Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 771: Devastation

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Rockefeller will not let the enemy survive. In the Rockefeller dictionary at this stage, there is no word "forgiveness". Those who dare to challenge Rockefeller have become Rockefeller stepping stones. Standard Oil is the premise that Rockefeller continues to annex opponents. Under construction.

The daring of Dutch people to establish Shell Oil does not necessarily mean that the Dutch are ready to take revenge against Rockefeller. Perhaps the Dutch are lucky, and do not think that Rockefeller will value Shell Oil, which is far from threatening Standard Oil. However, since Rockefeller came to the Far East, it clearly showed Rockefeller's attitude. If Li Mu was right, now the Dutch must also have a headache. How can they cope with the pressure brought by Rockefeller.

Speaking of which, Shell Oil should only appear in 1907. It is a multinational oil company group formed by Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and British Shell Transport and Trade Co., Ltd., but this is not a problem. After all, it is in another time and space. There is no steed group, the appearance of Li Mu has changed the fate of many people.

"The oil discovered by the Dutch is in Tragasside. According to the information we have obtained before, the Dutch do not seem to have found a real oil well, but since there are oil seedlings on the surface, it is only a matter of time to find the oil well. Therefore, to solve the problem, actually It ’s very simple. I heard that an American company is helping the Dutch find oil. I think we can think of ways to deal with this. ”Compared to Rockefeller, Li Mu ’s method is relatively mild. If the problem can be solved peacefully, then Li Mu will not hurt the killer. In this respect, Li Mu has a bottom line, which is completely different from Rockefeller.

"I know that company, rest assured, if you rely on that company, the Dutch will never find oil, but I don't care about the progress of the Dutch now. Since there are definitely oil fields in Sumatra, why ca n’t these oil fields be standard What about oil? "Rockefeller was fierce enough, not only to crack down on Shell, but also to steal the oil fields in Shell's hands.

Rockefeller has always wanted to explore the Far East market. Compared with the United States and Europe, the market size of the Far East is even better. Although the Far East can't sell much gasoline because of few cars, it is because of the large population base in the Far East. The demand for kerosene must be very high.

Previously, the kerosene sold by Standard Oil in the Far East was shipped from the United States thousands of miles. Because of the long distance and transportation costs, the cost of kerosene has greatly increased. This has led to the lack of competitiveness of kerosene and the lack of strong market response. Unfortunately, therefore, Rockefeller will actively invest in the Far East Company, hoping to find an oil field in Luzon and produce kerosene nearby for sale in the Far East, which will become a new profit growth point for Standard Petroleum.

It turned out that Rockefeller's oil exploration in Luzon found nothing, but the Dutch found oil in Sumatra. This result made Rockefeller angry, and the consequences would be serious.

"What do you want to do? Tragasside has been bought by the Dutch. It is estimated that the Dutch will not transfer until sufficient returns are obtained." Li Mu knows Rockefeller's personality, and also knows what Rockefeller will do soon. Someone will be out of luck.

"Oh, it's okay, just wait and see, we just need a little more patience." Rockefeller is not in a hurry, there will always be opportunities.

Li Mu has always believed in treating his enemies as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps leaves. Obviously, Rockefeller also thinks so.

On the third day of Li Mu's and Rockefeller's arrival in Luzon, a vicious incident took place in Sumatra. A drilling team conducting oil exploration on Sumatra was attacked by local people, including three local guides and More than 80 people, including more than 20 armed gunmen, were killed. Among the victims were Ek Ziker, the owner of Shell Oil Company, which was just listed.

This kind of thing is actually normal. The Dutch East Indies have more than 17,000 islands. Most of the islands are undeveloped. Even a few major islands with large populations have a large amount of land that has not yet been involved, such as the tragedy in Sumatra. There are many indigenous people on the island. They are still in primitive ignorance. They do not contact strangers at all and do not want to change their status. If someone accidentally breaks into their territory, they are often greeted by poison arrows and javelins. .

This result is not surprising. The Dutch are no longer the former "coachman of the sea." Even in the days when the Dutch were on the horizon, the Netherlands has never been known for force. To put it bluntly, the Dutch have no ability to control. Throughout the Dutch East Indies, even now, the Dutch have to rely on cooperation with local Sudan to barely maintain their rule.

It is ironic that when the Dutch captured the Dutch East Indies, it was with the cooperation of the Chinese "Kapitan" that the Dutch talents gained a foothold. Then, in order to clear the influence of the Chinese "Kapitan" The Dutch began to target Chinese of the Dutch East Indies. From the sixteenth century, the Dutch committed no fewer crimes against the Chinese in the Dutch East Indies than the Spanish in Luzon.

After the tragedy, a three-day investigation by the Dutch colonial government came to an end. During these three days, several more cases of violence occurred. The victim of one of these cases sold Tragasside to Shell Oil. Local Sudan.

Just one week later, the Dutch colonial government sent someone to Manila to find Rockefeller.

Rockefeller received a representative of the Dutch colonial government, a baron, also known as Riem, in the manor where the former Governor of Luzon lived.

Well, maybe for this reason, Li Mu became Rockefeller's accompany.

"Mr. Rimm, I'm glad to meet you." Fortunately, Baron Rimm greeted Li Mu without much embarrassment.

"Hi Baron, this is really a coincidence. To be honest, you are the first person I met named Lim." Li Mu is a little bit, but it doesn't matter. White people's names are like this. The name is pretty good, and the talents of Mike and Henry are sad.

In fact, there are many people in the United States who call Lim now, especially in the Chinese community. Many people are willing to use the name "Rim" as their second name in order to express their gratitude to Li Mu.

