Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 526: Christmas

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December 25, Christmas.

Westerners define this day similar to the Chinese New Year, because in general, Westerners pay much less attention to New Year's Day than Christmas.

Western countries have different customs to celebrate Christmas. For example, the British will give Christmas gifts in the morning, and then the church choir will sing Christmas songs to deliver blessings from house to house, and the French will be more tender.

Christmas in France is a day of reunion, and all family members must come together on this day, even if there are contradictions, they must be relieved.

The United States is a multi-ethnic immigrant country, so the customs of the United States are more complicated. All immigrants still maintain their traditional celebrations, and there is no agreed custom.

But in general, Christmas is stable and peaceful. In these days, everyone will let go of their busy work, summarize the gains and losses in the past year, and look forward to the coming year.

If Irving Hart had not been shot dead on the street, Achill Theresa would also be happy to spend Christmas with her family, but now Achill Theresa has no such mood. Since I knew Irving Hart After being shot dead on the street, Achill Theresa felt like he was shrouded in a huge shadow, and the crisis was everywhere, even if he stayed at home, he could not find a moment of peace.

Achill Theresa is the executive chairman of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association. When the Texas Cotton Farmers Association made a decision to break the contract, Achill Theresa was the executive of this plan.

In fact, Achill Theresa has known for a long time that tearing up the contract with the steed clothing factory will surely cause a strong counterattack by the steed group, but Achill Theresa did not expect that the revenge of the steed group would come this way Quick, so violent that it was completely unprepared and unbearable.

Achill Theresa knew that if he didn't do anything, maybe it wouldn't be long before he would cross the street like Owen Hart.

So Achill Theresa is really not in the mood for Christmas. Although knowing that this request is a bit excessive, Achill Theresa still requested that a meeting of the entire committee of the Cotton Farmers Association be held on the morning of December 25th.

At 9 am, Achill Theresa was protected by more than ten cowboys and went to the headquarters of the Cotton Farmers Association.

Perhaps because of the festival, the crowded Cotton Farmers Association headquarters was unusually deserted. The door of the Cotton Farmers Association still has colorful Christmas rings. The Christmas tree in the hall is full of bells and little stars. The table at the door is still There are colored stickers with the words "Merry Christmas" cut out. It should have been pasted last night, but it is clear that people can no longer care about it.

In the spacious hall, there are forty or fifty cowboys who are talking wildly. They are excited and excited, and from time to time someone roars to give some color to the Yankees.

Achill Theresa knows that these cowboys are not talking big, as long as someone gives them some appropriate encouragement, they are not afraid of death, which has been fully verified in the last war.

But the more this happened, the more Achilles Theresa reminded herself to be cautious. If the Cotton Farmers Association really wanted to take revenge on the Steed Group, it might not be the pace of full-scale war. As a local association, Achill Theresa It is clear that they do not have the strength to compete with the Steed Group, because if the Steed Group is willing, even though Texas cowboys are sturdy, but they can not come out of Texas, the Texas Cotton Farmers Association cannot stop the Steed Group Penetration into Houston.

The members of the Cotton Farmers Association are much calmer than cowboys who are irritable.

Most of them are large ranchers in Texas, with an average of more than 5000 hectares of land in each person's name. Cotton planting is their main business project. Therefore, the agreement with the Steed Group was torn up. The small argument is that Owen Hart used his authority to suppress those dissent, so tearing up the agreement would be the final "collective decision."

Now the Owen Hart people are gone. Even those who were the strongest supporters of Owen Hart at the time are now in a heavy mood. If the threat of the Steed Group used to be as far away as the continent for people in this conference room Then, now this threat is as real as the turkey that was eaten last night. When the potential threat is so **** in front of everyone, even the bravest warrior can't help feeling timid.

What's more, for them, it is no longer appropriate to use the word warrior to describe them. They are not cowboys, but a group of businessmen.

Sitting in his own position for five minutes of silence, and seeing that no one took the initiative to speak, Achill Theresa had to break the silence.

"Presumably everyone knows what happened yesterday afternoon. Now there is a very important question before us. What should we do next? Is it against the Junma Group in the end, or just like what the Junma Group said in the telegram? Compensation for damages continues to be supplied, and I hope everyone can have a clear and sane attitude. "Achill Theresa opened her eyes, and this is not the time to circle.

"We should be tough, the Texans are never threatened, and Mr. Hart cannot die in vain. Since the Steeds don't follow the rules, we can also send people to New York." The speaker was Augus Montgomery, this person's personality is just like his name. It was as hot as the weather in August. Before deciding whether to tear up the contract with the steed clothing factory, Montgomery's attitude was very firm.

Achill Theresa knew why Auguste Montgomery had such a big grudge against the northerners. During the Civil War, three brothers of Auguste Montgomery died on the battlefield, so the Montgomery family and the North Man has a deep sea of ​​blood that cannot be resolved.

"Yes, we shouldn't be intimidated, but at the same time we shouldn't bear all the bad results alone. We should send a telegram to Mr. Samuel. Now is the time for him to say something." Another member Same attitude.

"Yes, this is indeed more secure."

"Yes, we should get broader support."

"Anyway we can't just surrender, we have to let the steed know that we are not provoking."

There was a lot of discussion among the committee members. As Achill Theresa had expected, no one wanted to behave like a coward at this time.

"Well then, Claude, in that case, will send a telegram to Mr. Samuel telling him what happened here." Achill Theresa could not change everyone's decision.

