Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 600: Committee

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Although the Civil War has ended, the shadow of the Civil War has never been far away from the United States, and the factors leading to the outbreak of the Civil War have always existed. However, people who recognize the dangers of the Civil War are now more rational and begin to get used to solving problems from the economic level, so there is no bigger one. The crisis broke out.

As for the social status of black people, although the United States has eliminated slavery from the system, the social status of black people has not been truly improved. Even many black people do not know what rights they have, nor do they own them. Know that we should fight for justice.

Black Americans today are just like some difficult households in the 21st Century Republic. They do lack clothing and clothes, but their way of solving problems is not to fight on their own but to wait for the alms of the country and society. This is a future tragedy. To cast a shadow, once blacks become habitual, blacks will sooner or later become a huge social problem.

In fact, the problem is quite serious now, but it has not yet fully erupted. Once the Democratic Party and the Republican Party play an emotional card in order to win black people's support, the pride of black people will sooner or later wake up.

In fact, the black personality is similar in some respects to the women in the Republic who are pursuing feminism all day. Women in western countries demand feminism. The core of the question is "why don't you let me work?" The core is "why do I work?"

In order to improve the social status of Chinese, Li Mu once considered seeking support from blacks and Mexicans.

Now it seems that Li Mu ’s idea is just wishful thinking. In the future, the social status of blacks and Mexicans in the United States will have other factors. Blacks and Mexicans will also have problems. Li Mu has recruited some blacks to work for the Steed Group in order to hide their eyes. The plan was also declared unsuccessful.

That's right, the attitude of black people at present is indeed quite correct, and it is not enough to be lazy, and the attitude of work is also serious, but Li Mu has to admit that the speed of black people's acceptance of knowledge seems to be a problem, and Junma Group trains a Chinese-American skilled worker Generally it only takes three months, and the longest is no more than half a year. However, to train a black skilled worker, it takes only half a year to start. In many cases, even if it is a simple loading and unloading procedure, black people can't figure it out, let alone technical skills. Li Mu now Everyone doubts whether black people can do the complicated jobs.

The medic is not dying, and there are people in Fudo. Since the blacks themselves are not fighting, Li Mu cannot afford to waste time on the blacks. Fortunately, Li Mu has now found a way to effectively improve the social status of the industry. Therefore, let the blacks take their own lives. .

It is also a good thing that Will can return. After all, New York is the base camp of the Army's first cavalry division. Will also needs to be stationed in New York to truly exert his influence.

In January, just beginning in 1877, Li Mu left New York to Washington again, and began to run for the Panama Canal.

This time, Li Mu was not alone. William Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Carnegie all came to Washington to push Congress to launch the Panama Canal plan.

As long as the Canal Plan is launched, it is certainly not just one company that will make a profit, and the entire United States will profit as a result. This is a huge cake. Li Mu is impossible and has no ability to swallow this cake in one go.

Compared with the last time to push Congress to pass the budget, this time the whole process is much smoother. Not only are business people interested in launching the Panama Canal plan, politicians are also interested, because this is a huge "political achievement". Participation is a part of everyone.

Not only benefits, but also honors. Capitalist countries also need political achievements, especially for Ulysses Grant, who is about to step down. He also needs this honor to add a touch of gloom to his career as a president.

On January 15, the Panama Canal Excavation Plan was passed in the first instance of the Senate, and on the 17th, the House of Representatives also passed the first trial. Subsequently, the Panama Canal Excavation Plan was officially launched.

Interestingly, although the US government wants to excavate the Panama Canal, the US government does not need to pay a penny for this. All funds are raised by the society. The US government only needs to propose a plan, and then the entire plan is executed by the Panama Canal Commission. .

Even before the U.S. government decided to launch the Panama Canal Plan, the Barama Canal Commission was established.

Li Mu is also a member of the committee. Other members include William Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and others.

This group of talents are people who really have the right to speak. The US government has just taken away the honour on the surface. This group of talents really has the final say.

Involving billions of dollars of funds, Li Mu and Rockefeller can not get them, so the funds really need to be raised from society, not just the United States, the Panama Canal also needs the support of European funds.

In fact, do n’t look at Americans who hate Europe. When you talk about Europe, you sniff. In fact, the take-off of the United States is actually built on the weakness of Europe. Just like in previous economic crises, every financial crisis, European funds will be cut from the United States On the market, the native Americans then took over. After the economic crisis passed, new European funds entered the market, which was the beginning of another round of economic crisis.

It may seem that those decision-makers of European funds are really stupid, but they are actually helpless choices. This is like the purchase of US Treasuries by the 21st Century Republic. It seems a stupid thing, but there is actually no other choice, otherwise For so many dollars and what they can do, US Treasury bonds are already a relatively good investment direction, so even if you know it is a pit, you have to jump forward bravely.

On January 30, the Panama Canal Commission, based in New York, announced a public fundraising.

This is not the first round. The real "original stock" has already been divided by Li Mu, Rockefeller and their big brothers. Li Mu and Rockefeller paid a total of 200 million US dollars and divided up 20% of the shares of the Panama Canal. The funding was $ 500 million, but the Canal Commission only offered a 10% stake.

500 million US dollars 10%, that is, the entire Panama Canal, the Canal Commission is estimated at 5 billion US dollars.

$ 5 billion!

It is more than twice the GDP of the United States in 1876, so you can imagine what a huge number this is. In recent time, almost all families in New York are discussing this matter, and Governor Island is no exception.

"This is a great event, and we are so lucky to be able to participate in it." Gloria felt honored whenever she thought of Li Mu, who was also a member of the Canal Committee.

