In the original time and space, the protection and development of Kuanzhai Alleys was a coincidence, at least when the project was launched.

One day in 2003, a big leader came to Rongcheng for inspection and specially visited the three ancient building protection areas of Daci Temple, Wenshu Monastery and Kuanzhai Alley. At that time, the ancient buildings in the Daci Temple and Wenshu Monastery areas were almost destroyed, but the Kuanzhai Alleys were relatively well protected.

The big leader gave instructions: Be sure to protect the Kuanzhai Alley!

The local leaders met immediately to discuss, and quickly determined the protection and development project, and the district government and a state-owned enterprise formed a joint venture company to be responsible. At first I looked for the Southwest Jiaotong University for project planning, and then I went to a company owned by Tsinghua Holdings to be responsible for the specific design. As a result, it lasted for eight years. After the war of resistance was won, the Kuanzhai Alley project was finally completed.

We also hired several top domestic business planning companies in the middle of the journey, and the structure all believed that the buildings here were not suitable for operation. Because the depth of the yard is extremely large and the door face is small, commercial applications are very difficult.

And the biggest difficulty is not these, it is the demolition work!

This place itself belongs to the old city shanty town, the living conditions are very bad, every time it rains, it will become a sea view room. Under such circumstances, most local residents are willing to demolish, but they have encountered many diehard nail households.

The nail households are all wealthy, and they have a business perspective. They will not move no matter how much money is given, and some ordinary households will not leave. In the middle of the process, they even deliberately increased the contradiction and went directly to CCTV. After the news was broadcast, public opinion was immediately controversial, and these nail users were even more confident.

The demolition took several years, and in the end several houses were not moved. They were still nailed until Song Weiyang crossed the road.

If we start to carry out demolition now, the specific work should be much easier to do. Because the real estate industry in Rongcheng is still in its infancy at this time, the Jingxiang Alley has only been demolished, and the Kuanzhai Alley has been preserved for various reasons. This area is not yet a popular area.

The historical development of Kuanzhai Alleys has caught up with the "good times". By then, housing prices in Rongcheng are soaring, and the real estate industry takes off by helicopter. The difficulty of demolition is equal to hell.

Song Weiyang and Song Shumin's father and son jointly wrote a project plan and took it directly to visit a big boss in the province.

In this planning book, two foxes, young and old, talk about economic development, cultural construction, and people's livelihood issues, which can greatly highlight political achievements. We won’t write about the specific content of the meeting. Otherwise, we will violate the rules. After all, when Song Weiyang used the "Focus Interview" to report the call, the censors thought it was "inciting the masses to induce the supervision of the media to cause mass incidents."

Anyway, Song Weiyang engaged in another show operation, so that the commercial development of Kuanzhai Alley was successfully established in the summer, and the public was also very supportive. Because in the summer, the heavy rain came again, and the Kuanzhai alleys became an ocean again due to lack of drainage systems. Song Shumin took the opportunity to ask the media for repeated reports and put the old city transformation here into the community for heated discussions.

When the protection and renovation project was officially announced, the residents of Kuanzhai Alleys cheered and wished to move out of this ghost place soon.

Song Shumin also took the opportunity to obtain a piece of land specifically for the resettlement of the demolished households. By the way, he could also make a fortune from selling the house. It will not be used to resettle the relocated households because it is too uneconomical.

However, in order to ensure the smooth demolition and relocation, Song Weiyang persuaded his father to "benefit the people". Anyway, after the resettlement of the house built on that piece of land, there is still a lot left, which can be earned back by selling the house.

The property rights of Kuanzhai Alley belong to the district government, and a company has been set up to manage it. Song Shumin's Rongxin Real Estate belongs only to builders and development project contractors, and to put it bluntly is to make hard money.

The real profit point was the well alley next door, and Song Shumin took four-fifths of the land here in one go. The underground parking lot is planned to be connected to the parking lot in Kuanzhai Alley to facilitate parking for tourists, otherwise traffic and parking will be a big problem. On the ground are all kinds of commercial stores, bars, inns, coffee shops and so on.

The next step is to invite teachers and students from Tsinghua University to conduct field surveys on Kuanzhai Alleys and Jing Alleys. Because the restoration and protection of ancient buildings cannot be left to the developers, professionals must be asked to take the pulse.

As for how to introduce merchants and attract tourists, Song Weiyang has a big deal, saying that he can be responsible for it all.

