Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1184: Jianghu rules!

"Gaga, I'll send you to hell! Die!" The steel claws raised their sharp claws like a hot wheel and poached the bald horse's heart!

"Damn your mother!" Ah Wu gasped, seeing that the bald-headed pony was in danger, he couldn't care less, he flew up from the side and hugged the steel claw waist, and the two fell to the ground at the same time!

Since you can't fight head on, let's fight on the ground, aren't you a monkey? I see how you are still jumping!

When the bald horse boy saw Ah Wu and Steel Claw fell to the ground together, he knew that the opportunity could not be missed, so he immediately endured the pain in his left arm and leaned over to pick up the machete and slashed at Steel Claw!

Steel Claw was suddenly thrown down by A Wu, and immediately slammed A Wu's head with his right elbow!

Ah Wu endured the pain, the bridge of his nose was broken, and he shouted loudly to the bald horse boy: "Quick! Kill this thumping street!"

The steel claw was anxious, and inserted a claw into Awu's ribs, "Let go, will you let go?"

Ah Wu hugged him tightly!

Steel claws twisted in his abdomen!

The severe pain made Ah Wu make a sound, and his arms could no longer be held tightly!

Steel Claw was pleasantly surprised, as soon as he turned over, he was about to break free and Awu stood up!

At this time, there is wind from behind!

The bald boy's machete has already slashed his back!

"Damn it!" A **** burst out of Steel Claw's mouth, and then A Wu grinned in his ears: "Push you in the street!"

The knife shines!

Blood rush!

Steel Claws crawling on the ground!

Ah Wu lay down on his back, panting like a dying fish on the shore!


"Don't come here! I'll kill you!"

Fight around!

After all, Yan Xiong is also a hero in Hong Kong. I have seen many such scenes, and he will not spit it out like many civilized people.

He clenched the baseball bat in both hands, and kept talking to the ghosts who wanted to lean over.

Those ghosts who came by were bad luck, but they were not killed by Yan Xiong with a baseball bat, but by Axe Jun!

"Crack!" Axe Jun grabbed a ghost guy's neck with one hand and twisted it off.

Where have other ghosts ever seen such a ferocious character, they backed away in fright.

Yan Xiong was complacent, and took a baseball bat and showed off his power to the timid ghosts: "Pu, your mother! I told you to get out of the way, but you dare to come around? Do you know who I am? The four detectives in Hong Kong, Yan Xiong. Xiong! If I don't make a move, I'll kill you if I make a move! Look at the way you guys are bashing on the street, it's all short-lived when all the Yintangs turn black!"

As soon as those ghosts heard this, their eyes showed a fierce light and they were ready to move at Yan Xiong again.

Yan Xiong immediately became paralyzed again. He hurriedly hid behind Axe Jun and said to Axe Jun, "You must protect me! Mr. Shi said, you have to be obedient, and everything stands in front of me!"

Axe Jun snorted coldly, disdain for Yan Xiong's attitude.

There are about 100 people on Yan Xiong's side, but the other side has more than 200 people, which is equivalent to two fighting one!

At this moment, even A Wu was injured and lay on the ground, unable to move. Axe Jun knew that if he didn't make a move, he would be wiped out this time!

Immediately, Axe Jun turned his head to Yan Xiong and said, "I'm going to help, take care of yourself!"

"No, Jun! I can't do it!" Yan Xiong shouted as soon as Axe Jun was about to leave, "You can also see that I am older, not as good as back then! Back then, I was able to be powerful, one hit three, and now I can't even pee. Fork, so fake!"

Axe Jun ignored him.

Taking off his jacket, he was naked, exposing his exploding muscles, and the two axes stuck behind his back.

"Are you really going?"

"Yan Ye, you said, catch the thief first catch the king!" Axe Jun looked sharply at the Razor Party boss Kane Shelby, who was standing on the second floor wearing a top hat and holding a civilized stick to watch the show!

"Don't tell me you're going to catch that ghost guy? Ajun, forget it, I'm afraid that tonight's action will fail! Why don't you and I run away together! If you meet Mr. Shi, I'll give you a few more good words for you. So heroic, not a deserter..."

"Master Yan, take care!" Axe Jun clenched his fists towards Yan Xiong, then turned around and rushed towards the stairs!

"Take care of your mother! You help me clean up these ghosts first!" Yan Xiong shouted.

Looking at those ghosts again, seeing the tough guy Axe Jun is gone, they all breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Yan Xiong with malicious eyes, and surrounded him with the guy.

Seeing this, Yan Xiong immediately slapped away the baseball bat he was holding, and then very politely clasped his fists at these ghosts and gangsters, and said in a pleasant manner, "As the saying goes, it's better to resolve an enemy than to end it! Besides, I think All the heroes are shining brightly, and their faces are red, all of them are rich and noble! In this case, why do everyone fight and kill here? Why don't you buy a betting ticket and try your luck first, maybe you can win a grand prize! What? So, do you feel open-minded when I talk so much?"

The ghosts ignored him and continued to approach him.

Yan Xiong was anxious, and bent down to pick up the baseball bat he had thrown away: "Hey, I warn you, I'm very good at hitting! Everyone in Hong Kong calls me a Hong Kong murderer!"

