Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1148: Automatically jump into the trap!

Wells said it tactfully, but he also showed his powerlessness. He alone could not fight against the entire royal family, let alone against the angels.

"What are you talking about? Even you, a member of the royal family of the British Empire, can't do anything, and I can't do anything! Besides, I just sprayed on that Downey, maybe he has already planned a conspiracy now. deal with me!"

"No, you are so shrewd that you can't think of this, you must be fearless! Tell me, what are you going to do?" Wells asked after Shi Zhijian's ass.

Shi Zhijian beckoned, called a taxi, opened the door, turned to look at Wells, and said with a smile, "You really want to know?"

"Yeah, I really want to know!"

"Would you do me a favor then?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I heard that you are very familiar with Her Majesty the Queen."

"Che, isn't this nonsense!" Wells felt that Shi Zhijian was an idiot to ask this question.

"That's easy!" Shi Zhijian whispered in the ear of His Highness Wells.

"What?" Wells reacted violently, staring at Shi Zhijian with wide eyes, "You actually asked me to do such a thing?"

Shi Zhijian was nothing, but the taxi driver was taken aback and didn't understand what the two were arguing about.

"I didn't let you kill and set fire. What are you doing with such a big reaction?"

"This is more serious than murder and arson! Deceiving Her Majesty the Queen is a capital crime!"

"The death penalty, it's not the eighteenth century! Don't be so feudal! Do as I say, and I'll tell you the answer!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he turned around and got into the car. Before leaving, he didn't forget to open the car window and said to Wells, "Don't you also want to have a share of the electric car field? If you promise me, then we will be partners in the future. , I make money, and you make money too, everyone cooks and fishes together!"

"Huh?" Wells was stunned.

"Okay, the driver drives!"

Under Shi Zhijian's orders, the taxi sped away.

"What's the matter? How does he know that I'm coveting his electric car business? Am I that obvious?" Wells touched his face, incredulous.


the next day.

London International Airport.

The weather is a little cloudy.

"Are you really leaving?" Shi Zhijian said farewell to Bill Gates from the United States at the airport.

"Yes, boss! Originally I was an exchange student, and I planned to leave the UK and go back to the US before the summer vacation. Now that I have an agreement with you, to grow Microsoft with you, I need to go back even more!"

"Seriously, boss, the academic atmosphere in the UK is not as good as that in the US, and the US is not open to new technologies!"

"You talk so much, what do you want to say?"

"I want to say... Actually, you don't need to develop an electric car business in the UK. It would be a better choice to go to the US with me!"

Gates' remarks are not wrong. From the 1970s to the late 1990s, the United States has always been a powerful country in technological development, and it is also a strong support for technological development, attracting talents from all over the world.

"You seem to know a lot..."

Gates smiled, reached out and patted Shi Zhijian's shoulder: "I've been your roommate for so long, if you don't have any eyesight, you won't be embarrassed to death? I know you are the president of Shinhwa Group, whether it's Shinhwa Entertainment or Shinhwa Electronics, You are all behind the scenes! Oh, by the way, there are also Shinhwa Real Estate and Shinhwa Food, which seem to be developing very well in the UK and European markets now!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Since you know it, why don't you tell it?"

"What do you say it for? So you can show it off?" Gates said. "You're already amazing, and I don't want to keep pushing you higher!"

Shi Zhijian said nothing, stepped forward and hugged Gates deeply: "Take care, brother!"

"You take care too! Big guy!" Gates' eyes slowly turned red.

"All passengers, it's time for boarding! All passengers, please board on time!"

The sweet voice of the announcer came from the airport radio.

"Boss, I'm leaving!" Gates and Shi Zhijian hugged again, patted each other on the back, separated, then picked up the suitcase, turned and walked towards the plane.

At this moment, the afro-haired Bill, the freckled-faced Bill, his back gradually became taller!

He has grown and matured.

This time, he will go back to the United States to recruit troops and make Microsoft, which he and Shi Zhijian founded together, stronger and bigger!


Shi Zhijian turned around and left the airport. Outside, Yan Xiong and Axe Jun were guarding by the car.