Song Weiyang's company in the previous life was called "Single Real Estate" (you can turn back to Chapter 25). He has done all kinds of business, but what really makes him the richest man in Rongping is to do real estate development and property management.

After the journey, Song Weiyang repeatedly stated that he would not do real estate because he was tired of this industry. Just like the parents who are doctors, they don't want their children to apply for medical school, and the parents who are teachers don't want their children to apply for teacher training. This is because they know the bitterness of their own industry. Song Weiyang II doesn't want to wade into the muddy water.

But when his father does real estate, he must make suggestions when he is a son.

As long as the Kuanzhai Alley project is successful, Song Shumin’s Rongxin Real Estate will surely become a hit. Local governments all over the country who want tourist blocks will rush to cooperate with Song Shumin. Even if this project is not profitable, it is worth it. First, build a good relationship with the leaders of Rongcheng, and second, promote its reputation throughout the country.

After walking around in the dilapidated Kuanzhai alley in person, Song Shumin answered the phone and said with emotion: "Your eldest brother is calling, and Maotai is making a big move again."

"What's the matter?" Song Weiyang asked.

Song Shumin shook his head and smiled: "The China Standardization Association and Moutai have worked together to formulate an industry standard GB18356-2001, which was formally approved by the State Administration of Quality Supervision yesterday and is scheduled to be implemented on December 1 this year."

Song Weiyang asked: "What standard is this?"

Song Shumin said: "The geographical indication product standard for liquor is still the only one in the country. There has not been a liquor company that has made such a standard before. In the future, other liquor brands who want to adopt similar standards will definitely follow the format of Moutai. Had a crab in the Chinese liquor industry."

"Our immortal wine is not a well-known geographical indication wine. The standard of Moutai has nothing to do with us," Song Weiyang laughed. Counterfeit products are well controlled."

In recent years, the liquor industry has been in a downturn, and major brands have been frantically engaged in sideline business, but Moutai's publicity has become more and more fierce.

In particular, the ad slogan "National Liquor Moutai" has aroused the resentment of the whole industry, and many wine companies have joined forces for several times. This kind of slogan, if you use it in the private sector, it is a 100% violation of the law to actually use it to advertise on the TV station!

With the continued opposition of dozens of wine companies, Moutai has now become a public enemy of the entire industry, and the ad slogan "national wine" may also be removed by CCTV.

So Moutai became a little impatient, and in a few months, he would apply for the "national wine" trademark, and then the application was not approved for more than ten years. However, Changyu's application for the "Jiebaina" trademark next year was passed, and then it instantly received the treatment of Moutai in the liquor industry-becoming the public enemy of the entire industry.

Because "Jiebaina" is just a type of red wine, which is derived from French. This approach of Changyu Company is just like the Xianjiu Group went to apply for the "Luzhou-flavor" trademark, but it was actually approved. In the future, only Xianjiu can use the term "luan-flavor". You say other wine companies How will it react?

The official in charge of trademark review was obviously fooled by Changyu Company. I am afraid that I don’t know what Jie Baina actually means.

Of course, it is also possible to operate in the dark.

Anyway, "Jiebaina" somehow became a trademark, and the industry lawsuit lasted for eight years. But the uncooked rice has been cooked into cooked rice. In the end, the wrong one can only be done wrong, and the final result is laughable.

The whole process is like this: Four well-known companies requested to revoke the Jiebaina trademark. The request was rejected by the "Trade Review Committee" after six years. The complaint was filed in the Intermediate Court, and it turned out that the "Trademark Review and Adjudication Board" was operating normally, but it should make a new ruling as appropriate. The four companies refused to accept the complaint and went to the High Court again, but the original verdict was upheld.

The lawsuit wasn't finished until this point, and the four plaintiff companies went to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce will mediate. As a result, Changyu and the four plaintiff companies could use the trademark "Jiebaina", while other companies' use was infringing, including the French origin of Jiebaina wine.

It's especially funny. The Frenchmen brewed "Jiebaina" red wine hundreds of years ago, and now they are registered as trademarks by Chinese companies, and French companies are not allowed to use them commercially in China.

Well, my shoe brand is Jordan. What does it have to do with your Michael Jordan?

Speaking of infringement, Song Weiyang is about to meet a person who will be forced to abandon the company he founded due to an infringement lawsuit in a few years.

The first batch of chips produced by SMIC will be off the assembly line soon, and Song Weiyang will go over and celebrate.

After all, China Technology is one of the founding shareholders of SMIC. This investment was negotiated by Shen Fuxing last year. Song Weiyang only needs to sign the contract.

