Rebirth of the Wild Age

: Six hundred and thirty【Daydreaming】

Professor Lang was talking on stage, expounding his main research results in recent years, namely, the establishment of a state-owned enterprise professional manager system to prevent the loss of state-owned resources.

But the problem is, three-quarters of the participants in the audience are all relatively successful private entrepreneurs. What is he doing today?

Song Weiyang listened with a smile all the way, Xiao Ma leaned over and said in a low voice: "It is said that Professor Lang can only break and not stand. He only raises the problem but does not solve the problem, but the content he just said is very good."

"There are some levels, but the operation is too difficult, and the rash and full implementation will inevitably lead to chaos." Song Weiyang said.

Brother Xiao Ma thought about it, nodded and said: "It's true."

Song Weiyang said with a smile: "Moreover, this viewpoint was not first put forward by him. As early as 2002, the central government promulgated the "2002-2005 National Talent Team Construction Plan", which initially proposed to explore and formulate a professional manager qualification evaluation system. The central government has long been aware of this problem and has begun to try to establish a relevant evaluation system. In the past two years, dozens of universities set up EBMA classes at the same time. Do you think it suddenly emerged? The purpose of setting up EMBA classes in Chinese universities is to join After the WTO, Chinese private enterprises cultivate elite backbones. The second is to cultivate professional managers reserve talents for state-owned enterprises. This professor Lang’s speech today shows that the central government has been making initial attempts long ago. What’s new?"

Xiao Ma asked in surprise: "Do you remember the ordinary policy documents two years ago so clearly?"

"Of course I remember. Don't you usually watch "News Network" and "People's X Newspaper"?" Song Weiyang asked rhetorically.

Xiao Ma said: "I don't look very much."

"Is it hard to watch?" Song Weiyang asked.

"Almost." Xiao Ma smiled awkwardly.

In 2015, Wu Xiaobo said in an interview: "Whether it is Ma Xiaoyun or Xiao Ma, their publicity is much worse... This is related to the growth of the entire generation. Lao Liu The amount of Wang Shitou must be much larger than Ma Xiaoyun. Ma Xiaoyun is a person who doesn’t read much, and Xiao Ma’s accumulation in the field of social sciences is also very low... When the entire microphone is handed over to them, they sometimes do They are so busy that they don’t know what to express. They don’t pay enough attention to public topics, but they have become opinion leaders. When a person becomes an opinion leader, everyone will ask him all public questions. What are his problems? You have to answer, and you will find at this time that there must be a gap in the humanistic literacy of this generation compared to the previous generation."

Xiao Ma realized this problem early and made some foolish appearances, but he soon understood how to constrain, and the whole person became more and more low-key.

Ma Xiaoyun is keen to be an opinion leader, so that the nonsense that 996 is a blessing is expected by Wu Xiaobo in advance. As for Ma Xiaoyun carrying books in his bag whenever he goes out, those books are either martial arts or Lao-Zhuang-style mystical and metaphysical books. His social science culture is really poor.

"Next, Mr. Song Weiyang, please come to the stage to speak, everyone is welcome!"

The entrepreneurs forum lasted for three days. The first day was a review of the 20-year development of Chinese companies, the second day was to discuss various difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, and the third day was a group discussion.

At this time, it was the second day. Song Weiyang walked to the main stage amidst the applause, coughing and saying: "I basically agree with Professor Lang's speech just now, but the specific operation needs to be studied and discussed. Moreover, I am the owner of a private enterprise, and the reform of state-owned enterprises is not a matter of turn. When I come to talk more, so I don’t want to talk more about this aspect. However, Professor Lang said that the real estate bubble in mainland China is too serious, and it will burst in ten years at most. I don’t agree with this view. There must be a bubble, and one day I must poke it. But don’t forget that China’s urbanization rate is still very low. Our friends of migrant workers are now providing a demographic dividend for China’s manufacturing industry, and in a few years they will also provide a demographic dividend for China’s real estate. This is a very cruel reality. I sympathize with them very much. I only hope that the real estate executives will have a conscience in the future, at least not to cut corners just to grab the deadline..."

