Rebirth of the Wild Age

: Five hundred and thirty-nine [Who hasn't even pointed out the black history? 】

Central China, a private enterprise.

It was during the lunch break when Deng Xinhua had a newspaper in front of him, and his surroundings were crowded with colleagues. He straightened his waist proudly, tapped his fingers on the table, glanced at the crowd with the eyes of all things, and said proudly: "I always said that I know Song Weiyang, and I was doing business with him in the deep city. You still don't believe it. Believe it now! It’s all published in the newspapers. Song Weiyang didn’t go to Shenghai before starting the company. He went to Shencheng. He was called Dr. Ma, and he was doing business without capital. He even called me Deng at the beginning. elder brother!"

The young people admired and the middle-aged employees despised, but they all listened attentively.

An employee said: "Brother Deng, how Song Weiyang engages in fraud, you can talk about it in detail."

"Scam? How could it be a scam!" Deng Xinhua slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea before continuing to speak, "I tell you that Song Weiyang’s identity is fake, and the trophies he sells are fake, but people’s stomachs The goods inside are real. The trophy and the award certificate are more real than the real thing. The company buys it and promotes it, and the sales will go up. You haven't heard him lecture, I stand outside to listen After two verses, what I said is really good, it belongs to the peerless secrets of doing business..."

Suddenly someone interrupted and joked: "Old Deng, since you have listened to Song Weiyang's two classes, why have you come to work in the company's mail room now? You should become a big boss."

Deng Xinhua gave the man a depressed look. He didn't mention that he was part-time worker at the beginning. He bragged and said, "After all, I was standing outside and listening. There is still a gap with Song Weiyang's formal students. But I I must have learned the tricks of Song Weiyang. In less than half a year, my company has grown from one desk to two offices. By 1998, I was already a millionaire and went bankrupt after the Asian financial turmoil. Yes. That's not good for the general environment. I'm rather unlucky. I owe a lot of debt and can only work in a private enterprise."

An employee in the personnel department immediately dismantled it: "That's not right, Lao Deng, I remember you used to be a laid-off worker."

Deng Xinhua didn’t change his face and his heart beats. He sipped his tea and said, “What do you know as a young man? The great man called to go to the sea, and he can stay in the unit. I was also a small leader in the state-owned factory, which met the criteria for staying in the sea. There were so many people who were paid while doing business."

Someone asked: "Then how does Song Weiyang fight the table with you?"

Deng Xinhua coughed twice, pointed to the teacup, and immediately someone poured water. He went on to say: "At that time, the office buildings in the special economic zone were so tense that they could not be rented with money. Many companies only had one desk, and my company only had one desk. How disappointed Song Weiyang was back then, as well as Director Liu and Secretary Chen. , Oh, it is Zheng Xuehong and Chen Tao. The three of them are paupers. After arriving in the special zone, there is not much money left. It costs money to make trophies and fake certificates, so I can’t even rent a table. It’s Song Weiyang. With a bright mind, how else can someone become the richest man? He discussed with me and said that he wanted to share a table with me to work and share half of the rent. I was not short of money at the time, so I saw this kid at a glance. It's not easy, I immediately agreed, and I don't even bother to ask him for rent!"

"So, you are still Song Weiyang's benefactor, has he never repaid you?" someone asked.

Deng Xinhua smiled mysteriously: "Why don't you want to pay for it? I'm not that kind of villain. Let me tell you, if I go to Xifeng Company now, as long as I can see Song Weiyang, Zheng Xuehong and Chen Tao, one of them, they will give me at least 1 million. Unfortunately, I can't contact them, everyone is very busy. When Dr. Ma suddenly disappeared, how many students were looking for him, it was really a dragon without seeing the end! And that Chen Tao Her fake name was Chen Mengxi, and I was called by Brother Deng in the past. Now everyone is Xifeng’s C/O! Alas, life is so unpredictable, and no one can predict what will happen in the future."

It wasn't until work hours that Deng Xinhua's awesomeness was finished.

Soon, the secretary of the company boss came to the mail room in person and invited Deng Xinhua to see the boss.

The boss asked happily, "I heard you know Song Weiyang?"

