold of winter and the hot sun of summer, and there is nothing left.

The spirited Wayne rejuvenated, ready to "talk" with Grover, striving for the best conditions for Colt's workers.

This is embarrassing. It is true that Grover is the chief lawyer of the Steed Group, but Grover's authority is not much. Except for Grover's legal affairs, there are not many promises that can be given. If Wayne wanted a definitive result, so Wayne needed to take a trip to New York and talk to Li Mu or Henry himself.

Wayne didn't refuse to go to New York, and even Wayne wanted to go to Springfield to see how the Steed Weapon Factory pushed Colt to the extreme.

It was easy to do this. Grover invited Wayne to go to New York and Springfield as a worker representative of Colt. Even if Larry and Bobby they want to go, they can go together. The steed group will be responsible for all cost.

What are you waiting for? Think of it as a public expense tour.

In early November, when Hartford's first heavy snowfall arrived, Wayne and his group boarded a train to New York.

A total of eleven Colt's workers' representatives accompanied Wayne, including Old Willie, Larry and Bobby.

On the train, Wayne and his party were enthusiastic about discussions and were interested in a new life in the future.

"I heard that Junma Group offers unparalleled benefits to its employees. Their workers can get a house with cheap workers, and the house price can be deducted with future salaries. I don't know if this is true. If it is true, then even let It ’s not unacceptable for me to go to Springfield— "Bobby's attitude was the most enthusiastic. After experiencing the life of a coal mine, Bobby realized how happy he was to be a skilled worker.

Bobby is really lucky. Not to mention that it is the nineteenth century, and even if it is the twenty-first century, once an underground accident occurs, few people can escape birth.

"You are so beautiful, even if I do n’t have a house, I want to go to Springfield. The Steed Group provides free education for their employees' children. I heard that all the teachers of Steed Affiliated School have been invited from Cambridge, England. · Are R. Hall and Andy Buck? They are just ordinary teachers at Steed Affiliated School. Think about it, the former U.S. Attorney General and the deputy of the former U.S. Justice have hesitated to educate your children yourself. " Larry knows more about the Steed Group, especially the Steed Affiliated School. Larry has been very envious. Larry has five children. According to the Steed Group standard, three children can enter the Steed Affiliated School. Moreover, after hearing that Junma Group had its own technical worker school, Larry moved the idea of ​​sending two sons who had already taken part in the work to practice.

Larry's father, Willie, has been a worker for life, and Larry himself has been a worker for half a life. Presumably the same is true for the second half of his life, but Larry doesn't want his son and grandson to be like himself. He can only be a worker in his life.

The United States is an immigrant country. For the people of Shengdou, it is still very affectionate to the United Kingdom, especially super-class universities such as "Cambridge University". In the past, this was a place that Larry could only imagine. When I heard that the horse-affiliated school When the teachers were all from Cambridge University, this immediately caused an exclamation.

"Grofer, is that right?" Old Willie was impatient, and immediately sought Glover for verification.

At the age of Old Willie, everything has been taken lightly. If it were not for the livelihood of thousands of Colt workers in New York, Old Willie would not have gone.

Grover put on his glasses and started to handle business since he got on the train. If Steed Group wants to receive all Colt employees, there are still many lawsuits between Steed Group and the Colt family. This is Grover's job. Grover has no responsibilities.

Hearing Old Willie's question, Grover apparently hesitated for a while before returning to God: "School-of course, the Steed School is the best school in the United States, no one-"

Speaking of the Steed Affiliated School, Grover also came to the spirit, took off his glasses and put down the documents, and introduced them to Willie in detail: "——I think the Steed Affiliated School is the most meaningful thing done by the Steed Group, myself Two of the children are studying at the Steed Affiliated School. I can tell you that all the rumors you heard about the Steed Affiliated School are not enough to truly describe the value of the Steed Affiliated School. Prior to the appearance of the Steed Affiliated School, the education was The right to be monopolized by a few people, for ordinary people, even if they want their children to be educated, they have no chance. The most respected point of Mr. Riem and his Steed Group is that we give ordinary people the opportunity Has given our next generation the opportunity to change their own destiny. At this point, we have to say that many people are too short-sighted. They only care about the immediate interests and never consider the future-"

Grover took out the lawyer's lips and made a lot of rhetoric.