There were at least 20 real estate owners present. Hearing Song Weiyang said that "China's urbanization rate is still very low", their brains reacted wisely, and they wanted to hug Song Weiyang and kiss him on the spot.

Song Weiyang continued: “I don’t think there are any problems with China’s economic turmoil this year, and Chinese companies do not have any difficulties. Now is the golden age of China’s manufacturing industry development. You can encounter difficulties during the golden period. It’s your own problem. So I won’t discuss the current predicament today. We might as well predict what the overall predicament Chinese companies will face in five years’ time. Can anyone answer it?”

"Boss Song, we are not gods. How can we guess what will happen five years from now? Solving the current problems is the most urgent thing." A boss said.

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Then I will be a god," Song Weiyang laughed. "There is no doubt that China has now become the world's factory, and products made in China are being sold all over the world. This is also the foundation of China's rapid economic growth for three consecutive years. Reason. Following this momentum, in five years, the traditional manufacturing industries in Europe and the United States will be destroyed, the unemployment rate in Europe and the United States will rise rapidly, and the economies of Europe and the United States will experience continuous recession. What if the people in Europe and the United States have no money? "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed wildly because the topic was too funny.

The traditional manufacturing industry in Europe and the United States was completely destroyed by China? Economic recession in Europe and the United States? People in Europe and America can't afford Chinese goods? This is almost like a fairy tale, more like a madman's babbling, which can make people laugh so much that their stomach hurts for several days.

Song Weiyang laughed with everyone, and after laughing, he said: "Last year, the Commercial Press translated and published a book, "World Economic Hegemony 1500-1990" by American economic historian Charles P. Kindleberger. Kindleberger Ge said meaningfully in the book that the most important thing for a country’s economy is to be productive. Most of the historical economic hegemony has undergone a transition from productive to non-productive, which makes the economic hegemonic country have another life cycle. Nature, and thus cannot escape the fate of turning from prosperity to decline. Now the global manufacturing industry is madly shifting to China, and European and American manufacturing industries are bound to lose their markets in globalization. Non-high-tech products are at a price disadvantage, and the market is constantly squeezed. The European and American countries are losing their'productivity', and economic decline will happen sooner or later. I think it will begin to show up in five years. Professor Lang, do you believe my prediction?"

Professor Lang did not expect Song Weiyang to call him by name, and suddenly smiled: "I don't agree with this view. The shift of European and American manufacturing to Asia stems from their own industrial upgrading. Take Nike sneakers as an example, the profit of a pair of shoes. If there is 100 yuan, then the Chinese responsible for OEM production can only earn 1 yuan, and the remaining 99 yuan is earned by Nike. To put it bluntly, we are working for Europe and the United States, and our productivity is the lowest level, and The productivity of European and American countries is more advanced, and European and American countries have not lost their productivity."

"European and American capitalists have not lost, but European and American common people have lost," Song Weiyang said. "If European and American traditional manufacturing is destroyed, where can their common people make money? They will all do service business, or will they all go to finance or high-tech? When a country has a large number of unemployed people, and the unemployment rate has been rising year by year and cannot be lowered, then the country's economic recession becomes inevitable."

Professor Lang was thoughtful and didn't know how to refute it for a while. Because Song Weiyang's words are too many, professional economists don't know where to start complaining, but the core idea seems to be correct.

Song Weiyang said: "Those who do not seek for the rest of the world cannot seek a moment. Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a corner. As a business, we not only need to see the general trend, but also to predict and promote the general trend, so I want you to prepare as soon as possible. Five Years later, the European and American economies began to decline, which will inevitably affect the export of Chinese goods. Then we have only three choices: first, let the country take the lead in expanding domestic demand, and you can build the local market together; second, upgrade the company from the low-end The manufacturing industry is gradually shifting to mid-to-high-end, competing with mid-to-high-end products in Europe and the United States; third, to deploy Asian, African, and Latin American markets in third world countries and sell Chinese products to every corner of the world. Thank you, everyone, my speech is over. As for you all Believe it or not, it’s your own business. Goodbye! By the way, friends who want to test the car can go downstairs. My Tesla is parked in the square downstairs to try it out."

