Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 585: Nothing good

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In fact, American politics is sometimes like a game. If you fail, you can make a comeback. Unlike the cruel Chinese dynasty, all the glory and all the damage, all the winners take everything, and the losers die.

If it wasn't for Li Mu ’s intervention, James Garfield would probably succeed this year. Now James Garfield has fully realized Li Mu ’s energy, so after the meeting, James Garfield took the initiative to invite Li Mu to have dinner.

See, sometimes the old American customs are the same as that of the Chinese. They like to communicate with each other at the dinner table. It has nothing to do with Chengdu. Everyone has a drink and smiles, and no one cares.

Li Mu has no reason to refuse James Garfield's invitation. James Garfield's consideration is indeed very thoughtful. Because his relationship with Li Mu is not close enough, James Garfield invited Arthur as a accompany guest to adjust the atmosphere in the center.

The dinner was a private dinner held in the restaurant of the Presidential Suite in the North Building of the Clinton Castle Hotel. Mrs. James Garfield's wife personally cooked the food. When Li Mu came, he brought a bottle of old Maotai from the Qing Empire. It's fun.

"Moutai is a strong liquor from the Qing Dynasty. This wine has a unique taste and tastes a very special sauce flavor. Because the production process is extremely complicated, the annual output of this wine is very limited. It is even rarer, especially as I brought it. Even in Qing Dynasty, this kind of wine is hard to find. "Out of courtesy, Li Mu would like to introduce the origin of Maotai wine.

The customs of Westerners are still different from those of Easterners. If it is Chinese, Li Mu will most likely shamelessly boast about how expensive the drinks they bring are, but this is not the case among Westerners. Westerners may even treat guests in front of them. Open the presents brought by the guests, they think this is the real respect for the guests.

"Then I must try ..." James Garfield was very interested.

"Mr. Chairman, please be careful, this is different from all the wines you have drunk in the past." Arthur has drank a lot of oriental famous wines at Li Mu, and he is even more worried about Maotai.

The aged Moutai is indeed different. After opening the bottle, the sauce is full of fragrance, which seduce James Garfield to shove.

After three glasses of wine, James Garfield quickly entered the state: "Rim, you really gave us a big surprise this year. I have to admit that not communicating with you in advance is our biggest mistake, so I hope that we will There is also the opportunity for cooperation. I believe we will be able to cooperate with each other ... "

James Garfield's standard British, like most Britons, although James Garfield likes drinking, but the amount of alcohol is really not enough, it is not appropriate to speak after drinking too much, and now I should take out four years later The promise is given.

Li Mu's face still smiles. In fact, there is a MMP in her heart. I didn't know when I said it inappropriately. I already drank this before the first course was finished. Li Mu now realized that if Li Mu could visit again next time, The opportunity of James Garfield, Li Mu should bring a bottle of sake to James Garfield.

Sake, as the name suggests, is a very clear wine, the degree of which is not much higher than beer, the amount of liquor similar to Li Mu, three pounds and five pounds is nothing.

If you think about it, you can understand that Japanese sake is made by Japanese people. In the Japanese situation, there are few people in the standard, and you can eat enough food to grow your own food. There is very little food that can be used to make wine. The degree is really low. People who drink a lot of alcohol will inevitably feel cheated.

To be honest, it's like liquor with water, and there's a little more water.

"I have decided to form an alliance with Mr. James to compete for the US presidential election of 1880, so Rim, I don't need to say more, you should know what you should do when the time comes." I'm a little drunk now.

Of course, this is more likely to be pretended. After all, Arthur and James Garfield are very city people. Even if they are overwhelming, they cannot be drunk so fast.

The reason for this now is probably to play on the topic, because the words that are said in this way will not make you feel embarrassed, and it is easier to win the favor of Li Mu.

On the matter of nomination within the party, Li Mu must have an opinion on the Republican National Committee. In the eyes of the vast majority of members, Li Mu was probably just a good-looking kid from a different country, or maybe he had little politics. The super-rich man of desire is not very good at politics.

Until the election of 1876, no one has ignored Li Mu's ability. With Time Media, Li Mu has the biggest weapon in the election. Therefore, if he wants to make a difference in politics, he must first win the favor of Li Mu.

"Ha, if the two of you want to form an alliance, of course I will support you without a doubt. Perhaps Mr. James is not quite sure, but you shouldn't doubt Arthur." Li Mu didn't act in a stern manner, and made it clear that he was right about the role. dissatisfied.

Li Mu and Arthur are also old friends. In the past few years, Li Mu and Arthur have almost formed a community of interests, and they are almost a winner and a loser, so what Arthur said now is really making Li Mu very sad. .

That's too good!

"You can think the best. Seriously, brother, I have always trusted you, and I believe you will support me ..." Arthur was very satisfied with Li Mu's reaction, took Li Mu's arm, and sent Li Mu to burn chicken with yellow paper. Head, and then swore together that they would not seek to be born on the same day and the same month, but to die on the same day.

The alliance between politicians is actually very common. For politicians, the effect of the alliance is definitely 1 + 1 greater than 2, so James Garfield and Arthur have now started to lay out. They are working hard for the 1880 election.

From the interlocutors they can understand that there is indeed some kind of py deal between James Garfield and Arthur.

"Making allies" is also a more common form in American politics. This is like fighting between two children. If you go alone, the chance of winning is not great, and they are often beaten by your opponent. So the two feelings are compared. Good children form allies and fight the unknown danger together.

