Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 553: Job

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Warren Buffett has auctioned the opportunity to have lunch with himself, which is said to be valuable.

The 19th century is not the age of the Internet, and Li Mu did not use this as a gimmick, but he would definitely need to make an appointment to see Li Mu.

Of course, if Li Mu is willing to release the news, someone will definitely pay for lunch with Li Mu, and the number will not be small.

Achill Theresa hasn't figured out the situation yet. If he does not use the banner of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association, but goes to Li Mu's office through a normal channel as an individual, he may not be able to get one with Li Mu. Opportunity to communicate.

Now that Achill Theresa uses this method, Li Mu obviously does not eat this set.

Achill Theresa did succeed in arousing Li Mu's emotions, but it was negative.

"I'm really sorry. In recent days, the Independence Centennial Exhibition is about to open. There are really a lot of things." Li Mu refused to be gentle, and did not let Archie Teresa step down on the spot.

"It's the same for a while, I'm based in New York now ..." Achill Theresa did not give up.

"Okay, then you can contact my office." Li Mu's business office can no longer find a reason to refuse Achill Theresa.

In fact, Americans also know the principle of "being alive and staying on the line and meeting in the future". This sentence is translated into English: there are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

After the mediation by Samuel Tilden, the festival of the Steed Group and the Texas Cotton Farmers Association seems to have disappeared. Since the attitude of the Texans has reached Li Mu's psychological expectations, then Li Mu will show great performance. Too much, can't hold onto it.

So even if Li Mu doesn't like the Texans anymore, he won't show it in public. This is blatant regional discrimination, which is more serious than racial discrimination. If it is spread, it will be a scandal. Republicans cannot afford this blow.

After the dinner, Li Mu and Will returned to Governor's Island together.

Will returned to New York this time to do something, and in half a month, Will will be engaged with Claudia Nell.

After being an underground lady for almost three years, Claudia is finally about to achieve a positive result. This is a great thing. Not only Li Mu, but Gloria and Sandy are happy for Will.

After returning home, Will's mood was so high that he took Li Mu to the study's balcony and had a drink.

"What do you want to do in Ryukyu? Is it just for the Japanese?" Will still doesn't know what Li Mu wants to do, he must ask the question thoroughly.

"Not for the Japanese, is it for the Qing Empire?" Li Mu's mood was not very high.

In fact, Li Mu has always been lazy. Compared to usual, Li Mu's work is already busy today, so what Li Mu misses most now is his own big bed.

"Who else knows anything but yourself ..." Will threw a sentence saltily, his expression on his face very interesting.

Considering Li Mu's background, it seems impossible to say that he has nothing to do with the Qing Empire.

In fact, there have been some rumors in the United States in the past two months about Li Mu and the Steed Group.

Take a look at the recent development direction of Li Mu and Junma Group. Although the old nest of Junma Group is still in Springfield, since the previous year, Junma Group has successfully expanded its business to the West Coast, then Hawaii, and now Ryukyu ...

Judging from the development direction, the Junma Group has been moving west, and now it has extended its tentacles to the Qing Empire. It is impossible to say that the United States has no vigilance against this.

You know, the United States now has only a large-scale arms company, Steinberg Weapons Company. If it is other industries, others may not pay attention to it. Suspect, this is indeed worrying for some people.

Of course, in Li Mu's view, this worry is more similar to ulterior motives.

"Whether you have ulterior motives or not, since there are similar rumors, you can't just ignore them. You should know how sensitive Junma Weapons Company is. Since it is sensitive, there must be risks, and facing risks is part of the business itself. "Will must be on Li Mu's side, so the meaning inside and outside the words is a bit worried.

"I will deal with it, rest assured." Li Mu also secretly warned that when Li Mu engages in others, others will also find ways to engage in Li Mu and Steed Group, which is inevitable in itself.

At 10 am on May 10, the Centennial World Expo officially opened.

The ribbon was cut for the Centennial Independence Exhibition by U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, Cuban President Silvestre, and Brazilian King Pedro II.

As the host, New York Mayor Arthur was standing behind Ulysses Grant while cutting the ribbon, with Arthur next to Hayes and Samuel Tilden next to Arthur.

Li Mu's position is next to Samuel Tilden.

Samuel Tilden is still very polite. Although he and Li Mu are now nominal opponents, when he saw Li Mu, he greeted Li Mu enthusiastically and did not forget to meet Li Mu when he cut the ribbon. Avoiding suspicion.

"Your" Time "is really abominable. Last month, in the newspaper, it was openly saying that the state government's accounts are unclear, and there is no evidence at all. Should you be the boss of yours ..." Samuel · Tilden's expression was not very good-looking.

Anyone who was injured by such an insult was probably in a bad mood.

Speaking of which, "slandering" is also part of the election campaign. Isn't the Democratic Party always holding back the corruption of the Republican Party, and the "Time Weekly" is also returning to its own way.

Samuel Tilden was the governor of New York before becoming a presidential candidate, which gave Time Magazine a chance to thrive, although Time Magazine didn't come up with tangible evidence to do it. There was corruption during his time as governor of the State of New York, but this "breaking news" was an attitude in itself, at least it could stir the water and make everyone look less clean.

This is the real purpose of Time Magazine. As for fairness, don't make fun of it. Such things are scarce even in the 21st century.

"Ah, there are changes, or encouragement, the news media is to perform its role of public opinion supervision. If the state government can give evidence to prove that the state government's finances are not a problem, it can just set off the fairness and integrity of the Democratic Party. . "Li Mu didn't take it seriously. Even if Samuel Tilden really showed evidence, Time Magazine would not stop there.

