Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 596: bank

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It is not easy to adjust the position. With the development of the Junma Group, there will always be some people who cannot keep up with the development of the Junma Group and are not suitable for staying in management positions. These people are the heroes of the development of the Junma Group to this day. How to make them willing to give up their power and then retreat to the second line has become the most troublesome thing for Li Mu.

Some people are easier to handle, such as the telecommunications company's Antonio Meucci. Although Antonio is the inventor of the phone and is now the general manager of Junma Telecom, Antonio is a pure researcher himself. I work as the general manager, but I have been working on the improvement of the telephone. The actual operation of Junma Telecom is under the responsibility of Richard Gresham, so it is not a hassle to adjust the work of Antonio Meucci. Antonio · Meucci himself is happy to make such adjustments.

Others are more troublesome, such as Howard Burent, the current general manager of San Diego Investment.

When San Diego Investment Corporation was just established, Howard Burent joined San Diego Investment Corporation. It can be said that he witnessed the development of San Diego Investment Corporation from scratch. San Diego Investment Corporation has a strong Cuban background after all, and Li Mu himself was not involved In the operation of Santiago Investment Company, so within the Santiago Investment Company, Howard Burent has as much influence as Li Mu. In this case, it is a bit cumbersome to adjust Howard Burent's work.

The so-called trouble is mainly because Li Mu does not want to change the leadership position, which in turn affects the normal operation of the San Diego Investment Company. As the boss, Li Mu can completely adjust the order and transfer Howard Burent, but this way It is too impersonal, and it can easily cause other staff members of San Diego Investment Co. to feel uneasy, which will affect the normal work.

In order to avoid this, Li Mu called Howard Burent from Miami to New York for the opportunity to get engaged.

Nominally, the San Diego Investment Company and the Steed Group are separate from each other, so Howard Burent came to New York and stayed in the Presidential Suite of the Clinton Castle Hotel instead of the other house that Li Mu prepared for the guests on the Governor's Island.

After continuous expansion, the Governor's Island now has an area of ​​more than 120 hectares. The island not only has recreational facilities such as swimming pools, horse races, shooting ranges, etc., but also more than ten sets of guest rooms with different styles, ranging from Chinese to Western. It is convenient for Li Mu to entertain guests.

During this engagement ceremony of Li Mu, many guests directly stayed in the Governor's Island guest rooms. This has also become a hot topic in Manhattan. Being able to stay in the Governor's Island guest rooms on the one hand represents the noble status and on the other hand it also represents Intimate relationship with Li Mu.

In the eyes of most people, the latter point is even more important.

Taking advantage of breakfast, Li Mu and Howard Brent met at the Clinton Castle Hotel's restaurant.

Of course, the restaurant is not the kind of open public restaurant, but in a private box with a certain privacy. This box selected by Li Mu is named after the "tropical rainforest". The box has a wall with a large fish tank with color inside. Colorful tropical fish, the room uses a large number of bonsai planted with tropical plants as decoration, it really looks very tropical.

Howard Borente is just in his early 40s this year, and is in the golden period of his most energetic life. In the past few years, the business of San Diego Investment Corporation has developed rapidly, and Howard Burent is indeed at the peak of his career.

At any time, Howard Burent always wore suits and shoes, his hair was covered with wax, his bow tie was meticulous, and he looked like a gentleman, like a nobleman from Europe.

"Are you happy in Miami?" Li Mu seemed to be bland to stir up the topic.

"Fortunately, I can work in a place like Miami, what else is wrong with my life ..." Howard ’s breakfast is simple, a glass of milk, two slices of bread, and an omelette.

Relatively speaking, Li Mu ’s breakfast is much more complicated. The Chinese believe in “eat in the morning, eat well at noon, eat less at night”, so Li Mu ’s breakfast includes not only milk, but also a vegetable salad and pancakes specially prepared by the chef for Li Mu.

"Have you ever thought about changing the environment?" Li Mu didn't want to procrastinate. Capitalists in this era had to have the authoritarianism of the capitalists. The so-called "humanistic atmosphere" had no such environment at all.

"Change, change the environment ..." Howard probably didn't expect that Li Mu would be so direct, so there was a lot of chaos in time, and he didn't calm down at all.

"It has nothing to do with San Diego Investment Company. You have done a good job. I trust you very much and I am proud of your work. This proves that I have read the right people, but there is still a problem. You know, Steed. The development of the other subsidiaries of the Group is not as smooth as that of the San Diego Investment Company, so I hope to change it in a different way and think about whether there is a problem with the system or a problem with the person in charge. "Li Mu fully Affirming Howard Burent's work will make Howard Burent more acceptable.

Sure enough, after Li Mu finished speaking, Howard Burent's face looked a little better. Li Mu could see that Howard Burent hoped that he could squeeze out a smile, but he didn't succeed.

"I want you to go to Bank of America. You are an elite in the commercial field. You should know the importance of banks to business. In the past year, the expansion of Bank of America seems to have reached a bottleneck and lost its previous motivation and Spirit, and this is exactly what the current San Diego investment company has, so I want you to try it. "Li Mu ’s new position for Howard Burent is not less important than the general manager of San Diego Investment Company, even in Some things are better than others.

The banking industry in the United States is very special. From the first day of its birth, the banking industry in the United States has no national attributes, and more private banks.

At present, there is no Federal Reserve. All American banks are private. In 1791, the first US Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, proposed the establishment of the United States Central Bank, which is the First Bank of the United States. Widely criticized and boycotted, although Congress finally agreed to open the First Bank of the United States, it only gave a 20-year term. After expiration, it is up to Congress to decide whether it is necessary for the First Bank to continue to exist.