Since it is an alliance, there must be a master. There seems to be James Garfield in the alliance, and Arthur is in a subordinate position. In the future, if James Garfield and Arthur can succeed, most of them will be James Garfield. Field became president and Arthur became vice president.

"In fact, if Rutherford is a qualified president, then we will not be in trouble, but you should also know that some of Rutherford's political opinions are controversial, even within our Republican Party. His voice was not uniform enough, so that gave the Democratic Party a chance ... "Even now, James Garfield is still attacking Hayes's political proposition.

Still before the election, the banner was "fair and just," claiming to build a fair government that truly benefits the people.

This idea is indeed good. It is very popular and has won a lot of impressions for Hayes, but if you carefully taste it, Hayes's political proposition has a vagueness of attacking the current government.

This is very embarrassing. After all, the current government is also led by the Republican Party. Hayes ’statement is not only that he has vetoed Ulysses Grant, but also all public officials in the current government, so the Republican Party is not unified. Some people would rather have Samuel Tilden elected than give Hayes a chance to achieve his "fairness and justice."

Li Mu certainly knows this, and Li Mu reminded Hayes a long time ago that he should not always put "fairness and justice" on his lips, as it is likely that he won't be able to do his best in the end.

Such examples in history are not uncommon. For example, the Shangyang Reform of the Qin Dynasty created a powerful empire, but Shangyang was eventually killed by a car. This is the end of the enemy and the whole society. A half-step lead is a genius. One step ahead is crazy.

Li Mu's words can still be heard by Hayes. In recent months, Hayes has rarely mentioned his political program, but people do not think that Hayes has changed his political ideas. If Hayes comes to power After that, it will still turn over the old accounts and operate on the previous government. If this is the case, whether Hayes can succeed or not, it will be a huge blow to the Republican reputation.

"With regard to Mr. Hayes's political proposition, I think he can distinguish between the major and the minor. If he succeeds, it is good. If he cannot succeed, it is at least a useful attempt." Although Li Mu's complexion is calm, he is actually uneasy inside.

Although Hayes now appears to be everything under Li Mu's control, in fact, even Li Mu is not sure whether Hayes will repeat the old matter after his election in the future.

Although speaking of Li Mu, he is not afraid that Li Mu ’s right to speak will be reduced due to Hayes ’political claims. But in fact, if he still insists, it will not only damage the credibility of the Republican Party, but also the internal unity of the Republican Party. Li Mu has to Consider, because strictly speaking, Li Mu and Junma Group are also beneficiaries of "unfair competition" in Hayes's mouth.

Hayes's so-called "unfair competition" includes legally reducing imports from Europe and protecting the US domestic market, thereby supporting the growth and development of American companies.

If Hayes wants to establish a completely fair and just government in the future, then there will be no room for this type of legal provisions, and American companies will inevitably be affected by European shocks, which may have a certain impact on the emerging US industry and commerce.

What Li Mu is most worried about is that if Hayes really does, he will definitely be opposed by all business owners. In this way, whether Hayes can successfully pass his first term will be asked a question mark, then Li Mu's current support for Hayes will also become a laughing stock for all populations.

"Of course we expect the government to be more efficient and fair, but at the same time we must also see that Rome was not built in one day. It is simply impossible to reverse the bad habits accumulated in the past 100 years in just a few years. "James Garfield doesn't think Hayes can succeed and is pessimistic about Hayes's administration.

"Of course, all we can do now is to support Rutherford's victory over Samuel Tilden. As for the rest, let's wait and see ..." Arthur showed limited support, although there was no direct support. Speak out, but the attitude is still not optimistic.

After sending Arthur and James Garfield away, Li Mu sat in the study for a long time alone.

Participating in politics, or even manipulating politics, can actually give people extremely limited pleasure. Li Mu now feels more tired, not only seeing all kinds of omnipotence, but also what makes Li Muhan's heart is inside the Republican Party. Intrigue, from this point of view, the Republican Party is not a mature and qualified party. Such a party can continue to govern for more than ten years, making Li Mu disappointed with the prospect of American politics.

Of course, from an economic perspective, the prospects of the United States are still very good. After all, the United States is the largest in the Americas and there are no natural strong enemies around it. The only Canadian in the Americas that can rival the United States in terms of area is a supportive one. Unable to fight, as long as the United States concentrates on economic development, this will continue to be the opportunity for the United States to take off for decades to come.

But if Li Mu can remain interested in politics at that time, it is difficult to say.

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that at most one or two more sessions, Li Mu will be extremely disgusted with politics.

Although James Garfield and Arthur were dissatisfied with Hayes, the next day, James Garfield and Arthur went to various places to wave their flags for Hayes.

On November 10, the first polling day of the presidential election.

In New York, there are a total of 25 polling stations for all citizens with voting rights to cast their sacred votes for their favorite candidates. Li Mu is encouraged that almost all employees of the Junma Group have voting rights. Except those female employees.

For this reason, Gloria also complained to Li Mu, because Li Mu should push Congress to pass a bill that also grants women the right to vote.

Li Mu doesn't say anything about it. This is not Li Mu's decision. Of course, women can vote if they want to vote. As long as they are willing to pay taxes, they can say anything.

The problem lies in this tax. To pay the tax, you must first have income, and if you have income, you must go out to work. This is generally opposed by women.

So even if you think about it, you don't want to pay taxes, but you also want to have the right to vote. Where can I go to find such a good thing?

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