Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1003: Abolish the laws of the Qing Dynasty!

In fact, in the last life, the establishment of the Flying Tigers also went through a series of twists and turns.

In early 1971, a Philippine Airlines passenger plane was hijacked to Hong Kong by criminals. After this incident, in order to strengthen the security force, the Hong Kong police selected elites to form the "Sharpshooter Team" in 1973.

In 1974, in the face of increasingly rampant international terrorist incidents, the "Sharpshooter" was adapted into an anti-terrorist team - "Special Mission Company". Since its establishment, the SWAT team has dealt with various terror and kidnapping cases just like the special police forces in Europe and the United States.

Now Shi Zhijian is just following the general trend, putting forward the concept of "Flying Tigers", the police force "Jin Yiwei", and throwing it to the British Hong Kong government for their approval.

The British Hong Kong government is at a loss in the face of increasingly powerful criminal activities. The proposal of Shi Zhijian, a new member of parliament, will undoubtedly help!

So this proposal replaced Shi Zhijian's previous proposal of "Hong Kong Film Rating System" and was accepted by Ghost Guy Shangfeng!

The reason is that although Shi Zhijian's film rating is very positive, it has an impact on Hong Kong's economy. If it is really implemented, the external reputation will be good, but the economic aspect will be greatly reduced. In comparison, it is still "Flying Tiger". Team" this proposal is refreshing!

Therefore, when Shi Zhijian proposed it, the above couldn't wait to approve it, for fear that Shi Zhijian would go back and throw out the previous movie rating!

As for who will be in command of the Flying Tigers after the establishment, the ghosts went to the peak after a lot of bargaining and ideological struggle.

Whoever made the "Flying Tigers" too powerful, no matter who took charge of it, would be in charge of the strongest force in Hong Kong.

Even if the ghost guy Bailiqu was killed, he was not willing to let Lei Luo proposed by Shi Zhijian take power!

If Lai Luo controls the Flying Tigers, then the level of power like Chen Zhichao will be directly crushed into scum!

However, Shi Zhijian had already spoken with Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi and the future Hong Kong Governor Mai Lihao.

Dai Lingzhi knew that Lai Luo was Shi Zhijian's good brother. Although he was a little greedy, he was very good at preventing crimes! Now, as the principal of the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, it is "reasonable" to send him to form and lead the Flying Tigers.

As for Mai Lihao, he didn't have much of a cold with Lai Luo, and even had some disgust. He felt that Lai Luo was an insatiable greedy person and was a complete tiger!

But Shi Zhijian told him that at this stage, only Lai Luo has the ability to form the Flying Tigers. The reason is very simple, connections, money, and prestige within the police!

If the Flying Tigers are handed over to someone else, it is like handing over a sharp sword to the enemy! Anyway, as long as Shi Zhijian is still around, Lai Luo will be on their side!

Mai Lihao was struggling for a long time, so he had to listen to Shi Zhijian's words and support Lai Luo as the commander of the Flying Tigers!

At this point, the big tiger Lai Luo finally began to lead a group of small tigers and started a new all-powerful situation!


When he saw Shi Zhijian's proposal to set up a "Flying Tigers Team" in the newspaper, and the Flying Tigers were led by Lai Luo, who was recuperating at home, Chen Zhichao didn't speak, and the loudest Inspector Yuan immediately said, "I'm sorry, Chen Zhichao. Superintendent, I suddenly remembered that today is the first day of the new year, and I want to accompany my wife back to her parents' house!"

Before Inspector Yuan finished speaking, the police officer Wu said again: "Yes, yes, I remember it too! After the first day of the new year, the family is still very busy, and I have important guests to entertain, so I can't Stay here with Superintendent Chen again!"

"Me too! I have guests at home too!"

"I want to accompany my wife back to my parents' house!"

The guests who were surrounded by Chen Zhichao's rainbow farts just now can't wait to escape from here!

"Okay! You are all busy! I know! Go wherever you need to go. Get out of here!" Chen Zhichao said angrily.

"Sorry, goodbye!"

"Superintendent Chen take care of himself!"

Inspector Yuan, Inspector Wu and others all said goodbye and left the reception hall!

In an instant, the originally crowded hall became deserted!

Looking at the scene, except for Yan Xiong and two or three of Chen Zhichao's confidants, all the others were gone.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Chen Zhichao rubbed his brows, sitting on the chair feeling a little dizzy.

"We are with Super Brother!"

"Yes, Superintendent Chen, we are all on the same boat!" Yan Xiong said, "For now, I just hope that Lai Luo doesn't do too much!"

"What can he do?" Chen Zhichao burst out with thunder, "I know what he can do if you say? I, Chen Zhichao, are on the same level as him, and I will hold the three flags again! The international anti-drug team and the crime investigation are all mine. People, he is a Flying Tigers team in Lai Luo, what can I do?!"

