Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1496: True character!

Chapter 1497 1496 [The real character of the hero! 】

"Get up! Xijiu, what are you doing?" Seeing Chen Xijiu kneeling, Shi Zhijian immediately reached out to help him up.

Chen Xijiu begged Shi Zhijian to help Lei Luo again.

Shi Zhijian didn't speak, just at this time the servant came in with tea, Shi Zhijian waved his hand: "Drink tea first!"

Seeing Shi Zhijian's attitude, Chen Xijiu felt cold in his heart.

Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang, and Han Sen all looked at each other and sat down on the sofa without saying a word.

Chen Xijiu saw that her "kneeling down" trick didn't work, so she knew there was no rush, so she had no choice but to find a seat and sit down.

"What exactly happened, tell me about it!" Shi Zhijian sat upright, holding tea and looking at the four of them.

Chen Xijiu hurriedly recounted what happened in Lei Luo's house.

Speaking of the important point, Chen Xijiu said: "Brother Jian, actually Brother Luo didn't mean to break up with you, you also know his temper, and he loves saving face the most!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "I know this, and I know even more that tonight he invited Superintendent Chen, two detectives, and many bigwigs to dinner together..."

Chen Xijiu blushed.

Chen Zhichao coughed and said, "We went over, just to help Chief Superintendent Ding, so we bid farewell to Brother Luo, and then left for Kowloon Walled City!"

"Yeah, actually Brother Luo...cough cough, he also wants to go there, but he can't save face!" Lan Gang also explained.

"Is it because you can't save face, or do you want to trip me up?" Shi Zhijian sipped his tea and said calmly.

The whole study was instantly silent.

In the end, Han Sen, who hadn't spoken all the time, said: "Mr. Shi, in fact, we all regret it! We didn't listen to you before! Brother Luo is the same, he is actually very regretful, but he just doesn't want to say it! You know, he has spent his whole life Be strong, never admit defeat, especially in front of you, he is even more unwilling to admit defeat!"

When Shi Zhijian heard this, he remained silent and just stroked the teacup with his hands.

Han Sen continued: "I don't know how to speak very much, but I know one thing very well. Whether it is Luo Ge to you or you to Luo Ge, your feelings are absolutely true! Now that Luo Ge is killed, I I think you must also want to help, but it's just because of face..."

"What do you mean by saving face?" Shi Zhijian interrupted Han Sen, "To be honest, since we broke up last time, Lei Luo and I have drawn a clear line. He is him, and I am me! Do you understand?"

Shi Zhijian's ruthless words left Han Sen and the others speechless.

For Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang, and Han Sen, their future would not be much better if Lei Luo was arrested, after all, they were all grasshoppers on a rope.

Lei Luo is known as the "Thunder Tiger", and he was greedy for money during his tenure, and the three of them also gained a lot of benefits.

Chen Zhichao has three villas in Hong Kong, ten luxury cars, real estate investment, money from department stores, etc. These are black money.

Lan Gang and Han Sen also have countless real estate properties, countless investments, and countless wives at home.

If Lei Luo can't save him this time, it will be their turn next.

For Chen Xijiu, Lei Luo is his boss and his boss, he must remain loyal both public and private, and save Lei Luo, that's why he kneels down to Shi Zhijian as soon as he sees Shi Zhijian.

You know, the relationship between Chen Xijiu and Shi Zhijian was very strong a long time ago, but now they don't even kneel down to Shi Zhijian, it can be said that they are really loyal to Lei Luo!

"Mr. Shi, we know how you feel right now, but we still hope you can think about it—Brother Luo is very dangerous!" Chen Zhichao has the highest position here, and he is almost on an equal footing with Lei Luo in the police force. Only he can say this I can open my mouth.

"Stop talking!" Shi Zhijian tapped his fingers on the table, "I said just now that he is him and I am me. Now he is asking for benevolence, and I will do nothing!"

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was so cruel, Chen Zhichao couldn't say anything more.

Lan Gang and Han Sen could only shake their heads and sigh, knowing that Lei Luo was doomed this time!

Chen Xijiu lost even the last bit of hope, her face was pale, she didn't know what to do!

at this time-

Boom boom boom!

There is a knock on the door.

The old butler opened the door and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Shi, Ms. Bai is looking for you!"

"Huh?" Before Shi Zhijian could recover, he saw Bai Yuechang appearing at the door of the study with a child in his arms.

"Sister Yuechang, why are you here?" No matter how dissatisfied Shi Zhijian was with Lei Luo, he didn't dare to take it seriously in front of Bai Yuechang, and hurriedly got up to greet him.

The four of Chen Zhichao didn't expect that Bai Yuechang would betray her personally this time, so they also hurriedly got up to look.

Bai Yuechang patted the little boy in her arms.

The little boy looked two or three years old, and was sleeping in Bai Yuechang's arms with his eyes squinted. When Bai Yuechang patted him awake, he rubbed his sleepy eyes with his little hands and called out, "Mommy!"

Bai Yuechang patted him, pointed at Shi Zhijian and said, "Uncle!"

