Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Smash

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Politics has always been cruel. To give the enemy a chance is not to give yourself a chance, so Li Mu will not leave any handle to others. Although Washington is not in the sphere of influence of Li Mu, this does not mean that Li Mu has no influence in Washington. In the Ulysses Grant era, Li Mu had many friends in Washington, especially at the Washington Police Department. Li Mu could easily find a lot of people willing to work for money. For the police in other places, the president may have a little Awe, but for the police in Washington, the president is the rarest and even rarer than the police, because everyone wants to be president, not everyone wants to be a police officer.

The best thing is that Zach Richardson is not a friend of Li Mu. Li Mu does not even know Zach Richardson. Zach Richardson is a friend of Ulysses S. Grant, Ebel, who now lives for many years. In Paris, even if Zach Richardson was picked out, he would not be contacted by Li Mu.

What disappointed Zach Richardson was that Charles Giteau didn't do anything inside the church. If Charles Giteau did, then after Zach Richardson killed Charles Giteau, Zach Richardson would take it. To $ 100 million.

Don't think that you are used to Li Mu's income, think that this 10,000 US dollars is not enough, but it is enough. This money is enough to buy a state senator this year. It is enough to buy Zack Richardson. The salary of the Washington police It ’s not as high as the New York police ’s salary. If you earn $ 100 million on a normal salary, Zach Richardson will work hard for ten years. Now, it is only necessary that Zach Richardson fulfill a responsibility as a police officer at the right time. Zach Richardson can get a salary equivalent to about ten years, so there is no reason for Zach Richardson to refuse the money.

Even if Zach Richardson does not want to make this money, there are other police who are willing to make it. Moreover, when the unparalleled person finds Zach Richardson, Zach Richardson has no right to reject. Richard Richardson will be killed, and it is definitely the kind of death that will cause accidental death, so Zach Richardson is easy to choose.

When Charles Giteau came out of the church, someone immediately came over: "Hi, Charles, I heard you're going to do something for the Democratic Party, when will you act? We all wait and see."

Talking about the drinker Charles Giteau knew in the tavern, Charles Giteau never shunned the fact that he would do something for the Democratic Party, and it was mentioned to many people, but never thought Charles Giteau Special Olympics will really do it. Like most people who get drunk, most people think that Charles Giteau is just bragging. Only Charles Giteau knows that he is really taking action.

"No, I can't prey before God, and there are too many people in the church. I can't hurt those innocent people." Charles Giteau was a little bit depressed, while James Garfield was already in the car under the protection of a bodyguard. Leaving, even if Charles Giteau wanted to do it, there was no chance.

It should be noted that this is really not an excuse, Charles Giteau really thinks so, so far, Charles Giteau has not realized how crazy his idea is, kill James Garfield, It was the right thing that Charles Giteau thought. This idea was deeply ingrained in Charles Giteau's mind. Charles Giteau was a stubborn person.

"Then we'll wait and see what you will do, don't let us down." The drinker haha ​​smiled and left.

"I'll do it, you wait and see." Charles Giteau waved his fist at the back of the drinker, and regretted that he didn't shoot.

Once the opportunity is missed, it is not easy to find another chance. After this day, Charles Giteau spent a full month in Washington to find opportunities. This month, Charles Giteau's luck has been very good. , Not only found a kind person willing to provide a house to Charles Giteau for free, but also often encountered in the tavern who would like to invite Charles Giteau to have a drink, even walking on the street Charles Gite Austria will pick up money, which will allow Charles Giteau to stay in Washington and continue to look for opportunities.

In the original history, after the assassination of Charles Giteau by James Giteau, the U.S. police released the results of an investigation of Charles Giteau. It was found that Charles Giteau came to find someone to borrow 30 dollars to come Washington, then stayed in Washington for three months, and finally Charles Giteau finally found a chance to shoot at James Garfield.

I do n’t know how Congress believes in the police ’s findings. Probably there are guys in Congress who do n’t eat meat, so they do n’t know how much it costs to live in Washington for three months.

Of course, it is more likely that Congress does not want to know at all. What Congress wants to see is only an investigation report, not the contents of the investigation report.

On December 24, Christmas Eve, Charles Giteau finally heard another news about James Garfield in a pub in the train station. Tomorrow morning, James Garfield and Garfield will be The wife went to the train station to see off the friends, which was another good opportunity.

Yes, Charles Giteau can often get this kind of news. Otherwise, it is impossible for Charles Giteau to know that James Garfield is going to church, and it is impossible for the Presidential Palace to announce the whereabouts of James Garfield in advance. To prevent people like Charles Giteau, it is impossible for Charles Giteau to stand by the door of the President's Palace every day, and the guards will examine anyone they think is suspect.

Therefore, the pub has become the best channel for news. Don't ask why any lover in the pub has the news of James Garfield. Perhaps the guy who speaks is the staff around James Garfield. Maybe this The staff around the year's president did not experience as much confidentiality education as the 21st century, so anything can happen.

Like last time, Charles Giteau went to the Baltimore and Potomac trains the next day, and it was no surprise to Charles Giteau that the information in the tavern was very accurate. At ten in the morning, James Garfield It was indeed with Mrs. Garfield who was seen off at the train station for a friend. The person who got on the train, Charles Giteau, knew him, and was New York tycoon Rockefeller.

This is normal, if Rockefeller returned to New York after spending Christmas Eve with James Garfield, James Garfield really wanted to see him off.

