Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Good at

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The train Ding Ding Dong ran all night and arrived in Washington in the early morning.

Li Mu didn't have a housekeeper in his home in Washington. Before coming, in order to surprise Will, Li Mu did not send a telegram to Will, so no one came to pick up the station.

It doesn't matter if no one picks up. There are eight BMW cars in the last compartment of the train, which can take everyone away all at once.

In order to house Claudia and her children, Will bought a piece of land of about one hectare on the shore of the Lake of Sakura, and built a country house-style mansion, facing Li Mu's house across the lake.

To be honest, before that, Li Mu had never been to Will's house, but Li Mu knew the place, so there was no delay on the road.

The night is Christmas Eve. The atmosphere of Christmas is very strong. The shop windows on both sides of the road are full of Santa's head and mini Christmas trees. Some people use colored paper to cut out "Merry Christmas" and paste it on the glass windows. The clerks in Santa hats are soliciting customers, and most of the people on the road are beaming.

The closer to Claudia's home, the more excited Li Mu's mood became. Gloria and Sandy were able to accept that Claudia and the children were beyond Li Mu's surprise. Yesterday Gloria decorated the house so hard The Christmas tree was probably to surprise Claudia and her children.

Because Will was there, Claudia's house had a gun guard in military uniform. Mason also wanted to let the guard enter in accordance with the rules, but when Gloria and Sandy appeared, the guard immediately shuddered.

The guards naturally recognize Gloria and Sandy. Perhaps from the guard's point of view, Gloria and Sandy came directly to the door like this, it should be nothing good.

But think about it this way, Will's guards are not very qualified, probably they are a virtue with Mason.

A convoy of eight BMWs drove into the courtyard, and the spacious yard was crowded.

Will has noticed the convoy entering the courtyard. When Li Mu got out of the car, Will stood on the stone steps in the door with a serious expression, and was not very happy about the arrival of the two daughters.

Li Mu noticed Will's gaze in time, gave Will an affirmative look, and nodded hard.

Will immediately opened his arms to Gloria and Sandy: "My dear, your arrival really surprised me ..."

Sandy was still pouting, and Gloria's expression was not very happy, and he did not give his dad a face: "If we don't come, would you be planning to spend Christmas here?"

"How could baby, I was planning to pack things home, no matter what the reason, we will definitely be together at Christmas." Will gave Gloria a big hug, his expression and tone were extremely exaggerated.

When it was Sandy's turn, Will also kissed Sandy's hair, and before Will talked, Sandy's eyes were red.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Will immediately looked like a cat with a tail on it.

"You're not at home, your big girl bullied me ..." Sandy must be suing for such a good opportunity.

"Shut up!" Gloria raised her arms high and turned her eyes to the door: "Shall we stand here all the time?"

"Of course not, come in, come in quickly, this is also your home." Will held one in one hand, this action has a double guarantee meaning.

Compared with two years ago, Claudia's figure is more hot, but it also adds a bit of female charm. When Gloria and Sandy come in, Claudia's expression is a little panicked and her fingers are very bland Cuo's subconsciously twisted together and stood in front of a wooden stroller.

Will promptly signaled Claudia to speak first.

"Gloria ... Sandy ... hello ..." Claudia's voice was a little tense, and her greetings were even more pathetic.

"Hello ..." Sandy responded, but Gloria didn't say anything at all.

"I want to introduce you to a new member of our family, Claudia. I have decided to form a new family with her, and at the same time we will add a little man to our new family." Will resolved the embarrassment in a timely manner.

When it's time to speak, Will never hesitates.

"So what should we call, Mom?" Sandy didn't seem to have any opinion.

"Welcome, Claudia." Gloria finally reached out, but did not change the meaning of the title.

Claudia was also excited enough. God knew how long Claudia had waited to wait for this moment. When Gloria stretched out her hand, Claudia's eyes were already wet.

Claudia took Gloria's hand, and immediately gave Gloria a hug, then gave way like a dedication: "Thank you, Gloria, come and see your brother , His name is II. "

The name "Second Life" is actually no different from the baby sweetheart. It is a nickname. The little guy's name is actually Will, which is the same as his father's name. This is also a common name used by Westerners in the future. The father's distinction, the full name of the little guy should be Will Nell Barron, which contains his father's last name and his mother's last name.

No one can resist the charm of the baby, especially when seeing the baby's pure and flawless eyes, especially with his blood relationship, Gloria and Sandy's attention was instantly attracted by the baby.

"Oh my God, he's so cute." Gloria was surprised.

"Can I hug him?" Sandy couldn't help it.

"Certainly." Claudia carefully instructed Sandy on how to hold the child. When Sandy picked up the child, Claudia retreated to Will and hugged Will's arm, and her eyes were hazy for a moment .

Li Mu then entered the living room: "Sorry, it's too cold outside."

Li Mu's expression was also exaggerated. He grinned his teeth, rubbed his hands and stomped his feet, pulled a look of embarrassment at the beginning of the living room and went straight to the fireplace.

"I'm so sorry ..." Claudia was still embarrassed.

"Don't worry about him, let him freeze or die." Will was irritated. If it wasn't for Li Mu to lead the way, Gloria and Sandy wouldn't be here.

Speaking of Li Mu is also wrong. Will hasn't twisted the corner yet. If Li Mu had brought Gloria and Sandy here, where would the family be?

Li Mu didn't care, he and Will didn't need these politeness. From the perspective of Li Mu, he had long regarded himself as part of Will's family.

Fortunately, some people remember Li Mu. As soon as Will's words were finished, Gloria rolled Will's big white eyes and took Li Mu a blanket.