Song Weiyang directly chose Shenyin and stopped attending the third day of the forum, instead wandering around the special zone with contemplation.

When what he said was reported by major media, it caused extensive discussion in Chinese society for a while. No way, a sneeze from the richest man is all news, not to mention Song Weiyang's speech is incredible.

"China's richest man predicts that the European and American economies will usher in a Great Recession in five years"

"Song Weiyang: European and American countries are losing productivity, and economic hegemony is bound to end the life cycle"

"As the world's factory, China will overwhelm the traditional manufacturing industries in Europe and America in five years"


Most people listened to this as a joke, because it was so incredible, it completely broke through the imagination of the Chinese people.

Not to mention saying such things in 2004, even in 2006, the prophecy post on the Tianya Forum was hung up and mocked for a long time. In the Shentie, netizens predicted that the Chang'e-1 orbiter probe was successfully launched in 2007; China ranked second with 45 gold medals in the 2008 Olympic Games, the Shenzhou 7 was successfully launched, and the astronauts walked out of the cabin; Three links; Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railways were put into operation in 10 years, China's foreign exchange reserves reached 2 trillion US dollars, and China's GDP surpassed Germany to rank third... In 2013, China exported a large number of domestic TV dramas, and Hanfu became popular in China; in China in 2014 The high-speed rail network has been initially completed, in one sentence to solve the economic constraints of insufficient railway transportation... In 2016, China's total GDP surpassed Japan and ranked second in the world. China's per capita GDP exceeded US$6,000. The country's urban population exceeded 60%, and the agricultural population was less than 40%. , China completed the transformation from an agricultural country to a post-industrial country. In the same year, the difference between rural and urban hukou was cancelled. In 17 years, China’s industrial upgrading was initially completed. Chinese companies transferred production lines to Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, and the proportion of local manufacturing in China gradually declined... "

Let’s look at it from the perspective of There are too many slots in this post. Why South Korea and North Korea have formed a free economy? Loongson chips accounted for more than 10% of the international CPU market share. In 2018, mobile phones were eliminated, and handheld computers replaced mobile phones and desktop computers, and the penetration rate exceeded 80%. This content makes people laugh. ——In terms of mobile phones, this old man predicted very accurately. The handheld computers he predicted were actually smart phones, and the penetration rate really exceeded 80%.

However, more predictions in the post were fulfilled by China ahead of schedule.

Especially in the world ranking of GDP, China just ranked fourth at the time of posting, and ranked third in the second year of posting (2007). However, the poster predicted that it would rank third in 2010. At that time, it was ridiculed by netizens from all walks of life, thinking that China's GDP could not surpass Germany anytime soon. As for the prediction that China's GDP will surpass Japan Benzene in 2016, it is even more a pipe dream. However, China surpassed Japan Benzene in the second year after surpassing Germany, a full eight years ahead of the forecast.

The current mainstream public opinion is that although China has become the world’s factory, it is just picking up what others have left. China is very weak, China is poor, and China lags behind Europe and the United States for decades!

Song Weiyang ran out and said that, everyone became the richest man and was naughty again. Some people even laughed at Song Weiyang, his brain has become abnormal after he became rich, he only knew daydreaming all day, completely out of China's actual national conditions, and had no idea that the people at the bottom of China Everbright were still struggling to make a living.

But it is undeniable that Song Weiyang has become popular again, and the domestic popularity has become higher, and even the sales of China's electronic products with his endorsement are increasing.

There are still people ridiculing on the Internet that there are three weird things among Chinese entrepreneurs: Shi Yuzhu only knows to squat at home and play games, Wang Shitou only thinks about where to climb mountains all day, and Song Weiyang keeps his eyes closed and talks big all day.

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