"Mr. Grover, talk about Mr. Riem, what kind of person is he?" Larry was interested in his boss.

Li Mu has passed the stage of desperately raising his fame. Although Li Mu has the "Time Weekly" killer, "Time Weekly" always uses the Steed Group as the core of propaganda and deliberately downplays the Chinese attributes of Li Mu. Therefore, the introduction of Li Mu Not many pages.

"Mr. Riem-how to say, many people hate him, saying that he is a **** arms dealer, an abominable vampire, a downright villain or something, but I want to say that Mr. Riem's ​​horse group is tens of thousands of United States People provided jobs, and more than 100,000, or 100,000, or hundreds of thousands of Americans were affected by this. Based on this, Mr. Riem should not be accused of any kind, and the winners have the right not to be accused. The legendary question, think about the Vanderbilt family, think of Rockefeller, who is not the same, but the Vanderbilt family and Rockefeller did not use their own money to provide perfect benefits for their employees, so regardless of others How to say, at least we should respect Mr. Riem ourselves. This is what Mr. Riem deserves. "Grover's evaluation of Li Mu is high. This is normal. Li Mu wants to pay him, and who's bowl, Who will help.

"Yes, that's it. If Mr. Riem can provide us with complete employee benefits, then who would dare to say anything in front of me, I will let him know the hardness of the Hartford fist-" Larry and his enemies 忾Although he has not yet joined the Steed Group, Larry has regarded himself as a steed.

"Don't worry about employee benefits. You will get far more than you think. Just like Old Willy, what have you been working at Colt for a lifetime, what are you getting now? Nothing. But if it is in the Steed Group As long as you start working at the Junma Group, you will get a retirement fund. The money is in the charge of the Junma Group. After you retire, this money will be gradually returned to you. Do n’t worry about the various benefits at work. The benefits are more than you think about. The house and children ’s educational opportunities are only part of it. Usually you can eat in the canteen of the Junma Group. The chefs there are all chefs from the Qing Dynasty. I heard that some people originally served the emperor and the grandfather. The meals they make are extremely delicious, I can guarantee that as long as you eat them once, you will fall in love with those foods, and you will not be old when you are old Willie, you can continue to work in the Steed Group, you can even go Junma Technical School, pass your skills and work experience to those children who are about to join the work, I believe they will definitely Respect you. "Grover continue to lobby, old Willie maximize their expectations.

"I can still work? Listen, I'm not old yet!" Old Willie was happy to continue working, which means that Old Willie is still valuable.

"It's not a joke, Willy, how much money did you make a month ago?" Grover knew what kind of news would make Old Willy really interested.

"Before I retire, I could get fifty dollars a month." Old Willie was full of confidence. Not many people could get fifty dollars at Colt.

"Fifty dollars-pretty good, but Willie, this should not be proud. You must know that as long as you are a full-time employee in the Steed Group, you can get about fifty dollars a month, and an old person like you Workers, it ’s easy to get one hundred dollars a month. If you work hard, two hundred or even three hundred is not impossible. ”Grover did n’t lie, and fifty dollars is a basic salary at Steed Group.

"One hundred dollars? How is that possible?" Old Willie's eyes widened in disbelief.

"How impossible? There are a lot of veteran workers like you. The job content is to bring apprentices. As long as you bring out an apprentice, they can get a reward of one hundred dollars, so now all old workers like you are all Out of the first line of work, their daily work is walking the dog, walking, raising flowers, fishing-and then when the apprentice encounters a problem to come to them, give them a correct advice, to be honest, I want to work like this Do-- "Grover said that nothing could be impossible at Steed.

"Walk the dog, walk, grow flowers, and fish—" Old Willie suddenly paused, and then a murky old tear slipped down the corner of his eyes.

This kind of life has only appeared in Old Willy's dream before. Old Willie never thought that he could one day live such a life.

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