Rockefeller prepared Chinese food for the reception of Baron Riem. Those who know Luzon know that Luzon is now a Chinese-dominated country. Everything related to the Chinese is popular in this country. Shops on the street are beginning to use it. The number of Chinese and Chinese restaurants has increased significantly. Even the Luzon government is considering Chinese as the official language of Luzon. Therefore, Chinese food in Luzon is a good choice.

The dinner was divided, and the dishes were not the protagonist of the dinner. Baron Rim didn't take long to enter the seat, and he officially stated his intention.

"Mr. President, you know, there have been a series of appalling cases of violence in the Dutch East Indies recently. The Governor is very concerned about this. The investigation results of this series of cases show that the cause of the violence may be Because of the oil on Sumatra, in order to eliminate the violence and restore the peace of the East Indies, a strong professional is needed to end it all. So, Mr. President, are you interested in oil on Sumatra? "

Li Mu didn't know how embarrassed he was when Baron Riem said these words. Anyway, if it was Li Mu, Li Mu would probably not be able to tell.

Li Mu did not know what the findings of the Dutch East India investigation into this series of cases were. As long as he knew Rockefeller a little bit, he would know that Rockefeller was the biggest suspect. The meaning of Baron Rim was very clear. He hoped that the oil fields on Sumatra Give it to Rockefeller to end this farce. This is equivalent to the surrender of Rockefeller by the Dutch East India. Someone with a little temper may not be so weak.

It is regrettable that the Dutch East India colonial government is so weak when facing trust companies such as Standard Oil. Don't think that the Dutch are so strong. This is also a colonial country that is flourishing. The end of uncompromising is obvious. The Spaniards of the Luzon colonial government are the best example. The situation in the Netherlands is not much better than Spain. Therefore, in front of Rockefeller, Baron Riem was destined to stand up.

Compared with the country, private companies have higher degrees of freedom and no bottom line. For example, the US government will not declare war on the Netherlands now. This is very clear to the Dutch, but Standard Oil can be unscrupulous in the Dutch East India. The Dutch are also very clear.

It is easy to stop such wantonism. The Dutch East Indian colonial government is very clear. Rockefeller's men must be wading on Sumatra. If the Dutch East Indian colonial government has sufficient strength, find Rockefeller's men and destroy them directly. It will interrupt the black hand that Rockefeller extended to the Sumatra oilfield. The problem is that the Dutch East India colonial government cannot do it, so the Dutch can only bow to Rockefeller, so that at least they can get the due taxes.

In the face of money, no one is qualified to be tough.

"Oh, is there oil on Kalimantan? Of course, I'm very interested." Rockefeller's expression was sincere, but what he said was annoying.

"It's Sumatra." Baron Rim looked at Rockefeller with a bad look.

However, this is useless. Even Baron Rim gritted his teeth and could not change the fact that the Dutch were helpless to Rockefeller. In the face of such a "robber tycoon" like Rockefeller, it is best to remain modest. Otherwise, Rockefeller will let you know the rumors are true.

"Well, Sumatra, it's all the same. I only care about the availability of oil. I only care about oil. Rest assured. Just give me the oil field. If anyone dares to find fault, I will make his mother not recognize him. "Rockefeller no longer pretends to be a warning to the Dutch.

The wealth is very exciting. Now that Shell Oil has not found oil, the Dutch dare to challenge Rockefeller ’s standard oil. When Rockwell ’s drilling team finds the oil, there may be any moths. Rockefeller also first took precautions for the Dutch. Needles, lest they will grow in the future.

"Of course, we believe you, Mr. President, you have this ability." Baron Riem's ​​face was unsightly. After saying this, Baron Riem excused his discomfort and ended the dinner in a hurry.

It's time to leave and continue to stay. It's just a torture to the Dutch. Whether it's the arrogant Rockefeller or the lively Li Mu, it seems to the Dutch to hate it.

"Ha, it seems we are not welcome." When Baron Riem went away, Li Mu raised his glass with a smile.

To be honest, Rockefeller ’s method has made Li Mu an eye-opener. Li Mu has only now realized how unscrupulous a powerful trust company is in this era. In the past, Li Mu sometimes did things before and after, and also took care of them. Face to face, Rockefeller made a best example for Li Mu. Face is trivial, and strength is absolutely dominant, so there is no need to turn corners.

"It's right to be unpopular. If the Dutch welcome us, it means they have eaten us. They are the best now. They don't like me but have to bow their heads in front of me. I think it will be quite a long time in the future. In time, this should impress the Dutch. "Rockefeller is not ashamed but proud. Many things, to put it bluntly, are so boring. What about scolding the street? As long as the result is good, the process can be ignored.

The next thing was logical. At noon the next day, Baron Rimm signed a contract with Rockefeller on behalf of the Dutch East India Colonial Government. Rockefeller spent only $ 1.5 million to obtain oil exploration throughout the Dutch East Indies. Power.

In order to successfully win the right to oil exploration, Rockefeller did not have a sky-high price. If Rockefeller can find oil in the Dutch East Indies, then Rockefeller must pay taxes in accordance with the relevant laws of the Dutch East Indies when producing oil. Rockefeller There is no objection, anyway, as long as Rockefeller is willing, how much tax will be paid at that time, Rockefeller is the final say. Standard Oil also has a huge financial department and legal department. Those people exist for this.

Li Mu is not without any benefit. At the same time that Rockefeller and the Dutch East India Colonial Government signed the agreement, Li Mu also learned the laws of the Dutch East India Colonial Government by the way. As a result, Li Mu found that as long as Li Mu was willing, Li Mu could be in the Netherlands. The purchase of islands in the East Indies and the prices are quite low, which makes Li Mu happy.

Li Mu doesn't care about oil. For Li Mu, if he wants oil, there are more oil fields in his memory. Li Mu attaches importance to land, and only land is worth Li Mu's attention.

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