"Don't you understand human language? Hong Kong murderer, it's terrible! I kill people like killing chickens!"

"Please, don't come here again, I'm going to call if you come again---- help!"

Yan Xiong ran away, and the ghosts were chasing after him!


Axe Jun rushed out, like a tiger!

Open the bow left and right, and instantly knocked two or three horses to the ground.

Kane stood on the second floor looking down at him condescendingly, and waved contemptuously behind him.

Then another wave of people rushed downstairs.

Axe Jun made persistent efforts and used his fists to beat those ghosts to pieces.

Seeing that more and more people were rushing down from the upstairs, Axe Jun knew that he would not be able to deter these ghosts at all!

make a prompt decision!

He drew two axes from behind!

With a flick of the wrist, the axe pulled out an axe flower!

"All who are afraid of death, get out of the way!" Axe Jun roared, unfolding his axe and rushing towards the stairs like a meat grinder!

Axe flashes!

A ghost fell on the street!

Two, three after another...!

Cut down seven people in one go!

Axe Jun's two axes had already turned into blood axes, and he himself was even more imposing.

Those ghosts who had just followed the order and rushed down from the upstairs were actually forced to stop by the fierce Axe Jun!

At this moment, all the members of the Razor Party took the initiative to avoid the axe Jun, who was wielding his axe like a madman! Seeing Axe Jun rushing over, the cowardly Razor Party even turned around and went back upstairs!

The Razor Party boss Kane looked down at this scene, with a grin on the corner of his mouth, "Very good! It's really good!" I don't know if he was praising Axe Jun, and he was still scolding his subordinates for being unsatisfactory.

"Come on! You ghosts, let's see who is the sick man of East Asia?!" Axe Jun didn't speak English, so he yelled at the ghosts in Chinese.

Those ghosts didn't know what he said, but Axe Jun's two axes had already told them to be careful!

"Why, are you afraid? Go forward bold enough to see how many of you are enough for me?!"

Those ghosts, you look at me, I look at you, hesitant.

Axe Jun moved his wrists a little bit, then suddenly his feet accelerated, he raised his axe and went up the stairs again!

Double axe dances wildly, blood rushes wildly, and ghosts howl from time to time!

Seeing that Axe Jun was so fierce, it was like a demon coming into the world. This time, those ghosts who guarded the stairs no longer dared to confront Axe Jun, and they all fled!

The people in Hongmen downstairs saw that Axe Jun single-handedly killed the ghosts. Many were even chased by Axe Jun and jumped down the stairs. They were beaten to pieces by the ghosts just now. Their timidity was swept away and replaced by There is nowhere to vent the blood!


"Fuck these ghosts!"

Ah Wu, who was leaning against the wall to rest, spat blood on the ground, propped up his body with the machete, and shouted again with the knife.

So, the tide turned!

The Hongmen people who had fled in all directions began to counterattack!

A Hongmen horse boy waved a baseball bat and slammed his opponent on the head with all his might to knock him down. Even though his thigh was slashed with a knife, he still held his injured leg and roared: "Go on, there are no cowards from Hongmen!"

"Come on! Get rid of the ghosts!" The surroundings responded for a while.

Ah Wu slashed a ghost guy to the ground with a knife, and showed a smile: "That's right, there are no cowards in the Hongmen! There was not one hundred years ago, and there is no more now!"


"Don't come here! Pu, your mother! You Yan, the stick in my hand is not a vegetarian!" Yan Xiong dodged left and right, avoiding the ghosts who were chasing him.

Even though Yan Xiong was fat and obese, he was still very dexterous in running away, but after all, he was old and gasping for breath after escaping for a while.

"Grandma's bear! Don't let me live in peace at such an old age! Is it wrong to fight and kill with these ghosts?" Yan Xiong leaned against the corner and gasped, "I knew this was going on here earlier. Dangerous, I will not accept this task! Even if Mr. Shi calls me lazy and timid as a mouse, it is worth it! This is not playing games, it is killing people!"


A machete slashed at the corner wall, slashing the bricks.

Yan Xiong was startled, he jumped up and clenched the baseball bat in both hands, only to see a ghost guy with a ponytail pulling his machete out of the wall viciously, and then shaking it at Yan Xiong: "Go to hell. ,old man!"

"What do you mean? Call me an old guy? I don't know how to respect the old and care for the young. I will help your mother!" Yan Xiong dangled in front of the other party with a baseball bat.

The ponytail slashed at the baseball bat!

Yan Xiong has already lost his The opponent is so strong, how can he hold his hands?


The baseball bat was cut to the ground!

Seeing that the ponytail ghost guy was about to move on, Yan Xiong hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Come on! The rules of the rivers and lakes, the halftime break!"

The ponytail ghost froze for a moment, then grinned again and raised the knife----

Yan Xiong hurriedly said again: "Come on! The rules of the rivers and lakes, let me pick up the weapon first!"

As he spoke, he slowly bent down, and stretched one arm to try to pick up the bat that had fallen on the ground.

The Ponytail Ghost Guy looked at him insidiously and made an inviting gesture, meaning to pick it up slowly, but secretly prepared to wait for Yan Xiong to lean over and slash it with a knife!


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