"Don't be too happy, maybe you will hate it soon." Li Mu poured cold water on Gloria, because it won't be long before Li Mu will go to Panama, and Gloria will stay in New York.

Gloria also knows Li Mu's schedule, and naturally it is clear that Li Mu will bring Chu Xue with him at the time. Fortunately, Gloria has already accepted this matter and will not dwell on it.

"I heard that the Canal Commission is raising 500 million US dollars this time. Why should the European consortium be notified? Isn't it possible to raise this money from the United States?" Gloria is also a financial enthusiast now, and the only thing she remembers is green dollars.

"If you don't allow Europeans to participate, how can you cut meat from Europeans?" Li Mu's face was smiling slightly, and he was cutting the steak cleanly in his hand. This action was really vivid.

"Those rich people in Europe are really so stupid?" Gloria knew how dark Li Mu's people were.

"Of course they are not stupid, but first of all, there are many rich people in Europe. Secondly, the cakes we draw are beautiful enough to make people fascinating. The last reason is that, besides the Panama Canal project, where can they invest their money? Is it devalued in a bank? No, no, smart people never do it. "Li Mu, already a banker, knows the tricks of these funds, so the calmness of this rumor is indeed very glorious. Ya fascinated.

The funds of the future are so careless. Whatever you do not care about your finances, you will lose value if no wealth flows, what real estate will never crash, and so on.

In fact, even those who spoke did not believe these words, but the lie repeated for a long time became the truth. If you want to fool others, you must first brainwash yourself.

Obviously, the Panama Canal is the world's largest real estate project in recent years. With one investment, you can make a lifetime profit, and you can't miss it.

Those "smart people" in Europe also think so, so the Canal Commission has never been worried that they can't raise money.

The Canal Committee is playing a game of white wolves with empty gloves. The Canal project is indeed a good opportunity. Americans know it, Europeans also know it, so everyone wants to participate, and now is a good opportunity to enter. Do n’t It is very expensive to say that 500 million US dollars can only get 10% of the shares, and the next sale will not be this price.

"Do we have any chance to participate now?" Claudia is also interested in the Panama Canal project.

After being engaged with Will, Claudia became a member of the Barron family, so it was Claudia's job to benefit the Barron family.

"You are already in it. At the last internal committee meeting, I had already won for 0.5 shares of Will." Such a good thing, how could Li Mu forget Will.

"Really? Thank you so much." Claudia was overjoyed.

The participation of the Steed Group and the Barron family in the canal project is deeper than Claudia imagined.

To dig the canal, first of all, a large number of workers and construction machinery are needed. The amount of manpower required is that pulling everyone in the current horse construction company is not enough to fill the teeth. Therefore, more people need to be recruited from society. The company undertakes the easiest engineering but the most profitable projects.

0.5% sounds pitifully small, but considering the total number of canal projects, this is not a small number.

Fortunately, the funds raised within the committee do not need to be paid immediately. Even if it is paid, there is no need to take out real money. As long as the account is transferred in the Bank of America, it is better for Li Mu to play this game on the books.

Li Mu and their group are indeed black. They nominally took 20% of the shares with 200 million US dollars. In fact, Li Mu and their group did not take out a penny, so this is the real empty-glove white wolf.

"You do this, be careful not to be taken apart." Although she is her husband, sometimes Gloria still feels itchy teeth.

"What can I do if they are dismantled? The Canal Project is there. If you want to participate, you may not be able to participate. Everyone thinks that they are the smartest one. In fact, if it is not these smart people, this one The game is not as interesting as it is now. "Li Mu never worried about being dismantled. There was a tall man standing against the sky, and Li Mu lost most of his energy.

Gloria's worries are not nonexistent. The trick of Americans playing with the economic crisis has actually been seen by a lot of people. I can see what can happen, and I have experienced the bitterness, either it has gone bankrupt or it has been cut meat Leaving the field, the position is vacant, there will naturally be a new funding injection, and then a new round of games.

There is always a newcomer in the capital market. Only newcomers laugh. Anyone who hears old people cry and see thieves eat meat, but no thieves are beaten. So let ’s go. Jiang Taigong fisherman is hooked. Zhou Yu hits yellow cover. One is willing to suffer, not to say who is right and who is wrong.

After having breakfast, Li Mu left Governor's Island and went to work at Clinton Castle.

Clinton Castle is where the Bama Canal Commission's office is located. Li Mu is one of the members and of course has his own office here.

Before the day's work started, the schedule was already full. Before Li Mu entered the office, there were already five or six guests with appointments.

Don't worry about making an appointment. Li Mu, according to his own habits, first makes a cup of tea and checks to see if there is any important news in the "Time" published today before starting the day's work.

The first guest was Tim Raymond from Europe, who claimed to represent the ancient Raymond family.

To be honest, Li Mu had never heard of the name of the Raymond family before.

But that's okay. Those who are qualified to meet Li Mu are definitely not nameless. Maybe it represents a big family and a large consortium. The so-called Raymond family is just a vest.

Sure enough, Tim Raymond was full of confidence. When he saw Li Mu, he started the gold yuan offensive: "Mr. Riem, our Raymond family decided to give 50 million US dollars, but I asked for a 3% stake. This The price is fair, and if you agree with it, we can talk about it. "

As soon as Tim Raymond opened his mouth, Li Mu smelled a stale and old-fashioned taste, like an old quilt in the corner of the closet that doesn't see the sun all year round. The taste is really disgusting.

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