Rebirth: Opening confession to my deskmate Xiaohanhan

Chapter 558 555 subverts existing ideas (please subscribe)

The company's development is going smoothly. Lin Xinyu, besides being busy with the company's affairs, spends his free time with Bai Shihan, calling his family and grandma from time to time so that they don't have to worry about him.

Many times he wanted to take his grandma over to live directly, but the old man couldn't stand the atmosphere in the city and just wanted to farm at home and live a simple life.

Lin Xinyu had no choice but to listen to her old man's advice and go back to visit occasionally to let her grandma know that people like them were still thinking about her.

Every time Lin Xinyu takes Bai Shihan home, the old man will be as happy as a child, nagging them for a long time before letting them go, and then giving them a few more instructions.

Although they are not married yet, their current life is no different from that of a young couple, even sweeter than that.

Bai Shihan has also changed a lot because of Lin Xinyu. In the past, her personality was relatively introverted, she didn't like to talk, and she liked to be stuffy in her heart. But now she is more generous, and she nods in obedience to the advice of her elders.

And most importantly, her personality is much better now than before, and she often takes the initiative to chat with her elders.

From being not good at communicating with others in the past, to now being able to make the elders smile from ear to ear with joy just by saying a few words, Lin Xinyu sighed, and at the same time he cherished his current life even more.

It was precisely because he knew how lonely she was before that Lin Xinyu decided to seize the present and the future, and try his best to make up for his debt to Xiaohanhan.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

At night, Lin Xinyu did not bully Bai Shihan this time, and the two hugged each other quietly.

"You are my wife. If I don't treat you well, who will I treat well?" Lin Xinyu replied with a smile.

"Why do I think..." Bai Shihan tilted her head, thinking about the words, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Why do I think you are getting worse and worse?"

"Oh? What's wrong?" Lin Xinyu raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"Everywhere is bad..." Bai Shihan muttered softly, and then hugged him tightly.

Lin Xinyu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then he couldn't help but chuckle, and reached out to touch her smooth and silky hair.

"Go to sleep." Lin Xinyu patted her shoulder and signaled.

"Yeah!" Bai Shihan nodded and closed his eyes obediently.

Lin Xinyu lay down, hugged the little Hanhan in his arms, closed his eyes and rested his mind. It was impossible to do it every day, even a god would not be able to bear it.

It's okay to rest for a day or two, but as time goes by, it's not that Lin Xinyu isn't used to it, but that the little girl is a little bit in a bad mood, especially when she goes to bed at night, her expression is a little aggrieved.

Lin Xinyu didn't notice it at first. After all, it was with the lights turned off, so it was difficult to see the expression on the other person's face. But by chance, Lin Xinyu was about to turn off the lights when he happened to see Xiaohanhan's face full of expressions. Feeling aggrieved, she still looked at him with a pout on her face.

"What, what's going on? Who bullied my family treasure?" Lin Xinyu quickly approached Bai Shihan to see what was going on.

"No, no one bullied me..." Bai Shihan shook his head, but the grievance on his face never dissipated.

"Why do you look so depressed when no one bullies you?" Lin Xinyu pinched her bulging cheeks.

"You, you have been, for a long time, for a long time, no, no..." The little girl faltered. Fortunately, she didn't turn off the light at this moment, so she could clearly see her blushing face.

"It's been a long time?" Lin Xinyu had already reacted and just wanted to tease the other party. He originally wanted to take a rest, but he didn't expect to be misunderstood by Bai Shihan.

Sure enough, when Bai Shihan saw him pretending to be stupid, she immediately stopped, glared at him angrily, and turned her back to him.

Lin Xinyu laughed when he saw this, took the other person into his arms, and comforted him softly.

"You used to always touch me, but now you don't touch me anymore..." Bai Shihan lowered his head and his voice was as thin as a mosquito, but Lin Xinyu still heard it.

"Do you want me to touch you?" Lin Xinyu asked gently, stroking her thick black hair.

"I want to, no, I don't want to..."

"Do you want to or not?" Lin Xinyu was a little dumbfounded.

"You can't stay away from it for so long..." The little boy's voice was like the chirping of mosquitoes.

