Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 492: Catching up is also trading

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In the United States, Jews, like Chinese, belong to ethnic minorities and share a common need to urgently improve their social status.

In this regard, Li Mu has always been a unity of all forces that can be united, whether Jews, Mexicans, or Indians, they are all Li Mu's partners, or potential partners.

In fact, in terms of ethnic groups alone, blacks should also be able to unite. After all, blacks have a larger population base, but Li Mu does not intend to compromise in this regard. Li Mu will not seek cooperation with black groups as a last resort. .

Although nominally, black people have obtained the status of legal citizens of the United States, in fact, discrimination against black people is ubiquitous in the whole society. Because of the efforts of Li Mu and Junma Group for many years, the social status of the Chinese has finally improved. Do not mix with the black people at this time, otherwise the efforts of Li Mu and the Steed Group will be put to waste.

Blacks have a lower social status and have a great relationship with their overall level of education. One of the more important reasons is that no black man like Li Mu was born among the blacks. In this way, no black person can be qualified and Li Muping sat up, and there was no way to talk about cooperation.

Speaking of cooperation, Solomon Loeb was very enthusiastic. Solomon Loeb arrived at Clinton Castle early on Saturday morning.

"The auction doesn't start until evening. Is it a bit early for you to come here now?" Li Mu could understand the eagerness of Solomon Loeb, but could not accept this approach of Solomon Loeb.

Li Mu has always been in favor of Zhang Youchi's work. On Saturdays and Sundays, however, Solomon Loeb came to Clinton Castle early and put on a stance to talk with Li Mu to promote paint. This is really a headache.

"We should always communicate in advance, otherwise wouldn't it be a cheap Englishman?" Solomon Loeb resolutely talked about the auction and did not give Li Mu the opportunity to refuse.

The auction to be held this evening is a special Egyptian art sale. All the lots are from an English earl who refused to announce his name. Solomon Loeb's meaning is obvious. He wants to collude with Li Mu and join forces to lower prices.

Although the relationship between Junma Group and the British government is bad, this does not affect the cooperation between Junma Group and the British people. The United States is an emerging country and an emerging market. Such a country needs something to decorate.

Egypt is a British colony. Cultural relics from Egypt have been flooded in the British market and can not be sold at any good price. It is not the same in the United States. Americans and British are still more impetuous than others, no matter whether they are inherited or artistically appreciated It is a little bit worse, so the antiques that cannot be sold in the British market are basically sought-after goods in the United States.

"Rest assured, I'm not interested in Egyptian cultural relics, so you don't need to think about me even if you hold a sign at night." Except for the Qing Empire, Li Mu had no interest in cultural relics from other countries, so the competition that Solomon Loeb worried about would not be at all occur.

It is now 1875. The Second Opium War has not yet erupted, so in general, there are not many cultural relics flowing from the Qing government. Li Mu previously speculated on cultural relics in order to enhance the influence of the auction house. Now the auction house is on track. Li Mu needs to be a nursery.

"Of course, I know you don't like the cultural relics of other countries. You have to pity me as a person without a sense of belonging. If I can have a long-standing motherland, then I don't need to envy anyone." Solomon Loeb emotional Low, you can see that he is in a bad mood.

Although the Jews have a long history, the Jews have never established their own country. Therefore, the first impression that many people think of Jews is that they are traitors, not only because Judas betrayed Jesus, but also because the Jews had no loyalty at all. .

This is also not true. If the meaning of "allegiance" is unified, it can be interpreted as Jewish loyalty to money.

In this regard, being a Jew is sad, no matter how much money Solomon Loeb earns, it is impossible for him to gain the respect of others.

"Don't act, you don't care about these things at all, why bother to behave." With more dealings, Li Mu has seen through these old tricks of Solomon Loeb, even if Solomon Loeb's eyes were red and his hands and feet were shaking, Li Mu wasn't Will believe this old guy.

"You won't understand my mood, so let's talk about other things ..." Solomon Loeb smiled bitterly and didn't want to explain, such things are getting more and more dark, unless Solomon Loeb can treat himself Take out my heart.

Looking at the sad old man, Li Mu still moved his heart. The sun outside the window was bright, and the indoor air was habitual. After the cigar was lit, the green smoke rose and the wine in the decanter exuded a faint fragrance. Such a beautiful environment. Here, we should talk about something that makes each other happy.

"Well, let's talk about the clothing monopoly. I have to say that you have a good vision. This is a good business and will make you a lot of money." Li Mu took the wine glass and walked out from behind the desk, leaning on the window sill, holding He raised his glass and gestured to Solomon Loeb.

Looking at Li Mu, a young man with lush black hair and a beard just growing on his face, Solomon Loeb had to admit that he was old and that the future world would belong to young people.

"Rim, in fact, we can talk about anything, Rose Company, Urban Beauty Store, Springfield Institute of Technology, and your Steed Lab. Have you not found it? I have been trying to keep up with you. No matter what you are doing. "Solomon Loeb had to give up his dominance. In the face of Li Mu, Solomon Loeb and the group behind him had no advantage.

The acquaintance of Li Mu and Solomon Loeb began at the auction of Rose Company shares. At that time, Solomon Loeb took the initiative and spent a huge sum of money to buy Rose Company shares, and since then he has been registered here with Li Mu.

This decision is of course wise, Rose Company is exploring the British market, and in the next few years, Rose Company will give generous returns to all shareholders.

That is, since then, Solomon Loeb and Li Mu have been in close contact and have been trying to reproduce a steed group.

