Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 446: that power

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An ordinary "python" military pistol sells for $ 55 on the market and $ 65 for the War Department.

The Ministry of War purchases weapons in units of "thousands", but because the Ministry of War has special requirements, the price is more expensive than ordinary weapons.

Of course, this more expensive reason only exists in writing. In fact, the reason why Stema Weapons Company sells more expensive weapons to the War Department is because Stema Weapons Company rebates to the War Department. On average, each pistol Rebates for the generals of the War Department amounted to $ 15.

Even if the actual price is $ 50, Steed Weapons Company still has money to make. When the "python" military pistol first appeared, the average cost was about $ 30. Now the cost has dropped to $ 25. Over time, the cost It will still fall further, and the price to the War Department will be higher and higher, so no matter how you calculate, Steed Weapons Company has money to make.

Including Bernard and Sherman, Li Mu gave a total of four generals to promise that when Bernard and Sherman retired, they will be able to work at Steed Weapons Company.

Bernap's nominal position is an adviser, which is actually a lobby group. Although he retired, Bernap's connections are still there. The military system and government are different. Bernap's successor is Bernap. Recommended, so the future Minister of War must have been pulled by Bernard. By that time, Steed Weapons Company will still be the preferred military supplier of the US military.

"When it comes to weapons, what is your evaluation of the magazine rifle?" Li Mu is concerned about the test of the new weapon. If it can be loved by frontline soldiers, then Steed Weapon Company will definitely win the bid, even if Steed Weapon Company's price is higher than Enfield will not affect the results.

Just two months ago, Steed Weapon Company sent a batch of magazine-type rifles to the Cavalry First Division under the test name. This is the latest product of Steed Weapon Company. Although Steed Weapon Company has no rivals in the United States, but Li Mu also wants to open up the international arms market, so it is necessary to constantly innovate, so that the Steed Weapons Company can maintain its technological leadership.

"Not bad, although the range and power are a little smaller, but the accuracy is higher, and the firepower is more sustainable. With the same number of soldiers, the soldiers who use the magazine rifle will burst into more powerful combat power. We have a test , Even the most skilled soldier, under the premise of using a single reloading rifle, can fire a bullet every three seconds, and the soldier using a magazine rifle can fire a bullet every two seconds, so I have given the war The ministry issued a report asking for the replacement of weapons for the 1st Cavalry Division. If you named it, you would have a magazine-type rifle produced by Chuntian. "When it comes to the new rifle, Will is also very excited. The weapon's affection is very deep, as will Will.

The Steed Weapons Company also has Will's shares. Although it has been diluted several times and Will's shares are not much, it can still bring Will hundreds of thousands of dollars in earnings each year. Will values ​​this money. Because this is Will's own investment and earned, this has become Will's proud work, every time you drink too much, always want to brag with others.

Since he is the boss, Will will spare no effort to help out. Enfield ’s rifle performance Will was not interested in testing at all. Will has talked about a long time ago. If the War Department purchases rifles from Enfield, the Cavalry First Division Rather continue to use previous weapons.

In fact, the current cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Division is very good. The key is the large-scale use of automatic weapons. The birth of the "storm" general machine gun completely swept the revolving machine gun into the old paper pile. The 7th Cavalry Division now has more than 7,000 people. Equipped with nearly a hundred "storm" general machine guns, this firepower density is undoubtedly the world's first.

It must be known that in the original history, until the First World War, the role of machine guns was still not fully taken into account. At that time, the British and French troops had a single-digit automatic weapon equipped by the division until the British and French allies battled on the Somme. Sixty thousand people were lost in one day during this period, and the role of the machine gun was really demonstrated.

By the end of the First World War, the number of automatic weapons equipped by each division of the British and French armies had exceeded 300.

Fire density can be described as heinous.

This example cannot be taken as an example of the United States, because at that time the United States did not have a standing army at all. The Americans sent nearly a million troops to Europe during the First World War. These men traveled unarmed to the European continent, using British and Weapons provided by the French.

Of course, the Americans were not rich enough at the time, so after the war, the Americans took away all the British and French-supported weapons and used them until the eve of the Second World War. There was no grandeur on the Iraqi battlefield. .

"I know you worked hard, rest assured, this year's dividends will rise by five points-" Li Mu Dafang, it is now the end of the year, and Christmas will soon be around, and the dividends of Junma Group will almost be paid.

