Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 591: Warm bed

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It looks like the Democrats are so eager to find Republican troubles that they would rather cause the federal government to shut down.

At the regular Senate meeting on December 1, the 1877 government budget proposed by the federal government was again rejected.

Li Mu's efforts still yielded results. This time among the 69 senators present at the meeting, the budget for 1877 reached 33 votes in favor and 34 votes against, with two abstentions. It was a pity to lose.

For this result, Li Mu could not be disappointed, because Li Mu had already prepared for this result before. This time it doesn't matter. Li Mu still has a chance.

Unexpectedly, some people were more anxious than Li Mu. On the evening of the 2nd, Senate Democratic Leader Martin Robinson suffered a car accident on the way home for dinner. Robinson's carriage crashed into pieces, Martin Robinson and the driver died on the spot. Although Martin Robinson's wife survived, he also suffered multiple fractures and was seriously injured.

When he got the news, Li Mu was so annoyed that he threw a glass at home. Whether it was an accident or someone intentionally instructed it, because the vehicle involved was from Junma Motor Company, it would definitely have an impact on the reputation of Junma Motor Company.

"Rim, I can swear by my reputation that this is definitely not what I did, not even anyone in our room." Although Burnside once expressed this meaning that night, it was just saying Suffice it to say, Burnside could not play the killer.

Although Burnside seems to have a big personality, he is actually very decent in doing things, otherwise it would not be possible to go all the way from the position of the chairman of the National Rifle Association to the Senator.

According to Li Mu ’s understanding of Burnside, if Burnside did it, then Burnside would definitely admit it, so since Burnside denied the relationship with this matter, this incident should be an accident .

Politicians have a bottom line. Things like violent attacks are effective, but once a bad start is made, wait for revenge from the Democratic Party. The end result will be self-danger.

"It's not necessarily accidental, Rim, you should know that there is someone besides you who very much hopes that the 1877 budget can be passed as soon as possible." Benjamin Harrison couldn't help reminding Li Mu that his name was almost ready.

From an economic point of view, the most reasonable reason to deal with Martin Robinson is Li Mu. After all, the 1877 fiscal budget involved an order with a total face value of $ 25 million, which can also be said to be the largest single order ever made by the US government. So Li Mu has every reason to deal with Martin Robinson.

When it comes to orders, Li Mu immediately thought of a name, yes, it was William Vanderbilt.

Although the Vanderbilt family has not divided many cakes, but considering the actual situation of the Vanderbilt car factory, William Vanderbilt is indeed more reasonable to start against Martin Robinson.

Although Li Mu wants to get this huge order, objectively speaking, Li Mu's mood is not so urgent. After all, Junma Automobile's factory is in good financial condition and does not need this money to save his life.

Relatively speaking, Vanderbilt Motor Company is different. Compared with the prosperity of Steed Motor Company, Vanderbilt Motor Company can only use "worry cloud" to describe, although William Vanderbilt concluded that the car The industry is very promising and has been transfused with Vanderbilt Motors, but now it looks like Vanderbilt Motors is still struggling.

There is a set of numbers that can truly reflect the current situation of Junma Motor Company and Vanderbilt Motor Company. In the past 100 years of independent exhibitions, Vanderbilt Motor Company's sales were only 1.2 million US dollars, compared with Junma Motor Company. , Even Junma Automobile's fractions can't compare.

If you do not include the commemorative phantom car that Junma Motors launched for the Independent Centennial Exhibition, the sales of Junma Motors is 17 million US dollars. If you add the commemorative edition welcome, that's a lot more. These are just 1876 cars. The sales of Junma Motor Company can reach 100 million US dollars, which can make William Vanderbilt jealous.

According to news from Li Mu, the older Vanderbilt's health has become worse and worse in the past two years. Although William Vanderbilt is the boss, there are still 12 younger brothers and sisters in the family. William Vanderbilt is like Brothers and sisters have proved that he is the most qualified to inherit the wealth of the Vanderbilt family and lead the Vanderbilt family to continue to glory.

Knowing this, you can understand the significance of the US government's 1877 budget to William Vanderbilt. If it was only for a few million dollars, it might not be enough to risk William Vanderbilt. But if we add The temptation of family wealth is enough to make William Vanderbilt do anything.

Although Junma Motors and Vanderbilt Motors are competitors, Li Mu and William Vanderbilt are old friends. The remnants of the "Yongle Ceremony", the treasure of the horse museum of Junma Museum, are sent by William Vanderbilt For Li Mu.

So Li Mu invited William Vanderbilt to dinner that morning.

"Martin Robinson ... Yes, I heard about him. It's really regrettable. Some people may doubt it, but I still want to say that although I don't like Martin Robinson, I don't want to let Killing him, this is not what a gentleman should do. "In the face of Li Mu's questioning, William Vanderbilt denied it.

However, it is useless to deny. Based on Li Mu's understanding of William Vanderbilt, Li Mu is almost sure now that this matter is absolutely inseparable from William Vanderbilt.

Perhaps William Vanderbilt didn't mean to put Martin Robinson to death, but there is no doubt that William Vanderbilt directed it.

Compared with politicians with a blurred bottom line, the meaning of "bottom line" for businessmen is broader, almost the same as none. People like William Vanderbilt did succeed.

There is a famous saying in Marx that if there is a profit of 20%, then the capital is going to move. If it is a 50% profit, the capital dares to take risks. If there is a 100% profit, the capital dares to risk being hanged. If the profit reaches 300%, then capital dares to trample on all the laws of the world.

Marx's "Capital" was born almost ten years ago. Its description of capital is exactly the true portrayal of capitalists at this time.