Deng Xinhua was a little apprehensive, but still bit the bullet and said: "I was doing business in the deep city at the time. Song Weiyang didn't have money to rent a desk, so he shared a table with me for half a month."

"You were in business before?" the boss asked.

Deng Xinhua blew the **** again. He had already said these things neatly, and he could even lie to himself. In a daze, he really thought he had made a fortune.

The boss asked casually about business matters, but the guy said it upside down, and he looked like a layman in the business field. The boss suddenly got upset: "Just tell the truth, or just get out of here!"

Deng Xinhua was beaten back to reality in an instant, and could only tell all his previous experiences.

The boss is overjoyed: "Song Weiyang really played the table with you! Let's let someone else do the work in the mail room. You will go out to dinner with me in the future. Whether you meet a leader or another boss, you will give it to you. They talk about Song Weiyang. I will pay you 3,000 yuan a month. I will pay you a bonus for a wonderful story. This job is easy, would you like it?"

"Yes, yes!" Deng Xinhua's little chicken pecked at the rice and nodded again and again.

From then on, the boss would bring Deng Xinhua with him every time he had a meal, and then he would introduce to others: "This is Song Weiyang’s tablemate when he was making money in the deep city. He is very familiar with the boss of Song. If you have any questions, please Just ask him."

It was just a set of rhetoric that was tossed over and over again, this boss actually got mixed up in the local area. Officials at all levels and colleagues in the business community are always happy to listen to it over and over again, and then when they go back to socializing, they also use it as a talk to brag about-it is very effective to use it to invigorate the atmosphere and draw in the relationship.


The reports on Song Weiyang's "legendary" experience are as popular as Mou Zhongchang's exchange of canned food for planes. It is even worse. After all, Song Weiyang has become the richest man in China, and every move will be put under the spotlight for scrutiny, not to mention this kind of gray behavior of walking on the edge of the law.

Among the voices of amazement and admiration, of course, doubts and attacks were indispensable.

Fortunately, Xifeng has always had a good relationship with the media, and a large amount of public relations expenses have to be sprinkled every year. Moreover, Song Weiyang was also quite officially recognized. The major official media did not stand up and condemned. Only some tabloids that desperately needed sales were jumping around.

Even the Southern Weekend, which had just published an article questioning melatonin and accusing Shi Yuzhu of false propaganda, did not take the opportunity to stab Song Weiyang back this time-the annual car and horse fees have worked.

Only the instigator, Yu Jie, is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and he has the momentum to smash to the end with Song Weiyang.

Historically, this old man belonged to a "dissident writer" and was called "Mainland Li Ao". He made a sensation in the literary world by scolding Teacher Qiuyu, and by scolding Uncle Benshan to be known to the public, and scolding Er Yuehe, Chi Li and others to maintain his reputation. This guy even thought it was not enough to scold celebrities. He directly attacked the government and was detained for writing essays. In the end, his work did not dare to be published by the media ("Southern Weekend" did not dare), and finally went to the other side of the ocean to become a U.S. citizen.

Only two days later, Yu Jie published a blog post again, and enlarged the target of the attack from Song Weiyang to the entire Chinese society. The general content is: China has thoroughly discussed money worship and utilitarian society. People's standard for measuring success is no longer good morals and contributions to society, but how much money the person has. Millionaires are small successes, billionaires are big successes, and billionaires like Song Weiyang are the incarnation of success. His fart is fragrant, and people are rushing to eat shit. Because Song Weiyang is rich and successful, his initial fraud can be ignored and even talked about in an admired tone. The Chinese have lost their direction in life, and if things go on like this, the country will lose its direction. In contrast to the United States...

Some wealthy haters, jealous people, netizens with chaotic rhythms, and a small number of people with social morals immediately started a heated discussion around this blog post.

Song Weiyang didn't bother to bother at all. He gave two contact methods, namely Xifeng and Shenzhou Technology. A total of more than 200 people called and contacted in a few days, most of which were greetings. By the way, I asked Teacher Song for a group gathering. However, there is also a company and more than 20 "students" who really called Song Weiyang for money. It is estimated that these people are living in a difficult situation.