When James Garfield and his wife waved goodbye to Rockefeller on the platform, like last time, Charles Giteau was just under five meters behind James Garfield, but Charles Giteau hesitated again this time. Already.

There was no God present this time. The reason why Charles Giteau did n’t do it was because Charles Giteau found that Mrs. Garfield's body didn't seem to be very good. May not be able to bear witness to the scene of her husband being shot.

Well, in fact, it doesn't matter, even if Charles Giteau doesn't do it this time, Charles Giteau can still find opportunities, because the news in the tavern has always been accurate.

By Christmas, Li Mu had arrived in Vladivostok, and was staying in the private official residence of the former Russian Governor's House of Eastern Siberia.

This private official residence is actually a castle-like building with a Russian appearance. Each roof is a standard helmet-type dome. The exterior paint is red and white. There are 150 rooms in the castle. I wanted to transform the castle into a military camp. After Li Mu arrived in Vladivostok, Vladivostok sold the castle to Li Mu for $ 5,000.

This price is not cheap. Everyone knows that the entire Vladivostok Pizhou was bought by Li Mu, so strictly speaking, the entire Vladivostok Pizhou is owned by Li Mu privately. This was originally Li Mu's thing, but now it is just the original owner. In fact, Vladivostok The state government is more willing to give this castle to Li Mu, but Li Mu does not accept the good intention, because the current state of Vladivostok requires more money and no resources can be wasted.

It ca n’t be wasted. Vladivostok has a large area and the city ’s basic conditions are still very good. At first, the Russians used Vladivostok as a permanent city to operate. Therefore, Vladivostok has a comprehensive underground pipeline network and urban transportation system. The Russians It did not have time to destroy all of this when it was withdrawn, which reduced a lot of trouble for the Vladivostok State Government.

Of course, there are still many troubles. The Russians have coveted Vladivostok for a long time, but in fact, it was not until 1860, that is, 20 years ago, that the Russian government forced the Qing government to cede Vladivostok to Russia. This is also the Russian government's easy abandonment of Vladivostok. The reason is that it is too easy to come. Unlike the British and French who went shirtless, the Russian government did not pay any price to obtain Vladivostok. It was after the Second Opium War that it robbed the fire and forced the Qing government to cede Vladivostok.

This is the level of cunning of the Russians. The British and the French launched the Opium War. As a result, the Russians received the greatest benefit, and this benefit was obtained by full-screen blackmail. So many times, scammers are more hateful than robbers because robbers only rely on Physically bullying people, robbed people can also say “Q is not as good as humans”, scammers bully people from IQ, giving people a feeling that “they live on dogs”. More hateful.

Because the time to own Vladivostok is too short, the Russians have not had time to build a large amount in Vladivostok. To be precise, most of the results of Vladivostok have been completed by Russians employing Chinese and Koreans. Although the size of the land is large, the urban facilities are not complete enough to support at least 100,000 people. At present, most of the 100,000 immigrants in Vladivostok depend on external support for their livelihood, so it is really shameful to waste.

In fact, the supplies are still very abundant. At least Japan and Ryukyu rely on them. The Chinese who have just moved to Vladivostok have clothes to wear and food to eat. Although the place to live is not perfect, it is a far cry from the days of the Qing Dynasty.

The Vladivostok State Government has not left 100,000 people idle. Even children, even women, if they want to get belly food and warm clothes, they must also obtain it from the Vladivostok State Government by work. This method is extremely tight. Immediately reassured the new immigrants, giving them hope for the future.

"The winter temperature in Vladivostok is very low, so outdoor activities are almost impossible, so the immigration work is basically stagnant, but the staff we sent to Qing State is not idle. They are counting Chinese who are willing to immigrate to Vladivostok. In spring, they will be sent over. "Despite the many difficulties, Chen Guofang is still very optimistic. Li Mu and Steed Horse Group are the backers. As long as it can be solved with money, that is not a problem.

"100,000 people, it's not easy to settle them. Is there so much work for them?" Li Mu is more worried about the current 100,000 people. Compared with future immigrants, the current 100,000 people are their last. Class, if the Chinese who immigrated to Vladivostok in the future found that these early immigrants did not behave like humans and ghosts, then they may feel instantly deceived into hell. This will be a devastating blow to Vladivostok's future immigration work. .

"Yes, I let them smash stones. There are mountains everywhere. Some smash them. This winter they let them smash them. After the spring of next year, these stones can be used to build roads and can be used as house foundations. It is used to make mortar. It is very useful anyway. Next year, we will build a house with enough 300,000 people to live in. This problem is still very difficult. If road repair is added, 100,000 people will not smash stones in winter. It must be enough. "Chen Guofang arranged it well. In fact, even if the stones are useless, it is okay. The important thing is to find so many people to do work, so that they have no time to think wildly. After the spring, there will naturally be a lot of work waiting for them to do. At that time, they will build a house, open up wasteland, plant land, and welcome a new life. Without people's urging, they will move to find things themselves.

This is the loveliest point of immigrants. Lazy people will not emigrate, because they are too lazy to move, so as long as these hard-working guys are given the opportunity, they will burst out with amazing subjective initiative, which was originally developed in the Great Northern Wilderness.

Perhaps the immigrants did not have such lofty ideals, but their expectations of a good life were equally urgent. This was enough. In Vladivostok, they had no chance in the Qing Empire.

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