Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1501: Xingshi asked the crime!

Chapter 1502 1501 [Invoke the teacher to ask the crime! 】

Seeing that Bailiqu was still staring at his statue in a daze, Mai Lihao coughed: "Sir Bailiqu, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh!" Bailiqu came to his senses, leaning on his crutches and looking at Mai Lihao: "I have something important to ask you."

"Really? Then please go to my study and discuss it in detail."

The private study of Hong Kong Governor Mak Leh Ho can be called a huge private library, which contains books and catalogs collected by previous Hong Kong Governors. Many books were hesitant and cumbersome, and they were not taken away when the Governor of Hong Kong left office, so they accumulated more and more.

At this time, Mai Lihao asked someone to make coffee, and sat on the sofa in a comfortable posture. Sir Bailiqu sat opposite him, leaning his cane on the coffee table, with a calm posture.

"Your Majesty, what can you talk about now!" Mai Lihao asked with his legs crossed while holding the coffee.

Bailiqu got straight to the point: "It's about the Lei Luo case!"

"Oh, really? Isn't this case under the ICAC?"

"That's true! We had brought Lei Luo to trial last night, and he and his subordinate Lard Boy began to waver in the face of our iron evidence..."

"That's good, as long as he is willing to confess, then follow the procedure! But this kind of thing should not be too ostentatious, after all, it is not a good thing! Besides, corruption and bribery in our Hong Kong police force is not something that happens every day, Everyone knows it well, so it's best to handle it quietly, so as not to have a bad effect!" Mai Lihao said while sipping his coffee.

"I thought so too at first, but—" Bailiqu looked at Mai Lihao, "But one person was killed halfway, and he was willing to be a guarantee for Lei Luo and the other two. In desperation, I had no choice but to take care of the overall situation and agree to the other party!"

"How unreasonable! Who dares to be so bold as to guarantee Lei Luo?" Mai Lihao was furious, glaring at Bailiqu and asked.

Bailiqu was overjoyed when he saw Mai Lihao's reaction, but on the surface he pretended to be helpless and said: "Who else can it be? If it's an ordinary person, it's fine, but that person is the third-class Earl of the British Empire and the first member of the Chinese people." , and besides, he is also your friend, Governor--"

Mai Lihao stood up abruptly, his eyes frightened: "Could it be—"

"That's right, it's Shi Zhijian! Senator Shi!" Bailiqu spit out the name "Shi Zhijian", feeling refreshed all over.

"How could it be him? How could he do this?" Mai Lihao's expression was agitated.

Bailiqu got up to comfort Mai Lihao and said: "Lord Governor of Hong Kong, don't be excited! Speaking of which, Senator Shi Zhijian Shi and the big tiger Lei Luo have had an affair for a long time! It is said that Lei Luo is Shi Zhijian's boss in private, and Shi Zhijian is willing to be his spy Dude! In addition, Shi Zhijian has always been not very responsible for his work. He likes to play tricks, especially favoritism and fraud. As far as I know, he has helped Lei Luo a lot in the seat of Congress. Shi Zhijian even helped establish the Flying Tigers Lei Luo suggested!"

Bailiqu knew that beating a snake to seven inches, especially a boa constrictor like Shi Zhijian, was very difficult to kill with a single stick, so the best way was to hold him seven inches and play him to death slowly!

As soon as Mai Lihao heard this, he immediately walked around with his hands behind his back: "Impossible? Although I know some things about this, my dear Shi is not that kind of person! He has always been very responsible, and for the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong He also made a lot of contributions by making plans!"

Bailiqu didn't expect that Mai Lihao would value Shi Zhijian so much, so he sneered and said: "Master Governor, in fact, people will change! Besides, Shi Zhijian is an out-and-out Chinese, not a son of our British Empire." People, according to their Chinese language, they are not of our race, so their hearts must be different!"

Seeing Mai Lihao with his hands behind his back, he frowned and said nothing.

Bailiqu continued to put pressure on: "Besides, what happened last night was all true! Many people have seen with their own eyes that he, Shi Zhijian, is willing to guarantee Lei Luo and Zhu Youzi. We must bear the legal responsibility!"

Mai Lihao frowned even more.

Bailiqu walked over and stared at Mai Lihao: "I know this matter is difficult to handle. After all, Shi Zhijian's special status is there, but the state owns the state law, and the prince breaks the law and the same crime as the common people! If this is the case, why should you cover it up, Governor of Hong Kong?" What about him?"

Mai Lihao's face became ugly, and when he was hesitating, a voice said: "Will you say that the Governor of Hong Kong is protecting me?"

While talking, I saw a man in white walking in from outside the study with a graceful posture. Judging by his demeanor, it is obvious that he is familiar with this place!

"Shi Zhijian? Why are you here?" Bailiqu was taken aback when he saw the person coming.

Shi Zhijian, the man in white, looked at the astonished Bailiqu and smiled slightly: "Since you can be here, why can't I? Who said that the Hong Kong governor's study is a restricted area for me, Shi?"

One sentence asked Bailiqu himself.