It's not too much to say. The DuPont family invited his competitor to take a dirt plane. Rockefeller hired the army to use armored vehicles to suppress the workers on strike. Although the Vanderbilt family is not bad, it can stand out in this era. It must be on the ass. Not clean.

"I didn't say that Martin must have been sent by you. What made me angry was why the killer chose the product of Junma Motors instead of your Vanderbilt Motors ..." Li Mu was depressed when he remembered this Unusually, the last time a BMW car hit and killed someone has just subsided. This time the dead are more serious and the impact is even worse. This makes Li Mu really unhappy.

Of course, depression is depressing, and it is not too angry to say that after all, with the gradual popularization of cars, there will be more and more similar incidents in the future. If Li Mu is angry every time, Li Mu will sooner or later die.

From an inhuman perspective, this is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, in this accident, the driver of the Volkswagen was also only slightly injured. Well, this is also a living advertisement ...

Li Mu can only think so and not be so depressed.

"Hahaha ... who made your Steed Motors products sell so well, so your car accident is normal, and we Vanderbilt Motors sells so many ten cars a year, which is so bad Will be killed by a car produced by Vanderbilt Motor Company ... "William Vanderbilt has no guilt at all. This is also the education that William Vanderbilt has always received. Politicians are just one thing for him. Just tools.

"I have a question. You can purchase 4000 Vanderbilt cars from an order of $ 6 million. Do you have such a large capacity? May I help you?" Li Mu left Martin Robinson off Behind my head, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with Li Mu.

Vanderbilt Motors produces cars with lower quality and frequent failures, so the prices are much lower than those produced by Junma Motors. If Vanderbilt Motors takes this order, it will be produced within six months With 4,000 cars, Li Mu does not think that the production capacity of the Vanderbilt automobile factory can be achieved. As far as the world is concerned, only Junma Automobile has this ability.

Li Mu has already figured it out. If William Vanderbilt wants to buy a car from Steed Motor Company and then sell it to the U.S. government, then Li Mu will laugh at William Vanderbilt and then from Vanderbilt. The car company ripped off a piece of meat.

What Li Mu never expected was that William Vanderbilt's answer refreshed Li Mu's understanding of the bottom line of this era: "Who said 4,000 cars? We want to provide the US government with the best service, the best Cars, so orders of $ 6 million can only get 1,200 cars from our Vanderbilt Motor Company. "

1200 cars!

In other words, it is almost 5,000 US dollars. This is almost the price of a BMW car. Compared with the price of Vanderbilt cars in the market, it is at least three times higher. Li Mu did not know that for Vanderbilt is How to persuade Washington to accept this price, in Li Mu's view, this price is almost a dead end.

"No, no, you don't know enough about the United States ..." William Vanderbilt put down the knife and fork in his hand, took off the napkin from the neckline, wiped his mouth, and threw the napkin into the plate in front of him, his fingers shaking like The evil is the same: "Whoever says to the government must be the best. We only sell the most suitable ones. In my opinion, the price of 5,000 US dollars is very suitable ..."

William Vanderbilt is very proud. If it is really sold like this, although Vanderbilt Motors has received much less orders than Junma Motors, Vanderbilt Motors has made a lot of profit.

Li Mu felt really ridiculous, could not help but reflect on whether his approach was too kind. When he returned home at night, he saw that although he was a bit depressed, he was still busy in and out of the snow. Only then did Li Mu feel that some things were true. It should be adhered to.

"Chu Xue, I have a question for you ..." After grooming, put on pajamas, Li Mu got a word, and stopped Chu Xue who was helping Li Mu to clean up the clothes to be worn tomorrow.

"What ..." Chu Xue didn't raise his head, and still kept busy.

"If ... I mean, if ... if I become cold-blooded, cruel, bottomless, and unscrupulous, what would you think of this matter?" Li Mu originally wanted to ask that is not this, but after talking to him, he still asked no. Export.

"Then you must have a compelling reason, and I believe that you will not become such a person ..." Chu Xue did not hesitate, and he stood firm with Li Mu and helped him.

"Thank you ..." Li Mu's gratitude really came from his heart.

Li Mu does not mind becoming a villain, because Li Mu and the Steed Group have come to the present, whether Li Mu is willing or not, after all, it has objectively hurt some people, such as the original Amis, and the Texas Cotton Farmers Association To be honest, Li Mu had never thought about those people's thoughts before. Now it is different. Li Mu sometimes reflects on whether he has become a nasty person.

Fortunately, from the perspective of Li Mu, Li Mu thinks that all the things he does can be explained, which is enough. Orientals say that life and death are destined to live in wealth, and Westerners say that everything is attributed to God, so this It's a matter, one or two sentences are unclear.

Hearing Li Mu's gratitude, Chu Xue's body was obviously stiff, and her movements stopped for a moment. For a long time, Li Mu heard Chu Xue sighed quietly: "I thought we didn't need to thank ..."

"Ha ha ha, don't think about those who have nothing, go and warm me up ..." Li Mu will not let Chu Xue think about it. In another half month, Li Mu and Gloria will be engaged, so Chu Xue is very sensitive during this time Li Mu was clear, but could not do anything about it.

Warm bed refers to the literal meaning and has no other meaning. This is one of the duties of a maid. Before going to bed in the winter, you must warm the quilt for the male host. After the quilt becomes hot, leave before the host goes to bed.

In the 21st century, this kind of thing has some meanings of insulting personality. In fact, it is normal in this era, both in East and West.

As usual, Li Mu sat in the study for a while, then returned to the bedroom in 20 minutes to sleep.

Unlike usual, Chu Xue didn't know what to do this time, and didn't leave Li Mu's bed before Li Mu's rest.

Well, it's time to sublimate the meaning of a warm bed.

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