Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 485: inquiry

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While Li Fei was busy digging for Red Beard, Li Mu was also trying to put pressure on the United States to solve this problem at the official level.

Among the attacked merchant ships, although three were affiliated with the Santiago Investment Company, one was under the shipping department of the Port of Santiago.

The San Diego Investment Company is a joint venture between Li Mu and George Dewey, Benjamin Harrison, and Alfred Mahan. Although the other three people are not involved in business operations, they can get generous dividends from the San Diego Investment Company every year. Now it is finally time for them to fulfill their responsibilities. The millions of dollars that Li Mu brings out each year are not in vain.

As for the port of San Diego, which has J.P. Morgan's shares, it makes sense that J.P. Morgan should protect his investment.

"A merchant ship is worth $ 25,000. This is still a relatively slow paddle wheel merchant ship. If it is the latest type of propeller merchant ship, the price of a merchant ship is more than $ 50,000. These pirates not only grab our cargo, but also To kill our crew, the most abominable thing is to sink the ship. If we sit idly by, we will sooner or later become a paradise for pirates in the Caribbean. By then, our trade will have no guarantee at all. "Li Mu is not Alarmist. For big businessmen like Li Mu and J.P. Morgan, one or two merchant ships are drizzle at all. Li Mu attaches more importance to channels.

In fact, what Li Mu is doing is similar to the key account manager of the 21st century. If Li Mu wants to, his daily work content is to accompany different customers to eat and drink, but these customers are relatively high-level, and money alone is not enough. If there is no corresponding social status, Li Mu's invitation letter will not be received at all.

To be honest, now hundreds of thousands of dollars of business will not report to Li Mu at all, and even Henry does not need to handle it himself. If it was not for Red Beard that threatened the business channel just opened by San Diego Investment Company, Li Mu would not Will ignore him.

From this point, Red Beard can be considered a terrific one, and finds the lifeblood of San Diego Investment Company as soon as it is shot.

Li Mu founded the Santiago Investment Company in order to open up the markets of the Caribbean coastal countries. For Li Mu and his Steed Group, the Caribbean coastal countries are the best place to produce raw materials. Li Mu and Steed Group only need to pay some technical content. High primary industrial products can obtain abundant raw materials from the countries along the coast of the Caribbean Sea. This one-in and one-out is extremely lucrative enough to prompt Li Mu to use all means to protect trade, including war.

"It's just a few pirates. It's worth our so much fanfare. Say hello to Alfred, or spend a few hired mercenaries, and you can easily get rid of those pirates." J · P · Morgan didn't take this little thing to heart, and for J.P. Morgan, it wasn't worth him to handle.

J.P. Morgan was kind in front of Li Mu, and that was because Li Mu had enough qualifications to be equal with J.P. Morgan.

With any phone call, Li Mu can invite J.P. Morgan to have an afternoon tea, or go fishing for something, even if he wastes a weekend for this, J.P. Morgan will be very happy.

Changing people is impossible. For a big businessman like J.P. Morgan, even if the governor wants to meet with J.P. Morgan, he must first see if J.P. Morgan has time.

Alfred Mahan has become the idol of all US Navy soldiers since the publication of Sea Power. For the US Navy, Alfred Mahan has a stronger influence than the Secretary of the Navy.

Needless to say, the relationship between Li Mu and Alfred Mahan is not only a business partner, but also a mentor and good friend at work. Alfred Mahan clearly stated in "Theory of Sea Power" In the process of writing his book, Li Mu gave him the necessary help, so thanks to Alfred Mahan's blessing, Li Mu also has a certain reputation in the US Navy.

If Li Mu could say something through Alfred Mahan, then there would be countless US Navy soldiers rushing to the Caribbean like a chicken blood, born and died for Li Mu.

Oh, it was for the death of Alfred Mahan.

"Pipa, if it's just a group of pirates, it really isn't worth our trouble, but you haven't thought about it. The reason why these pirates will appear in the Caribbean, for our trade ships, there must be someone behind them, so we are now going to do It is not only to kill these pirates, but also to warn those who are devastated. We must let everyone know that the media are wrong, so that no one dares to harm our interests. "Li Mu thought a little bit, There is no need to hide these things.

They are all in the same city, but they do n’t see their heads down. In fact, Li Mu ’s communication circle is just a limited number of people. Others are not qualified to enter, so who knows no one, it ’s better to be honest.

"Haha, you arrogant guy, you have made enemies all day, and now you finally taste the bitter fruit." J.P. Morgan finally found the opportunity to laugh at Li Mu, of course, will not let go.

In fact, the early American tycoons, except J.P. Morgan, acted with impunity, and enemies everywhere were almost certain. Those who did not have an enemy were saints. J.P. Morgan was also relatively disciplined and law-abiding. Far from the saint.

"It's a good thing to have enemies. This shows that I got something that originally belonged to other people. We Chinese have a saying that it's mediocre not to recruit people, so some people hate it, which proves that I'm good." Add one hundred.

"Okay, okay, what do you want to do in terms of you being so good?" J.P. Morgan was instantly defeated in front of the thick-walled Li Mu. If Li Mu was a rogue, then J · P · Morgan is a guardian.

Li Mu is finally satisfied. The Steed Group and the Morgan family should make Washington move.

On June 15, U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant officially addressed the British Governor of the Bahamas, Sean Bradley, and demanded that Sean Bradley effectively safeguard the waters of the Bahamas and protect the interests of American merchant ships.

