Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Brooklyn Bridge

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The trail of the Japanese consulate in New York eventually became a mystery.

The three train drivers explained that when the train reached 75 kilometers in Pennsylvania, the Japanese consul in New York Watanabe asked to stop, and then led all the staff of the embassy and consulate and their families to walk in the direction of the Allegheny Mountains. Bian Xin strictly refused to accompany the train driver, so the train driver did not know where the staff and family members of Watanabe and the consulate went.

The three train drivers reluctantly turned around and returned to New York. It was not until ten days later that William Vanderbilt learned that Watanabe and his party had not arrived in New York.

Well, the reason why it took so long to know that Watanabe and his party are missing is due to the poor communication methods of this era. In order to change the status quo, large companies headed by Junma Group are working hard. Washington and New York Telephone lines are being laid, and perhaps half a year later, telephone contact will be available between Washington and New York.

Japanese ambassador to the United States Hideo Ueda did not care about the level of science and technology in the United States. Ueda was worried about the safety of Watanabe and his party.

The place where Watanabe got off was near the Allegheny Mountains. This mountain is a branch of the Albachi Mountains. The range is vast and complex, stretching more than 800 kilometers. There are not only wolves and grizzly bears in the mountains, but also puma This kind of large beast, the organized exploration team is still afraid to go into it, not to mention Watanabe and his party have a large number of women and children, so unprepared to march into the mountains, it is tantamount to a sheep.

At the request of Hideo Ueda, the Pennsylvania government organized a large-scale search of the militia in the Allegheny Mountains. The entire search operation lasted for more than one month. The Japanese government paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for this, but the search operation did not yield any results.

At the end of April, the search operation had to stop.

Don't stop, although Ueda vowed to see people dead and dead, but the financial report shows that the Japanese government has no more money to support the search operation and can give hundreds of thousands of dollars, including similar Vanderbilt families. In this way, the friendly support of large companies that have a certain relationship with the Japanese government.

In order to get these big companies to raise money, Ueda Yinglang spent a lot of words, even the Governor Island, Ueda Yinglang also came to visit, but Ueda Yinglang also ate behind closed doors, did not get the opportunity to meet Li Mu.

"Don't make fun of fundraising. I would rather donate money to Montana refugees than to the Japanese." When Li Mu knew the news, he did not hide his glee.

Ueda came to New York from Washington in March, not only to raise funds, but also to re-organize the Japanese Consulate in New York.

As Japan's ambassador to the United States, Ueda is of course based in Washington, but in a big city like New York, Japan also has a consulate in order to better serve its citizens.

Of course, Japan's national strength is limited, and the number of consulates is very small. Except for Washington, Japan only has consulates in New York, and it does not even have San Francisco.

It is not that Japan does not want to set up a consulate in San Francisco.

The San Francisco city government and the California state government are not cold at Japan, so the state and city governments are not so concerned about setting up the San Francisco consulate that the Japanese government has to pay for the consulate.

Even if the Japanese government is poor, the consulate has paid for the land, but there was a problem when choosing the location. The Japanese government originally wanted to set up the consulate in Auckland, a Chinese gathering place, but the Auckland government rejected Japan in one fell swoop. The government's application for land purchase stated that there was no excess land for sale at all.

No excess land is definitely a rhetoric. On the map of the San Francisco City Hall, Oakland covers an area of ​​300 square kilometers, while the urban area of ​​Oakland is currently less than 20 square kilometers. In addition to the huge factory area, besides that, a large amount of land is still wasteland to be reclaimed, so it is a joke that there is no extra land.

But even if it was just a joke, the Auckland government was serious about it. Looking at the red seal on the official letter, the Japanese government had to bring the lawsuit to Washington.

It was useless to reach Washington. Although Washington supported the Japanese government to set up a consulate in San Francisco due to foreign relations considerations, the official documents went to the California government, and the state government did not even transfer it to the San Francisco city government, let alone Oakland.