Solomon Loeb is the spokesperson for the Boston Consortium. As the oldest and most qualified consortium in the United States, the Boston Consortium has a huge influence in the New England region and the entire United States, but this influence has not been translated into tangible benefits. At least not as much as the benefit of the Steed Group, so Solomon Loeb actively moved closer to Li Mu.

"I know, so you can sit here instead of staying in the lobby on the first floor, looking for opportunities like those headless flies." Li Mu knew Solomon Loeb's intentions, and of course he would show kindness appropriately.

The beach club has become the undisputed rich club in Manhattan. As long as people with some status are proud to join the beach club, there are countless people here every day looking for opportunities, even if they only need to talk with a tycoon and pass out. Will become the goal that many people dream of.

Everyone knows that the beach club often has top-level tycoons like Li Mu, and they all know that Li Mu has an independent office on the third floor, but few people have the opportunity to step in. Only a few people can be invited by Li Mu. Solomon · Loeb can only be regarded as barely qualified.

"Of course I'm grateful ... but Rim, that's not enough ..." Solomon Loeb wanted to get more. It's normal. At the beach club, if you don't get enough chances, it is a failure.

"I also think, but you need to know that some things are not easy to do. The world is like a big plate of cake, the total amount of cake is fixed, if we want to eat more, then others will Eat one bite less, so nothing can be obtained for nothing. "What Li Mu wants to see is a vote, not a promise of nothingness.

"Rim, are you pushing for legislation against Japan? I think I can help in this regard too." Solomon Loeb finally came up with some real materials, and it was really annoying to fight with such an old guy .

About three or four months ago, Li Mu began to try to push Congress to pass a bill on the Japanese. This plan is similar to the "Chinese Exclusion Act". Of course, to Li Mu, this plan should be called the "Japanese Exclusion Act."

It is not easy to push Congress to legislate on a certain ethnic group. The spirit of American legislation is "natural human rights." This is certainly against this spirit.

Although the "Day of the Sun Act" has not yet been formally passed, Li Mu is confident that, like the "China Exclusion Act", the "Day of the Sun Act" will pass sooner or later.

Do n’t think Americans are under the banner of “natural human rights”, how much they talk about human rights. If Americans regard this phrase as a golden rule, there will be no “Chinese Exclusion Act”. Since it is in another time and space, Here, the "Chinese Exclusion Act" was passed, so in this time and space, Li Mu also has this confidence.

"If you can, it would be greatly appreciated." On this issue, Li Mu is also a uniting force that can be united.

"Of course you can, but it's a pity that the Japanese chef I just hired." Solomon Loeb is very firm on this issue. Don't look at the tens of millions of people in Japan, but Solomon Loeb really doesn't care about those thousands. Life and death of ten thousand people.

The appearance of St. George's restaurant has caused a burst of Chinese food in New York. Chinese food began to appear on New Yorkers' tables with exquisite dishes, wonderful flavors and unique charm.

Many Westerners don't know the difference between Qing Chinese and Japanese. Maybe they think that sushi and spring rolls are similar, so some people ca n’t find a Chinese chef, so it ’s good to have a Japanese chef.

Chinese chefs are scarce now, and those with real craftsmanship are all included in Springfield Security, so even if Chinese chefs can be hired on the market, most of them are rampant.

"God, Chinese food and Japanese food are two different things ..." Li Mu couldn't bear to see Solomon Loeb crooked.

"What's the matter? Anyway, it's better than me." Solomon Loeb doesn't care. For him, it doesn't matter if the cook is Japanese or French, or Qing Dynasty. He rarely does. Eat at home.

"Well, let's be serious about both of us, what about men's leather goods? Would you like to do it?" Li Mu must be doing something good for Solomon Loeb. If the Jews don't play with their minds, it's really good. one's business Patner.

So would the Jews be indifferent?

If possible, it depends on who they work with.

"Listen to your ears, this is the purpose of my visit. The world is big and the most profitable." Every Jew is a traitor, or every Jew has the potential to be a traitor, and Solomon Loeb is the best among them.

"Don't underestimate this, although it sounds trivial, but the profits are very rich. The main items we operate are leather goods, including leather bags, belts, wallets, and even shoes. Even if only 1% of people in the United States become us Customers, this is better than any business now. "Li Mu is now working, making money is second, Li Mu is mainly to expand the group, pulling more people to their chariots, so that they can be wrapped up more More powerful forces, so in this way, it does not matter who to cooperate with, it is important to have a new partner for each business.

Li Mu did not exaggerate. It is not difficult to turn one percent of Americans into customers. In fact, this business is now a sole business. There are no competitors at all, so as long as it is cheap and inexpensive, it will not worry about no customers. .

That's right, the arrogant American imperialism now pays attention to quality and cheapness when buying things. The United States is still in the period of primitive accumulation of capitalism. There is not so much capital for Americans to spend, so quality and cheapness are king.

Of course, you can't just blindly afford good quality and low prices, and scarce things are expensive. The production scale has not reached a certain level and you cannot produce enough goods.

"Oh, Rim, maybe others won't believe you, but I have always believed in your vision. You say this is the best business, then this is the best business, let's say, what do I need to do?" No Whoever hates money, Li Mu has proved his ability with the Junma Group. Through cooperation with the Junma Group, he can make the relationship between the two parties closer, without delaying making money. Where can I find such a good thing?

"Every one of us will invest a part of the capital to set up a factory together, and then we can start producing products. I don't take advantage of you. Let's each take out 200,000 US dollars. I will take 70% of the shares of the new company ..." Li Muzui It was said not to take advantage, but in fact the knife sharpened quickly and profitably.

For this distribution standard, Solomon Loeb has no opinion. In fact, let alone 30%, even if it is 10%, Solomon Loeb must resolutely and actively come together.

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