Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1144: Hot sales!

"Extra number! Extra number! Shinhwa electric bike is about to go on sale!"

"Myth electric bicycle, green and pollution-free! Take you to where you want to go!"

"Myth electric bicycle, accompany you to see the sea!"

The next few weeks in England were filled with newspaper ads about the Myth electric bike going on sale.

After countless Britons have been brainwashed by these newspaper ads, TV commercials are hitting again!

From 8 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock in the evening on the three major TV stations in the United Kingdom, the short advertisements of the myth electric bicycle are continuously rolled and played!

Especially the appearance of Michelle, the heroine of the advertisement, made everyone wait by the TV, the purpose is to watch this advertisement!

In the advertisement, Michelle sang and danced with a lollipop, and the last advertisement: "Myth electric car, take you soaring!" It was impressive.

Under the brainwashing of the second wave of TV commercials, the whole of the UK now knows that the Shinhwa Group has a new electric bicycle that is about to go on sale. This electric bicycle only needs to be charged to run, no pedals, no fuel, completely green No pollution!

Such a magical new thing, coupled with the advertising bonus, has made countless British people flock to this product!

When the Shinhwa electric car was officially put on sale that day, the largest "Victoria Department Store" in London, England, tried to put 3,000 units on it that day! One for £3,000!

Unexpectedly, it sold out in no time!

This scene stunned everyone, and Shi Zhijian was also stunned.

The reason why Shi Zhijian released 3,000 units instead of tens of thousands was because he was afraid that the price of this new thing would be inflated, and the British would not accept it. The price can be adjusted at that time, so as to avoid the backlog in the library and cannot be sold.

But Shi Zhijian did not expect the powerful "vanity" of the British!

As the earliest industrial power and the most successful capitalist country in the industrial revolution, the British Empire colonized countless countries outside and won the title of Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

However, with the end of World War II and the beginning of the new world order, Britain began to decline and was gradually surpassed by the United States and other countries, which hurt the self-esteem of countless British people.

Today, this super new type of electric bicycle can be the first to market in the UK, which has aroused their strong vanity, thinking that a new revolution is about to break out in the UK, and the UK is still a superpower leading the world!

Also, on a small scale, the British are not short of money, what they lack now is an opportunity to show off! It is precisely the listing of this electric bicycle that gave them an opportunity!

Riding on this new car and walking on the streets of England will attract the attention of countless people and the envy of countless people!

It is precisely because of the above two reasons, one big and one small, that the Shinhwa Group released 3,000 electric bicycles, which were sold out in an instant!

Faced with such a situation, the Shinhwa team headed by John Hong was very excited, and everyone was preparing to launch more electric vehicles, at least 30,000 to 50,000!

And John Hong and others also suggested that Shi Zhijian should lower the price of this kind of electric car a little bit, from 3,000 pounds to 2,800 pounds, and use promotions to sweep England.

But what everyone did not expect was that Shi Zhijian not only did not increase the volume, but also reduced the original 3,000 units to 2,000 units! As for the price, not only did not reduce the price, but raised the price by 200 pounds!

Shi Zhijian's actions shocked everyone!

Doubt whether Shi Zhijian has a brain problem, so who will buy the myth electric car? !

Everyone objected to Shi Zhijian's operation, and even Yan Xiong, the old fox who followed Shi Zhijian's side, couldn't figure it out.

Shi Zhijian used to be quite normal when he was in Hong Kong, why did he become confused when he came to the UK? How are you going to sell it?

Facing the opposition from John Hong, Weili Yang and others, Shi Zhijian only said one sentence: "Everything is based on facts! If I am wrong, I will apologize in front of everyone and admit that I made a mistake!"

Since Shi Zhijian said this, John Hong and others were embarrassed to continue to object.

So I arranged it according to what Shi Zhijian said. First, we changed the amount of 3,000 units to 2,000 units, and marked the words "limited release, first get served"!

Then the original price of 3,000 pounds was changed to 3,200 pounds, and the price was directly increased by 200.

After all this was done, John Hong, Willie Yang and others gathered in the conference room to wait for news, to be precise, waiting for the "bad news" to come.

"It's over, we didn't do it like this! We have a lot of inventory, but we put in a little bit. When will we be able to make money?"

"Yeah, 3,000 pounds is already a lot! Now that the price is increased by 200, the British are not all taking advantage of it!"

"Hey, wait for the news! I'm afraid it's hard to sell even one of these two thousand units!"

As Shi Zhijian's close confidant, Yan Xiong also sat in the conference room, looking at everyone's appearance, not knowing what to say.

