Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1427: Wily!

Chapter 1427 1427 [Scheming! 】

"So it's Mr. Shi and Ms. Li. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Gao Zhaohui greeted him pretending to be chic, seeing Shi Zhijian and Li Xuexuan's romantic candlelight dinner, he couldn't help feeling jealous.

Originally, Gao Chaohui had been pursuing Li Xuexuan all the time, and thought that the background and status of the two families were similar, and he was handsome enough.

The female star Ai Li didn't care about these things, and asked in a very sweet voice on purpose as soon as they met: "Zhaohui, who are they, and they don't want to introduce them to me?"

Gao Chaohui really didn't want to introduce these two in front of Ai Li, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "This is Shi Zhijian—" Shi Zhijian smiled, bowed his head and drank the red wine to himself.

"Shi Zhijian? I haven't heard of it!" Ellie looked contemptuous. To her, she was just a starlet who had just become popular, and she couldn't get in touch with a big man like Shi Zhijian, so how could she know him.

"As for this—" Gao Zhaohui looked at Li Xuexuan, "This beauty is Li Xuexuan from the Lishi Group, Miss Li."

Ai Li's eyes lit up, she knew about Li's family in Bangkok, she didn't expect to meet the eldest lady of the Li family here today, and immediately stretched out her hand and said: "Hello, Miss Li, I'm Ai Li! White Elephant Video Company in Bangkok By the way, I am still a singer, if you are interested, I can send you some signed albums!"

Although they are both women, Li Xuexuan's status is obviously much higher than that of her little star, and Ellie is vaguely flattering.

Li Xuexuan usually has little contact with these female stars, but she took the initiative, out of politeness Li Xuexuan stood up and said: "Ai Li, hello, thank you for your kindness, but I don't listen to music very much."

Ellie snorted. In front of her, Li Xuexuan was born beautiful. In addition to her noble status, she also dressed up very gorgeously, and had a unique and indescribable temperament. Ellie originally wanted to curry favor with the other party, but unexpectedly Li Xuexuan didn't give her a chance. As for her friend, she was even more arrogant. She glanced at her and then lowered her head, ignoring herself.

"Zhaohui, I think you two friends are very interesting, let's sit down and have a good chat with them!" Ai Li showed a charming smile, wanting Gao Zhaohui to help her find her place again.

Of course Gao Chaohui understood what Ai Li meant, and smiled wryly in his heart. It would be fine if it was just Li Xuexuan, but there was Shi Zhijian, a Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him, let alone trying to save face, or he might be crushed again.

"I think we'd better go, don't disturb them." Gao Zhaohui pulled Ai Li to leave.

"No! I just came in and haven't sat down yet, so what are you going to do?" Ai Li refused to let go, and sat down directly opposite Li Xuexuan.

Li Xuexuan smiled: "Young Master Gao, is this Miss Ellie your girlfriend?"

"No, it's not..." Gao Zhaohui was about to deny it, but Ai Li had already glared at him, "It's not what?"

"Ahem, I mean we've just known each other not long ago, and we're not very familiar yet..."

Ellie's eyes widened: "Can you tell me again?"

Gao Zhaohui shut up, he knew that if he continued to entangle with Ellie, the other party might play tricks, and he would definitely lose face by then.

Seeing that Gao Chaohui was silent, Ai Li looked at Li Xuexuan with satisfaction, shook her hair, and said in a tone of swearing sovereignty: "Yes, I am his girlfriend! It is true that we have just met, but our hearts are the same Yes, there is also a lot of common language..."

"Then congratulations!" Li Xuexuan smiled, then turned to look at Shi Zhijian and said, "How is it? Have you finished eating yet?"

Shi Zhijian put down the red wine, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said with a smile, "Almost!" Then he looked at Gao Zhaohui and said, "Young Master Gao, there are still many dishes that haven't been served here. You can accompany this Miss Ellie to taste them together."

"What do you mean? Let us eat your leftovers? Do you know what Young Master Gao does? He doesn't care about your stuff!" Ellie said dissatisfied.

Gao Zhaohui coughed: "Thank you Mr. Shi for your kindness, I will definitely enjoy it slowly!"

"What?" Ai Li looked at Gao Zhaohui with a look of surprise.

Gao Chaohui was suffering in his heart and couldn't tell, but he really felt Shi Zhiqiang's great strength, even Xie's family was almost ruined by him, let alone their Gao family?

"In that case, I won't disturb your meal!" Shi Zhijian said and looked at Li Xuexuan, "What do you mean?"

"It's still early, go shopping with me!" Li Xuexuan begged Shi Zhijian coquettishly.

Gao Chaohui felt sour again when he heard it.