Just as Shi Zhijian was about to get into the car, four sedans drove over.

"Mr. Shi, get on the bus slowly!" someone shouted.

Shi Zhijian turned his head and glanced, only to see the four cars stopped, the doors opened, and the Arab prince Mohammed, whom he knew before, and the French nobleman Sir Charles got out of the cars respectively.

"I didn't expect to meet you here!" The Arabian prince wearing a white robe and hat said with a smile.

Shi Zhijian looked at the two of them and frowned slightly: "You two have something to do with me?"

"It's like this, we are looking for you in a hurry. We went to your company and said you were in school. When we went to school, we said that you were sending people off at the airport. We had a lot of emptiness!" said the prince of Arabia.

"It's better for us to go over there to discuss the specific matters in detail," said French Charlie.

Shi Zhijian nodded and let Yan Xiong and Axe Jun wait by the side. He accompanied Mohammed and Charlie to the fast food restaurant next to them.


This is a newly opened McDonald's with a great location and business is booming because of its location at the airport.

Mohammed's men stepped forward, and together with Charlie's men, drove the customers away, freeing up a huge space.

Those customers were very reluctant, but they saw that these bodyguards were tall and big, and they didn't dare to reason with them, so they could only scold and leave.

Some people who were very curious stayed outside the fast food restaurant, looking through the glass to see what kind of big man came over and made such a big battle.

Muhammad and Charlie accompanied Shi Zhijian into the fast food restaurant.

"You can tell he's an Arab just by looking at the way he's dressed!"

"And that big nose, very Gallic!"

"Wow, there's a Chinese!"

"So many foreigners gathered together, are they holding an international conference?"

The curious people outside talked a lot.

In the store, those fast food restaurant staff saw this and knew they couldn't handle it by themselves, so they hurriedly called the manager.

Before the white manager came over to speak, Mohammed took out a roll of pounds and threw it over, saying, "Let's pack for an hour!"

The manager took the money and saw that it was 5,000 pounds, which was more than the total income of their restaurant in one day. He immediately said happily, "Do you want Coke, hamburger, or French fries?"

Muhammad: "Coke!"

Charlie: "Sprite!"

Shi Zhijian: "Plain water!"

Restaurant Manager: "Huh?"


Coke and Sprite came up quickly, but boiled water was a bit difficult, and finally had to change to ice water with Shi Zhijian's consent.

"Now we can talk, what is the matter with me?" Shi Zhijian asked while drinking ice water.

"It's like this. Your Excellency should have heard of it before. We are very optimistic about the new product of electric vehicles, and at the Duke of Windsor banquet at that time, we were planning to cooperate with President Lawrence. Who knows——" Mohan Murder spread his hands.

"Who knew that this matter was screwed up by you, now President Lawrence is in prison!" Charlie continued.

"So we had to settle for the next best thing, come to find you, and hope to cooperate with you!"

Muhammad and Charlie sang together and said to Shi Zhijian with a smile.

"Cooperation, how to cooperate?" Shi Zhijian laughed.

Muhammad and Charlie looked at each other.

Charlie said, "Order your electric bike, of course!"

"Yeah, last time you sold 100,000 units in one go. Now the two of us have ordered a total of 300,000 units from you, and the delivery will take three months. How about it? Can it be done?" Mohamed said.

"Don't open your mouth to refuse - 300,000 units, we will give you a deposit of 300 million! Of course, according to the agreement you signed with President Lawrence, if you break the contract or fail to complete the task, we will claim compensation. Three billion!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "It's very cruel!"

"It's not ruthless, I learned it from you! Tenfold compensation was also made by you before, Mr. Shi, wasn't it?"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "That's right, I made it!" After that, he glanced at Charlie and then at Mohammed, "To tell the truth, Mr. Charlie is willing to cooperate with me to order my electric car, which I can understand. , after all, France is not a big oil-producing country, and using electricity to replace oil as a new resource is a very good business. But you—”

Shi Zhijian took a sip of ice water, put it down, and looked up at the Arabian prince: "Mr. Mohammed, you are a place rich in oil in the Middle East, whether it is a car or other vehicles, it is very convenient and economical to use gasoline. Affordable, why do you need to order an electric car?"