In fact, not many people are eligible to receive dividends from the Steed Group. Will and Bresta are the earliest shareholders of Steed Weapons Company. J.P. Morgan has a share in the San Diego Investment Company. There is no other person's share. Li Muneng Received a lot of dividends, such as Mobil Oil in partnership with Rockefeller, a steel plant in partnership with Carnegie, and Corbin-Rim Shipping in partnership with Ebble.

After New Year's Day, Corbin-Rim Shipping Company will be split into Corbin Shipping Company and Rim Shipping Company. This should be the last time Li Mu received dividends from Abel.

This request was made by Ebble. Corbin-Rim Shipping Company is very clear. Ebble is responsible for European routes, Li Mu is responsible for Far East routes. Eble ’s European routes have been making money, while Li Mu ’s Far East routes have been. Lost money, so Able had meant to spin off Corbin-Rim Shipping Company. Just after the outbreak of the Whiskey Group case, Li Mu also wanted to keep a little distance from Able, so the two hit it off. After New Year's Day, the two Will part ways.

In fact, at this time, I chose to keep a distance from Ebble, which is a bit of a meaning of crossing the river, but Ebble didn't care, because Li Mu left the asphalt business on Trinidad to Ebble. In the future, Ebble will still be able to pay at cost The bitumen was obtained from Trinidad, and Li Mu promised Ebble that Li Mu would definitely not do the asphalt business in Europe, leaving enough profit for Ebble.

This approach is very clever. Even Grant can't fault it. As long as Li Mu's promise is made, even if Grant steps down, the Able family can still live a moist life.

Ebble is Grant's brother-in-law, so Grant knows that Ebble is a person. This guy has offended many people by virtue of Grant ’s presidency. A group of people in New York hated Ebble because of the hype, and when Grant stepped down, Without Grant's asylum, it would not be easy for the Ables to be peaceful.

With stable income, it ’s different. With Li Mu ’s promise, Ebble has a unique business, has money in his pocket, and is big in the world. He can go anywhere, without Grant ’s protection. Just dodge your enemies.

Arthur really wanted to do something, the press conference turned around, and a bulletin board was erected at the entrance of the Independent Centennial Exhibition Organizing Committee, which listed in detail all the capital transactions after the establishment of the Independent Centennial Exhibition.

Junma Group has once again become the focus of attention, because Junma Group helped the independent centennial exhibition to construct the main exhibition hall for free. You must know that in the original budget of the organizing committee, the construction cost of the main exhibition hall exceeded US $ 500,000, which is not a trivial matter. digital.

When he saw this news, even the people who were most uncomfortable with Junma Group had to give thumbs up to Junma Group.

Of course, this is because Horace Greeley was not on the scene.

Just last night, the Cavalry First Division military cooperated with the New York Police Department to seize the New York Tribune, arguing that the Tribune's report harmed the national interests of the United States. It is a rectification within a time limit, but everyone knows that if this "time limit" is not good, it is forever.

As the founder of the New York Tribune, although the New York Tribune no longer belongs to Horace Greeley, when the military police seized the New York Tribune, Horace Greeley was still patient. There was a clash with the police.

This is awkward. If there is only the New York police at the scene, the police may still be able to take care of the incense, but there are still soldiers who have just returned from Montana to New York. These people are like wolf-like tigers. Before he dispersed, Horace Greeley had just exploded. The two soldiers went up with a butt, and then Horace Greeley was put in the New York Police Department's detention center.

Everyone knows that Gloria's father is Will, First Cavalry Division Commander. Many people saw the conflict at the press conference yesterday, but it is estimated that they did not expect that Gloria's revenge would come like this Quickly, so violently.

So when Gloria appeared today, many colleagues looked at Gloria differently than before. They used to see Gloria in the past, the most is appreciation, but now a little more awe, Lenovo To the big men who often follow Gloria, everyone knows that Gloria can't mess with it.

Fortunately, someone is still very enthusiastic about Gloria, that is, the New York Times reporter Taylor Palmer. When he saw Gloria, Taylor Palmer immediately went up to say hello, look like this It is estimated to be more attentive than seeing the editor-in-chief of the New York Times.

Power is indeed a good thing.

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