Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1110: Conquer England!

"Read and go, thousands of miles of smoke and waves, the twilight is deep and the sky is wide."

"I have a tiger in my heart, sniff the rose!"

"Life is boring, but reading is wise!"

For a while John Hong muttered ancient poems and British famous sayings to himself.

At this time, with a crunch, a car stopped behind him.

"Hey, get in the car!" Shi Zhijian waved to him from inside the car.

John Hong turned his head and saw Shi Zhijian sitting in the car, with Axe Jun driving in front.

"Do what?"

"Get in the car and talk about it!"

John Hong held a cigarette, turned his head and said to the head of the decoration team: "You speed up, don't stop!"

After the instructions, John Hong slowly got into Shi Zhijian's car, and then pointed to the signboard of the company building and said to Shi Zhijian, "Do you think this signboard needs to be replaced? Our leather bag company, and what energy?"

Shi Zhijian glanced at the signboard, "Myth Group Energy Company" in Chinese and English!

"You don't need to change everything, just add a word and it's ok!"


"Add a new word before energy!"

"New energy? What do you mean?" John Hong looked at Shi Zhijian with a cigarette in his mouth and said.

"Want to know? Axe Jun, drive!"

Axe Jun received the order, hurriedly started the car, and slowly drove forward.

"Let's go to Biandu?" John Hong asked in surprise.

"You'll know when it arrives!"

"Okay, let's see what tricks you play!" John Hong opened the car window and flicked the cigarette **** out of the car window: "It's not the first time you've shaken it!"


"Ajian, shouldn't you bring me here for dinner?"

Arriving at the destination, John Hong looked at this "bicycle-themed restaurant" in surprise.

The huge restaurant is decorated in style, and hanging on the wall is the world's first bicycle, a wooden bicycle, invented by Frenchman Siflac, and then the evolution of bicycles in various eras.

There are also many antique bicycles directly placed in the corner area. Entering here can not only appreciate the British people's love for bicycles, but also feel the retro passion.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and the peak period of the restaurant had passed. There were only three diners, Shi Zhijian, Hong John, and Axe Jun.

Axe Jun sat at another table, Shi Zhijian and Hong John sat at the same table.

"Do you really think our company is a leather bag company?" Shi Zhijian asked casually while flipping through the recipe.

John Hong shrugged: "All three hundred companies have been sold by you, and I have also become a bare commander. What is it if it's not a leather bag company?"

Shi Zhijian raised his head to look at John Hong, and then said, "Do you think I'm teasing you? Are you perfunctory when you take care of such a big company and let you help decorate the Mythology Energy Building?"

"Hey, I didn't say that! You said it all yourself!" John Hong lowered his head and said aloud after picking a few dishes.

"Actually you didn't trust me very much from the beginning, didn't you? Last time I was ridiculed by those reporters for being an idiot and bought so many **** companies, you avoided me intentionally or not when reporters interviewed me!" Shi Zhijian ticked the hook The selected food list was raised, and when the waitress took it and left, he said to John Hong.

"It's normal! You were insulted at the time, so what did I do? I was insulted together with you? Anyway, I'm also a top student in Cambridge, and I have strong self-esteem!" John Hong raised his face, his eyes were calm, and his tone was calm.

Shi Zhijian nodded lightly, "I believe this! So I'm afraid you can't think about it, because there are no 300 companies, jumping off the building or something..."

John Hong chuckled, "You think me too vulnerable too!"

Shi Zhijian took out a cigarette from his clothes and lit one with a lighter: "Isn't it?"

John Hong grabbed the cigarette Shi Zhijian put on the table, lit one, and then said, "You pay me a salary, but I don't have to work. It's too late to be happy! Jump off a building? Jump to a ghost!"

"So sorry--"


"You're going to get busy!"

"What are you busy with?"

"What do you see around you?"

Shi Zhijian guided John Hong to look around.

John Hong looked at it, "Bikes! This is a retro restaurant, and it's not cheap!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "So the future plan of our Shinhwa New Energy Company is to develop bicycles!"

"Ajian, aren't you kidding me?" John Hong flicked the ashtray, "What's the best way to develop a bicycle?"

Shi Zhijian did not answer, but looked at Axe Jun.