In his opinion, this time Shi Zhijian played a big game, maybe he would smash the signboard!

Just when everyone was sighing, someone suddenly broke in to report: "No, all 2,000 units are sold out!"


The crowd was stunned!

"how is this possible?"

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"Is there something wrong with those customers? Are they willing to buy at a higher price?"

Hong John, Yang Weili and others were all shocked by the news.

Yan Xiong was also shocked, feeling that this scene is very familiar! Shi Zhijian counterattacks on time every time everyone looks down on him!

The reporter wiped the sweat on his forehead and said excitedly: "Those customers were full of nagging at first, asking why the price should be raised? We answered truthfully, saying that this kind of car is a high-tech new factory product, fashionable and fashionable, and the stock is not available. Too much, this time only 2,000 units were put in, so the price went up! I didn’t expect those people to start rushing to grab it without saying a word!”

After finishing speaking, the messenger also vividly described the scene of the mad looting, whoever went straight up and carried one on their shoulders and left! Others hold on to the two and say they want to buy one for their wife too! Some don't bring so much cash, and you have to buy them on the spot!

This messenger's eloquence is good, and he speaks with gusto, and everyone continues to be stunned when he hears it! Crazy images popped up in his mind.

"Mr. Shi is still amazing! This is also calculated!" Yan Xiong suddenly applauded.

Hong John, Yang Weili and others looked at each other in dismay.

For the first time in their lives, they have seen this marketing method!

If Shi Zhijian was there, he would definitely tell them a new term, what is "hunger marketing"!

"Cut! It's just a moment of luck! This sales method can only be done once!"

"Yeah, those people are not fools, they won't suffer a second loss!"

After a moment of silence, someone in the conference room began to be unconvinced.

Hong John, Yang Weili and others also felt that Shi Zhijian's sales method could only be done once, and it was time to stop it next time.


Next, Shi Zhijian not only confiscated his hand, but intensified his efforts!

The delivery volume has been reduced from 2,000 units to 1,000 units again. As for the price, the price has been directly increased from 3,002 to 3,500!


This shocked John Hong and the others. They felt that Shi Zhijian was better than a bandit, and he was simply robbing money!

"This time it's over! If these thousand units can still be sold, I will unscrew my head and play it as a ball!" Yang Weili was the first to express his position.

The others also nodded, feeling that Shi Zhijian had gone too far and didn't know how to restrain himself! Dead this time!

John Hong and Yan Xiong did not speak or express their opinions. They knew Shi Zhijian better than others, and the deeper they felt, the more unfathomable they felt.

Facts have proved that they are right to not make a statement this time!

Because the 1,000 electric cars were sold out before they were released this time!

"how so?"

"are you crazy?"

It's not that the person who bought the car is crazy, on the contrary, the one who has not left the warehouse in one breath is a bicycle dealer!

He saw a business opportunity in the sales of Shinhwa electric bikes!

There is only one explanation for this madness, and that is that the British have been fascinated by this kind of electric bicycle!

Who makes the best money?

It's those who are in a daze!

After careful analysis, Shi Zhijian's "starvation marketing" has satiated everyone's appetite. Many people want to buy an electric bicycle that can show off and satisfy their vanity at all costs!

No matter if you increase the price by 200 or 300, the more you increase the price, the more precious this electric car will be!

This dealer just saw this, and directly wrapped up the package without waiting for the warehouse!

In the words of the dealer, "These thousand units are far from enough to satisfy the appetite of London, which has a population of 7 million! Besides, there are other places in the UK with a total population of 60 million! Thousands of electric cars are not enough for dealers like them!"

At this moment, everyone including John Hong seemed to understand Shi Zhijian's marketing strategy. From the beginning to the end, Shi Zhijian was not targeting those customers who visited department stores, but these dealers with deep pockets!

as predicted!

With the first person to eat crabs, other dealers flocked to it, and without waiting for the Shinhwa Group to continue to raise prices, the 90,000 electric vehicles in stock have been divided up!

Faced with such a "crazy" scene, as Shi Zhijian's henchman, Yan Xiong only said one sentence to Yang Weili: "Now do you want to screw your head off and play it as a ball?!"


The news that Shinhwa Electronics Co. sold all 100,000 electric vehicles in less than a month not only shocked the inside of Shinhwa Group, but also made countless employees feel that they were in the wrong company. Re-acquainted with this alien big tiger!

Many people began to investigate the details of the Shinhwa Group. This large conglomerate and large enterprise that came to the UK from Hong Kong to open up the market was also taken seriously by the British for the first time, and even the desks of the Prime Minister and the Queen were all put on the "About Hong Kong Shinhwa Group". Into the UK Research Report.