Yan Xiong stopped talking.

Chen Zhichao is in a state of madness, so it is better to say less.

Seeing that Yan Xiong didn't say anything, Chen Zhichao walked to the door domineeringly, and pointed at the sky with split eyes, "You know what I said! The Hong Kong police is my Chen Zhichao world! What if Shi Zhijian helps him? Flying Tigers? Me? Top you a lung!"


Stab it!

The matches were lit, and the cigars were slowly grilling.

Lai Luo, who had cultivated a good body, walked out of the house for the first time wearing a trench coat.

"Hello, Brother Luo!"

Outside, Chen Xijiu, Lard Boy and other thirty people lined up neatly in two rows, shouting to Lai Luo.

Lei Luo bit the cigar, glanced at them contemptuously, with a smile on his face: "Xi Jiu, lard boy, is everything going well during my recuperation?"

Chen Xijiu smiled: "It would be boring without Brother Luo!"

Lard Boy also smiled and said, "Yeah, Xi Jiu is very cheap, and I like Brother Luo to scold him the most! If he doesn't get scolded for a day, he will be itchy all over!"

Lai Luo grinned, showing his white teeth: "You can't wait for me to come out, are you being bullied?"

It's okay if Lei Luo didn't ask, but Chen Xijiu couldn't help but said, "It's not Chen Zhichao's Yan Xiong's gang! While you were recovering, Chen Zhichao regained control of the three flags, not only swept away our previous protection. The courtroom gave Luo Ge your face, and told those Jianghu people to know that in the future, only his three flags, Chen Zhichao, can be protected by setting fees and charges, not Luo Ge you!"

"Haha, so majestic! So sharp! The three flags, I was the only one who blamed me for being soft-hearted and didn't dismantle these two departments. Now, I won't be soft-hearted anymore!"

Chen Xijiu stepped forward: "Brother Luo, I heard that Brother Jian helped you set up the Flying Tigers team, what are you going to do now?"

"How to do it? Recruit people!"


Lai Luo smiled, biting his cigar and spinning around, "Of course, go to that Superintendent Chen's headquarters!"


Three Flags Headquarters.

As a member of the International Anti-Drug Squad and the crime investigation department boss, Chen Zhichao was calling the ghost Bailiqu with his legs on the table with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Don't worry, my lord! I'll keep an eye on that tiger! That's right, I've got someone to keep an eye on him! It's going to be hard for him to turn over again this time!"

"Also, that Shi Zhijian can help me watch him! NO! NO! NO! It's not that I'm afraid of him, I'm mainly afraid of what tricks he'll play! You know, he's so rapacious!"

Just when Chen Zhichao was complacent, suddenly the office door was pushed open and someone broke in, but it was his confidant.

"Super brother, it's not good!"

"It's you again? Every time I do things, I'm so squeamish!" Chen Zhichao was very upset.

"No, super brother! Look outside!"

"What's going on outside?"

"You can see it!"

Chen Zhichao pulled his legs off the table, then stood up from his seat, walked to the window, opened the window shutters and looked out----

At this moment, the entire police station exploded!

Crowds of people, landslides and tsunamis!

"Look at it!"

"How majestic!"

Gu Qu

In the spacious police station parking lot, ten Mercedes-Benz roared! Roll up the hustle and bustle on the ground!

Those Mercedes Benzes are the latest models of the year, and they are super in style and performance!

There's no such thing as a man who doesn't like luxury cars!

Besides, driving a Mercedes-Benz has always been the biggest wish of many police officers!

Ten Mercedes-Benz sedans were lined up and parked neatly under the police station building!

"What happened? Why are there so many luxury cars?"

"I heard that the Flying Tigers are recruiting! Those who are selected will receive a Mercedes-Benz on the spot!"


Hearing the news, everyone almost exploded!

Can you drive a Mercedes-Benz as long as you are selected for the Flying Tigers? !

Looking down at the police station, Laidlaw got out of a Bentley, bit his cigar and glanced at Chen Zhichao's office contemptuously.

Chen Zhichao, who was in the office on the third floor, looked at him.

The eyes of the two collided with sparks!

"Pull up the banner!" Laidlaw ordered.

Chen Xijiu hurriedly ordered people to pull up the banner----"Flying Tigers recruiting! Drive a luxury car, hold a beautiful gun, and achieve a man's dream!"

"Sure enough!"

The whole police station is about to blow up.

Officer Ghost Guy: "What's going on? What's going on? Why are you making a fuss!" He followed everyone to look down, and couldn't help but say, "Damn it!"

Down below, Laidlaw was majestically biting his cigar and eating his cigarettes.

Chen Xijiu and Lard Boy have prepared the recruitment table and the materials are ready!