As a result, 20 years later, the First Bank of the United States was indeed forced to close its doors.

In 1812, there was another dispute between the United States and Britain. In order to restore bank order and deal with war debts, the United States again considered the establishment of a central bank similar to the first bank. Four years later, President Madison signed a bill to establish the second bank in the United States.

Like the First Bank of the United States, the Second Bank of the United States also has a lot of fate. The deadline for Congress to give the Second Bank of the United States is still 20 years. As a result, in 1836, 20 years later, the Second Bank of the United States was forced to close again.

From 1836 to the present, no one has proposed the establishment of a central bank, which has led to the popularity of private banks in the United States. Most of these private banks are state banks. They do not have the functions of a central bank at all. Sometimes a bank in a state issues , No one recognized it from this state. This is the origin of the "continental currency."

The US bill now generally referred to in the US market is the "federal currency", which is a banknote guaranteed by the federal government and printed by a private bank authorized by the federal government, which has gained real wide recognition.

What Li Mu wants to seek is the right to print dollars.

In Li Mu's impression, banks are standard state organs. Only the central bank has the function of issuing coins. Other banks are at most financial institutions and have no other rights against the sky. So when Li Mu knew the origin of the "US dollar", I can imagine how ecstatic Li Mu was.

In the 21st century, Li Mu was very impressed by the Fed's multiple "monetary easing policies". The Fed used this shameful method to plunder the wealth of the world again and again. As long as the Bank of America can one day perform the functions of the Fed Li Mu can be so excited that he can't sleep at night.

The original goal of Li Mu to the Bank of America was to obtain printing rights in US dollars in 1876.

It now seems obvious that Bank of America has not achieved Li Mu's goals, so someone must come out and take responsibility for this responsibility.

"Bank of the Americas ..." Howard Burent felt uneasy before he knew about Li Mu's arrangement, but after listening to Li Mu's words, Howard Burent immediately fell into contemplation.

It is a pity not to continue to participate in the development of the Santiago Investment Company. Just taking over the Bank of America looks more challenging and more fulfilling. Those who are truly pursuing in their careers will never let this opportunity go.

"In the United States, there are currently three national banks in the country. One of them is the City Bank of New York, which is Citibank, the other is Morgan Bank. Finally, we are the Bank of America. In terms of scale, the two of them are not as large as ours. Bank of America, but we Bank of America has not achieved a position that matches the size, so you think about it, this is an opportunity. "Li Mu did not require it, I believe Howard Burent you give Li Mu a satisfactory answer.

In fact, strictly speaking, there are only two national banks in the United States. Your home is the City Bank of New York and the other is the Bank of the Americas. As for Morgan Bank, this is just a name. They are now officially called Drexel Morgan Corporation. Although it performs some banking functions, it is not exactly the same as a bank, so it seems that Bank of America still has an advantage.

Like the first bank and second bank that has been criticized before, the City Bank of New York was still an in-state bank. It only operated in the state of New York, and in recent years it has expanded its business throughout the United States.

Like the mistakes made by the First Bank and the Second Bank, the City Bank attaches more importance to the economically developed areas in the east and only provides services to merchants and the rich. The farmers, who account for the majority of the US population, are not among the customers of City Bank. This makes the development of city banks also widely resisted. Although in the eastern region, the city bank's business ability is slightly better than that of the Bank of America because of its accumulated credibility over the years, but in the vast Midwest, the influence of city banks is much lower than the Bank of America.

With the bug of Li Mu, Bank of America is far better than City Bank in terms of business model and service attitude. In addition, Li Mu has spared no expense in the promotion of Bank of America, so the development speed of Bank of America is amazing. Quickly, as Li Mu said, Bank of America's current market position does not match its size.

This is also normal. Americans are not fools, and they do n’t know anything about banks. Otherwise, the first bank and the second bank will not appear. In this case, a bank with a Chinese background will be affected. Boycotts in a certain range are normal, and even city banks can't escape this strange circle, and Bank of America is no exception.

However, Li Mu believes that the current situation is only temporary. In the future, Bank of America will be dominated by the United States. This is determined by the characteristics of capital and will not be transferred by the personal will of some people.

This is like the consumer goods market of the Republic in the 21st century. Although many people complained in their hearts that they support domestic products, when there is nowhere to find domestic products in the market, the options are extremely limited.

What's even more cruel is that without the knowledge of most people, many old-fashioned domestic products have quietly changed hands. Chinese people still habitually choose old brands and old brands when shopping, but everyone knows that many brands have changed owners ...

Of course, from another perspective, the introduction of foreign capital also has certain benefits. After all, foreign capital pays money, and they deserve a return, while the factory acquires technology and development, and they deserve to pay. This is also funded by capital. Characteristic.

Of course, Li Mu will not use the dollar stick to travel to the Qing Dynasty to harm the good things handed down by the Chinese ancestors. What Li Mu wants to do is to make American money in the United States, and then properly feed back the Chinese, so that he can afford it. Li Mu's conscience, Li Mu's crossing is also meaningful.

"If I go to Bank of America, who will take over San Diego Investment? Evan?" It seems Edward Burent has already made a decision.

The full name of Evan is Evan Jefferson, an assistant to Edward Burent, and it was logical that Evan Jefferson took over after Edward Burent left San Diego Investment Corporation.

"No, the person to be taken over is Cole, and at the same time Lawrence will take over the general manager of the Pacific Company." Li Mu certainly will not let Evan take over Edward's position, then the adjustment of Li Mu is meaningless.

As for Lawrence's taking over as the general manager of the Pacific Company, in Edward's view, the proper distribution is the distribution, but also to the Far East in one breath.

This is the end of poor performance.

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