"This----" Muhammad was stunned, not knowing how to answer Shi Zhijian's question.

"Seeing how embarrassed you are, let me answer it for you!" Shi Zhijian rubbed his fingers on the mouth of the water glass, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, you say it!" Mohammed picked up the straw and took a sip of iced Coke with a pretense of ease.

Charlie also looked at Shi Zhijian curiously, guessing whether he really knew something.

"The reason why you are willing to cooperate with me is not because my electric car is really good, but because you have to do it!" Shi Zhijian said slowly.

"Yesterday I saw that Ghost Apostle Association, and I also saw two envious expressions---it seems that you guys really want to join this organization in private."

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he looked at Muhammad and Charlie, and sure enough, their expressions changed slightly.

"But it's a pity that anyone who wants to join the ghost apostle can join. In your opinion, I just had **** luck yesterday. The one named Downey gave me a chance, but I was foolish enough to give up!"

Muhammad and Charlie looked at each other and their expressions changed again.

"You tried everything you could to get, but I just gave up, isn't there a sense of gap?" Shi Zhijian smiled, "But what makes you even more unhappy is that if you want to join this Apostle Association, you must have a nomination certificate! Originally, the target of your nomination was President Lawrence. As Downey's watchdog, you plan to cooperate with him and order his electric car. You can also help Downey from the side---- give enough to Mr. Downey You will only cooperate with Lawrence because of your face, won't you?"

"Unfortunately, people are not as good as God, and Lawrence is in prison! And the person who made him go to jail wasted an opportunity to join the Apostles Society, which makes you grit your teeth! Why is God so unfair?"

"At this time----" Shi Zhijian paused, pretending to be mysterious, "Mr. Downey gave you a chance, and that is----Take me down!"

After Shi Zhijian said this, his eyes stabbed at Mohammed and Charlie intentionally or unintentionally.

The expressions of the two were slightly throbbing, and their eyes were dodged.

"So you guys came up with this trick, asked me to cooperate with me, and signed a tenfold compensation contract with me. If I violated it, I would have to pay you three billion pounds in compensation! You guessed right, and you should check my details earlier. , 3 billion pounds is the maximum I can bear, no accident, I can't afford it at all! There will only be a dead end!"

Muhammad and Charlie stopped talking, one drank Coke and the other drank Sprite to hide their shock.

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he stared at them without speaking.

The atmosphere seemed eerie and depressing.

In the end, the Arab prince Mohammed couldn't stand it anymore, looked up at Shi Zhijian and said: "Yes, our plan is like this! I didn't expect you to see through it, so now, you can absolutely refuse to cooperate with us! "

"Yeah, you can absolutely refuse, you don't have to use words to humiliate us!" French Charlie also gave up, raised his head and said.

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Why should I refuse? On the contrary, I accept your cooperation!"


Cola Sprite almost spewed out of their mouths!

"Cough, what did you say?" The two looked shocked, staring at Shi Zhijian, doubting whether they heard it wrong.

"I said that I am willing to accept your suggestions and cooperate with you!" Shi Zhijian said word by word.

"Cough, did we hear it wrong?"

"Are you going to revise the agreement?"

"You heard it The agreement does not need to be revised! I will provide you with 300,000 electric vehicles within three months. You pay me a deposit of 300 million pounds, and if I fail to complete the task, I will compensate you. Three billion!"

Mohammed and Charlie were immediately stunned. They had never seen such a thing in their lives. They knew it was a trap and they were still trying to get into the trap? !

The two looked at each other and looked at Shi Zhijian together for a long time: "Are you serious?"

"of course it's true!"

"It's useless to say!"

"Then sign the contract!" Shi Zhijian got up and straightened his suit, "Is it okay to sign tomorrow?"

The two were stunned again, and it seemed that Shi Zhijian was even more anxious than them.

"By the way, my lawyer is a woman named Hecarly. If the two of you are free tomorrow, you can contact her. As for me - I have a class tomorrow!"


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