Bailiqu and Shi Zhijian looked at each other, their eyes intertwined, crackling, triggering swords and swords!

"I'm sorry, I sent my dear Shi here! I have something to ask him about the construction of the three universities!" Seeing Shi Zhijian and Bailiqu confront each other, Mai Lihao hurriedly interrupted them.

Bailiqu laughed: "Really? It turned out that they were consulting about education. I thought someone was here to plead guilty!"

"Pleading guilty?" Shi Zhijian pretended to be surprised, "How do you say that? What is my fault?"

"Are you still pretending? Last night you sponsored Na Leiluo, and now he has fled to Thailand, what do you ask our ICAC to do?" Bailiqu asked loudly.

"Really? So it happened last night! I thought Sir Bailiqu came here today to propose a reward to me, but he didn't expect to punish me?!" Shi Zhijian showed a surprised expression.

"Reward you? Dream!" Bailiqu sneered, "I don't know why you are so thick-skinned? I'm ashamed of you!"

"Whether I'm ashamed or not, I'll talk about it later, can you two listen to me first?" Shi Zhijian said with a smile.

Bailiqu still wanted to scold him angrily, but Mai Lihao stopped him, and said to Shi Zhijian: "If you have anything to say, say it!"

Shi Zhijian walked towards the sofa gracefully.

Mai Lihao also walked back to the sofa and sat down.

Bailiqu stared at him, but had no choice but to sit back first, thinking how do you die? !

Shi Zhijian sat on the sofa. At this time, the Hong Kong government servant brought coffee and put it in front of him. Shi Zhijian said politely: "Thank you!"

Seeing Shi Zhijian's pretentious posture, Bailiqu curled his lips, really wanting to whip his civilized stick to kill him!

Shi Zhijian took a sip of his coffee, then raised his head and said, "Actually, I was in a crisis last night! If I hadn't appeared in time, the whole of Hong Kong might be in chaos now!"

Bailiqu rolled his eyes and squeezed out a sentence: "Scaremongering! Let's see how you explain it?!"

Hong Kong governor Mai Lihao also looked at Shi Zhijian: "How do you say that?"

"As we all know, Lei Luo is a well-known big tiger, and he has been in charge of the police in Hong Kong for many years. I once socialized with him, and the relationship was not bad at that time, but after I found out that he was corrupt and bribed, and bent the law for personal gain, I didn't think much about it. come and go!"

"Sophistry! Go on sophistry!" Bailiqu forced out another sentence.

Shi Zhijian ignored him, and continued: "Lei Luo has been in the Hong Kong Police Force for so many years, and the relationship between his subordinates and his superiors is extremely complicated! He is like a towering tree, and if he wants to be uprooted, he will definitely destroy the people around him. All the other trees were destroyed! At that time, we will not pull out a single tree, but the entire forest!"

"Whoosh!" Mai Lihao gasped.

Bailiqu's eyelids twitched a few times, and he finally understood what Shi Zhijian was talking about.

"To be specific, if the people from the ICAC insisted on detaining and interrogating Lei Luo last night, if Lei Luo really confessed at that time, then besides those senior police officers who have retired, he will also involve Hong Kong British Various departments of the government, such as the fire department, water conservancy department, land department, and many more grassroots units!"

"One Lei Luo can paralyze the operation of the entire Hong Kong government! At that time, everyone will be a suspect. Where can I find so many replacements?"

Shi Zhijian stopped Mai Lihao and Bailiqu with one sentence.

At this time, even Bailiqu had to admit that what Shi Zhijian said made sense. If Lei Luo was the only one who pulled out the others, then Hong Kong probably wouldn't have a complete department. It would be strange if it didn't collapse by then!

"So if Lei Luo is spared, the stability of Hong Kong can be restored! If Lei Luo is not brought to justice, the others will be fine. In addition, this time Lei Luo left in a hurry, and a large amount of his real estate and stocks can be confiscated. It’s a lot of money, and it can be used for the construction of the three universities! In this way, we can kill two birds with one stone, which is why we have to let Lei Luo go!”

What Shi Zhijian said was Even Bailiqu had to admit that letting Lei Luo go was the best choice.

Instead of catching a big tiger and bringing him to justice, and then involving countless police leaders and heads of various government departments, making them worried, it would be easier to turn a blind eye and close one eye.

What moved Mai Lihao the most was the real estate and stocks that Lei Luo could not take away that Shi Zhijian promised. The library and so on, these are merits!

"Well said! Now I know my dear Shi, your good intentions!" Mai Lihao stood up excitedly, walked to Shi Zhijian and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are doing it for the British Empire and for the people of Hong Kong. Don’t worry about it! You don’t even hesitate to ruin your own reputation! Dear Shi, you are the truly great person!”

Bailiqu rolled his eyes when he heard it, and wondered for a long time whether he was a traitor or not a loyal minister! On the contrary, Shi Zhijian became a loyal and good man!

"As for the matter of stealing Lei Luo's family—" Mai Lihao patted Shi Zhijian on the shoulder again, "You still need to do it, as for others—" Consciously or unintentionally glanced at Bailiqu, "I just can't believe it!"

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