Rebirth: Opening confession to my deskmate Xiaohanhan

Chapter 562 559 I want proof of love (please subscribe)

Waiting until it was about to have dinner, the alarm on his cell phone rang. Lin Xinyu opened his eyes first, and then turned off the annoying alarm clock.

The little girl turned over and continued to sleep in Lin Xinyu's arms. She had not yet woken up, her mouth was slightly open, and she was so cute.

Since they were not at their own home, Bai Shihan's clothes were not torn this time, but lay intact on the sofa beside the bed.

"Then you keep squinting for a while, and I'll go down and help with the cooking."

"No, let's rest together for a while~" Bai Shihan said confusedly, stretching out his arms to wrap around Lin Xinyu's neck, pressing his face against his chest and rubbing against him, making him look very comfortable.

"Be good, it's a bit bad if I don't help. You helped cook the meal at noon, and I will go in the evening."

Bai Shihan pouted her little mouth, looking aggrieved: "But I just want to stay with you..."

Seeing her look, Lin Xinyu couldn't help laughing and patted her head lovingly: "Okay, let's take a rest together and then go downstairs to eat."

As for the bad influence, then wait until tomorrow noon to cook for them with the little girl. Anyway, Bai Chen and Qiu Jingyun won't mind. The main thing is a matter of politeness.

At the same time, Bai Chen and the others in the room did not get up at the moment. Unlike Lin Xinyu, they did not set the so-called alarm clock. They just fell asleep hugging each other. Not to mention how sweet it was, it was simply worse than falling in love. Couples need to be happy.

By the time Lin Xinyu and Bai Shihan came downstairs, they were ready to say their words. However, they didn't see Bai Chen and Qiu Jingyun for a long time, so they subconsciously thought that they went out to buy groceries, and didn't think about them at all. People are still at home and have not gone out.

It wasn't until Lin Xinyu opened the refrigerator that he realized something was wrong. The refrigerator was obviously full of vegetables, so why did he go out?

"There are still a lot of vegetables in the refrigerator. Let's cook first and eat them directly when they come back." Lin Xinyu looked at Bai Shihan aside. The little girl was very active and even wanted to finish it alone.

"Men and women work together so that the work is not tiring. I am responsible for chopping and cooking vegetables, and you are responsible for cooking and washing dishes."


Hearing this, Bai Shihan was immediately unhappy: "I also want to cook. I know how to cook. You can just chop the vegetables."

Lin Xinyu smiled and did not retort: ​​"Okay, I'm only responsible for cutting vegetables, and you are responsible for cooking."

After the two people discussed it, they started cooking.

Since there weren't many dishes today, they cooked them quickly and put them on the table. After waiting for half an hour, Bai Chen and Qiu Jingyun didn't come back, so Bai Shihan couldn't hold it any longer.

"Do you want to call dad and the others? The food will be cold later."

Although she was anxious, Bai Shihan did not lose control and remained calm.

"It's okay, I'll fight."

After Lin Xinyu finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Bai Chen's number.

Unfortunately, there was a shutdown tone from the other side of the phone.

"What's wrong?" Bai Shihan looked at him doubtfully.

Lin Xinyu shook his head: "It's okay. They probably have no electricity outside. I'll give Aunt Qiu one."


After the call was dialed, it was picked up within a few seconds.

"Hey, Auntie, are you outside? Shihan and I have already prepared dinner."

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, and then Qiu Jingyun's voice came: "It's already evening? Let's wait."

Before Lin Xinyu could continue to ask, there was only a busy signal on the other end of the phone.

in the room.

Qiu Jingyun pushed Bai Chen beside him. Seeing that the other person showed no sign of waking up, he could only call softly: "Old Bai, get up, Shihan and the others have already cooked."

When he heard the shouting, Bai Chen frowned and turned over, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Who knew that the other party would not tolerate him at all, so he slapped him out of his sleep.

"Hurry up and get dressed and clean up. I told you to have a good rest but you didn't listen. You had to..." Qiu Jingyun did not continue, but put on all the clothes and everything, and then left the room first.

Bai Chen was left lying on the big bed, scratching his head in depression and looking confused.

Ten minutes later, in the kitchen.

Qiu Jingyun stood at the door and looked at them. Seeing that the two of them cooperated tacitly, one was responsible for washing the dishes and the other was responsible for arranging the dishes. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

This scene is really very similar to when they first got married. Although it was hard, they could always enjoy this rare warmth.