Lin Xinyu was made cute by what she said. The other party was obviously afraid of being bullied by him, but now she was looking at him with a look of 'Why aren't you bullying me yet'? It was so charming.

He really couldn't refuse, so he simply turned over and pressed Xiaohanhan down: "Then do what you want."

"No, no, I, I don't...well..."

Before the last thought could even be uttered, there was no chance to speak, and all that was left was a humming voice, with a hint of begging for mercy from time to time.


The next day, at dawn, the man and woman embracing each other on the bed woke up.

Lin Xinyu opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping little body in his arms. A doting smile flashed across the corner of his eyes, and he raised his hand to rub his forehead.

At the request of the little girl, they didn't know what time in the morning they went to bed. Lin Xinyu had never seen Bai Shihan like this before. Maybe he had been resting during this period, which made the other person feel that she was neglected. So the little girl sneak attacked him several times when he wasn't paying attention. It was these few times that made the two of them fall asleep without knowing when.

Lin Xinyu leaned sideways and kissed her soft skin. He did not rush to get up and get dressed, but continued to immerse himself in this wonderful morning, enjoying a moment of tranquility and happiness.

Suddenly, the sleeping little Hanhan seemed to notice something unusual. She opened her eyes in confusion and saw Lin Xinyu kissing her cheek. She did not dodge, but opened her arms and hugged her tightly: "Well. , I really like you, I really like you..."

After saying that, he even offered her fragrant lips.

Little Hanhan kept arching into his arms, as if looking for a comfortable position.

Lin Xinyu's whole body became hot because of her, and he unconsciously tightened his arms.

After a long time, Xiao Hanhan stopped moving and lay on his chest to continue resting.

"I told you to rest early, but you didn't listen. Now you know you're tired, right?" Lin Xinyu said while stroking Bai Shihan's back.

Xiaohanhan muttered a few words, ignored Lin Xinyu, and fell asleep again.

Lin Xinyu smiled, gently bit Hanhan's ear, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed, washed and changed clothes.

During this period, Lin Xinyu paid special attention to Xiao Hanhan's condition, and saw that the other person was not sleeping, but was secretly observing all his movements under the covers.

It wasn't until Lin Xinyu entered the bathroom that she sneaked out from under the quilt, not for anything else but because all the coverings on her body last night were torn apart by herself.

This was something Bai Shihan had never dreamed of. She could even get used to it being Lin Xinyu who tore it up, but she never thought that she would be the one to do it on her own initiative. Could it be that she has really become a bad girl now? ?

The little girl didn't think much and hurriedly got out of the bed, moving freely without looking the least bit scared.

I have to say that the little fool she used to be in society has completely changed. Now she is completely different from before in terms of personality and behavior. Although she is still shy and timid occasionally, she is more cheerful. Lively and no longer as introverted as before.

Bai Shihan gets dressed very quickly. Since the cabinet is full of dresses she likes, it is not troublesome to choose. However, she has them sorted out in just ten minutes.

By the time Lin Xinyu came out, she had already changed her clothes, and she no longer had to face the bad guy trying to help her get dressed again.

"Have you changed everything? Why don't you wait for me?"

Sure enough, when he heard Lin Xinyu say this, Xiaohanhan just stuck out his tongue in response.

It was clear that in this battle of minds, she had the upper hand with an absolute advantage.

"It's okay, there's another chance."

"No chance!" Xiaohanhan pouted.

Lin Xinyu couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hmph!" Bai Shihan snorted pretending to be angry, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up.

The two of them had breakfast at home. After all, there was Aunt Song, so they didn't worry much about eating. Even though the other party was married now, they never had the idea of ​​leaving. Even if Lin Xinyu said he would take paid leave, Asking her to do things at home, but it still had no effect at all, and trying to dissuade her was fruitless.

After the meal, they went to the company as usual.

It has been half a year since the smartphone appeared. During this period, their Plants vs. game has been successfully tested and achieved excellent results.

Because it uses a single-player mode, as long as you are an online player, you can participate in the game.

This novel game format immediately attracted the attention of many people and also aroused the interest of many players, especially those who are bored in their free time and don’t know how to kill their time.