Li Mu used to use blankets in winter, even in front of the fireplace, Li Mu also likes to use blankets to cover them. The medical level of this year is too scum.

For a long time, taking care of Li Mu should be Chu Xue's task. In Springfield or on the Governor's Island, Gloria has never taken the initiative to serve Li Mu.

Looking at Gloria taking the blanket for Li Mu, and watching Li Mu pick it up naturally, Will's expression was a little surprised.

Claudia had a gentle face, and smiled warmly in Will's arms.

Will's expression was very complicated. He had planted cabbage for more than ten years, and it felt like he had been swallowed by a pig all night.

But it doesn't seem to be so sad to think about it, because the pigs of Gong cabbage are also raised by their own, which is better than letting other people's pigs go.

"You probably haven't eaten yet. Try the pie I baked myself. Is it good to eat beef stuffing? I'll go and fry a few more eggs for you ..." Claudia began to enter the role.

"I'm here ..." When it comes to cooking, Chu Xue is an expert, and the level can easily explode this house.

"This ..." Claudia was a little hesitant. She didn't quite know where Chu Xue was in the Will family.

In fact, the kitchen is a very sacred place. Generally speaking, a hostess like Claudia cannot easily enter the kitchen. After all, there is a housekeeper, a cook, a servant, and a guard at Claudia's house. None of Claudia's own hands could make it.

And once Claudia wants to do it herself, all the unrelated people will take the initiative to avoid it. At this time, the average person will not go to help, even if it is polite, it is also a bad manner.

"It's okay, try Chu Xue's cooking skills. To be honest, you have to learn both with her." Will and Chu Xue also did not see each other.

Although the United States abolished slavery during the Civil War, in fact, slavery was still widespread. Upstart families like Will did not have the opportunity to use slaves, but traditional wealthy families like Benjamin Harrison are now at home. There are still many slaves. They just changed their names. In fact, even the slaves could not survive on their own without their masters.

Therefore, during this period, the relationship between the master and the maid was actually ambiguous. Although Will did not have the opportunity to use the maid, Will also knew that there were some unclear ways between the master and his maid. Relationships are a common phenomenon and a fact that everyone knows.

The relationship between Li Mu and Chu Xue is more special. Chu Xue is not only Li Mu's maid, but also Li Mu's personal accountant, life assistant, personal butler, etc. Although it is generally customary in American society, Li Mu is unlikely to marry Chu Xue as Wife, but if something happened between Li Mu and Chu Xue, Will would not be surprised at all.

At the same time, a very incredible fact is that Will can accept the relationship between Li Mu and Chu Xue, just like the Chinese at this time think that it is normal for men to have three wives and four concubines.

Before in Springfield, Chu Xue often cooks at home, and Will did not use Chu Xue as an outsider.

"Well then, let's do it together faster." Claudia is not stupid. When watching Li Mu enters the house, she must drag Chu Xue together to come in. Now when I hear Will say that, I naturally understand that I can't Chu Xue looks like an ordinary servant.

"Simply do something, let's go back to New York immediately after eating, and don't delay spending Christmas Eve at home at night." Li Mu will definitely not leave Gloria and Sandy here, although Will has decided to go with Claudia. Reorganizing the family, but for Gloria and Sandy, the Governor's Island is their real home.

"Just a moment, it will be all right." Claudia's steps were very brisk, and for her, a bright tomorrow was beckoning to her.

As Claudia and Chu Xue entered the kitchen, Will stepped in front of Li Mu, looked down at Li Mu, and looked poor.

"Boy, did you do anything good while I was away?" Will looked at Gloria sitting on the armrest of Li Mu's sofa, and the anger in his eyes was as strong as a fire.

"Hey, hey, I just helped you ..." Li Mu had talked to Will a long time ago, and it's no big or small. Will's so-called "guardian" identity has long since disappeared. In the past few years, Li Mu has pulled money, and Will is now estimated to be the Sheriff of Springfield.

"I can solve it alone without your help, but now you have stolen my beloved baby. Do you think this is exchangeable?" Will didn't let go of Li Mu easily.

"Dad ..." Gloria lowered her head and called softly.

Will stretched out his hands and pulled his five fingers apart in the air to pull weakly. After all, he still had no choice but to take Li Mu: "Okay, okay, but you remember to me, if you dare bully my Glory Ya, even if you fled back to the Qing Empire, I would take you back with my own hands. "

This pass was so easy, Li Mu took the initiative to cover Gloria's hand: "Relax, I will treat her like you do to Gloria."

"Standard nonsense. No one in this world is as good as I am to Gloria, and so are you." Will's voice was a little buzzing.

Gloria couldn't sit still, stood up and hugged Will gently, and buried her head in Will's arms.

"Okay baby, I don't blame you, you know that I love you all the time, and I always love you." Will was almost in a hurry, whispering to Gloria's hair while mumbling.

"I love you too, Dad ..." Gloria's voice was dull.

Suddenly, II cried so loudly that it shattered the infinitely warm scene.

Claudia rubbed her hand and ran out of the kitchen. Will let go of Gloria and looked at it with a look of concern. Sandy's voice was innocent: "I don't know what happened, he suddenly cried. . "

"It's normal, come on, show me." Claudia was very skillful in taking the second from Sandy's arms, and Chu Xue was there to help.

In fact, it's normal for a child to cry, hungry and cry, thirsty and cry, even if he is not comfortable sleeping, he will cry, because this is the only way a child can express.

There is only one person with a bright eye.

"You must have done it on purpose?" Gloria gritted her teeth.

"I'm not." Sandy raised his head and carried his hands on his face, his face clearly filled with pride.

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