"Cruz, you're having a big trouble for me ..." Sean Bradley handed a signed autograph note from Ulysses Grant to Cruise, Nassau's Governor's House Garden.

"Sean, if you want, you can ask your secretary to write a receipt for you." Cruise didn't raise his hands, and laughed and didn't care.

Although the Americans gained independence through the War of Independence, strictly speaking, Britain should be the defeat of the United States. However, the British have never seen the United States directly. Although the United States is thriving, although the British Empire is getting dark, in the eyes of many British people. The United States is still a country made up of thieves, hooligans, and scammers. This hasn't changed even in the 21st century, especially in the eyes of nobles with ancient heritage.

Obviously, Cruise is the kind of aristocrat with an ancient heritage. From the grandpa's grandfather's generation, the Cruise family has the title of Earl. Such a family has a long history and they look down on any new forces, even when it comes to the United States. President, Cruise is still a frivolous tone.

"No, no, Cruise, that's the president of the United States of America, and we should give him the respect he deserves." Shawn Bradley shook his head with a grin, and if you were in London, Shawn Bradley could also Don't take the US President seriously, but in the Bahamas, this place is only a short distance from the United States, Sean Bradley can better feel the potential of the United States.

"Then let your tax officer write the receipt." Bruce still didn't mind it, and he was silent again.

The imperial family has a long history. The Bahamas is in the commonwealth. It belongs to the backcountry. Every time I return to London to report his job, Sean Bradley is always in the far corner, as if there is 10,000 light from Her Majesty. So far away.

Sean Bradley also knew that the Bahamas were not to be seen, so Sean Bradley wanted to make as much money as possible to escape the quagmire of the Bahamas as soon as possible.

If you want to flee the Bahamas and continue to be reused after returning home, then in the Bahamas Governorship, Sean Bradley must ensure that no major accidents occur, so that he can achieve his wish.

In Sean Bradley's mind, there is a list sorted according to the importance of the United States. The position of the US president is always among the best. So in the face of Ulysses Grant's note, Sean Bradley should really think One thought, how should I explain.

If it's not good, it will be a big deal ...

Looking at the frowning Sean Bradley, Bruce decided to give Sean Bradley some weight: "From next month, your share will increase by 10%."

The cost under Bruce is not heavy. You must know that it is not only Sean Bradley who divides the money. There are many relationships that need Bruce to take care of. In this way, Bruce can't make any money. He can What you get may be the favor of some big names.

That's enough. Bruce wants exactly that. Everything else is just derivatives.

"Okay, I'll help you again, but Bruce, you should do things as clean as possible in the future, do not let people get hold of it, otherwise our trouble will be big." Qianliweiguan just for Fortune, Sean Bradley couldn't resist the temptation of money, and decided to continue to blamed Bruce.

Back on the yacht moored in the port of Nassau, Bruce was able to calm down, but others could not see.

"Mr. Governor's appetite is growing ..." Bruce's cousin Henderson was indignant.

Bruce's family is a family of pirates. Such a family always has some gloomy side children. One of them is Henderson.

Henderson is the son of Aunt Bruce. Although Bruce feels that he has fallen into disappointment and has scarce resources, but compared with Henderson, Bruce is like owning the whole world. So when Bruce went to the Caribbean, Henry Desen did not hesitate to ask to follow, hoping to use his weapon to build a world of his own.

The heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than paper. It means someone like Henderson. Compared with Henderson, Bruce is as deep as the old man who is about to die.

"As long as he is not afraid to die, I will give him as much as he wants." Compared with his ideal, money is like dung. When young people are accumulating prestige, money is not the only goal. Bruce understood a long time ago The truth.

"Looking at my hard-earned money, it was so easy to give it to others, and my heart was always a little uncomfortable." Henderson was still discouraged.

As far as the realm is concerned, the gap between Anderson and Bruce is as far away as the distance between Sean Bradley and the Queen.

"Don't worry, no matter how much money we spend now, we will all take them back in the future." Being able to use Red Beard as his nickname proves that Bruce is ambitious, so Bruce will win over everyone around him. Because Bruce needs them to charge.

"When we attack the Grumble Harbor, I can't wait ..." Henderson's attention was instantly diverted.

When Bruce was busy inquiring about the news, Henderson spent all his time on the dancer's ass, and thought of the flamboyant dancer, Henderson felt hot.

When the Nassau port is captured, all the dancers in the bar must be taken away, only for me to enjoy alone!

Henderson told himself so, and then felt that his pants were a bit narrow.

"Tonight you're going to find a stone, get him ready, and wait for the fifth merchant ship to enter the port, and we will immediately launch an attack ..." Bruce was worried about the escorted warship, only after seeing Ulysses Grant's note, Bruce Rest assured.

It is estimated that there is no such thing as the so-called "warship" in the mouth of Salad, otherwise Ulysses Grant's note will not come. Since the US government wants to resolve this matter from the official level, the military action will Would be the last option.

By the time the Washington government really decides, I am afraid that Cruise will have finished the ticket and fly high. By then, the Washington government will not be able to drive all their warships.

It is impossible to sail all over. Although the Bahamas is not high in status, it is also under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth. It is flying the flag of the empire, and if the US Navy dared to break in openly, this behavior is similar to declaring war directly.

Although the Steed Group is very important in the United States, it should not be so important to think about it.

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