What's more, you ca n’t prove your innocence at all. The current environment is like this. Including all American officials, if they all have corruption, it ’s estimated that they are wronged. Li Mu dares to Personality guarantee: At least 90% or more of US officials are not clean on the buttocks, even if they are not exposed, as long as they are exposed, they must be checked.

Even the Democratic Party is the same. Everyone is talking about sounding, but in fact it is all the same.

"Of course we welcome public opinion oversight by the news media, but oversight by public opinion cannot be stigmatized without restraint." Samuel Tilden was angry and aggrieved.

Can you be wronged? The problem now is that because it did not get enough attention before, the Democratic Party currently has no public opinion at all, so even Samuel Tilden has no right to speak.

As for anger, there is no need to explain it.

"How can this be a rumor? I think Mr. Kendall is also for the financial health of the state government. After all, this is not a bad thing." Li Mu would definitely not admit it.

Kendall was the former vice governor of New York State. After Samuel Tilden became the presidential candidate, he automatically resigned as the governor of New York. Kendall replaced him as the new governor of New York.

Although the Republican Party lost to the Democratic Party in the previous multi-party elections, the gap is not large, so Kendall is a Republican.

Now this thing is a bit interesting. Samuel Tilden stepped down and Kendall replaced him, but the first thing he took was to liquidate Samuel Tilden. If this matter is not handled, Well, Samuel Tilden would really have big troubles, or he would lose his qualifications as a president.

"Rim, you're too much ..." Samuel Tilden had to admit that people had tea.

"Everyone is their own owner ... Haven't you been doing this all the time?" Li Mu's face wasn't red, his heart wasn't beating, his eyes squinted and applauded.

With a burst of enthusiastic applause and cheers, Ulysses Grant and Sylvester and Pedro II cut the ribbon for the Independence Centennial Exhibition. The military band immediately played a triumph, and the salute sounded in the distance. Began roaring.

Subsequently, the three men moved the valve together to start a 600-ton Curtis-type steam engine, announcing the official launch of the Independent Centennial Exhibition.

Compared with the previous trial operation, the main exhibition hall is decorated again, with lights everywhere, all staff are brightly dressed and lined up in their own exhibition area waiting for visitors.

After entering the door, the Steed Group's exhibition area, the owner of Li Steed, also came to Ulysses S. Grant to personally explain to Ulysses S. Grant, Sylvester, and Pedro II.

"Gentlemen, this is the latest Phantom 1876 type car launched by our company. Unlike all previous versions, only 1876 Phantom 1876 cars are produced. This is a model specially launched to celebrate the Independence Centennial Exhibition. Only this batch is sold out without replenishment. So far, we have received 300 orders, so if you are interested, please contact our sales staff as soon as possible, maybe it will be sold out the next moment, then you will Always pass this legendary car destined to become a classic ... "Li Mu spared no effort to seize every opportunity to promote the product.

The concept of "customized version" is a gimmick specially launched by Li Mu for the Centennial Exhibition. 1876 vehicles sounded a lot. After all, from the launch of the phantom car to the present, there have not been sold a total of 1876 vehicles. Li Mu is still very confident.

After all, the Independence Centennial Exhibition is facing the world. It is said that more than half of the rich people in the world will visit the Independence Centennial Exhibition. Such an opportunity scale is certainly impossible to miss.

Compared with the previously launched phantom model, the biggest difference between the 1876 style is the air intake of the wheel and front.

Prior to the 1876 style, all cars did not have the concept of a wheel hub at all. The 1876 style used silver-plated wheels. The exterior looks very windy, and it really deserves the word "customized version".

The air intake of the front of the car is also a pioneering style in 1876. The 21st century car has already introduced the ci design concept. Many classic models can be distinguished from the body parts even without looking at the logo. This is the role of ci.

Starting from the 1876 style, the horses produced by the Junma Group also officially introduced the ci concept. The 1876 style was a successful test.

The effect is indeed very good. A series of gimmicks do have a certain bonus effect on sales. Before the independent century exhibition started, Junma Group has received 300 orders, which is proof.

For those rich people, they really don't care about the 1876 US $ 60,000 price, what they want is feeling.

Money is for consumption.

Perhaps the 1876-style design was indeed very impressive. Sylvester and Pedro II made several laps around the 1876-style. Their eyes were full of admiration and envy. Ped With the swagger of Luo II, he placed five 1876-style orders on the spot, which made Hilvester envious.

"You can't afford it, you can't afford it, it's too expensive ..." Sylvester shook his head again and again.

In fact, Sylvester is not unaffordable. The establishment of Cuba and the nations not only benefited Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison. Sylvester also had a lot of gains, let alone one, ten Eight Sylvester can also afford it, but it's just inconvenient to say so now.

Ulysses S. Grant doesn't need to say anything. Li Mu will surely give two to the President's Palace. Ulysses S. Grant will go back and wait to sit.

It ’s still a tradition to deliver a car. Li Mu needs Mr. President to advertise Junma Motors, and Mr. President can enjoy the “love” of the nation. This is a win-win situation.

After Li Mu and Ulysses Grant, Sylvester, and Pedro II left the car exhibition area together, the other rich people swarmed up, and the staff of the car exhibition area was suddenly surrounded.

This is the demonstration effect of celebrities.

"Gentlemen, look at this. This is the latest magazine-type rifle launched by our Springfield Weapons Company. This rifle can be loaded with five rounds at a time. While ensuring sufficient power, it will give the weapon more powerful firepower continuity. This is the weapon we really need, and it represents our future ... "Li Mu continued to gushed again. Relatively speaking, selling weapons is Li Mu's job.

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