Moreover, in this report, there is a very conspicuous personal name, that is - Shi Zhijian!

For countless British people, the name Shi Zhijian may still be unfamiliar, and they are familiar with the musical genius "Pitt Jian"; but for the upper class in the United Kingdom, the name "Shi Zhijian" is so famous that many people's ears are broken. .

In addition to being the helm of the Hong Kong Shinhwa Group, he is also a musical genius, Viscount of the British Empire!

Countless identities have long revealed his mystery! Earlier his legend!

Just when the British upper class was shaken by the name "Shi Zhijian", as the helm of the Shinhwa Group, Shi Zhijian was looking at the script in his hand very carefully at this moment.

"How is it, Ah Jian, my script is not bad, right?" In the Cambridge University dormitory, Spielberg looked at Shi Zhijian expectantly, hoping that he could give his opinion on his new script.

Next to him, Bill Gates is burying his head in his work, and he has no time to take care of the affairs here, or else, according to his talkative character, he would have been screaming at the side.

Since Shi Zhijian officially signed the contract with Gates, Gates began to let go of his uninhibited heart, and he began to devote his passion for chasing girls to computer research.

And in another week or two, Gates will go back to the United States. According to the content of his contract with Shi Zhijian, Gates will recruit troops when he returns to the United States to lay the foundation for the development of Microsoft.

Therefore, during this period of time, Gates did not have time to go out to play at all, and raced against time to develop new computer programs.

Shi Zhijian looked at the script in his hand, and the changes were relatively large, which were somewhat different from the movies he had seen in his previous life, which made Shi Zhijian unsure whether these changes were good or bad.

Shi Zhijian squeezed his chin and did not speak.

Seeing that he was silent, Spielberg's expression gradually became a little uneasy. After all, this story was told to him by Shi Zhijian, and he made some slight modifications according to Shi Zhijian's story, fearing that Shi Zhijian would be dissatisfied when he saw these modifications.

Shi Zhijian finally finished the entire revised story, and he already had a calculus in his heart.

The previous life's "Blair Witch" was filmed in 1999, and it is now 1972, which is more than 20 years ahead of schedule. There are huge differences in all aspects such as life culture and young people's pursuit of the times. If it is told in the context of the story, it may not suit the taste of the audience in this era.

Spielberg is a great director and artist, and the part he modified is precisely the opposite of the previous time and space and this era!

Thinking of this, Shi Zhijian handed the script back to Spielberg and said, "I read it, you wrote it very well!"

"Really? Oh my god, I'm afraid you're not happy—"

"How could I be unhappy?"

"I didn't write it exactly according to your story, I revised a part."

"I know, you are the director, I'm just a storyteller! A story must be presented to the audience in the end, and the director is in control, so I respect your revisions!"

Spielberg was moved by Shi Zhijian's remarks. You must know that screenwriters have a very high status in Europe and the United States, and can even control the Although Shi Zhijian just told a story casually, in Spielberg's eyes But it is the real "screenwriter" of this play.

Now that Shi Zhijian is recognized, he is of course excited.

"I have already agreed to Mr. Roberto's suggestion that I will sign a contract with Shinhwa Entertainment and prepare for the filming in the UK first. If it is successful, then I will go back to Hollywood in the United States and help Shinhwa Entertainment at that time. Come on!" Spielberg said.

Shi Zhijian nodded and said in his heart that it seemed that Yan Xiong had done a good job of Spear's ideological work, and the other party had already agreed with Shinhwa Entertainment.

"Congratulations, I wish you this box office hit in advance!"

"Thank you! When the time comes, I will sign the screenwriter for you, don't you mind?"

"Uh, this-----" Shi Zhiquan didn't want to be too famous. For a person like him, being too famous would be bad, and he would be targeted.

"Why, you don't want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to! Well, don't use my Chinese name, just use Pitjian!"

"Okay, just do as you said!" Spielberg was very happy to see Shi Zhijian agree to his request.

at this time----

"Is Mr. Shi Zhijian there?"

"Uh, Ah Jian, someone is looking for you!" Gates, who was immersed in his work, turned his head and reminded Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian glared at him: "Keep working, don't be distracted!"

Gates pouted aggrievedly, feeling that he made a mistake in signing the contract, and now he is acting as a horse for Shi Zhijian, even if he is not distracted.

"It's so late, I don't know who came to find me?" Shi Zhijian walked outside in surprise, only to see His Highness Wells, who was about to inherit the title of Duke of Windsor, with his hands behind his back, looking at him with a smile!


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