"Mom, you go to the living room to rest first. Just leave this place to me and Xinyu." While Lin Xinyu was setting the dishes, the little girl went to Qiu Jingyun. Now she seemed to have returned to the little girl who liked to stick to them when she was a child. Shihan.

"You don't have to cook so many dishes. It's enough to eat. It's enough to eat." Qiu Jingyun waved her hands repeatedly. This is not cooking. She simply counted. There were almost a dozen dishes in total, and only seven people could eat them. How could they finish them all? .

"It's not much. If you can't finish it, put it in the refrigerator and eat it tomorrow. Wouldn't it save you a lot of trouble?" Bai Shihan took Qiu Jingyun's hand and acted coquettishly for the first time.

Seeing Xiao Hanhan's excited look, Qiu Jingyun couldn't bear to refuse, so she turned around and left the kitchen, letting them mess around in the kitchen.

Not long after, Bai Chen also walked downstairs. He hadn't woken up yet. After being hit so hard, he just felt a little pain. Logically speaking, dreams shouldn't be that real. After reacting, he recalled what Qiu Jingyun said. The children have prepared meals.

"Sorry, I slept for a long time." Bai Chen came behind Qiu Jingyun, squeezed her shoulders, and pressed her neck gently.

"They are very sensible. They were afraid that the food would get cold, so they went to heat it up. They thought it was all your fault that we went out. They said we should have a good rest, so you must exercise more." Qiu Jingyun blushed a little after saying this, and felt Very happy.

Bai Chen didn't know how many times he had avoided her. This time he took the initiative to hand over the stored food, which was completely beyond her expectation.

"I haven't handed in the paper after thinking about it for a long time, so you don't want to say that I was hooked up by a little vixen outside."

Qiu Jingyun raised her foot and kicked him: "The children will come out later, don't talk about this yet."

At this time, if it were in the past, Qiu Jingyun would definitely not be so reserved. After all, he is getting older, and he would definitely let the other party continue to hand it over.

After a while, Lin Xinyu and Bai Shihan began to bring the hot dishes to the table.

Qiu Baichen was immediately attracted by the delicious and delicious food on the table. Although he knew that they could cook, he never thought that they could cook much better than him.

Lin Xinyu greeted: "Tonight, all the dishes are cooked by Shihan himself!"

Generally speaking, he always puts the benefits on Bai Shihan for this kind of thing. He doesn't care. He just wants to let the little girl gain confidence from it and increase his courage.

Bai Shihan also knew very well why Lin Xinyu said that, and couldn't help but grin: "Mom, Dad, sit down and try my handiwork."

Qiu Jingyun smiled and praised: "My Shihan is really becoming more and more powerful."

After speaking, he took the seat first, followed closely by Bai Chen, and finally Lin Xinyu and Bai Shihan.

The four of us sat around the dining table, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and we were getting along with each other more and more like a family.

In the past, when they were having dinner, without Lin Xinyu, they would each eat their own meal and chat very little. Even if they did, it would be a mechanical response with basically no emotion. It was not like now, no matter what. Whatever you say, there is always someone available to answer the question, and the atmosphere is relaxed and stress-free.

Qiu Jingyun suddenly realized that this was life. In the past, she was always busy with the company and had never experienced such a feeling.

So I took a deep breath and became more determined in my heart. I must not over-schedule my work in the future and try my best to devote my time to my family and children.

After dinner, it was Lin Xinyu and Bai Shihan who cleared away the dishes.

It wasn't that Bai Chen and the others were too lazy to deal with it, but that Lin Xinyu and Xiao Hanhan took the initiative and didn't give them a chance.

Bai Chen and Qiu Jingyun are not pedantic people. Since the children are willing to work, let them do whatever they want. They are happy and relaxed.

"It seems right that I didn't object before. You see, since Shihan and Xinyu got together, her personality has changed a lot. She is lively and cheerful. It's not just her change, but also her personality. Our relationship has also changed a lot subtly. Did you think we would be as harmonious as we are today? Would Shihan be so happy chatting with us? "

As Qiu Jingyun said, Bai Chen nodded. It was indeed because Lin Xinyu and the others were together.

"Then do you still regret that they are together?" Qiu Jingyun asked.

Bai Chen shook his head slightly: "I don't regret it anymore."