The United States is also a high mountain emperor. As long as it does not fight, the president is a display. Even if it is a formal official letter, the state governments have the power to refuse.

This situation also made the Japanese government finally have a bit of contempt for the US government. In a country where the decree is not yet clear, it is utterly vain to talk about the cohesion of any country.

After Watanabe led the evacuation of the staff of the Japanese consulate in New York, the New York City government took away the Japanese consulate's land for some reason. So Ueda now wants to rebuild the Japanese consulate in New York. The first thing that needs to be solved is the land issue.

"Mr. Ueda means that he wants to place the new Japanese Consulate in New York near Steed Plaza, what do you think?" In such a case, Arthur must come to seek the advice of Li Mu.

Although Brooklyn County, where Horse Plaza is located, is now under the jurisdiction of the New York City Government, the land near Horse Plaza is privately owned by Li Mu, so the New York City Government does not have jurisdiction over those lands. Even if the New York City Government wants to requisition, You must first seek Li Mu's consent.

"Ha ... Mayor, April Fool's Day has passed." Li Mu blocked the road tightly without leaving a gap.

Selling land near Horse Plaza to the Japanese?

What a joke, if the new Japanese consulate in New York stands at Steed Plaza, it will make Li Mu sick and sick.

To be honest, Li Mu admired Ueda's ability to act stupid, which is also one of the necessary skills for diplomats.

Regarding the point between Junma Group and Sasebo's smokeless powder factory, Li Mu did not believe that Ueda Hideo didn't know, but Ueda Hideo was able to pretend to visit Li Mu directly without any effort to replace Arthur with a way of doing it. Li Mu admired Ueda Hideo's thickness.

"Oh, you should still give people some fantasy." Aser is now very relaxed, without the harassment of those troublesome things, Arthur and Li Mu can still be friends.

Regarding the Japanese Consulate in New York and Watanabe's letter, Arthur was very satisfied with Li Mu's handling.

Arthur didn't care about Watanabe's life, as long as he didn't die in New York City.

"It's not that I don't care about the friendly relations between Japan and the United States. There is really no extra land to take it out. You also know that since the construction of the Consulate General of the Independent Centennial Exhibition, the price of land nearby has risen rapidly. At this time the Japanese thought When buying land, I really doubt their intentions. "Li Mu doesn't talk about politics, and his mouth is economic interest. As long as he leans on this, even if Grant sends a letter, Li Mu also has something to say.

April is already full of sunny spring, the spring breeze blows the ground, and the winter is finally far away. The works temporarily suspended due to the cold winter weather have begun to resume.

After the 100-year independent exhibition, the New York City government will donate the main exhibition hall to Li Mu for conversion into the Metropolitan Museum. Therefore, Li Mu was very interested in the construction of the main exhibition hall. More than 4,000 workers were used alone.

After a series of projects such as Kubin Reservoir and Junma Group Headquarters, Junma Construction Company is already familiar with the construction of large-scale projects. Therefore, the progress of the main exhibition hall is fast. As long as there are no problems with the raw materials, it is estimated that the maximum exhibition time is three months. The museum will be completed.

People in the 19th century are no less economically minded than people in the 21st century. The main exhibition hall has not yet been completed, and the nearby land prices have skyrocketed. However, the largest piece of meat belongs to the Junma Group. The residential quarters that Junma Group started to build are under construction. The location is right next to the main exhibition hall, which is a standard prime location.

The New York City Government is considering incorporating Brooklyn County into the management of the New York City Government and turning it into the Brooklyn district of New York, so Arthur is also very concerned about the new changes in Brooklyn County.

"Your neighborhood, however, gave me a big problem. Some people from the city government also proposed to build their own community to allocate to government employees, and also chose the location in Brooklyn County. I really doubt that this group of people Was their brain kicked by the donkey? Would they be willing to take a ferry to work every morning? "Arthur shook his head again and again, without concealing his complaints to Li Mu.