Because the freshness of this type of game is far beyond what they usually encounter in their leisure time, most players expressed positive comments.

The little girl is also one of the audiences, isn't it? When Lin Xinyu is usually busy, she relaxes on her mobile phone. Of course, the time to relax is after finishing work.

"Why didn't I know you were a game fan before?" When Lin Xinyu finished his work in the morning and came to Bai Shihan's office, he saw her scrolling the screen continuously. Without even thinking, he could guess what the little girl was doing. thing.

"You like to play..." Xiao Hanhan raised his head and smiled sweetly at the other party.

In fact, she doesn't like it very much, but this is a game created by Lin Xinyu and the others. It is precisely because of this blessing that the little girl likes it very much.

Lin Xinyu sat next to her, put his arm around her shoulders, and looked at the phone screen: "If you can't pass, I can help you."

"I can do it!" In this regard, Xiao Hanhan has more firm belief than anyone else.

Seeing her stubborn eyes, Lin Xinyu couldn't help but smile: "Okay, okay, my wife is the best."

"Isn't that right?" Bai Shihan raised her neck proudly, not to mention how confident she was.

Lin Xinyu couldn't help but reach out and pinch her delicate nose: "Well, you are the best, no matter what you do, you are the best."

Bai Shihan leaned into Lin Xinyu's arms with satisfaction. While enjoying his warmth and thoughtfulness, she asked cautiously: "Are you going to work overtime tonight?"

"If you want me to join you, I'll join you. If you don't want me to join you, I won't." Lin Xinyu pinched the tip of her nose and scratched her nose, "Fool, I am your husband, and it is only natural that I accompany you, no matter what. Whether I work overtime or not, you will always come first.”

Bai Shihan immediately beamed after hearing this, and did not forget to add: "Then I can also work overtime with you."

"You need to have a good rest. If you suddenly have a baby one day, won't your body be aggravated?"

"I'm not that easily broken..." the little girl responded angrily.

Lin Xinyu laughed, rubbed the little girl's furry head, then turned his eyes to the computer screen and began to think about the afternoon's work arrangements.

No matter what, smart phones have just been promoted, various businesses are in a steady development stage, and the Internet is also developing rapidly, so he must seize this opportunity. As for the follow-up method, it is still the same as before, either through cooperation or It is to find an area that you are familiar with, and then hand it over to the people around you, and cooperate in a divided manner.

As for whether this would cause disputes of interest and conflicts, this was not a matter for him to consider.

Because he knows very well that the future value of smartphones is definitely not limited to these.

If they are all acquaintances, they don't count as eating alone. If there are other jealous people or competitors who are targeting him, then it will be a good thing for him. At least he can avoid many potential dangers. After all, he It is also the existence of newspaper groups.

"I should go to Lin Jin's place to discuss it in the afternoon. Xixi needs someone to accompany her. You can go and have a look. According to the time, her belly should have obvious changes by now. You can study in advance and master it. experience."

"Okay..." Xiaohanhan blushed and nodded.

She had no reason to refute this kind of thing. After all, she envied Luo Xixi very much now. She had already become pregnant before she decided to get married. In Bai Shihan's impression, you can't have children without getting married. Now Luo Xixi Xixi's experience slowly began to shake her original beliefs.

Is it really possible to have children before getting married?

"What are you thinking about? Want to be like them?"

Lin Xinyu waved his hand to break the little girl out of her daze, and immediately blushed and shook her head.

"No, I don't want to, I do, I have to get married..."

Seeing the little girl's squirming expression, Lin Xinyu couldn't help but become happy: "We can make a little person first, and then get married immediately. By the time the child is born, we will already be husband and wife."

"That won't work either!" Although she was a little moved, in the end her reason overcame her impulse and she shook her head in refusal.

"You..." Lin Xinyu hit her forehead with a bit of laughter, "Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety every time."


In fact, Lin Xinyu himself paid attention to protection many times. After all, the little girl sometimes doesn't understand. She doesn't know anything when she is a little nervous.

It is precisely because of their responsibility that nothing happened to them now.

Lin Xinyu has already made up his mind to endure the calm for a while and wait until he gets married later——

umbrella? What it is.

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