He now even hopes that this kind of life will never end. What he sees when he opens his eyes every day is his wife and daughter, and he feels very satisfied.

Qiu Jingyun patted the back of his hand happily and said with a smile: "I thought this kid was good at the beginning, and it seems I was right."

Bai Chen smiled and hugged her waist, whispering in her ear: "You always have good taste."

After saying that, both of them couldn't help laughing.

The same goes for the two people in the kitchen. Not only Bai Chen and Qiu Jingyun are in the living room, but they are also saying, "You touch my hand, I touch your hand, and they don't forget to apply detergent bubbles from time to time." It's a lot of fun on the other person's face.

The night is getting darker, the moon hangs high on the branches, the sky is full of stars, and the Milky Way is dazzling.

A gust of breeze comes, bringing a bit of coolness and the fragrance of flowers, making people feel refreshed and feel like they are in a fairyland.

Lin Xinyu sat on the balcony holding Bai Shihan.

Since it is located in a manor and there are no high-rise buildings around, the stars in the sky are twinkling and very conspicuous, and each one seems to be very close at hand.

Lin Xinyu put his hand on Bai Shihan's leg: "You know, this scene has appeared countless times in my dreams."

Bai Shihan looked at the starry sky with a smile, and followed Lin Xinyu's words: "Are we in the dream like now, with me lying in your arms?"

Lin Xinyu caressed Bai Shihan's soft long hair and said seriously: "Yes, I still remember that your voice is very sweet. It is really a pleasure to listen to you humming."

The little girl raised her head, leaned over and pecked Lin Xinyu on the lips, then rubbed his chest aggrievedly: "I, I can't sing."

Lin Xinyu rubbed her head lovingly: "It's okay, I can sing to you."


Lin Xinyu sang slowly, his voice was elegant, pouring like flowing water, and Bai Shihan couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

The lyrics in Xingyue Mythology clearly talk about regrets, but for Lin Xinyu, he has hugged the girl who breathes the same air as him, and has successfully kept her by his side, unlike in the lyrics. Ask like that: Where will you be in a thousand years, and what kind of scenery will be around you...

But to be able to hold the person you like tightly in your arms.

At the end of the song, Bai Shihan's eyes filled with tears, she leaned into Lin Xinyu's arms and murmured: "I like you so much, I like you so much."

Lin Xinyu hugged her and pressed a kiss on her forehead: "Me too."

Sometimes you don’t have to say many words of love, just three simple words ‘me too’ can express it perfectly.

Bai Shihan cuddled up against Lin Xinyu and listened quietly to his heartbeat. She felt that the happiest thing in the world was to be able to stay with the person she loved for the rest of her life, accompany him and spend the rest of his life together.

"I, we want to be together all the time."

Looking at the stars in the sky, Bai Shihan solemnly made a promise.

"Of course." Lin Xinyu touched the bridge of her nose with the tip of his nose and replied gently, "No matter what the future holds, I will protect you, stay by your side, and never leave you."

"Me too." Bai Shihan held his hand tightly. The two looked at each other for a long time. Finally, they couldn't bear it anymore and their lips touched each other.

Over the past few days, the relationship between Bai Shihan and Lin Xinyu has not become estranged because they have been together for too long, but has become stronger.

The little girl's smiles have become more and more frequent, and her whole person has become more lively and cheerful. She also knows very well that the reason why she has become like this is almost all due to the man in front of her.

This bad guy named Lin Xinyu always made her feel safe and warm, making her reluctant to leave.

"I, I..." Perhaps due to the influence of the atmosphere, Xiaohanhan was a little moved.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xinyu looked into her eyes gently.

"I, I want a little Han..."

Hearing this, even Lin Xinyu, who had always been able to guess Bai Shihan's thoughts, felt a little incredulous at the moment. He stared at the delicate and pretty face in front of him for a long time before he realized what she had just said.

"Xiao Xiaohan? Do you still want all Xiao Xiaohan?"

The little girl blushed with shame, nodded determinedly, and then buried her head in Lin Xinyu's arms again, speaking like a mosquito: "I, I want a proof of our love..."

Lin Xinyu understood this sentence as soon as he said it, and immediately thought of Luo Xixi. Xiao Hanhan must have misunderstood the last time he asked them to stay together.

"Fool, don't worry now. When we get married later, we will need several certificates."


This time, no matter how shy the little girl was, she blushed and nodded in agreement.

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