Axe Jun came over and handed a document to John Hong.

John Hong took it suspiciously and opened it to look.

At first his expression was indifferent, but gradually his eyes became surprised, and soon from surprised to solemn.

He was holding the document, his hands were shaking a little, as if the thing he was holding was so heavy.

After a while, John Hong finally finished reading the information at hand, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked up at Shi Zhijian: "This is... you invented it?"

"Wrong, I don't have that ability! I'm just proposing concepts! You also said that you are a top student in Cambridge, but do you know any physics professionals? If so, I will give you this job, and you will be responsible for setting up a research and development of electric bicycles. Team!" Shi Zhijian finally revealed his plan.

John Hong said: "This is called new energy?"

"Almost!" Shi Zhijian said, "In the future, this kind of electric bicycle will become popular all over the world, and gradually replace the old fashioned bicycles and become the first choice of travel tools for many people!"

Shi Zhijian comes from another time and space, and of course knows the development history of electric bicycles.

However, a mighty scene appeared in John Hong's mind. Countless Londoners were riding such electric bicycles cruising on Central Street, London Avenue... What kind of spectacular picture was that? !

"Trust me, John! When the electric bicycle is invented, we will continue to develop electric vehicles! Let the car no longer burn oil, but rely on the power supply to drive!"

"How is this possible? How many rails will be laid?" John Hong looked shocked.

There are still many trams in this era, so in John Hung’s subconscious, the electric vehicles Shi Zhijian mentioned are just like those trams, and they also need to be laid on rails to run continuously.

Shi Zhijian began to popularize the knowledge of electric vehicles in the previous life to John Hong, from BYD to Tesla, and told him that as long as the three core technologies of battery, electric control system, and electric motor are solved, then everything is possible!

Shi Zhijian is talking about some knowledge that seemed ordinary in the previous life, but in this era it is earth-shattering, making people feel like they are whimsical!

"Can such a car really be created in the future?" said a strange voice suddenly.

Shi Zhijian and Hong John looked up, only to realize that they were surrounded by people, including the owner of this restaurant.

It turned out that the restaurant owner invited some friends to come to his store for a reunion while there was nothing to do in the afternoon. Unexpectedly, they were attracted by Shi Zhijian's "Arabian Nights" theory, so they couldn't help asking.

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Trust me, anything is possible!"


In fact, Shi Zhijian had already made up his mind to spend 100 million pounds to develop electric bicycles and electric vehicles. When he told John Hong about this decision, John Hong was shocked.

Until this moment, John Hong believed that Shi Zhijian was playing for real, not joking.

As for going to Cambridge University and other universities to recruit talents, Shi Zhijian also directly handed it over to John Hong. As for he has more important things to do now, that is how to revitalize the business of Shinhwa Group in Hong Kong to Come to London!

As we all know, Shi Zhijian's Shinhwa Group has four main pillars, namely food, electronics, real estate and entertainment!

Under the current circumstances, Shi Zhijian wanted to hand over Myth Electronics to John Hong to take care of it. After all, new energy is closely related to the development of electronics.

As for Shinhwa Food, Shinhwa Entertainment, and Shinhwa Real Estate, there must be a person in charge here.

The longer Shi Zhijian stayed in the UK, the more he felt that the ghosts are very xenophobic. If people from Hong Kong are directly transferred to work here, I am afraid that the work will be very hard, and it will be more difficult to open up the market here.

After much deliberation, Shi Zhijian felt that the best way is to "take materials on the spot", find suitable agents in London, and let them become the executive president of Shinhwa in London in a high position!

In order for the myth to develop completely and rapidly, these three presidents must also have identities and positions in London, and have connections!

Thinking of this, Shi Zhijian immediately thought of three people, and their names were about to come out!


A newly acquired building by Shi Zhijian in London.

According to Shi Zhijian's request, this building was renovated to look like an ancient Chinese building, with red lanterns in front of the door and a plaque in the middle of the door: "Mythical Foot Bath Center"!

This foot bath center has recently opened. The staff are all little girls recruited from Chinatown by Shi Zhijian. They are all beautiful and proficient in various traditional Chinese physiotherapy techniques.