The little boy looked at Shi Zhijian timidly, and then he opened his mouth and called out, "Hello, Uncle!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Good boy—"

Then he hurriedly moved away to let Bai Yuechang in.

Bai Yuechang put the child down, walked to the sofa and sat down.

The child stuck to her, climbed onto her lap again, and looked at Shi Zhijian and the others curiously with his finger in his mouth.

"Sister Yuechang, you're here so late—" Shi Zhijian reached out and picked up the teapot to make water for Bai Yuechang himself, "What's the matter?"

Bai Yuechang asked the child to sit upright on her lap, and didn't touch the glass of water. She just looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "Ah Jian, just help save Ah Luo!"

Bai Yuechang didn't turn a corner, and got straight to the point.

Shi Zhijian sighed and sat down on his seat, "What do you want me to do?"

Bai Yuechang: "I don't know about you men, I only know that A Luo has always treated you like a younger brother! Now that something happened to him, I, a woman, have no one else to turn to, so I can only come to you for help! "

While talking, Bai Yuechang's eyes turned red and said: "Even if you really hate A Luo, I hope you can help him this time for my sake! The child is still young, so he can't live without a father!" He started to cry, and took out his handkerchief to wipe away his tears.

"Mummy, why are you crying?" The child reached out to touch Bai Yuechang's cheek.

"Good boy!" Bai Yuechang hugged her son tightly in her arms.

Seeing this, Shi Zhijian knew that he could no longer refuse, so he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and said, "Then I...try it!" After speaking, he greeted the old housekeeper and said, "Ask Chen Huimin to prepare the car, I'm going to the ICAC!"

Seeing that Shi Zhijian agreed to help, Bai Yuechang burst into tears of joy!

Chen Zhichao and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Chen Xijiu, who almost waved his fist and shouted: "YES!"

In their view, as long as Shi Zhijian was willing to act, Lei Luo would definitely be saved.

Only Shi Zhijian knew that this time the ICAC was a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, maybe his old opponent had already set his net to wait!

"Sorry, Superintendent Lei! This time we invite you over, hoping to cooperate with us!"

In the ICAC interrogation room, two ICAC investigators are interrogating Lei Luo.

Lei Luo was dressed in a neat suit, with his hair combed back, leaning on the chair, his posture was still arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to the small shrimps of the ICAC.

"Cooperate with your work? You can also see that I am very cooperative! I am willing to come here to drink coffee with you so late, so cooperative!" Lei Luo spread his hands, "Coffee, give me a cup to refresh me, Otherwise, I will be too old, and my mind will be confused and I will not be able to say anything!"

One investigator winked at the other, who went out to serve coffee.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Lin Busen. You can call me Asen! My partner is Jiang Shijie. You can call him Ajie!" Investigator Lin Busen said to Lei Luo with a smile.

Lei Luo nodded, took out a big cigar from his pocket and sniffed it on his nostrils, then squinted at Lin Busen: "Is there a fire? I came out in such a hurry that I didn't even bring a lighter!"

Lin Busen smiled, and took out a lighter from his pocket to light a cigar for Lei Luo himself.

Lei Luo looked smug, biting his cigar and lighting the lighter, then arrogantly sprayed at Lin Busen, squinting his eyes and said: "A Sen? To me, you are just a child. When I was a detective, you still I don't know where it is!"

"Yes, Superintendent Lei, I know this!" Lin Busen looked easy to talk, and smiled, "So I ask Superintendent Lei to help you tonight—" He said and put some documents on the table and pushed them to Lei Luo , "Look more clearly, if there is no problem, you can sign!"

"What is this?" Lei Luo frowned, and picked up a document to look at it. If you don't see it, you don't know. When you saw it, you were startled. Lei Luo, who was still proud and arrogant, suddenly turned pale, "Slander , pure slander! How could these be my hidden property?"

Lin Busen smiled, and looked at Lei Luo who lost his temper: "Superintendent Lei, although someone helped you launder these real estate title deeds and department store stocks, after our investigation, the final owner is yourself. , you can't be relied on!"

"What did you say? Say I'm cheating?" Lei Luo stood up biting his cigar with his hips on his hips and glaring at Li Busen viciously, "Do you believe me or not? I'll call and let your whole family be happy? !"

Lin Busen sneered: "Superintendent Lei, can I understand that you are threatening me?"

"So what if you threaten you?" Lei Luo bit his cigar, tapped Li Busen's chest with his finger, and said defiantly: "As I said, you are just a child in front of you! You just want to trick me into signing with some evidence. dream!"

At this time, Li Busen's companion, Jiang Shijie, came in with coffee. Seeing that Lei Luo was yelling at Li Busen, he frowned, put down the coffee and said to Lei Luo, "Superintendent Lei, don't move! This is the ICAC, not your office." !"

"What's wrong with me touching him? Did you bite me?" Lei Luo turned around and scolded him.

Jiang Shijie had a violent temper, and immediately stepped forward and pushed Lei Luo away.

Lei Luo didn't expect that the other party would dare to attack him, so he couldn't stand steadily and staggered. Fortunately, there was a chair behind him, so he sat down on the chair!

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