All the recruits for the Flying Tigers are elites. Now is the primary selection stage, you need to fill in the application form, and you must be willing to join the Flying Tigers! After you pass this level, there will be written tests, physical fitness tests, marksmanship tests, psychological tests, etc. When you pass all the tests, you will be considered a real member of the Flying Tigers!

The annual salary of the members of the Flying Tigers in the previous life was basically one million, and they could even drive a luxury car as soon as they joined the Flying Tigers! After all, everyone is the elite among the elites, who is not satisfied with the high salary and high treatment that they are fighting for? !

"Wow, it's starting! You won't have a chance until late!" There was a commotion at the police station, and someone was already running downstairs like crazy!

The ghost police officer kept scolding: "SHIT!"

Chen Zhichao was condescending, and he could see clearly that the police officers in the whole building rushed towards Lai Luo's recruitment site like a tide!

Among those police officers were the International Anti-Drug Team under his control, as well as members of the General Criminal Investigation Division!

People go high!

Who doesn't want to stand out?

Now Lai Luo gave them a chance, of course they have to seize it!

"Pu, your mother!" Chen Zhichao smashed the window glass with a punch!

Click! Broken glass!

His palm was cut and blood came out!

"Brother Chao, what should I do? That Lei Tiger clearly didn't take you seriously, he is here to steal people!" Chen Zhichao's confidant said cautiously.

Chen Zhichao's eyelids twitched, "What else can I do? You have also seen those slapstick faces. If you have milk, you are a mother!"

"Cough, but Super Brother! I heard that the formation of the Flying Tigers will recruit 1,000 people this time! It's not enough for the elites from our two major departments to be recruited to be in the teeth-----"

"You don't know for me?" Chen Zhichao turned his head, looking like a furious lion, "Then Lai Luo deliberately did this, even if I force them with a gun, they won't listen to me!"

"Then don't you... want to become a bare commander?"

"Just your mother!" Chen Zhichao kicked his confidant to the ground. "You have told me all the bad things! Are you human, are you deliberately mad at me? Pu your mother!"


At the same time, a group of Legislative Council ghosts, led by Bailiqu, were meeting in the villa.

Of course, this is their private meeting, outsiders are not allowed to participate.

Legislative Council bosses Henry, Mike and Allen and others bit their cigars and remained silent.

Bailiqu picked up the red wine and poured himself a glass, without even looking at the three big men, he took a sip, then looked up at them and said, "Why don't you talk? It wasn't very good before. Well! Putting a Shi Zhijian in the gate is a pediatrician for you! You can completely control him and isolate him! How can a businessman know the law? But now, isn't he playing enough of you?"

Henry and the others were smoking cigars and remained silent.

Back then, they didn't take Shi Zhijian into their eyes at all. He was too young, and he was a businessman. He didn't know anything about legislation! They can handle such people at any time!

But now, Shi Zhijian first proposed the "Hong Kong Film Rating System" motion, which caught them off guard! Even the Governor of Hong Kong, Dai Lingzhi, was disturbed! After finally suppressing this bill, this Shi Zhijian even proposed to "form the Flying Tigers"!


This man is a devil at all!

The problem is that every time Shi Zhijian proposes a bill, they can't refuse!

Because Shi Zhijian's reasons are too good!

The film rating system is to protect young people and promote positive energy!

The purpose of forming the Flying Tigers team is to combat rampant crimes and make Hong Kong clean!

These are all too righteous and dignified, so they have no room for refutation!

"Have you seen it? How mad is that Shi Zhijian as a member of parliament now? But what about you? You can only hide here and smoke, it doesn't even work!" Bailiqu became more and more angry, and stood up directly from his seat.

"It's not true! In fact, we have also taken action!" Henry said while biting his cigar.

"What action?"

"We have joined forces with other members of the Legislative Council to impeach Shi Zhijian on the grounds that he has problems with his life style!"

"That's right! We're going to find something wrong with his private life! Didn't it spread that he was playing with women before, so we'll magnify his problem and see what he does!"

Everyone at the scene was excited and felt that they finally caught Shi Zhijian's braid, that is, "playing with disrespecting women", this style of question can often kill people!

Bailiqu also thinks this trick is feasible!

When a group of ghosts were preparing to discuss how to "use the topic" to kill Shi Zhijian, the butler of Baili Qu suddenly broke in and said, "No, Sir! That Senator Shi Zhijian has proposed a new bill!"

"Huh?" Bailiqu and the others were taken aback, "What bill!"

"He asked the governor of Hong Kong to respect women and completely abolish polygamy in the laws of the Qing Dynasty!"


Bailiqu and the others burst their heads!

What do you mean?

How dare he...

Then later-----

Bailiqu couldn't take it anymore, grabbed the red wine and smashed it on the ground----


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