Shi Zhijian nodded and said with a smile, "It depends on you, you are the protagonist tonight!"

Li Xuexuan smiled happily, with a cheerful smile overflowing, and her beautiful face instantly became more radiant.

Gao Chaohui was stunned for a moment, and felt that Li Xuexuan was more beautiful than a goddess.

Seeing Li Xuexuan like this, even Ai Li couldn't help feeling jealous, and glanced at Shi Zhijian again, thinking that this man was out of **** luck.

Shi Zhijian stood up holding Li Xuexuan by the hand, and bid farewell to Gao Chaohui again.

Gao Zhaohui didn't dare to take it too seriously, he immediately stood up and returned the salute with a cautious look.

After Shi Zhijian and the others left, Gao Zhaohui breathed a sigh of relief.

The female star Ellie was dissatisfied, she hugged her shoulders and stared at Gao Zhaohui in a questioning tone: "What do you mean? It's fine if you don't dare to admit that I am your girlfriend, and you keep staring at Miss Nali! Are you Are you interested in her? And what’s so great about that surnamed Shi, who scared you like a mouse seeing a cat, and didn’t even dare to speak louder..."

Gao Chaohui was regretting dating this unqualified and tasteless female star Ai Li, especially today he was making a fool of himself in front of Shi Zhijian and Li Xuexuan, and now seeing Ai Li holding his mouth again, he immediately said angrily: "Shut up !"

The female star Ai Li hadn't figured out the situation yet, thinking that she was destined to be tall and young, she immediately said, "What do you mean? How dare you speak to me so loudly? Believe it or not—"

Before Ellie could finish speaking, Gao Zhaohui slapped her with a slap.

Ellie covered her face, her eyes widened, and she was stunned.

Gao Zhaohui pointed at her nose and said viciously: "Shame on you! Say one more thing, and I will make you disappear completely in the entertainment industry!"

At this moment, Ai Li realized that she was afraid, her complexion changed again and again, and she hurriedly squeezed out a smile to wrap around her: "Young Master Gao, don't be angry! I know I was wrong, so don't be angry..."

Gao Zhaohui looked at this under-drawing female star, and felt regretful again in his heart. He was blind to find this kind of woman!

At the same time, for Shi Zhijian, he was once again filled with deep jealousy, especially Li Xuexuan's graceful, luxurious and beautiful appearance just now came to mind, compared with the shallow and ignorant Ellie in front of him, it is a world apart!

"Hey, what the **** did I do?!"

When Li Xuexuan walked out of the western restaurant, Shi Zhijian saw Yan Xiong and Fu Toujun waiting for them in front of the Mercedes-Benz.

"You don't have to follow! Give me the car keys." Shi Zhijian said to Yan Xiong.

"This...isn't that good?" Yan Xiong still remembered Shi Zhijian's assassination, and he was worried that he would act alone.

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you follow, that's the light bulb." Shi Zhijian took Yan Xiong and handed over the car keys, inviting Li Xuexuan to get in the car first.

The Mercedes-Benz started slowly and drove forward.

Ax Jun leaned over and asked Yan Xiong: "What should I do?"

"Follow from afar! I don't have the eyesight to be a subordinate!" Yan Xiong criticized Fu Toujun.

In the past, Axe Junyi would definitely give him a blank stare.

But since the last time Axe Jun was seriously injured in the battle against Po Jun, Yan Xiong cried bitterly outside the emergency room, and even grabbed the doctors and threatened them to save Axe Jun. From then on, Axe Jun I have a new view on Yan Xiong.

Seeing that Fu Toujun was criticized and remained silent, Yan Xiong was not used to it and said: "Hey, you are a wooden man, can you say one more sentence? You can resist and scold me. You look so boring now!"

Ax Jun grinned: "If you treat me well, I will treat you well!"

"The ghost is treating you well!" Yan Xiong cursed, "Go, drive to keep up!" Then he asked: "How is your back? Does the shadow affect your driving? Why don't I come? Young people must know how to take care of themselves Body, don't be old like me with back pain, it's either rheumatism or arthritis..."

Shi Zhijian drove and took Li Xuexuan to a large department store not far away.

This company is opened by the British. It is very large and luxurious, and it is a place where many rich people like to patronize.

When Shi Zhijian, who was wearing a casual baseball shirt, and Li Xuexuan, who was wearing an evening gown, got out of the car holding hands, they immediately amazed everyone's eyes.

Especially the greeter at the door was even more dumbfounded, thinking that there are such beautiful beauties in the world? I also feel that Shi Zhijian's outfit doesn't really match Li Xuexuan's evening dress.

Shi Zhijian ignored the eyes of everyone around him, and walked into the department store hall holding Li Xuexuan's hand.