That company has gone bankrupt, a state-owned enterprise with more than 300 employees, and now the original employees have joined forces to seek debts from Song Weiyang. In fact, the trophy sold by Song Weiyang once made the factory prosperous for more than half a year, but because of the airborne leadership, the factory was directly disturbed.

After Song Weiyang learned the news, he didn't come forward, but he was refunded 10 times, which cost more than 500,000 yuan in total.

As for the lion threatening to sue, so far, there is really no one. China’s richest man’s porcelain is not something you can touch casually, at least you have to weigh your own strength.

Seeing Yu Jie jumping more and more on the Internet, following the black Song Weiyang more and more, Chen Tao took the lead to sit still. She called Song Weiyang and said, "You really don't care about it?"

Song Weiyang smiled and said: "What do I do? It's impossible to delete posts from the entire network. Is it possible to find the police to catch him? The more troublesome the matter, the more unclear it is. The more you manage your finances, the happier he will be. It is better to deal with it for a while."

Chen Tao said: "I'll take care of it!"

Chen Tao used to be the chief manager of Xifeng's public relations department and knew the chief editors of many newspapers and magazines. She called one by one in person and asked these editor-in-chief if they had any black material from Yu Jie in their hands.

Don't tell me, I found it out in half a day.

No matter ancient or modern, Chinese and foreign, the war of curse is unclear, and it will only create a spot of chicken feathers. And the most effective method is not to be reasonable at all, and to dig out the other party's black materials directly to make the person's reputation bad. Then he naturally loses credibility in his words.

Chen Tao took Yu Jie's black material and posted a few blog posts in a row. No other nonsense, just copied the articles from the magazine.

The first blog post is a comparison between Yu Jie's "I Look at the Water Margin" and Zhu Dake's "The Psychoanalysis of Rogue." There are three paragraphs that are surprisingly similar, and some sentences are even plagiarized without changing a word.

The second blog post is a comparison between Yu Jie's "Knowledge, Sex, Travel-Rereading Yang Jiang" and Hu Heqing's "Yang Jiang Lun". There are many similarities or even similarities between the two articles.

The third blog post is to post the original text of Xie Youshun's "Stealing is also the way-Seeing the literary plagiarism". This article is directly accused of plagiarizing Yu Jie.

Then there are Zhu Haijun’s "Yu Jie is not worthy of being anyone’s friend", Liu Shaoming’s "The Art of Peeling", and Li Liyan’s "Blind Spots of "Genius"——Due to Jie’s Style of Study", the content of these articles, It's all ironic or directly scolding Yu Jie for plagiarizing, but it hasn't attracted widespread attention before.

The dispute between Yu Jie and Song Weiyang has long become a hot spot on the Internet. But when Chen Tao posted these articles, Yu Jie was in a mess, and he was already overwhelmed by the fire.

Song Weiyang's deception at least did not bring any loss to people, and it belonged to the needs of each person. Yu Jie's plagiarism was taken without notice. Such a guy with no professional ethics has actually scolded people for several years, and all the scolding were social celebrities.

Are today's thieves so arrogant?

Netizens had these black materials as ammunition and immediately attacked Jie's group. Yu Jie immediately disappeared without a trace, and his blog will no longer be updated.

Many people also ridiculed: "A thief, a liar, a dog bites a dog, a hairy mouth, no one is more glorious."

After winning the victory, Chen Tao wrote a blog post: "Mr. Yu Jie said that to measure a person’s success should be based on his morality and social value. Morality is invisible and invisible. It’s hard to say. Different people have different opinions. For me, Let’s talk about social value. Mr. Song Weiyang is the richest man in China. He has made a lot of money, but he has also created huge social value. So far, Xifeng Company and its branches have more than 20,000 employees, which directly solves two problems. There are thousands of jobs for 10,000 people, and there are thousands of regional partners. Regardless of the upstream and downstream related practitioners, Xifeng’s agricultural cooperation plan has increased the income of more than 200,000 farmers in 6 provinces in China. ..."

Mr. Tao opened fire on the Internet with all his strength, but it was a pity that Yu Jie ran away with his tail between them, leaving only a group of netizens shouting 666.

When people were paying attention to Song Weiyang's "entrepreneurship" experience, Chen Tao followed all over the Internet, knowing that Xifeng has a harsh and unreasonable language.


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