Everyone knows that the world's number one chip manufacturer is TSMC, and several of China's chips are also contracted by TSMC.

And Zhang Rujing, the founder of SMIC, is a former colleague and subordinate of TSMC CEO Zhang Zhongmou. The two used to work for Texas Instruments together.

In 1997, Zhang Rujing was unemployed due to the abolition of the department of Texas Instruments. He brought the departmental team of Texas Instruments and came back and founded Wanwan's third chip foundry. The rapid development of Zhang Rujing's enterprise has posed a threat to TSMC, but he suddenly suffered a devastating blow.

At that time, the global demand for chips was soaring, and many industry giants in Wanwan merged to form "United Microelectronics", which became a company with assets of more than 80 billion yuan.

TSMC’s Zhang Zhongmou was forced to sleep, so he approached the shareholder’s father and bought Zhang Rujing’s company for US$5 billion. The process of this operation is: the second in the industry unites many younger brothers, and instantly becomes the first in the industry. The first in the industry was desperate, and the third in the industry was easily eaten.

Zhang Rujing was simply a victim of Chiyu. He didn't even get involved, and his business was acquired. Moreover, TSMC kept hiding from him and ate the shares of other shareholders before he knew that his company had changed owners.

Zhang Rujing was furious, unwilling to live under people, and took more than 300 engineers north to the mainland.

This appeal can be seen. More than 300 top engineers, leaving behind the corners of stable and high-paying jobs, are willing to follow Zhang Rujing to the mainland to seek an unknown future. And the news came out that mainland and overseas bosses smashed money frantically, and Zhang Rujing received more than $1 billion in investment within two months.

China Science and Technology also invested 1.2 billion yuan, almost emptied all available funds, and became the third largest shareholder of SMIC, accounting for 9.1% of the shares.

In addition, China Science and Technology has also taken the initiative to build bridges and set up SMIC's first factory in the Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Shenghai.

China Science and Technology does not want to be controlled by others.

Because of the surge in global chip demand, TSMC and UMC are too busy, resulting in insufficient supply of several chips from China. Take mobile phone chips for example, China Electronics is no longer exporting, because with the growth of mobile phone sales, China's own mobile phone chips are severely out of stock.

Then you can only invest in a chip factory to meet China's own chip needs, and SMIC is the most worthy investment company.

In history, SMIC became the world's third largest chip foundry in less than five years. The reason for the misfortune was that the founder Zhang Rujing was forced to leave. At that time, Abian issued a fine of 5 million Taiwan dollars to Zhang Rujing and ordered him to leave the mainland with funds and team within 6 months, otherwise Zhang Rujing would be cancelled. Of Wanwan residency. Zhang Rujing was unmoved, and TSMC sued SMIC for infringement, claiming 1 billion US dollars.

In fact, the so-called infringement is that Zhang Rujing used his own technology in Wanwan, but his Wanwan company already belongs to TSMC.

This lawsuit can't be won at all, and one billion dollars can't be paid, so an unequal treaty can only be signed. Not to mention the compensation of 175 million US dollars, but also a third-party escrow account must be set up. All SMIC technologies must be stored in this account for TSMC to check for infringements at any time.

It is equivalent to SMIC's hole cards being seen by competitors, and every new hole card must be seen by others.

In this way, TSMC did not let it go, but went back in a short period of time and sued SMIC for infringement again. This is purely a false accusation. SMIC's technology was imported from Belgium and has nothing to do with TSMC. But there is an American father behind TSMC, and the Jiazhou court pronounced that SMIC lost the lawsuit.

The final result is that TSMC received 200 million US dollars in compensation and 10% of SMIC's shares. For the second time, Zhang Rujing was forced to leave the company he founded.

After Zhang Rujing left, the new president was still more able to cover it, but after the death of the new president, SMIC was completely plunged into internal chaos. The first is that the company team has three major factions, and there are also three major shareholders entangled. The team factions fight to the death and the three shareholders also tear down each other, and there is a TSMC staring at each other. SMIC has survived so hard.

SMIC’s experience was the most distressing tragedy in China's high-tech industry before the technology lawsuit between ZTE and Huawei.

There was a lot of trouble at the time. Although Song Weiyang didn't know the specific process, he also knew that SMIC had been engaged in infringement. At least in this time and space, he will not stand idly by, he will continue to expand his holdings, and order Zhang Rujing not to use his skills during the curve.


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