Going shopping with a woman is definitely a hard job, at least Shi Zhijian doesn't like to do this kind of thing.

However, this time Li Xuexuan came prepared, and it was false to let Shi Zhijian accompany her to go shopping together. After she came to the department store, she always went to the wedding dress area intentionally or unintentionally.

Who Shi Zhijian was, he immediately understood what she meant.

"Wow, this wedding dress is so beautiful! Wow, this men's suit is also very good!" Li Xuexuan said in an exaggerated tone, pointing to the wedding dress area.

Shi Zhijian put his hands behind his back and said nothing.

Li Xuexuan felt bored, "Is it wronged to let you go shopping with me?"

Shi Zhijian said: "As long as you don't go to the wedding dress area, you won't feel wronged."

Li Xuexuan rolled her eyes, "You think I like it—stop shopping, go home!"

These words hit Shi Zhijian's heart, "Hey, you said that, it's not that I won't accompany you, it's that you want to go back!"

Shi Zhijian was afraid that Li Xuexuan would go back on his word, so he immediately said it to death.

Li Xuexuan stared at him fiercely with her beautiful eyes: "Little man!"

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "I think you are praising me!"

When Shi Zhijian took Li Xuexuan out of the department store and was about to drive her back, Yan Xiong, who was following closely behind, couldn't help but said in the car: "Is there a mistake, you just left when you arrived?"

"Maybe I'm tired from shopping, so let's go home!" Ax Jun said.

"Nonsense! Few men like to go shopping with women!" Yan Xiong said, "But the problem is this Miss Li is so talkative, she just left?"

"Because she likes Mr. Shi!" Ax Jun said, "Mr. Shi is handsome and so rich, any woman would be fascinated by him! This Miss Li is no exception. When I was in Hong Kong, I saw her right. Mr. Shi is interesting!"

"Wow, it's amazing!" Yan Xiong teasingly gave a thumbs up to Fu Toujun, "I didn't expect you to be a sharp axe and a great lover, you know so much!"

"You're mocking me again!"

"You're not stupid, you can see it!" Yan Xiong said contemptuously, "In my opinion, your wisdom can at most match that of that Thai driver, Aji!"

"Then what do you think?" Ax Jun was a little unconvinced.

Yan Xiong pinched his chin and showed a sinister smile: "In my opinion, this is a trap!"

"Uh, what trap?"

"Advance by retreat!" Yan Xiong sneered, "Miss Li is not easy to provoke. On the surface, if Mr. Shi goes shopping with her, she will definitely come up with some ideas to make Mr. Shi impatient, and Shi Zhijian will provoke him at that time." She is angry, so if she makes any more requests, Mr. Shi will be too embarrassed to refuse!"

Ax Jun listened for a long time, then shook his head: "I don't understand!"

"It's strange to understand with your wisdom!" Yan Xiong said, "For example, I originally had a request, but I was afraid that you would not accept it, so I made one that would be rejected by you. After rejecting me in one breath, I made this real request, will you still refuse at this time?"

"Uh, this—"

"Are you embarrassed to refuse?"

Ax Jun nodded, "Yes! After all, I have already rejected you once..."

Yan Xiong looked at Shi Zhijian's car carrying Li Xuexuan, "That's where the problem lies. If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to reject Miss Li in the future!"

Shi Zhijian sent Li Xuexuan to the door of his house, but he didn't expect that Li Xuexuan's father, Li Yaozu, was waiting at the door with a cane.

Shi Zhijian was surprised, but this old man was guarding the door in the middle of the night, which was too surprising.

No matter how powerful Shi Zhijian is, he is still a junior in front of Li Yaozu, and immediately stepped forward to salute: "Mr. Li, why are you here?"

"Wait for you to come back!" Li Yaozu smiled, and glanced at his daughter, "Isn't Xuexuan very beautiful tonight?"

This sentence was asked to Shi Shi Zhijian nodded and said: "Of course, Miss Li has always been very beautiful." After speaking, he was ready to say a few more words and leave.

But Li Yaozu said: "It's still early, since we're already here, why don't you go in and sit down! I have a pot of Huadiao wine here, it tastes very good, why don't we get some small dishes and have a drink!"

Just as Shi Zhijian was about to resign, Li Xuexuan said, "You hate me that much?"

Shi Zhijian hurriedly said, "Of course not!"

Li Yaozu said: "So you don't give me face?"

Shi Zhijian said again: "How could it be!"

"Then go in and have a few drinks with me!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Li Xuexuan's sad eyes, remembering that he had already rejected her before, he was embarrassed to refuse her again, not to mention that it was suggested by Li Yaozu, so he could only laugh and said: "It's better to be respectful than obey!"

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