Claude Emerson is the secretary-general of the Cotton Farmers Association. When he heard what Achill Theresa said, Claude Emerson stood up immediately: "Sir, I will give it to Mr. Samuel's office later. A telegram, but I can't guarantee that Mr. Samuel will respond immediately because Mr. Samuel is still on the beach in Miami. "

Yeah, I almost forgot, as if Mr. Samuel is still on vacation ...

Achill Theresa did not immediately ask for a response from Samuel. When Achill Theresa made this decision, it was obvious that the solemn atmosphere in the conference room was suddenly relaxed. Several members looked at Achill Theresa with a hint of glee and ridicule. Achill Theresa knew what they meant.

"Then let's get on to the second topic as soon as possible ..." Archil Theresa knocked on the table, ready to really show his attitude: "Mr. Irving Hart died unexpectedly, we all feel sad, but the deceased has Alas, we all have to look forward. As the largest association in Texas, the Cotton Farmers Association needs a new president, so our next task is to choose a new president. In the end, I believe that the Cotton Farmers Association will be able to re-establish a rope to resist the evil forces from New York. "

In fact, this is the real purpose of Achill Theresa's request for a conference. Of course, everyone will speak, because the knife is not placed on his neck, and the tall man is standing against the sky, so he is not responsible for his words. And once he had to stand on the front line to face the threat from New York, Achill Theresa would like to see if the members were still bloody.

"Choosing the president ... It's not necessary, I remember there are similar provisions in our charter. Once the president can't exercise his responsibility, the executive chairman wants to act on behalf of the president, so it's time you should take responsibility. "August Montgomery immediately suggested.

Those who can enter this meeting room are not stupid, joking. Even if the Steed Group is even more powerful, it is impossible to kill all the Texans. Someone has to plant cotton for them, so at this time, they ca n’t choose. The president, otherwise, just because Auguste Montgomery's voice is so high, what if Auguste Montgomery is elected as the president?

Being a president at this time is almost like applying for the death penalty on your own initiative.

"Do we have such a rule?" Achill Theresa asked knowingly.

"Yes, we do." Claude Emerson knew the provisions and immediately gave a positive answer.

"That's it, Mr. Achill, you are now the president of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association." Oxnte Montgomery slammed the table and tried to settle the matter.

"Yes, Mr. Achill, you are now the executive chairman. You have high morals. You deserve to be our new president."

"Yes, that's it. We believe you can lead us to defeat New Yorkers."

"No one is better than you ..."

The committee members all agreed, Achill Theresa never knew that there were so many supporters.

"Thank you very much for your trust. Personally, I am very willing to serve as the chairman of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association, safeguard the interests of the Cotton Farmers Association, win more orders for the Cotton Farmers Association, and earn more money. … "Achill Theresa's expression was sincere. If he could maintain this modestness, maybe he could run for the US president in a few years.

Generally speaking, people who sing high-profile sings have to raise the bar first, and Achill Theresa is no exception: "... But unfortunately, I am afraid I can no longer serve the Cotton Farmers Association. You all know that this year I ’m 60 years old, and I ’m a half-entrenched old guy. I feel that my thinking has not kept up with the development of the times. Not only can I not protect the interests of the Cotton Farmers Association, but now it has become an obstacle to the development of the Cotton Farmers Association, so I thought Think again, it's time for me to leave ... "

At this age, there is nothing to see through. Power is important, but life is priceless, so Achill Theresa would rather resign than be the president of the Rush son at this cusp.

"No, Mr. Archie, you can't do that, we still need your wisdom ..." Oakst Montgomery was dumbfounded, he couldn't think of it, Archie Teresa chose to pick a pick.

"Mr. Achill, we need you."

"Are you running away in fear?"

"Don't let us look down on you, Mr. Achill ..."

The meeting room became messy in an instant. The committee members had everything they said. In summary, it was actually a sentence: you can't go, we need to stand alone in front of us to block the gun ...

Before leaving, Archil Theresa would like to say a few big truths: "Friends, I know my decision will disappoint you, but I also want to ask you to see one thing clearly, the Civil War Ten years have passed, confrontation is no longer the theme, and cooperation is what everyone wants ... "

"Shut up, you coward!" Auguste Montgomery interrupted Achill Theresa.

"You just have to shut up! Don't you know why we have come this far? Do you understand that the Texas Cotton Farmers Association will no longer exist today? Do you understand?" , And tit-for-tat with Auguste Montgomery.

Unlike August Montgomery who joined midway, Achill Theresa and the shot Irving Hart were the founders of the Cotton Farmers Association. The Cotton Farmers Association can continue to this day. He and Owen Hart had racked their brains to grow the Cotton Farmers Association, so the Cotton Farmers Association has reached this point today, and Archer Theresa's heartache can be imagined.

Forced by Achill Theresa's angry look, Auguste Montgomery did not dare to say anything unexpectedly, and the meeting room was so quiet that the wind outside the window could be heard.

"We are gathered here today to pay for our previous stupid behavior, that is, the Steed Group that we have not seen before. In just a few years, they have become the largest economy in the United States, one from the Far East. Chinese kid, can actually be a guest of the President ’s Palace, and see what we are doing now? Repeating the boring life from day to day, like hiding in the corner of the room like an abandoned blame woman Cry, if you are very proud of our actions today, then you can go on, but I have decided to sell my farm to New York, where I think it will represent the future of the United States. "

Achill Theresa finally glanced at the crowd of dumbfounded chickens, took his hat and buckled his chest, bowed slightly like a curtain call, and then turned away from the conference room without turning back.

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