As a pedicure expert in the previous life, Shi Zhijian loved pedicure deeply and felt that he could not hide his secrets. He wanted to popularize such good things, especially in the UK, and also introduced them to these ghosts, let them know the profoundness of Chinese foot baths, and let them know Obediently open your wallet and take out Mane!

To this end, Shi Zhijian has planned to open more such pedicure shops, cupping and massage centers in London to conquer England in a chain mode!

To be precise, whether it is foot bath, massage, acupuncture, cupping, etc., they all belong to one of the entertainment and leisure projects of Myth!

"Hey, what do you think that Shi's Pujie invited us to come here?" Earl Jester, known as London's three scumbags, whispered to his two friends, Sir Henry and Sir Fivendi.

"The devil knows! This treacherous guy used us to raise the price last time, deceived the Duke of Windsor into confusion, and finally took out 370 million to buy his company!"

"Yeah, he is too despicable! For such people, we must always be vigilant!"

The three of Jester murmured and entered the hall of the foot bath center. At this time, a beautiful woman in cheongsam came over and greeted warmly: "Hello, three, what service do you need, a foot bath or a massage spa?"

"Uh, what the hell?" The three of Jester were taken aback.

"We're here to find your boss!"

"Yes, we are here to find Shi Zhijian!"

"He invited us here!"

When the cheongsam woman heard this, she immediately smiled and said: "So the three are the distinguished guests that Mr. Shi explained. He said it, let us entertain you!"

As she spoke, the beauty in cheongsam led the three of Jester to sit down on the sofa beside them.

Fruit plates and candy dishes are placed in front of the sofa, allowing customers to eat whatever they want without spending money.

"The three of you, please change your shoes!"

The three handsome guys came over, took the slippers, helped Jester to change their shoes, and then gave each of them a hand of cards.

The three of Jester were stunned and didn't know what it meant.

But when it comes, be safe.

After changing the slippers, another beautiful woman in cheongsam guided the three of them through the retro hall, took the elevator to the second floor, and then saw that there were many newly renovated rooms on the second floor, and when they entered the room, there were three long beds that looked strange. , the front is a TV, and next to the TV is a karaoke that can sing!

According to what the cheongsam woman said, this is called a "singing room", where you can sing with your friends while doing pedicures.

There is also a "movie room" with a movie projector where you can watch movies while doing pedicures.

The three of Jester couldn't help but stunned, this Shi Zhijian was too good at playing, he simply pushed this combination of entertainment to the limit!

Next, the woman in cheongsam brought Jester and the three of them the clothes they wore in the foot bath, saying that they could receive pedicures and massages more comfortably after wearing them.

The three of them put on their clothes and lay on the bed. Before they could react, the bed creaked and rose automatically!

"Damn it!"

"What happened?"

The three ghosts were startled.

"Don't be afraid of the three, this is our automatic lift bed, which can be convenient for you to drink tea or do other things."

While talking, the cheongsam woman let the tea staff come in and asked Jester if they wanted tea or coffee?

Jester they chose coffee.

At the same time, three cheongsam girls brought large wooden barrels over and placed them in front of Jester and asked them if they wanted to add vinegar or coarse salt?

They don't understand Jester!

Don't understand what the **** is vinegar and kosher salt?

But they can't show it, after all, the three of them are the most famous libertines in Great Britain, and they are the best in eating, drinking, gambling! If they don't understand, they won't be laughed at if they spread it out?

"I want vinegar! Add more!"

"I want kosher salt! Add a little bit so it's not too salty!"

The three cheongsam girls covered their mouths and chuckled.

Soon, the three of them inserted their bare feet into the barrel,

"Wow, it's so hot!"

"Wow, it's so comfortable!"

At the same time, the three cheongsam girls began to beat their backs and shoulders!

Where did the three of Jester enjoy this kind of They are all bubbling with beauty!

Wait until the feet are almost soaked, and the formal pedicure begins!

The three cheongsam girls sat on the ponytail, lifted their feet out, and then performed acupressure and kneading----

At first, the three of them didn't take it seriously, they just felt that their feet were numb and itchy and it was very comfortable!

"Not bad!"

"This is your mythical foot spa?"

"Actually, it's nothing special!"

But when the three cheongsam girls pressed their thumbs to the acupoints on the soles of their feet together——


The three ghosts screamed in unison!


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