The Stallion Group's employee community has become the most sensational news in New York City. While feeling the benefits of Stallion Group employees, they also hope that the institutions they serve can do similar things. Of course, the city government is the first to bear the brunt, and the American civil servants are also very superior. How could it be that people lag behind in such matters.

"This is as simple as sending the community I'm building to your municipal government. You can find another plot of land for me, and I will build another one." Li Mu was helpless. Although there are many empty lands in Manhattan, they are all sporadic land. It was unrealistic to build a large-scale community, so Li Mu chose to be in Brooklyn.

This is not a problem for the New York City government. Although the land in Manhattan is tight, if the New York City government wants to requisition, it can still be squeezed out.

"Don't even think about it, you can use Brooklyn's land for Manhattan's land, but you can't stop talking about it." Arthur gave Li Mu a big white eye. Ordinary people don't know the value of Manhattan.

"Then you can change it if you like." Li Mu is not in a hurry. Anyway, the residents of Brooklyn County are only allocated to the workers of the Junma Automobile Factory. As for the employees of the Manhattan headquarters, Li Mu has other arrangements.

Although sporadic land is not suitable for the construction of large-scale residential communities, it is still OK to use it to build apartment buildings. Li Mu has bought a lot of land in Manhattan over the years, ranging from hundreds to thousands of square meters. One hundred households have no problems at all.

"Huh ..." Arthur knew there was nothing cheap about this, so he didn't get too involved in it: "The Brooklyn Bridge proposal has been submitted to Parliament for review. What do you think?"

The Brooklyn Bridge is another important project of the New York City Government.

The Brooklyn Bridge is the main transportation link between Manhattan and the Brooklyn Line. It was designed by John Roblin, a bridge designer who studied abroad in Germany.

Although the Brooklyn Bridge was designed by John Roblin, John Roblin did not have the opportunity to watch it become a reality. Just before the construction started, John Roblin died of an accident during a riverside survey.

After John Roblin's death, John's son Washington Roblin served as chief engineer, responsible for building the Brooklyn Bridge.

Washington Roblin, like his father, is extremely responsible for the work. From the beginning of the project, Washington Roblin insisted on directing the construction on site, but the heavy work caused Washington Roblin to suffer from “diver disease”. When the construction of the bridge pile was completed, Washington Roblin was paralyzed, and he could no longer visit the site to direct the construction.

However, Washington Roblin did not give up. Since then, the most peculiar scene in the history of architecture has appeared. Washington Roblin uses a telescope in front of the window every day to observe the construction progress, and then dictates his instructions and lets his wife transfer it to the construction staff. Washington Roblin Lin's wife, Emily, had to teach herself higher engineering and other engineering skills.

Although the story of Washington Roblin and his son is moving, it is still quite worrying to hand over such a major project to a disabled person, so some people have suggested that the chief engineer candidate should be replaced.

Arthur has nothing to do with this. For Arthur, the Brooklyn Bridge has nothing to do with Arthur, because it is estimated that the Brooklyn Bridge cannot be completed under Arthur's tenure, so whether to replace the chief engineer, Arthur does not care. .

Although the Brooklyn Bridge has nothing to do with Arthur, it may have a certain relationship with the Horse Group. You must know that the Horse Construction Company is currently the most powerful construction company in New York, and the Brooklyn Bridge is the largest project in New York. If Li Mu is willing, Arthur can help Li Mu win the project.

Anyway, changing one is changing, and changing two is also changing.

"Brooklyn Bridge ... forget it Arthur, I don't want to be scolded, Washington Roblin does a good job, you better not get involved in it." Li Mu does not want to spoil this story, although the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge will Bring a lot of economic benefits to Li Mu, but sometimes money is not everything, there are still some beautiful things in the world, and people need to maintain them.

In the original history, the Bridge Construction Committee also conducted a hearing on whether to replace the chief engineer candidate. As a result, Washington Roblin's wife Emily gave a speech at the American Civil Engineering Association. This is the first time a woman has been on a similar occasion. Give a speech.

The final vote was seven votes against and one vote in favor. The chief engineer remained Washington Roblin.

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